module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Java.Syntax where import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All import Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.Dsl.Annotations import Hydra.Dsl.Bootstrap javaSyntaxModule :: Module Kv javaSyntaxModule = Module ns elements [] [] $ Just ("A Java syntax module. Based on the Oracle Java SE 12 BNF:\n" ++ "\n" ++ "Note: all *WithComments types were added manually, rather than derived from the BNF, which does not allow for comments.") where ns = Namespace "hydra/langs/java/syntax" def = datatype ns java = typeref ns elements = [ --Productions from §3 (Lexical Structure) --Identifier: -- IdentifierChars but not a Keyword or BooleanLiteral or NullLiteral def "Identifier" string, --IdentifierChars: -- JavaLetter {JavaLetterOrDigit} -- --JavaLetter: -- any Unicode character that is a "Java letter" -- --JavaLetterOrDigit: -- any Unicode character that is a "Java letter-or-digit" --TypeIdentifier: -- Identifier but not var def "TypeIdentifier" $ java "Identifier", --Literal: def "Literal" $ union [ -- NullLiteral "null">: unit, -- IntegerLiteral "integer">: java "IntegerLiteral", -- FloatingPointLiteral "floatingPoint">: java "FloatingPointLiteral", -- BooleanLiteral "boolean">: boolean, -- CharacterLiteral "character">: uint16, -- StringLiteral "string">: java "StringLiteral"], def "IntegerLiteral" $ doc "Note: this is an approximation which ignores encoding" bigint, def "FloatingPointLiteral" $ doc "Note: this is an approximation which ignores encoding" bigfloat, def "StringLiteral" $ doc "Note: this is an approximation which ignores encoding" string, --Productions from §4 (Types, Values, and Variables) --Type: def "Type" $ union [ -- PrimitiveType "primitive">: java "PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations", -- ReferenceType "reference">: java "ReferenceType"], --PrimitiveType: def "PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations" $ record [ "type">: java "PrimitiveType", "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation"], def "PrimitiveType" $ union [ -- {Annotation} NumericType "numeric">: java "NumericType", -- {Annotation} boolean "boolean">: unit], --NumericType: def "NumericType" $ union [ -- IntegralType "integral">: java "IntegralType", -- FloatingPointType "floatingPoint">: java "FloatingPointType"], --IntegralType: def "IntegralType" $ enum [ -- (one of) -- byte short int long char "byte", "short", "int", "long", "char"], --FloatingPointType: def "FloatingPointType" $ enum [ -- (one of) -- float double "float", "double"], --ReferenceType: def "ReferenceType" $ union [ -- ClassOrInterfaceType "classOrInterface">: java "ClassOrInterfaceType", -- TypeVariable "variable">: java "TypeVariable", -- ArrayType "array">: java "ArrayType"], --ClassOrInterfaceType: def "ClassOrInterfaceType" $ union [ -- ClassType "class">: java "ClassType", -- InterfaceType "interface">: java "InterfaceType"], --ClassType: def "ClassType" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "qualifier">: java "ClassTypeQualifier", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", "arguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument"], def "ClassTypeQualifier" $ union [ -- {Annotation} TypeIdentifier [TypeArguments] "none">: unit, -- PackageName . {Annotation} TypeIdentifier [TypeArguments] "package">: java "PackageName", -- ClassOrInterfaceType . {Annotation} TypeIdentifier [TypeArguments] "parent">: java "ClassOrInterfaceType"], --InterfaceType: -- ClassType def "InterfaceType" $ java "ClassType", --TypeVariable: -- {Annotation} TypeIdentifier def "TypeVariable" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier"], --ArrayType: def "ArrayType" $ record [ "dims">: java "Dims", "variant">: java "ArrayType.Variant"], def "ArrayType.Variant" $ union [ -- PrimitiveType Dims "primitive">: java "PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations", -- ClassOrInterfaceType Dims "classOrInterface">: java "ClassOrInterfaceType", -- TypeVariable Dims "variable">: java "TypeVariable"], --Dims: -- {Annotation} [ ] {{Annotation} [ ]} def "Dims" $ list $ list $ java "Annotation", --TypeParameter: -- {TypeParameterModifier} TypeIdentifier [TypeBound] def "TypeParameter" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "TypeParameterModifier", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", "bound">: optional $ java "TypeBound"], --TypeParameterModifier: -- Annotation def "TypeParameterModifier" $ java "Annotation", --TypeBound: def "TypeBound" $ union [ -- extends TypeVariable "variable">: java "TypeVariable", -- extends ClassOrInterfaceType {AdditionalBound} "classOrInterface">: java "TypeBound.ClassOrInterface"], def "TypeBound.ClassOrInterface" $ record [ "type">: java "ClassOrInterfaceType", "additional">: list $ java "AdditionalBound"], --AdditionalBound: -- & InterfaceType def "AdditionalBound" $ java "InterfaceType", --TypeArguments: -- < TypeArgumentList > --TypeArgumentList: -- TypeArgument {, TypeArgument} --TypeArgument: def "TypeArgument" $ union [ -- ReferenceType "reference">: java "ReferenceType", -- Wildcard "wildcard">: java "Wildcard"], --Wildcard: -- {Annotation} ? [WildcardBounds] def "Wildcard" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "wildcard">: optional $ java "WildcardBounds"], --WildcardBounds: def "WildcardBounds" $ union [ -- extends ReferenceType "extends">: java "ReferenceType", -- super ReferenceType "super">: java "ReferenceType"], --Productions from §6 (Names) --ModuleName: def "ModuleName" $ record [ -- Identifier "identifier">: java "Identifier", -- ModuleName . Identifier "name">: optional $ java "ModuleName"], --PackageName: -- Identifier -- PackageName . Identifier def "PackageName" $ list $ java "Identifier", --TypeName: def "TypeName" $ record [ -- TypeIdentifier "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", -- PackageOrTypeName . TypeIdentifier "qualifier">: optional $ java "PackageOrTypeName"], --ExpressionName: -- Identifier -- AmbiguousName . Identifier def "ExpressionName" $ record [ "qualifier">: optional $ java "AmbiguousName", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], --MethodName: -- Identifier def "MethodName" $ java "Identifier", --PackageOrTypeName: -- Identifier -- PackageOrTypeName . Identifier def "PackageOrTypeName" $ list $ java "Identifier", --AmbiguousName: -- Identifier -- AmbiguousName . Identifier def "AmbiguousName" $ list $ java "Identifier", --Productions from §7 (Packages and Modules) --CompilationUnit: def "CompilationUnit" $ union [ -- OrdinaryCompilationUnit "ordinary">: java "OrdinaryCompilationUnit", -- ModularCompilationUnit "modular">: java "ModularCompilationUnit"], --OrdinaryCompilationUnit: -- [PackageDeclaration] {ImportDeclaration} {TypeDeclaration} def "OrdinaryCompilationUnit" $ record [ "package">: optional $ java "PackageDeclaration", "imports">: list $ java "ImportDeclaration", "types">: list $ java "TypeDeclarationWithComments"], --ModularCompilationUnit: -- {ImportDeclaration} ModuleDeclaration def "ModularCompilationUnit" $ record [ "imports">: list $ java "ImportDeclaration", "module">: java "ModuleDeclaration"], --PackageDeclaration: -- {PackageModifier} package Identifier {. Identifier} ; def "PackageDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "PackageModifier", "identifiers">: list $ java "Identifier"], --PackageModifier: -- Annotation def "PackageModifier" $ java "Annotation", --ImportDeclaration: def "ImportDeclaration" $ union [ -- SingleTypeImportDeclaration "singleType">: java "SingleTypeImportDeclaration", -- TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration "typeImportOnDemand">: java "TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration", -- SingleStaticImportDeclaration "singleStaticImport">: java "SingleStaticImportDeclaration", -- StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration "staticImportOnDemand">: java "StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration"], --SingleTypeImportDeclaration: -- import TypeName ; def "SingleTypeImportDeclaration" $ java "TypeName", --TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration: -- import PackageOrTypeName . * ; def "TypeImportOnDemandDeclaration" $ java "PackageOrTypeName", --SingleStaticImportDeclaration: -- import static TypeName . Identifier ; def "SingleStaticImportDeclaration" $ record [ "typeName">: java "TypeName", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], --StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration: -- import static TypeName . * ; def "StaticImportOnDemandDeclaration" $ java "TypeName", --TypeDeclaration: def "TypeDeclaration" $ union [ -- ClassDeclaration "class">: java "ClassDeclaration", -- InterfaceDeclaration "interface">: java "InterfaceDeclaration", -- ; "none">: unit], def "TypeDeclarationWithComments" $ record [ "value">: java "TypeDeclaration", "comments">: optional string], --ModuleDeclaration: -- {Annotation} [open] module Identifier {. Identifier} { {ModuleDirective} } def "ModuleDeclaration" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "open">: boolean, "identifiers">: list $ java "Identifier", "directives">: list $ list $ java "ModuleDirective"], --ModuleDirective: def "ModuleDirective" $ union [ -- requires {RequiresModifier} ModuleName ; "requires">: java "ModuleDirective.Requires", -- exports PackageName [to ModuleName {, ModuleName}] ; "exports">: java "ModuleDirective.ExportsOrOpens", -- opens PackageName [to ModuleName {, ModuleName}] ; "opens">: java "ModuleDirective.ExportsOrOpens", -- uses TypeName ; "uses">: java "TypeName", -- provides TypeName with TypeName {, TypeName} ; "provides">: java "ModuleDirective.Provides"], def "ModuleDirective.Requires" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "RequiresModifier", "module">: java "ModuleName"], def "ModuleDirective.ExportsOrOpens" $ record [ "package">: java "PackageName", "modules">: doc "At least one module" $ list $ java "ModuleName"], def "ModuleDirective.Provides" $ record [ "to">: java "TypeName", "with">: doc "At least one type" $ list $ java "TypeName"], --RequiresModifier: def "RequiresModifier" $ enum [ -- (one of) -- transitive static "transitive", "static"], --Productions from §8 (Classes) --ClassDeclaration: def "ClassDeclaration" $ union [ -- NormalClassDeclaration "normal">: java "NormalClassDeclaration", -- EnumDeclaration "enum">: java "EnumDeclaration"], --NormalClassDeclaration: -- {ClassModifier} class TypeIdentifier [TypeParameters] [Superclass] [Superinterfaces] ClassBody def "NormalClassDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "ClassModifier", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", "parameters">: list $ java "TypeParameter", "extends">: optional $ java "ClassType", "implements">: list $ java "InterfaceType", "body">: java "ClassBody"], --ClassModifier: def "ClassModifier" $ union [ -- (one of) -- Annotation public protected private -- abstract static final strictfp "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "protected">: unit, "private">: unit, "abstract">: unit, "static">: unit, "final">: unit, "strictfp">: unit], --TypeParameters: -- < TypeParameterList > --TypeParameterList: -- TypeParameter {, TypeParameter} --Superclass: -- extends ClassType --Superinterfaces: -- implements InterfaceTypeList --InterfaceTypeList: -- InterfaceType {, InterfaceType} --ClassBody: -- { {ClassBodyDeclaration} } def "ClassBody" $ list $ java "ClassBodyDeclarationWithComments", --ClassBodyDeclaration: def "ClassBodyDeclaration" $ union [ -- ClassMemberDeclaration "classMember">: java "ClassMemberDeclaration", -- InstanceInitializer "instanceInitializer">: java "InstanceInitializer", -- StaticInitializer "staticInitializer">: java "StaticInitializer", -- ConstructorDeclaration "constructorDeclaration">: java "ConstructorDeclaration"], def "ClassBodyDeclarationWithComments" $ record [ "value">: java "ClassBodyDeclaration", "comments">: optional string], --ClassMemberDeclaration: def "ClassMemberDeclaration" $ union [ -- FieldDeclaration "field">: java "FieldDeclaration", -- MethodDeclaration "method">: java "MethodDeclaration", -- ClassDeclaration "class">: java "ClassDeclaration", -- InterfaceDeclaration "interface">: java "InterfaceDeclaration", -- ; "none">: unit], --FieldDeclaration: -- {FieldModifier} UnannType VariableDeclaratorList ; def "FieldDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "FieldModifier", "unannType">: java "UnannType", "variableDeclarators">: nonemptyList $ java "VariableDeclarator"], --FieldModifier: -- (one of) def "FieldModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public protected private -- static final transient volatile "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "protected">: unit, "private">: unit, "static">: unit, "final">: unit, "transient">: unit, "volatile">: unit], --VariableDeclaratorList: -- VariableDeclarator {, VariableDeclarator} --VariableDeclarator: -- VariableDeclaratorId [= VariableInitializer] def "VariableDeclarator" $ record [ "id">: java "VariableDeclaratorId", "initializer">: optional $ java "VariableInitializer"], --VariableDeclaratorId: -- Identifier [Dims] def "VariableDeclaratorId" $ record [ "identifier">: java "Identifier", "dims">: optional $ java "Dims"], --VariableInitializer: def "VariableInitializer" $ union [ -- Expression "expression">: java "Expression", -- ArrayInitializer "arrayInitializer">: java "ArrayInitializer"], --UnannType: -- UnannPrimitiveType -- UnannReferenceType def "UnannType" $ doc "A Type which does not allow annotations" $ java "Type", --UnannPrimitiveType: -- NumericType -- boolean --UnannReferenceType: -- UnannClassOrInterfaceType -- UnannTypeVariable -- UnannArrayType --UnannClassOrInterfaceType: -- UnannClassType -- UnannInterfaceType --UnannClassType: -- TypeIdentifier [TypeArguments] -- PackageName . {Annotation} TypeIdentifier [TypeArguments] -- UnannClassOrInterfaceType . {Annotation} TypeIdentifier [TypeArguments] def "UnannClassType" $ doc "A ClassType which does not allow annotations" $ java "ClassType", --UnannInterfaceType: -- UnannClassType --UnannTypeVariable: -- TypeIdentifier --UnannArrayType: -- UnannPrimitiveType Dims -- UnannClassOrInterfaceType Dims -- UnannTypeVariable Dims --MethodDeclaration: -- {MethodModifier} MethodHeader MethodBody def "MethodDeclaration" $ record [ "annotations">: doc "Note: simple methods cannot have annotations" $ list $ java "Annotation", "modifiers">: list $ java "MethodModifier", "header">: java "MethodHeader", "body">: java "MethodBody"], --MethodModifier: -- (one of) def "MethodModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public protected private -- abstract static final synchronized native strictfp "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "protected">: unit, "private">: unit, "abstract">: unit, "static">: unit, "final">: unit, "synchronized">: unit, "native">: unit, "strictfb">: unit], --MethodHeader: -- Result MethodDeclarator [Throws] -- TypeParameters {Annotation} Result MethodDeclarator [Throws] def "MethodHeader" $ record [ "parameters">: list $ java "TypeParameter", "result">: java "Result", "declarator">: java "MethodDeclarator", "throws">: optional $ java "Throws"], --Result: def "Result" $ union [ -- UnannType "type">: java "UnannType", -- void "void">: unit], --MethodDeclarator: -- Identifier ( [ReceiverParameter ,] [FormalParameterList] ) [Dims] def "MethodDeclarator" $ record [ "identifier">: java "Identifier", "receiverParameter">: optional $ java "ReceiverParameter", "formalParameters">: nonemptyList $ java "FormalParameter"], --ReceiverParameter: -- {Annotation} UnannType [Identifier .] this def "ReceiverParameter" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "unannType">: java "UnannType", "identifier">: optional $ java "Identifier"], --FormalParameterList: -- FormalParameter {, FormalParameter} --FormalParameter: def "FormalParameter" $ union [ -- {VariableModifier} UnannType VariableDeclaratorId "simple">: java "FormalParameter.Simple", -- VariableArityParameter "variableArity">: java "VariableArityParameter"], def "FormalParameter.Simple" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "UnannType", "id">: java "VariableDeclaratorId"], --VariableArityParameter: -- {VariableModifier} UnannType {Annotation} ... Identifier def "VariableArityParameter" $ record [ "modifiers">: java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "UnannType", "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], --VariableModifier: def "VariableModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation "annotation">: java "Annotation", -- final "final">: unit], --Throws: -- throws ExceptionTypeList def "Throws" $ nonemptyList $ java "ExceptionType", --ExceptionTypeList: -- ExceptionType {, ExceptionType} --ExceptionType: def "ExceptionType" $ union [ -- ClassType "class">: java "ClassType", -- TypeVariable "variable">: java "TypeVariable"], --MethodBody: def "MethodBody" $ union [ -- Block "block">: java "Block", -- ; "none">: unit], --InstanceInitializer: -- Block def "InstanceInitializer" $ java "Block", --StaticInitializer: -- static Block def "StaticInitializer" $ java "Block", --ConstructorDeclaration: -- {ConstructorModifier} ConstructorDeclarator [Throws] ConstructorBody def "ConstructorDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "ConstructorModifier", "constructor">: java "ConstructorDeclarator", "throws">: optional $ java "Throws", "body">: java "ConstructorBody"], --ConstructorModifier: -- (one of) def "ConstructorModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public protected private "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "protected">: unit, "private">: unit], --ConstructorDeclarator: -- [TypeParameters] SimpleTypeName ( [ReceiverParameter ,] [FormalParameterList] ) def "ConstructorDeclarator" $ record [ "parameters">: list $ java "TypeParameter", "name">: java "SimpleTypeName", "receiverParameter">: optional $ java "ReceiverParameter", "formalParameters">: nonemptyList $ java "FormalParameter"], --SimpleTypeName: -- TypeIdentifier def "SimpleTypeName" $ java "TypeIdentifier", --ConstructorBody: -- { [ExplicitConstructorInvocation] [BlockStatements] } def "ConstructorBody" $ record [ "invocation">: optional $ java "ExplicitConstructorInvocation", "statements">: list $ java "BlockStatement"], --ExplicitConstructorInvocation: def "ExplicitConstructorInvocation" $ record [ "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "arguments">: list $ java "Expression", "variant">: java "ExplicitConstructorInvocation.Variant"], def "ExplicitConstructorInvocation.Variant" $ union [ -- [TypeArguments] this ( [ArgumentList] ) ; "this">: unit, -- [TypeArguments] super ( [ArgumentList] ) ; -- ExpressionName . [TypeArguments] super ( [ArgumentList] ) ; "super">: optional $ java "ExpressionName", -- Primary . [TypeArguments] super ( [ArgumentList] ) ; "primary">: java "Primary"], --EnumDeclaration: -- {ClassModifier} enum TypeIdentifier [Superinterfaces] EnumBody def "EnumDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "ClassModifier", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", "implements">: list $ java "InterfaceType", "body">: java "EnumBody"], --EnumBody: -- { [EnumConstantList] [,] [EnumBodyDeclarations] } def "EnumBody" $ list $ java "EnumBody.Element", def "EnumBody.Element" $ record [ "constants">: list $ java "EnumConstant", "bodyDeclarations">: list $ java "ClassBodyDeclaration"], --EnumConstantList: -- EnumConstant {, EnumConstant} --EnumConstant: -- {EnumConstantModifier} Identifier [( [ArgumentList] )] [ClassBody] def "EnumConstant" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "EnumConstantModifier", "identifier">: java "Identifier", "arguments">: list $ list $ java "Expression", "body">: optional $ java "ClassBody"], --EnumConstantModifier: -- Annotation def "EnumConstantModifier" $ java "Annotation", --EnumBodyDeclarations: -- ; {ClassBodyDeclaration} --Productions from §9 (Interfaces) --InterfaceDeclaration: def "InterfaceDeclaration" $ union [ -- NormalInterfaceDeclaration "normalInterface">: java "NormalInterfaceDeclaration", -- AnnotationTypeDeclaration "annotationType">: java "AnnotationTypeDeclaration"], --NormalInterfaceDeclaration: -- {InterfaceModifier} interface TypeIdentifier [TypeParameters] [ExtendsInterfaces] InterfaceBody def "NormalInterfaceDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "InterfaceModifier", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", "parameters">: list $ java "TypeParameter", "extends">: list $ java "InterfaceType", "body">: java "InterfaceBody"], --InterfaceModifier: -- (one of) def "InterfaceModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public protected private -- abstract static strictfp "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "protected">: unit, "private">: unit, "abstract">: unit, "static">: unit, "strictfb">: unit], --ExtendsInterfaces: -- extends InterfaceTypeList --InterfaceBody: -- { {InterfaceMemberDeclaration} } def "InterfaceBody" $ list $ java "InterfaceMemberDeclaration", --InterfaceMemberDeclaration: def "InterfaceMemberDeclaration" $ union [ -- ConstantDeclaration "constant">: java "ConstantDeclaration", -- InterfaceMethodDeclaration "interfaceMethod">: java "InterfaceMethodDeclaration", -- ClassDeclaration "class">: java "ClassDeclaration", -- InterfaceDeclaration "interface">: java "InterfaceDeclaration"], -- ; --ConstantDeclaration: -- {ConstantModifier} UnannType VariableDeclaratorList ; def "ConstantDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "ConstantModifier", "type">: java "UnannType", "variables">: nonemptyList $ java "VariableDeclarator"], --ConstantModifier: -- (one of) def "ConstantModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public -- static final "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "static">: unit, "final">: unit], --InterfaceMethodDeclaration: -- {InterfaceMethodModifier} MethodHeader MethodBody def "InterfaceMethodDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "InterfaceMethodModifier", "header">: java "MethodHeader", "body">: java "MethodBody"], --InterfaceMethodModifier: -- (one of) def "InterfaceMethodModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public private -- abstract default static strictfp "annotation">: java "Annotation", "public">: unit, "private">: unit, "abstract">: unit, "default">: unit, "static">: unit, "strictfp">: unit], --AnnotationTypeDeclaration: -- {InterfaceModifier} @ interface TypeIdentifier AnnotationTypeBody def "AnnotationTypeDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "InterfaceModifier", "identifier">: java "TypeIdentifier", "body">: java "AnnotationTypeBody"], --AnnotationTypeBody: -- { {AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration} } def "AnnotationTypeBody" $ list $ list $ java "AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration", --AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration: def "AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration" $ union [ -- AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration "annotationType">: java "AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration", -- ConstantDeclaration "constant">: java "ConstantDeclaration", -- ClassDeclaration "class">: java "ClassDeclaration", -- InterfaceDeclaration "interface">: java "InterfaceDeclaration"], -- ; --AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration: -- {AnnotationTypeElementModifier} UnannType Identifier ( ) [Dims] [DefaultValue] ; def "AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "AnnotationTypeElementModifier", "type">: java "UnannType", "identifier">: java "Identifier", "dims">: optional $ java "Dims", "default">: optional $ java "DefaultValue"], --AnnotationTypeElementModifier: -- (one of) def "AnnotationTypeElementModifier" $ union [ -- Annotation public "public">: java "Annotation", -- abstract "abstract">: unit], --DefaultValue: -- default ElementValue def "DefaultValue" $ java "ElementValue", --Annotation: def "Annotation" $ union [ -- NormalAnnotation "normal">: java "NormalAnnotation", -- MarkerAnnotation "marker">: java "MarkerAnnotation", -- SingleElementAnnotation "singleElement">: java "SingleElementAnnotation"], --NormalAnnotation: -- @ TypeName ( [ElementValuePairList] ) def "NormalAnnotation" $ record [ "typeName">: java "TypeName", "pairs">: list $ java "ElementValuePair"], --ElementValuePairList: -- ElementValuePair {, ElementValuePair} --ElementValuePair: -- Identifier = ElementValue def "ElementValuePair" $ record [ "key">: java "Identifier", "value">: java "ElementValue"], --ElementValue: def "ElementValue" $ union [ -- ConditionalExpression "conditionalExpression">: java "ConditionalExpression", -- ElementValueArrayInitializer "elementValueArrayInitializer">: java "ElementValueArrayInitializer", -- Annotation "annotation">: java "Annotation"], --ElementValueArrayInitializer: -- { [ElementValueList] [,] } def "ElementValueArrayInitializer" $ list $ java "ElementValue", --ElementValueList: -- ElementValue {, ElementValue} --MarkerAnnotation: -- @ TypeName def "MarkerAnnotation" $ java "TypeName", --SingleElementAnnotation: def "SingleElementAnnotation" $ record [ -- @ TypeName ( ElementValue ) "name">: java "TypeName", "value">: optional $ java "ElementValue"], -- Productions from §10 (Arrays) --ArrayInitializer: -- { [VariableInitializerList] [,] } def "ArrayInitializer" $ list $ list $ java "VariableInitializer", --VariableInitializerList: -- VariableInitializer {, VariableInitializer} --Productions from §14 (Blocks and Statements) --Block: -- { [BlockStatements] } def "Block" $ list $ java "BlockStatement", --BlockStatements: -- BlockStatement {BlockStatement} --BlockStatement: def "BlockStatement" $ union [ -- LocalVariableDeclarationStatement "localVariableDeclaration">: java "LocalVariableDeclarationStatement", -- ClassDeclaration "class">: java "ClassDeclaration", -- Statement "statement">: java "Statement"], --LocalVariableDeclarationStatement: -- LocalVariableDeclaration ; def "LocalVariableDeclarationStatement" $ java "LocalVariableDeclaration", --LocalVariableDeclaration: -- {VariableModifier} LocalVariableType VariableDeclaratorList def "LocalVariableDeclaration" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "LocalVariableType", "declarators">: nonemptyList $ java "VariableDeclarator"], --LocalVariableType: def "LocalVariableType" $ union [ -- UnannType "type">: java "UnannType", -- var "var">: unit], --Statement: def "Statement" $ union [ -- StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement "withoutTrailing">: java "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement", -- LabeledStatement "labeled">: java "LabeledStatement", -- IfThenStatement "ifThen">: java "IfThenStatement", -- IfThenElseStatement "ifThenElse">: java "IfThenElseStatement", -- WhileStatement "while">: java "WhileStatement", -- ForStatement "for">: java "ForStatement"], --StatementNoShortIf: def "StatementNoShortIf" $ union [ -- StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement "withoutTrailing">: java "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement", -- LabeledStatementNoShortIf "labeled">: java "LabeledStatementNoShortIf", -- IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf "ifThenElse">: java "IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf", -- WhileStatementNoShortIf "while">: java "WhileStatementNoShortIf", -- ForStatementNoShortIf "for">: java "ForStatementNoShortIf"], --StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement: def "StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement" $ union [ -- Block "block">: java "Block", -- EmptyStatement "empty">: java "EmptyStatement", -- ExpressionStatement "expression">: java "ExpressionStatement", -- AssertStatement "assert">: java "AssertStatement", -- SwitchStatement "switch">: java "SwitchStatement", -- DoStatement "do">: java "DoStatement", -- BreakStatement "break">: java "BreakStatement", -- ContinueStatement "continue">: java "ContinueStatement", -- ReturnStatement "return">: java "ReturnStatement", -- SynchronizedStatement "synchronized">: java "SynchronizedStatement", -- ThrowStatement "throw">: java "ThrowStatement", -- TryStatement "try">: java "TryStatement"], --EmptyStatement: -- ; def "EmptyStatement" unit, --LabeledStatement: -- Identifier : Statement def "LabeledStatement" $ record [ "identifier">: java "Identifier", "statement">: java "Statement"], --LabeledStatementNoShortIf: -- Identifier : StatementNoShortIf def "LabeledStatementNoShortIf" $ record [ "identifier">: java "Identifier", "statement">: java "StatementNoShortIf"], --ExpressionStatement: -- StatementExpression ; def "ExpressionStatement" $ java "StatementExpression", --StatementExpression: def "StatementExpression" $ union [ -- Assignment "assignment">: java "Assignment", -- PreIncrementExpression "preIncrement">: java "PreIncrementExpression", -- PreDecrementExpression "preDecrement">: java "PreDecrementExpression", -- PostIncrementExpression "postIncrement">: java "PostIncrementExpression", -- PostDecrementExpression "postDecrement">: java "PostDecrementExpression", -- MethodInvocation "methodInvocation">: java "MethodInvocation", -- ClassInstanceCreationExpression "classInstanceCreation">: java "ClassInstanceCreationExpression"], --IfThenStatement: -- if ( Expression ) Statement def "IfThenStatement" $ record [ "expression">: java "Expression", "statement">: java "Statement"], --IfThenElseStatement: -- if ( Expression ) StatementNoShortIf else Statement def "IfThenElseStatement" $ record [ "cond">: optional $ java "Expression", "then">: java "StatementNoShortIf", "else">: java "Statement"], --IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf: -- if ( Expression ) StatementNoShortIf else StatementNoShortIf def "IfThenElseStatementNoShortIf" $ record [ "cond">: optional $ java "Expression", "then">: java "StatementNoShortIf", "else">: java "StatementNoShortIf"], --AssertStatement: def "AssertStatement" $ union [ -- assert Expression ; "single">: java "Expression", -- assert Expression : Expression ; "pair">: java "AssertStatement.Pair"], def "AssertStatement.Pair" $ record [ "first">: java "Expression", "second">: java "Expression"], --SwitchStatement: -- switch ( Expression ) SwitchBlock def "SwitchStatement" $ record [ "cond">: java "Expression", "block">: java "SwitchBlock"], --SwitchBlock: -- { {SwitchBlockStatementGroup} {SwitchLabel} } def "SwitchBlock" $ list $ java "SwitchBlock.Pair", def "SwitchBlock.Pair" $ record [ "statements">: list $ java "SwitchBlockStatementGroup", "labels">: list $ java "SwitchLabel"], --SwitchBlockStatementGroup: -- SwitchLabels BlockStatements def "SwitchBlockStatementGroup" $ record [ "labels">: nonemptyList $ java "SwitchLabel", "statements">: nonemptyList $ java "BlockStatement"], --SwitchLabels: -- SwitchLabel {SwitchLabel} --SwitchLabel: def "SwitchLabel" $ union [ -- case ConstantExpression : "constant">: java "ConstantExpression", -- case EnumConstantName : "enumConstant">: java "EnumConstantName", -- default : "default">: unit], --EnumConstantName: -- Identifier def "EnumConstantName" $ java "Identifier", --WhileStatement: -- while ( Expression ) Statement def "WhileStatement" $ record [ "cond">: optional $ java "Expression", "body">: java "Statement"], --WhileStatementNoShortIf: -- while ( Expression ) StatementNoShortIf def "WhileStatementNoShortIf" $ record [ "cond">: optional $ java "Expression", "body">: java "StatementNoShortIf"], --DoStatement: -- do Statement while ( Expression ) ; def "DoStatement" $ record [ "body">: java "Statement", "conde">: optional $ java "Expression"], --ForStatement: def "ForStatement" $ union [ -- BasicForStatement "basic">: java "BasicForStatement", -- EnhancedForStatement "enhanced">: java "EnhancedForStatement"], --ForStatementNoShortIf: def "ForStatementNoShortIf" $ union [ -- BasicForStatementNoShortIf "basic">: java "BasicForStatementNoShortIf", -- EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf "enhanced">: java "EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf"], --BasicForStatement: -- for ( [ForInit] ; [Expression] ; [ForUpdate] ) Statement def "BasicForStatement" $ record [ "cond">: java "ForCond", "body">: java "Statement"], def "ForCond" $ record [ "init">: optional $ java "ForInit", "cond">: optional $ java "Expression", "update">: optional $ java "ForUpdate"], --BasicForStatementNoShortIf: -- for ( [ForInit] ; [Expression] ; [ForUpdate] ) StatementNoShortIf def "BasicForStatementNoShortIf" $ record [ "cond">: java "ForCond", "body">: java "StatementNoShortIf"], --ForInit: def "ForInit" $ union [ -- StatementExpressionList "statements">: nonemptyList $ java "StatementExpression", -- LocalVariableDeclaration "localVariable">: java "LocalVariableDeclaration"], --ForUpdate: -- StatementExpressionList def "ForUpdate" $ nonemptyList $ java "StatementExpression", -- StatementExpressionList: -- StatementExpression {, StatementExpression} --EnhancedForStatement: def "EnhancedForStatement" $ record [ -- for ( {VariableModifier} LocalVariableType VariableDeclaratorId : Expression ) Statement "cond">: java "EnhancedForCond", "body">: java "Statement"], def "EnhancedForCond" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "LocalVariableType", "id">: java "VariableDeclaratorId", "expression">: java "Expression"], --EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf: -- for ( {VariableModifier} LocalVariableType VariableDeclaratorId : Expression ) StatementNoShortIf def "EnhancedForStatementNoShortIf" $ record [ "cond">: java "EnhancedForCond", "body">: java "StatementNoShortIf"], --BreakStatement: -- break [Identifier] ; def "BreakStatement" $ optional $ java "Identifier", --ContinueStatement: -- continue [Identifier] ; def "ContinueStatement" $ optional $ java "Identifier", --ReturnStatement: -- return [Expression] ; def "ReturnStatement" $ optional $ java "Expression", --ThrowStatement: -- throw Expression ; def "ThrowStatement" $ java "Expression", --SynchronizedStatement: -- synchronized ( Expression ) Block def "SynchronizedStatement" $ record [ "expression">: java "Expression", "block">: java "Block"], --TryStatement: def "TryStatement" $ union [ -- try Block Catches "simple">: java "TryStatement.Simple", -- try Block [Catches] Finally "withFinally">: java "TryStatement.WithFinally", -- TryWithResourcesStatement "withResources">: java "TryWithResourcesStatement"], def "TryStatement.Simple" $ record [ "block">: java "Block", "catches">: java "Catches"], def "TryStatement.WithFinally" $ record [ "block">: java "Block", "catches">: optional $ java "Catches", "finally">: java "Finally"], --Catches: -- CatchClause {CatchClause} def "Catches" $ list $ java "CatchClause", --CatchClause: -- catch ( CatchFormalParameter ) Block def "CatchClause" $ record [ "parameter">: optional $ java "CatchFormalParameter", "block">: java "Block"], --CatchFormalParameter: -- {VariableModifier} CatchType VariableDeclaratorId def "CatchFormalParameter" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "CatchType", "id">: java "VariableDeclaratorId"], --CatchType: -- UnannClassType {| ClassType} def "CatchType" $ record [ "type">: java "UnannClassType", "types">: list $ java "ClassType"], --Finally: -- finally Block def "Finally" $ java "Block", --TryWithResourcesStatement: -- try ResourceSpecification Block [Catches] [Finally] def "TryWithResourcesStatement" $ record [ "resourceSpecification">: java "ResourceSpecification", "block">: java "Block", "catches">: optional $ java "Catches", "finally">: optional $ java "Finally"], --ResourceSpecification: -- ( ResourceList [;] ) def "ResourceSpecification" $ list $ java "Resource", --ResourceList: -- Resource {; Resource} --Resource: def "Resource" $ union [ -- {VariableModifier} LocalVariableType Identifier = Expression "local">: java "Resource.Local", -- VariableAccess "variable">: java "VariableAccess"], def "Resource.Local" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "LocalVariableType", "identifier">: java "Identifier", "expression">: java "Expression"], --VariableAccess: def "VariableAccess" $ union [ -- ExpressionName "expressionName">: java "ExpressionName", -- FieldAccess "fieldAccess">: java "FieldAccess"], --Productions from §15 (Expressions) --Primary: def "Primary" $ union [ -- PrimaryNoNewArray "noNewArray">: java "PrimaryNoNewArray", -- ArrayCreationExpression "arrayCreation">: java "ArrayCreationExpression"], --PrimaryNoNewArray: def "PrimaryNoNewArray" $ union [ -- Literal "literal">: java "Literal", -- ClassLiteral "classLiteral">: java "ClassLiteral", -- this "this">: unit, -- TypeName . this "dotThis">: java "TypeName", -- ( Expression ) "parens">: java "Expression", -- ClassInstanceCreationExpression "classInstance">: java "ClassInstanceCreationExpression", -- FieldAccess "fieldAccess">: java "FieldAccess", -- ArrayAccess "arrayAccess">: java "ArrayAccess", -- MethodInvocation "methodInvocation">: java "MethodInvocation", -- MethodReference "methodReference">: java "MethodReference"], --ClassLiteral: def "ClassLiteral" $ union [ -- TypeName {[ ]} . class "type">: java "TypeNameArray", -- NumericType {[ ]} . class "numericType">: java "NumericTypeArray", -- boolean {[ ]} . class "boolean">: java "BooleanArray", -- void . class "void">: unit], def "TypeNameArray" $ union [ "simple">: java "TypeName", "array">: java "TypeNameArray"], def "NumericTypeArray" $ union [ "simple">: java "NumericType", "array">: java "NumericTypeArray"], def "BooleanArray" $ union [ "simple">: unit, "array">: java "BooleanArray"], --ClassInstanceCreationExpression: -- UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression -- ExpressionName . UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression -- Primary . UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression def "ClassInstanceCreationExpression" $ record [ "qualifier">: optional $ java "ClassInstanceCreationExpression.Qualifier", "expression">: java "UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression"], def "ClassInstanceCreationExpression.Qualifier" $ union [ "expression">: java "ExpressionName", "primary">: java "Primary"], --UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression: -- new [TypeArguments] ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate ( [ArgumentList] ) [ClassBody] def "UnqualifiedClassInstanceCreationExpression" $ record [ "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "classOrInterface">: java "ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate", "arguments">: list $ java "Expression", "body">: optional $ java "ClassBody"], --ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate: -- {Annotation} Identifier {. {Annotation} Identifier} [TypeArgumentsOrDiamond] def "ClassOrInterfaceTypeToInstantiate" $ record [ "identifiers">: nonemptyList $ java "AnnotatedIdentifier", "typeArguments">: optional $ java "TypeArgumentsOrDiamond"], def "AnnotatedIdentifier" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], --TypeArgumentsOrDiamond: def "TypeArgumentsOrDiamond" $ union [ -- TypeArguments "arguments">: nonemptyList $ java "TypeArgument", -- <> "diamond">: unit], --FieldAccess: def "FieldAccess" $ record [ "qualifier">: java "FieldAccess.Qualifier", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], def "FieldAccess.Qualifier" $ union [ -- Primary . Identifier "primary">: java "Primary", -- super . Identifier "super">: unit, -- TypeName . super . Identifier "typed">: java "TypeName"], --ArrayAccess: def "ArrayAccess" $ record [ "expression">: optional $ java "Expression", "variant">: java "ArrayAccess.Variant"], def "ArrayAccess.Variant" $ union [ -- ExpressionName [ Expression ] "name">: java "ExpressionName", -- PrimaryNoNewArray [ Expression ] "primary">: java "PrimaryNoNewArray"], --MethodInvocation: def "MethodInvocation" $ record [ "header">: java "MethodInvocation.Header", "arguments">: list $ java "Expression"], def "MethodInvocation.Header" $ union [ -- MethodName ( [ArgumentList] ) "simple">: java "MethodName", "complex">: java "MethodInvocation.Complex"], def "MethodInvocation.Complex" $ record [ "variant">: java "MethodInvocation.Variant", "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], def "MethodInvocation.Variant" $ union [ -- TypeName . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] ) "type">: java "TypeName", -- ExpressionName . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] ) "expression">: java "ExpressionName", -- Primary . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] ) "primary">: java "Primary", -- super . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] ) "super">: unit, -- TypeName . super . [TypeArguments] Identifier ( [ArgumentList] ) "typeSuper">: java "TypeName"], --ArgumentList: -- Expression {, Expression} --MethodReference: def "MethodReference" $ union [ -- ExpressionName :: [TypeArguments] Identifier "expression">: java "MethodReference.Expression", -- Primary :: [TypeArguments] Identifier "primary">: java "MethodReference.Primary", -- ReferenceType :: [TypeArguments] Identifier "referenceType">: java"MethodReference.ReferenceType", -- super :: [TypeArguments] Identifier -- TypeName . super :: [TypeArguments] Identifier "super">: java "MethodReference.Super", -- ClassType :: [TypeArguments] new "new">: java "MethodReference.New", -- ArrayType :: new "array">: java "MethodReference.Array"], def "MethodReference.Expression" $ record [ "name">: java "ExpressionName", "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], def "MethodReference.Primary" $ record [ "primary">: java "Primary", "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], def "MethodReference.ReferenceType" $ record [ "referenceType">: java "ReferenceType", "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "identifier">: java "Identifier"], def "MethodReference.Super" $ record [ "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument", "identifier">: java "Identifier", "super">: boolean], def "MethodReference.New" $ record [ "classType">: java "ClassType", "typeArguments">: list $ java "TypeArgument"], def "MethodReference.Array" $ java "ArrayType", --ArrayCreationExpression: def "ArrayCreationExpression" $ union [ -- new PrimitiveType DimExprs [Dims] "primitive">: java "ArrayCreationExpression.Primitive", -- new ClassOrInterfaceType DimExprs [Dims] "classOrInterface">: java "ArrayCreationExpression.ClassOrInterface", -- new PrimitiveType Dims ArrayInitializer "primitiveArray">: java "ArrayCreationExpression.PrimitiveArray", -- new ClassOrInterfaceType Dims ArrayInitializer "classOrInterfaceArray">: java "ArrayCreationExpression.ClassOrInterfaceArray"], def "ArrayCreationExpression.Primitive" $ record [ "type">: java "PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations", "dimExprs">: nonemptyList $ java "DimExpr", "dims">: optional $ java "Dims"], def "ArrayCreationExpression.ClassOrInterface" $ record [ "type">: java "ClassOrInterfaceType", "dimExprs">: nonemptyList $ java "DimExpr", "dims">: optional $ java "Dims"], def "ArrayCreationExpression.PrimitiveArray" $ record [ "type">: java "PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations", "dims">: nonemptyList $ java "Dims", "array">: java "ArrayInitializer"], def "ArrayCreationExpression.ClassOrInterfaceArray" $ record [ "type">: java "ClassOrInterfaceType", "dims">: nonemptyList $ java "Dims", "array">: java "ArrayInitializer"], --DimExprs: -- DimExpr {DimExpr} --DimExpr: -- {Annotation} [ Expression ] def "DimExpr" $ record [ "annotations">: list $ java "Annotation", "expression">: optional $ java "Expression"], --Expression: def "Expression" $ union [ -- LambdaExpression "lambda">: java "LambdaExpression", -- AssignmentExpression "assignment">: java "AssignmentExpression"], --LambdaExpression: -- LambdaParameters -> LambdaBody def "LambdaExpression" $ record [ "parameters">: java "LambdaParameters", "body">: java "LambdaBody"], --LambdaParameters: -- ( [LambdaParameterList] ) -- Identifier def "LambdaParameters" $ union [ "tuple">: list $ java "LambdaParameters", "single">: java "Identifier"], --LambdaParameterList: -- LambdaParameter {, LambdaParameter} -- Identifier {, Identifier} --LambdaParameter: def "LambdaParameter" $ union [ -- {VariableModifier} LambdaParameterType VariableDeclaratorId "normal">: java "LambdaParameter.Normal", -- VariableArityParameter "variableArity">: java "VariableArityParameter"], def "LambdaParameter.Normal" $ record [ "modifiers">: list $ java "VariableModifier", "type">: java "LambdaParameterType", "id">: java "VariableDeclaratorId"], --LambdaParameterType: def "LambdaParameterType" $ union [ -- UnannType "type">: java "UnannType", -- var "var">: unit], --LambdaBody: def "LambdaBody" $ union [ -- Expression "expression">: java "Expression", -- Block "block">: java "Block"], --AssignmentExpression: def "AssignmentExpression" $ union [ -- ConditionalExpression "conditional">: java "ConditionalExpression", -- Assignment "assignment">: java "Assignment"], --Assignment: -- LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator Expression def "Assignment" $ record [ "lhs">: java "LeftHandSide", "op">: java "AssignmentOperator", "expression">: java "Expression"], --LeftHandSide: def "LeftHandSide" $ union [ -- ExpressionName "expressionName">: java "ExpressionName", -- FieldAccess "fieldAccess">: java "FieldAccess", -- ArrayAccess "arrayAccess">: java "ArrayAccess"], --AssignmentOperator: -- (one of) def "AssignmentOperator" $ enum [ -- = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>= &= ^= |= "simple", "times", "div", "mod", "plus", "minus", "shiftLeft", "shiftRight", "shiftRightZeroFill", "and", "xor", "or"], --ConditionalExpression: def "ConditionalExpression" $ union [ -- ConditionalOrExpression "simple">: java "ConditionalOrExpression", -- ConditionalOrExpression ? Expression : ConditionalExpression "ternaryCond">: java "ConditionalExpression.TernaryCond", -- ConditionalOrExpression ? Expression : LambdaExpression "ternaryLambda">: java "ConditionalExpression.TernaryLambda"], def "ConditionalExpression.TernaryCond" $ record [ "cond">: java "ConditionalOrExpression", "ifTrue">: java "Expression", "ifFalse">: java "ConditionalExpression"], def "ConditionalExpression.TernaryLambda" $ record [ "cond">: java "ConditionalOrExpression", "ifTrue">: java "Expression", "ifFalse">: java "LambdaExpression"], --ConditionalOrExpression: -- ConditionalAndExpression -- ConditionalOrExpression || ConditionalAndExpression def "ConditionalOrExpression" $ nonemptyList $ java "ConditionalAndExpression", --ConditionalAndExpression: -- InclusiveOrExpression -- ConditionalAndExpression && InclusiveOrExpression def "ConditionalAndExpression" $ nonemptyList $ java "InclusiveOrExpression", --InclusiveOrExpression: -- ExclusiveOrExpression -- InclusiveOrExpression | ExclusiveOrExpression def "InclusiveOrExpression" $ nonemptyList $ java "ExclusiveOrExpression", --ExclusiveOrExpression: -- AndExpression -- ExclusiveOrExpression ^ AndExpression def "ExclusiveOrExpression" $ nonemptyList $ java "AndExpression", --AndExpression: -- EqualityExpression -- AndExpression & EqualityExpression def "AndExpression" $ nonemptyList $ java "EqualityExpression", --EqualityExpression: def "EqualityExpression" $ union [ -- RelationalExpression "unary">: java "RelationalExpression", -- EqualityExpression == RelationalExpression "equal">: java "EqualityExpression.Binary", -- EqualityExpression != RelationalExpression "notEqual">: java "EqualityExpression.Binary"], def "EqualityExpression.Binary" $ record [ "lhs">: java "EqualityExpression", "rhs">: java "RelationalExpression"], --RelationalExpression: def "RelationalExpression" $ union [ -- ShiftExpression "simple">: java "ShiftExpression", -- RelationalExpression < ShiftExpression "lessThan">: java "RelationalExpression.LessThan", -- RelationalExpression > ShiftExpression "greaterThan">: java "RelationalExpression.GreaterThan", -- RelationalExpression <= ShiftExpression "lessThanEqual">: java "RelationalExpression.LessThanEqual", -- RelationalExpression >= ShiftExpression "greaterThanEqual">: java "RelationalExpression.GreaterThanEqual", -- RelationalExpression instanceof ReferenceType "instanceof">: java "RelationalExpression.InstanceOf"], def "RelationalExpression.LessThan" $ record [ "lhs">: java "RelationalExpression", "rhs">: java "ShiftExpression"], def "RelationalExpression.GreaterThan" $ record [ "lhs">: java "RelationalExpression", "rhs">: java "ShiftExpression"], def "RelationalExpression.LessThanEqual" $ record [ "lhs">: java "RelationalExpression", "rhs">: java "ShiftExpression"], def "RelationalExpression.GreaterThanEqual" $ record [ "lhs">: java "RelationalExpression", "rhs">: java "ShiftExpression"], def "RelationalExpression.InstanceOf" $ record [ "lhs">: java "RelationalExpression", "rhs">: java "ReferenceType"], --ShiftExpression: def "ShiftExpression" $ union [ -- AdditiveExpression "unary">: java "AdditiveExpression", -- ShiftExpression << AdditiveExpression "shiftLeft">: java "ShiftExpression.Binary", -- ShiftExpression >> AdditiveExpression "shiftRight">: java "ShiftExpression.Binary", -- ShiftExpression >>> AdditiveExpression "shiftRightZeroFill">: java "ShiftExpression.Binary"], def "ShiftExpression.Binary" $ record [ "lhs">: java "ShiftExpression", "rhs">: java "AdditiveExpression"], --AdditiveExpression: def "AdditiveExpression" $ union [ -- MultiplicativeExpression "unary">: java "MultiplicativeExpression", -- AdditiveExpression + MultiplicativeExpression "plus">: java "AdditiveExpression.Binary", -- AdditiveExpression - MultiplicativeExpression "minus">: java "AdditiveExpression.Binary"], def "AdditiveExpression.Binary" $ record [ "lhs">: java "AdditiveExpression", "rhs">: java "MultiplicativeExpression"], --MultiplicativeExpression: def "MultiplicativeExpression" $ union [ -- UnaryExpression "unary">: java "UnaryExpression", -- MultiplicativeExpression * UnaryExpression "times">: java "MultiplicativeExpression.Binary", -- MultiplicativeExpression / UnaryExpression "divide">: java "MultiplicativeExpression.Binary", -- MultiplicativeExpression % UnaryExpression "mod">: java "MultiplicativeExpression.Binary"], def "MultiplicativeExpression.Binary" $ record [ "lhs">: java "MultiplicativeExpression", "rhs">: java "UnaryExpression"], --UnaryExpression: def "UnaryExpression" $ union [ -- PreIncrementExpression "preIncrement">: java "PreIncrementExpression", -- PreDecrementExpression "preDecrement">: java "PreDecrementExpression", -- + UnaryExpression "plus">: java "UnaryExpression", -- - UnaryExpression "minus">: java "UnaryExpression", -- UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus "other">: java "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus"], --PreIncrementExpression: -- ++ UnaryExpression def "PreIncrementExpression" $ java "UnaryExpression", --PreDecrementExpression: -- -- UnaryExpression def "PreDecrementExpression" $ java "UnaryExpression", --UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus: def "UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus" $ union [ -- PostfixExpression "postfix">: java "PostfixExpression", -- ~ UnaryExpression "tilde">: java "UnaryExpression", -- ! UnaryExpression "not">: java "UnaryExpression", -- CastExpression "cast">: java "CastExpression"], --PostfixExpression: def "PostfixExpression" $ union [ -- Primary "primary">: java "Primary", -- ExpressionName "name">: java "ExpressionName", -- PostIncrementExpression "postIncrement">: java "PostIncrementExpression", -- PostDecrementExpression "postDecrement">: java "PostDecrementExpression"], --PostIncrementExpression: -- PostfixExpression ++ def "PostIncrementExpression" $ java "PostfixExpression", --PostDecrementExpression: -- PostfixExpression -- def "PostDecrementExpression" $ java "PostfixExpression", --CastExpression: def "CastExpression" $ union [ -- ( PrimitiveType ) UnaryExpression "primitive">: java "CastExpression.Primitive", -- ( ReferenceType {AdditionalBound} ) UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus "notPlusMinus">: java "CastExpression.NotPlusMinus", -- ( ReferenceType {AdditionalBound} ) LambdaExpression "lambda">: java "CastExpression.Lambda"], def "CastExpression.Primitive" $ record [ "type">: java "PrimitiveTypeWithAnnotations", "expression">: java "UnaryExpression"], def "CastExpression.NotPlusMinus" $ record [ "refAndBounds">: java "CastExpression.RefAndBounds", "expression">: java "UnaryExpression"], def "CastExpression.Lambda" $ record [ "refAndBounds">: java "CastExpression.RefAndBounds", "expression">: java "LambdaExpression"], def "CastExpression.RefAndBounds" $ record [ "type">: java "ReferenceType", "bounds">: list $ java "AdditionalBound"], --ConstantExpression: -- Expression def "ConstantExpression" $ java "Expression"]