module Hydra.CoreCodersSpec where import Hydra.Kernel import Hydra.Dsl.Terms as Terms import qualified Hydra.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.TestData import Hydra.TestUtils import Hydra.ArbitraryCore (untyped) import qualified Test.Hspec as H import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import qualified Data.Map as M individualEncoderTestCases :: H.SpecWith () individualEncoderTestCases = do H.describe "Individual encoder test cases" $ do "string literal type" $ do H.shouldBe (strip $ coreEncodeLiteralType LiteralTypeString :: Term Kv) (strip $ unitVariant _LiteralType _LiteralType_string) "string type" $ do H.shouldBe (strip $ coreEncodeType Types.string :: Term Kv) (strip $ variant _Type _Type_literal (unitVariant _LiteralType _LiteralType_string)) "int32 type" $ do H.shouldBe (strip $ coreEncodeType Types.int32 :: Term Kv) (strip $ variant _Type _Type_literal (variant _LiteralType _LiteralType_integer $ unitVariant _IntegerType _IntegerType_int32)) "record type" $ do H.shouldBe (strip $ coreEncodeType (TypeRecord $ RowType (Name "Example") Nothing [Types.field "something" Types.string, Types.field "nothing" Types.unit]) :: Term Kv) (strip $ variant _Type _Type_record $ record _RowType [ Field _RowType_typeName $ wrap _Name $ string "Example", Field _RowType_extends $ optional Nothing, Field _RowType_fields $ list [ record _FieldType [ Field _FieldType_name $ wrap _FieldName $ string "something", Field _FieldType_type $ variant _Type _Type_literal $ unitVariant _LiteralType _LiteralType_string], record _FieldType [ Field _FieldType_name $ wrap _FieldName $ string "nothing", Field _FieldType_type $ variant _Type _Type_record $ record _RowType [ Field _RowType_typeName $ wrap _Name $ string "hydra/core.Unit", Field _RowType_extends $ optional Nothing, Field _RowType_fields $ list []]]]]) individualDecoderTestCases :: H.SpecWith () individualDecoderTestCases = do H.describe "Individual decoder test cases" $ do "float32 literal type" $ do shouldSucceedWith (coreDecodeLiteralType (variant _LiteralType _LiteralType_float $ unitVariant _FloatType _FloatType_float32)) (LiteralTypeFloat FloatTypeFloat32) "float32 type" $ do shouldSucceedWith (coreDecodeType (variant _Type _Type_literal $ variant _LiteralType _LiteralType_float $ unitVariant _FloatType _FloatType_float32)) Types.float32 "union type" $ do shouldSucceedWith (coreDecodeType $ variant _Type _Type_union $ record _RowType [ Field _RowType_typeName $ wrap _Name $ string (unName testTypeName), Field _RowType_extends $ optional Nothing, Field _RowType_fields $ list [ record _FieldType [ Field _FieldType_name $ wrap _FieldName $ string "left", Field _FieldType_type $ variant _Type _Type_literal $ variant _LiteralType _LiteralType_integer $ unitVariant _IntegerType _IntegerType_int64], record _FieldType [ Field _FieldType_name $ wrap _FieldName $ string "right", Field _FieldType_type $ variant _Type _Type_literal $ variant _LiteralType _LiteralType_float $ unitVariant _FloatType _FloatType_float64]]]) (TypeUnion $ RowType testTypeName Nothing [ Types.field "left" Types.int64, Types.field "right" Types.float64]) decodeInvalidTerms :: H.SpecWith () decodeInvalidTerms = do H.describe "Decode invalid terms" $ do "Try to decode a term with wrong fields for Type" $ do shouldFail (coreDecodeType $ variant untyped (FieldName "unknownField") $ list []) "Try to decode an incomplete representation of a Type" $ do shouldFail (coreDecodeType $ variant _Type _Type_literal $ unitVariant _LiteralType _LiteralType_integer) metadataIsPreserved :: H.SpecWith () metadataIsPreserved = do H.describe "Check that metadata is preserved through a type-encoding round trip" $ do "Basic metadata" $ do shouldSucceedWith (coreDecodeType $ coreEncodeType annotatedStringType) annotatedStringType where annotatedStringType :: Type Kv annotatedStringType = TypeAnnotated $ Annotated Types.string $ Kv $ M.fromList [ (kvDescription, Terms.string "The string literal type"), (kvType, coreEncodeType $ TypeVariable _Type)] testRoundTripsFromType :: H.SpecWith () testRoundTripsFromType = do H.describe "Check that encoding, then decoding random types is a no-op" $ do "Try random types" $ $ \typ -> shouldSucceedWith (coreDecodeType $ coreEncodeType typ) typ spec :: H.Spec spec = do individualEncoderTestCases individualDecoderTestCases decodeInvalidTerms metadataIsPreserved testRoundTripsFromType