module HyLo.Formula(Formula(..), Where(..), CountOp(..), negCount, nnf, composeFold, composeFoldM, composeMap, composeMapM, onShape, mapSig, freeVars, boundVars, compareWith, cmpListLen -- ) where import Text.Show.Functions () import Control.Monad ( liftM2, liftM4 ) import Control.Monad.Identity ( runIdentity ) import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) ) import Text.Read ( Read(..) ) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP ( string, skipSpaces, ) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec ( ReadPrec, (<++), choice, lift, prec, pfail, reset ) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Generics.PlateDirect import HyLo.Signature ( HasSignature(..), emptySignature, merge, addNomToSig, addPropToSig, addRelToSig ) import HyLo.Signature.Simple ( NomSymbol, PropSymbol, RelSymbol ) data Formula n p r = Top | Bot | Prop p | Nom n -- | Neg (Formula n p r) -- | (Formula n p r) :&: (Formula n p r) | (Formula n p r) :|: (Formula n p r) | (Formula n p r) :-->: (Formula n p r) | (Formula n p r) :<-->: (Formula n p r) -- | Diam r (Formula n p r) | Box r (Formula n p r) -- | IDiam r (Formula n p r) | IBox r (Formula n p r) -- | At n (Formula n p r) -- | A (Formula n p r) | E (Formula n p r) -- | D (Formula n p r) | B (Formula n p r) -- | Down n (Formula n p r) -- | Count CountOp (Where r) Int (Formula n p r) deriving(Eq, Ord) data Where r = Global | Local r deriving (Eq, Ord) data CountOp = (:>=:) | (:<=:) | (:>:) | (:<:) | (:=:) | (:/=:) deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show CountOp where show (:>=:) = " >= " show (:<=:) = " <= " show (:>:) = " > " show (:<:) = " < " show (:=:) = " = " show (:/=:) = " /= " instance Read CountOp where readPrec = choice [do token ">="; return (:>=:), do token "<="; return (:<=:), do token ">"; return (:>:), do token "<"; return (:<:), do token "="; return (:=:), do token "/="; return (:/=:)] negCount :: CountOp -> CountOp negCount (:>=:) = (:<:) negCount (:<=:) = (:>:) negCount (:<:) = (:>=:) negCount (:>:) = (:<=:) negCount (:=:) = (:/=:) negCount (:/=:) = (:=:) compareWith :: CountOp -> Int -> Int -> Bool compareWith (:>=:) = (>=) compareWith (:<=:) = (<=) compareWith (:<:) = (<) compareWith (:>:) = (>) compareWith (:=:) = (==) compareWith (:/=:) = (/=) cmpListLen :: CountOp -> [a] -> Int -> Bool cmpListLen (:>=:) xs i = not . null $ drop i (undefined:xs) cmpListLen (:<=:) xs i = (i >= 0) && null (drop i xs) cmpListLen (:>:) xs i = (i < 0) || (not . null $ drop i xs) cmpListLen (:<:) xs i = null $ drop i (undefined:xs) cmpListLen (:=:) xs i = (i >= 0) && (singleton . drop i $ undefined:xs) cmpListLen (:/=:) xs i = (i < 0) || (not . singleton . drop i $ undefined:xs) singleton :: [a] -> Bool singleton [_] = True singleton _ = False infixl 8 :&:, :|: infix 7 :<-->: infixr 7 :-->: instance Uniplate (Formula n p r) where uniplate Top = plate Top uniplate Bot = plate Bot -- uniplate (Prop p) = plate Prop |- p uniplate (Nom n) = plate Nom |- n -- uniplate (Neg f) = plate Neg |* f -- uniplate (f1 :&: f2) = plate (:&:) |* f1 |* f2 uniplate (f1 :|: f2) = plate (:|:) |* f1 |* f2 uniplate (f1 :-->: f2) = plate (:-->:) |* f1 |* f2 uniplate (f1 :<-->: f2) = plate (:<-->:) |* f1 |* f2 -- uniplate (Diam r f) = plate Diam |- r |* f uniplate (Box r f) = plate Box |- r |* f -- uniplate (IDiam r f) = plate IDiam |- r |* f uniplate (IBox r f) = plate IBox |- r |* f -- uniplate (At n f) = plate At |- n |* f -- uniplate (A f) = plate A |* f uniplate (E f) = plate E |* f -- uniplate (D f) = plate D |* f uniplate (B f) = plate B |* f -- uniplate (Down x f) = plate Down |- x |* f -- uniplate (Count c w i f) = plate Count |- c |- w |- i |* f instance (Ord n, Ord p, Ord r) => HasSignature (Formula n p r) where type NomsOf (Formula n p r) = n type PropsOf (Formula n p r) = p type RelsOf (Formula n p r) = r -- getSignature Top = emptySignature getSignature Bot = emptySignature -- getSignature (Prop p) = addPropToSig p emptySignature getSignature (Nom n) = addNomToSig n emptySignature -- getSignature (Neg f) = getSignature f -- getSignature (f1 :&: f2) = merge (getSignature f1) (getSignature f2) getSignature (f1 :|: f2) = merge (getSignature f1) (getSignature f2) getSignature (f1 :-->: f2) = merge (getSignature f1) (getSignature f2) getSignature (f1 :<-->: f2) = merge (getSignature f1) (getSignature f2) -- getSignature (Diam r f) = addRelToSig r (getSignature f) getSignature (Box r f) = addRelToSig r (getSignature f) -- getSignature (IDiam r f) = addRelToSig r (getSignature f) getSignature (IBox r f) = addRelToSig r (getSignature f) -- getSignature (At n f) = addNomToSig n (getSignature f) -- getSignature (A f) = getSignature f getSignature (E f) = getSignature f -- getSignature (D f) = getSignature f getSignature (B f) = getSignature f -- getSignature (Down n f) = addNomToSig n (getSignature f) -- getSignature (Count _ Global _ f) = getSignature f getSignature (Count _ (Local r) _ f) = addRelToSig r (getSignature f) nnf :: Formula n p r -> Formula n p r nnf f@Top = f nnf f@Bot = f nnf f@(Neg Top) = f nnf f@(Neg Bot) = f nnf f@Prop{} = f nnf f@Nom{} = f nnf f@(Neg Prop{}) = f nnf f@(Neg Nom{}) = f -- nnf (Neg (Neg f)) = nnf f nnf (f1 :&: f2) = (nnf f1) :&: (nnf f2) nnf (Neg (f1 :&: f2)) = (nnf $ Neg f1) :|: (nnf $ Neg f2) nnf (f1 :|: f2) = (nnf f1) :|: (nnf f2) nnf (Neg (f1 :|: f2)) = (nnf $ Neg f1) :&: (nnf $ Neg f2) nnf (f1 :-->: f2) = (nnf $ Neg f1) :|: (nnf f2) nnf (Neg (f1 :-->: f2)) = (nnf f1) :&: (nnf $ Neg f2) nnf (f1 :<-->: f2) = (nnf $ f1 :-->: f2) :&: (nnf $ f2 :-->: f1) nnf (Neg (f1 :<-->: f2)) = (nnf $ Neg (f1 :-->: f2)):|: (nnf $ Neg (f2 :-->: f1)) nnf (Diam r f) = Diam r $ nnf f nnf (Neg (Diam r f)) = Box r $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (Box r f) = Box r $ nnf f nnf (Neg (Box r f)) = Diam r $ nnf (Neg f) -- nnf (IDiam r f) = IDiam r $ nnf f nnf (Neg (IDiam r f)) = IBox r $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (IBox r f) = IBox r $ nnf f nnf (Neg (IBox r f)) = IDiam r $ nnf (Neg f) -- nnf (At _ f@At{}) = nnf f nnf (Neg (At _ f@At{})) = nnf (Neg f) -- nnf (At n f) = At n $ nnf f nnf (Neg (At n f)) = At n $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (A f) = A (nnf f) nnf (Neg (A f)) = E $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (E f) = E (nnf f) nnf (Neg (E f)) = A $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (D f) = D (nnf f) nnf (Neg (D f)) = B $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (B f) = B (nnf f) nnf (Neg (B f)) = D $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (Down x f) = Down x $ nnf f nnf (Neg (Down x f)) = Down x $ nnf (Neg f) nnf (Count c w i f) = Count c w i f nnf (Neg (Count c w i f)) = Count (negCount c) w i f instance (Show n, Show p, Show r) => Show (Formula n p r) where showsPrec _ Top = showString "true" showsPrec _ Bot = showString "false" showsPrec _ (Prop prop) = shows prop showsPrec _ (Nom nom) = shows nom -- showsPrec _ (Neg f) = showChar '-' . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec p (l :&: r) = showParen (p > 0 && p /= 2) $ showsPrec 2 l . showString " ^ " . showsPrec 2 r showsPrec p (l :|: r) = showParen (p > 0 && p /= 3) $ showsPrec 3 l . showString " v " . showsPrec 3 r showsPrec p (l :-->: r) = showParen (p > 0 && p /= 4) $ showsPrec 5 l . showString " --> " . showsPrec 4 r showsPrec p (l :<-->: r) = showParen (p > 0 && p /= 6) $ showsPrec 6 l . showString " <--> " . showsPrec 6 r -- showsPrec _ (Diam r f) = showChar '<' . shows r . showChar '>' . showsPrec 1 f showsPrec _ (Box r f) = showChar '[' . shows r . showChar ']' . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec _ (IDiam r f) = showString "<-" . shows r . showChar '>' . showsPrec 1 f showsPrec _ (IBox r f) = showString "[-" . shows r . showChar ']' . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec _ (At i f) = shows i . showChar ':' . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec _ (A f) = showString "A " . showsPrec 1 f showsPrec _ (E f) = showString "E " . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec _ (D f) = showString "D " . showsPrec 1 f showsPrec _ (B f) = showString "B " . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec _ (Down x f) = showString "down " . shows x . showString " . " . showsPrec 1 f -- showsPrec _ (Count c Global i f) = shows c . shows i . showString " . " . showsPrec 1 f showsPrec _ (Count c (Local r) i f) = shows c . shows i . shows r . showString " . " . showsPrec 1 f instance (Read n, Read p, Read r) => Read (Formula n p r) where readPrec = choice [do t <- left; infixOps t, do t <- paren readPrec; infixOps t] left :: (Read n, Read p, Read r) => ReadPrec (Formula n p r) left = choice [ do token "true" ; return Top, do token "false"; return Bot, Prop <$> prop, Nom <$> nom, prec 9 $ do token "-"; Neg <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do i <- nom; token ":"; At i <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "<"; r <- readPrec; token ">"; Diam r <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "["; r <- readPrec; token "]"; Box r <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "<-"; r <- readPrec; token ">"; IDiam r <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "[-"; r <- readPrec; token "]"; IBox r <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "A"; A <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "E"; E <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "D"; D <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "B"; B <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do token "down"; x <- nom; token "."; Down x <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do c <- readPrec; i <- int; token "." ; Count c Global i <$> readPrec, prec 9 $ do c <- readPrec; i <- int; r <- readPrec; token "." ; Count c (Local r) i <$> readPrec ] where prop = do p <- readPrec; blanks; return p nom = do i <- readPrec; blanks; return i int = do i <- readPrec; blanks; return i infixOps :: (Read n,Read p,Read r) => Formula n p r -> ReadPrec (Formula n p r) infixOps f = first [onPrec 4 $ do token "^" ; f' <- readPrec; infixOps (f :&: f'), onPrec 3 $ do token "v" ; f' <- readPrec; infixOps (f :|: f'), onPrec 2 $ do token "-->" ; f' <- readPrec; infixOps (f :-->:f'), onPrec 1 $ do token "<-->"; f' <- readPrec; infixOps (f:<-->:f'), return f ] onPrec :: Int -> ReadPrec t -> ReadPrec t onPrec p a = do r <- first [prec 0 $ Just <$> a, prec (p - 1) $ return Nothing, prec p $ Just <$> a] maybe pfail return r first :: [ReadPrec t] -> ReadPrec t first = foldr1 (<++) token :: String -> ReadPrec () token s = blanks >> lift (string s) >> blanks blanks :: ReadPrec () blanks = lift skipSpaces paren :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a paren a = do token "("; r <- reset a; token ")"; return r -- composeXX functions follow the idea from -- "A pattern for almost compositional functions", Bringert and Ranta. composeFold :: b -> (b -> b -> b) -> (Formula n p r -> b) -> (Formula n p r -> b) composeFold zero combine g = \e -> case e of Neg f -> g f l :&: r -> g l `combine` g r l :|: r -> g l `combine` g r l :-->: r -> g l `combine` g r l :<-->: r -> g l `combine` g r Diam _ f -> g f Box _ f -> g f IDiam _ f -> g f IBox _ f -> g f At _ f -> g f A f -> g f E f -> g f D f -> g f B f -> g f Down _ f -> g f Count _ _ _ f -> g f _ -> zero composeFoldM :: Monad m => m b -> (b -> b -> m b) -> (Formula n p r -> m b) -> (Formula n p r -> m b) composeFoldM zero combine g = \e -> case e of Neg f -> g f l :&: r -> do gl <- g l; gr <- g r; combine gl gr l :|: r -> do gl <- g l; gr <- g r; combine gl gr l :-->: r -> do gl <- g l; gr <- g r; combine gl gr l :<-->: r -> do gl <- g l; gr <- g r; combine gl gr Diam _ f -> g f Box _ f -> g f IDiam _ f -> g f IBox _ f -> g f At _ f -> g f A f -> g f E f -> g f D f -> g f B f -> g f Down _ f -> g f Count _ _ _ f -> g f _ -> zero composeMap :: (Formula n p r -> Formula n p r) -> (Formula n p r -> Formula n p r) -> (Formula n p r -> Formula n p r) composeMap baseCase g = \e -> case e of Neg f -> Neg (g f) l :&: r -> g l :&: g r l :|: r -> g l :|: g r l :-->: r -> g l :-->: g r l :<-->: r -> g l :<-->: g r Diam r f -> Diam r (g f) Box r f -> Box r (g f) IDiam r f -> IDiam r (g f) IBox r f -> IBox r (g f) At i f -> At i (g f) A f -> A (g f) E f -> E (g f) D f -> D (g f) B f -> B (g f) Down x f -> Down x (g f) Count c w i f -> Count c w i (g f) f -> baseCase f composeMapM :: (Monad m, Functor m) => (Formula n p r -> m (Formula n p r)) -> (Formula n p r -> m (Formula n p r)) -> (Formula n p r -> m (Formula n p r)) composeMapM baseCase g = \e -> case e of Neg f -> Neg <$> (g f) l :&: r -> liftM2 (:&:) (g l) (g r) l :|: r -> liftM2 (:|:) (g l) (g r) l :-->: r -> liftM2 (:-->:) (g l) (g r) l :<-->: r -> liftM2 (:<-->:) (g l) (g r) Diam r f -> Diam r <$> (g f) Box r f -> Box r <$> (g f) IDiam r f -> IDiam r <$> (g f) IBox r f -> IBox r <$> (g f) At i f -> At i <$> (g f) A f -> A <$> (g f) E f -> E <$> (g f) D f -> D <$> (g f) B f -> B <$> (g f) Down x f -> Down x <$> (g f) Count c w i f -> Count c w i <$> (g f) f -> baseCase f onShape :: (n -> n') -> (p -> p') -> (r -> r') -> (Formula n p r -> Formula n' p' r') -> (Formula n p r -> Formula n' p' r') onShape mn mp mr g = \e -> case e of Top -> Top Bot -> Bot Prop p -> Prop (mp p) Nom i -> Nom (mn i) Neg f -> Neg (g f) l :&: r -> g l :&: g r l :|: r -> g l :|: g r l :-->: r -> g l :-->: g r l :<-->: r -> g l :<-->: g r Diam r f -> Diam (mr r) (g f) Box r f -> Box (mr r) (g f) IDiam r f -> IDiam (mr r) (g f) IBox r f -> IBox (mr r) (g f) At i f -> At (mn i) (g f) A f -> A (g f) E f -> E (g f) D f -> D (g f) B f -> B (g f) Down x f -> Down (mn x) (g f) Count c (Local r) i f -> Count c (Local (mr r)) i (g f) Count c Global i f -> Count c Global i (g f) mapSig :: (n -> n') -> (p -> p') -> (r -> r') -> Formula n p r -> Formula n' p' r' mapSig mn mp mr = onShape mn mp mr (mapSig mn mp mr) freeVars :: Eq n => Formula n p r -> [n] freeVars (Nom i) = [i] freeVars (At i f) = [i] `List.union` freeVars f freeVars (Down i f) = List.delete i (freeVars f) freeVars f = composeFold [] List.union freeVars f boundVars :: Eq n => Formula n p r -> [n] boundVars f = [i | Down i _ <- universe f]