module Hydra.Sources.Tier4.Langs.Yaml.Model where import Hydra.Sources.Tier3.All import Hydra.Dsl.Annotations import Hydra.Dsl.Bootstrap import Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types yamlModelModule :: Module Kv yamlModelModule = Module ns elements [] [] $ Just ("A basic YAML representation model. Based on:\n" ++ "\n" ++ "The Serialization and Presentation properties of YAML,\n" ++ "including directives, comments, anchors, style, formatting, and aliases, are not supported by this model.\n" ++ "In addition, tags are omitted from this model, and non-standard scalars are unsupported.") where ns = Namespace "hydra/langs/yaml/model" def = datatype ns model = typeref ns elements = [ {- Every YAML node has an optional scalar tag or non-specific tag (omitted from this model) -} def "Node" $ doc "A YAML node (value)" $ union [ "mapping">: (model "Node") (model "Node"), -- Failsafe schema:,2002:map "scalar">: model "Scalar", "sequence">: list $ model "Node"], -- Failsafe schema:,2002:seq def "Scalar" $ doc "A union of scalars supported in the YAML failsafe and JSON schemas. Other scalars are not supported here" $ union [ {- Represents a true/false value JSON schema:,2002:bool -} "bool">: doc "Represents a true/false value" boolean, {- Represents an approximation to real numbers JSON schema:,2002:float In addition to arbitrary-precision floating-point numbers in scientific notation, YAML allows for three special values, which are not supported here: positive and negative infinity (.inf and -.inf), and "not a number (.nan) -} "float">: doc "Represents an approximation to real numbers" bigfloat, {- Represents arbitrary sized finite mathematical integers JSON schema:,2002:int -} "int">: doc "Represents arbitrary sized finite mathematical integers" bigint, {- Represents the lack of a value JSON schema:,2002:null -} "null">: doc "Represents the lack of a value" unit, {- Failsafe schema:,2002:str -} "str">: doc "A string value" string]]