{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2015 Edward Kmett
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- Hyperfunctions as an explicit nu form, but using a representable functor
-- to describe the state space of the hyperfunction. This permits memoization
-- but doesn't require it.
-- If we start with a 'function with state' @(x -> a) -> x -> b@ we can view
-- it as either @(x -> a, x) -> b@ wich is a @Store x@ Cokleisli morphism or
-- as @φ :: x -> (x -> a) -> b@ which given @H a b x = (x -> a) -> b@ is a
-- @(H a b)@-coalgebra: @(x, φ)@ . Given that we can think of anamorphisms of
-- this 'function with state' as giving us a fixed point for @H a b@ and the
-- morphism to the final coalgebra @(Hyper a b, ana φ) is unique (by definition).
-- A representable functor @f@ is isomorphic to @(->) ('Rep' f)@. @((->) x)@
-- is an obvious selection for such a representable functor, so if we switch
-- out the functions from 'x' in the above, for a representable functor with
-- @x@ as its representation we get opportunities for memoization on the
-- internal 'state space' of our hyperfunctions.
module Control.Monad.Hyper.Rep where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Profunctor.Unsafe
import Prelude hiding ((.),id)

-- | Represented Hyperfunctions
-- 'arr' is a faithful functor, so
-- @'arr' f ≡ 'arr' g@ implies @f ≡ g@

data Hyper a b where
  Hyper :: Representable g => g (g a -> b) -> Rep g -> Hyper a b

ana :: (x -> (x -> a) -> b) -> x -> Hyper a b
ana = Hyper

-- |
-- @
-- 'cata' phi ('push' f h) ≡ phi $ \\g -> f $ g ('cata' phi h)
-- @
cata :: (((y -> a) -> b) -> y) -> Hyper a b -> y
cata = cata'

-- | Memoizing catamorphism
cata' :: Representable f => ((f a -> b) -> Rep f) -> Hyper a b -> Rep f
cata' f (Hyper g x) = index h x where
  h = fmap (\k -> f (\fx -> k $ fmap (index fx) h)) g

instance Category Hyper where
  id = Hyper (Identity runIdentity) ()
  Hyper f x . Hyper g y = Hyper
    (Compose $ fmap (\phi -> fmap (\psi -> phi . fmap psi . getCompose) g) f)

instance Arrow Hyper where
  arr f = Hyper (Identity (f .# runIdentity)) ()

  first (Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b)) x) = Hyper f' x where
    f' :: forall c. f (f (a,c) -> (b,c))
    f' = tabulate $ \i fac -> (index f i (fmap fst fac), snd (index fac i))

  second (Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b)) x) = Hyper f' x where
    f' :: forall c. f (f (c,a) -> (c,b))
    f' = tabulate $ \i fca -> (fst (index fca i), index f i (fmap snd fca))

  Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b)) x *** Hyper (g :: g (g c -> d)) y = Hyper h (x,y) where
    h :: Compose f g (Compose f g (a,c) -> (b, d))
    h = tabulate $ \(i,j) (Compose fgac) ->
      ( index f i (fmap (\gac -> fst (index gac j)) fgac)
      , index g j (fmap snd (index fgac i))

  Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b)) x &&& Hyper (g :: g (g a -> c)) y = Hyper h (x,y) where
    h :: Compose f g (Compose f g a -> (b, c))
    h = tabulate $ \(i,j) (Compose fga) ->
      ( index f i (fmap (`index` j) fga)
      , index g j (index fga i)

instance ArrowLoop Hyper where
  loop (Hyper f x) = Hyper (distribute f') x where
    f' fa = fmap fst $ fix $ \(r :: f (b,d)) ->
      distribute f $ tabulate $ \i -> (index fa i, snd $ index r i)

instance Functor (Hyper a) where
  fmap f (Hyper h x) = Hyper (fmap (f .) h) x

instance Applicative (Hyper a) where
  pure b = Hyper (Identity (const b)) ()
  p <* _ = p
  _ *> p = p
  Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b -> c)) x <*> Hyper (g :: g (g a -> b)) y = Hyper h (x,y) where
    h :: Compose f g (Compose f g a -> c)
    h = tabulate $ \(i,j) (Compose fga) ->
      index f i (fmap (`index` j) fga) (index g j (index fga i))

instance Monad (Hyper a) where
  return = pure
  m >>= f = cata (\g -> roll $ \k -> unroll (f (g k)) k) m

instance MonadZip (Hyper a) where
  munzip h = (fmap fst h, fmap snd h)
  mzipWith = liftA2

instance Profunctor Hyper where
  dimap f g (Hyper h x) = Hyper (fmap (\fa2b -> g . fa2b . fmap f) h) x

instance Strong Hyper where
  first' = first
  second' = second

instance Costrong Hyper where
  unfirst = loop

-- |
-- @
-- 'arr' f ≡ 'push' f ('arr' f)
-- 'invoke' ('push' f q) k ≡ f ('invoke' k q)
-- 'push' f p . 'push' g q ≡ 'push' (f . g) (p . q)
-- @
push :: (a -> b) -> Hyper a b -> Hyper a b
push f q = uninvoke $ \k -> f (invoke k q)

-- | Unroll a hyperfunction
unroll :: Hyper a b -> (Hyper a b -> a) -> b
unroll (Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b)) x) k = index f x (tabulate (k . Hyper f))

-- | Re-roll a hyperfunction using Lambek's lemma.
roll :: ((Hyper a b -> a) -> b) -> Hyper a b
roll = Hyper (mapH unroll) where
  -- mapH :: (x -> y) -> ((x -> a) -> b) -> (y -> a) -> b
  mapH xy xa2b ya = xa2b (ya . xy)

invoke :: Hyper a b -> Hyper b a -> b
invoke (Hyper (f :: f (f a -> b)) x) (Hyper (g :: g (g b -> a)) y) = index (index r x) y where
  -- tie a knot through state space
  r = fmap (\phi -> fmap (\psi -> phi (fmap psi r)) g) f

uninvoke :: (Hyper b a -> b) -> Hyper a b
uninvoke = Hyper (. roll)

-- |
-- @
-- 'run' f ≡ 'invoke' f 'id'
-- 'run' ('arr' f) ≡ 'fix' f
-- 'run' ('push' f q) ≡ f ('run' q)
-- 'run' ('push' f p . q) ≡ f ('run' (q . p)) = f ('invoke' q p)
-- @
run :: Hyper a a -> a
run (Hyper f x) = index r x where r = fmap ($ r) f

-- |
-- @
-- 'project' . 'arr' ≡ 'id'
-- 'project' h a ≡ 'invoke' h ('pure' a)
-- 'project' ('push' f q) ≡ f
-- @
project :: Hyper a b -> a -> b
project (Hyper f x) a = index f x (tabulate (const a))

-- |
-- <http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.5135.pdf Under "nice" conditions>
-- @
-- 'fold' . 'build' ≡ 'id'
-- @
fold :: [a] -> (a -> b -> c) -> c -> Hyper b c
fold []     _ n = pure n
fold (x:xs) c n = push (c x) (fold xs c n)

build :: (forall b c. (a -> b -> c) -> c -> Hyper b c) -> [a]
build g = run (g (:) [])