module Main where import Data.List import System.Environment part1 :: [String] part1 = [ "-- arch-tag: Haskell XML Toolbox main description file" , "name: hxt-filter" ] version :: String version = "version: " part2 :: [String] part2 = [ "license: OtherLicense" , "license-file: LICENCE" , "maintainer: Uwe Schmidt " , "stability: stable" , "category: XML" , "synopsis: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell (Filter variant). " , "description: The Haskell XML Toolbox bases on the ideas of HaXml and HXML." ++ " This package is a compatibitlity package for old software working with the filter approach like in HaXml." ++ " For new projects it's recomended to use the arrow based library (hxt)." , "homepage:" , "copyright: Copyright (c) 2005-8 Uwe Schmidt" ] part3a :: [String] part3a = [ "tested-with: ghc-6.8" , "exposed: True" , "exposed-modules:" ] part3b :: [String] part3b = [ "build-type: Simple" , "cabal-version: >=1.2" , "" , "flag splitBase" , " description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package." , "" , "library" , " exposed-modules:" ] part4a :: String -> [String] part4a dir = [ "hs-source-dirs: ." , "ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -fglasgow-exts" , "import-dirs: " ++ dir ++ "/imports" , "library-dirs: " ++ dir , "hs-libraries: HShxt-filter" , "depends: base, haskell98, parsec, HTTP, HUnit, network, containers, directory, process, hxt-8.0.0" ] part4b :: [String] part4b = [ " hs-source-dirs: src" , " ghc-options: -Wall" , " extensions: MultiParamTypeClasses DeriveDataTypeable FunctionalDependencies FlexibleInstances" , "" , " build-depends: base, haskell98 >= 1, parsec >= 2.1 && < 3, HTTP, HUnit >= 1.2, network >= 2.1, hxt >= 8.0" , " if flag(splitBase)" , " build-depends: base >= 3, containers >= 0.1, directory >= 1, process >= 1" , " else" , " build-depends: base < 3" ] main :: IO() main = do vers : cabal : installdir : modules <- getArgs putStrLn (cabalFile vers cabal installdir modules) cabalFile :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> String cabalFile vers cabal installdir modules = unlines $ part1 ++ [ version ++ vers ] ++ part2 ++ ( if isCabal then part3b else part3a ) ++ [ml modules] ++ ( if isCabal then part4b else part4a installdir ) where isCabal = cabal == "cabal" ml = foldr1 (\ x y -> x ++ ",\n" ++ y) . sort . map editPath editPath = (" " ++) . map slash2dot . reverse . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse . removeLeadingDot slash2dot '/' = '.' slash2dot c = c removeLeadingDot ('.':'/':path) = path removeLeadingDot path = path