-- | Client interface to the `ide-backend-server` process
-- It is important that none of the types here rely on the GHC library.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections #-}
module IdeSession.GHC.Client (
    -- * Starting and stopping the server
  , GhcServer(..)
  , forkGhcServer
  , shutdownGhcServer
  , forceShutdownGhcServer
  , getGhcExitCode
    -- * Interacting with the server
  , RunActions(..)
  , runWaitAll
  , rpcCompile
  , rpcRun
  , rpcCrash
  , rpcSetEnv
  , rpcSetArgs
  , rpcBreakpoint
  , rpcPrint
  , rpcLoad
  , rpcUnload
  , rpcSetGhcOpts
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, cancel, withAsync)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan (Chan, newChan, writeChan)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar)
import Control.Monad (when, forever)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import System.Posix (ProcessID, sigKILL, signalProcess)
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as BSS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL

import IdeSession.Config
import IdeSession.GHC.API
import IdeSession.RPC.Client
import IdeSession.State
import IdeSession.Types.Private (RunResult(..))
import IdeSession.Types.Progress
import IdeSession.Util
import IdeSession.Util.BlockingOps
import qualified IdeSession.Types.Public as Public

import Distribution.Simple (PackageDB(..), PackageDBStack)

  Starting and stopping the server

-- | Start the ghc server
forkGhcServer :: [String]      -- ^ Initial ghc options
              -> [FilePath]    -- ^ Relative includes
              -> [String]      -- ^ RTS options
              -> IdeStaticInfo -- ^ Session setup info
              -> IdeCallbacks  -- ^ Session callbacks
              -> IO (Either ExternalException (GhcServer, GhcVersion))
forkGhcServer ghcOpts relIncls rtsOpts ideStaticInfo ideCallbacks = do
  let logFunc = ideCallbacksLogFunc ideCallbacks
  when configInProcess $
    fail "In-process ghc server not currently supported"
  mLoc <- findProgram logFunc searchPath ide_backend_server
  case mLoc of
    Nothing ->
      fail $ "Could not find ide-backend-server"
    Just prog -> do
      env     <- envWithPathOverride configExtraPathDirs
      server  <- OutProcess <$> forkRpcServer
                   (["+RTS"] ++ rtsOpts ++ ["-RTS"])
                   (Just $ ideDataDir ideStaticInfo)
      version <- Ex.try $ do
        GhcInitResponse{..} <- rpcInit server GhcInitRequest {
            ghcInitClientApiVersion   = ideBackendApiVersion
          , ghcInitGenerateModInfo    = configGenerateModInfo
          , ghcInitOpts               = opts
          , ghcInitUserPackageDB      = userDB
          , ghcInitSpecificPackageDBs = specificDBs
          , ghcInitSourceDir          = ideSourceDir ideStaticInfo
          , ghcInitSessionDir         = ideSessionDir ideStaticInfo
          , ghcInitDistDir            = ideDistDir ideStaticInfo
        return ghcInitVersion
      return ((server,) <$> version)
    (userDB, specificDBs) = splitPackageDBStack configPackageDBStack

    opts :: [String]
    opts = "-XHaskell2010"  -- see #190
         : ghcOpts
        ++ relInclToOpts (ideSourceDir ideStaticInfo) relIncls

    (searchPath, ide_backend_server) = configIdeBackendServer

    SessionConfig{..} = ideConfig ideStaticInfo

{- TODO: Reenable in-process
forkGhcServer configGenerateModInfo opts workingDir True = do
  let conv a b = RpcConversation {
                   get = do bs <- $readChan a
                            case decode' bs of
                              Just x  -> return x
                              Nothing -> fail "JSON failure"
                 , put = writeChan b . encode
  a   <- newChan
  b   <- newChan
  tid <- forkIO $ ghcServerEngine configGenerateModInfo opts (conv a b)
  return $ InProcess (conv b a) tid

splitPackageDBStack :: PackageDBStack -> (Bool, [String])
splitPackageDBStack dbstack = case dbstack of
  (GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs) -> (True,  map specific dbs)
  (GlobalPackageDB:dbs)               -> (False, map specific dbs)
  _                                   -> ierror
    specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = db
    specific _                      = ierror

    ierror :: a
    ierror = error $ "internal error: unexpected package db stack: "
                  ++ show dbstack

shutdownGhcServer :: GhcServer -> IO ()
shutdownGhcServer (OutProcess server) = shutdown server
shutdownGhcServer (InProcess _ tid)   = killThread tid

forceShutdownGhcServer :: GhcServer -> IO ()
forceShutdownGhcServer (OutProcess server) = forceShutdown server
forceShutdownGhcServer (InProcess _ tid)   = killThread tid

getGhcExitCode :: GhcServer -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
getGhcExitCode (OutProcess server) =
  getRpcExitCode server
getGhcExitCode (InProcess _ _) =
  fail "getGhcExitCode not supported for in-process server"

  Interacting with the server

-- | Repeatedly call 'runWait' until we receive a 'Right' result, while
-- collecting all 'Left' results
runWaitAll :: forall a. RunActions a -> IO (BSL.ByteString, a)
runWaitAll RunActions{runWait} = go []
    go :: [BSS.ByteString] -> IO (BSL.ByteString, a)
    go acc = do
      resp <- runWait
      case resp of
        Left  bs        -> go (bs : acc)
        Right runResult -> return (BSL.fromChunks (reverse acc), runResult)

-- | Set the environment
rpcSetEnv :: GhcServer -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> IO ()
rpcSetEnv (OutProcess server) env =
  rpc server (ReqSetEnv env)
rpcSetEnv (InProcess _ _) _ =
  error "rpcSetEnv not supported for in-process server"

-- | Set command line arguments
rpcSetArgs :: GhcServer -> [String] -> IO ()
rpcSetArgs (OutProcess server) args =
  rpc server (ReqSetArgs args)
rpcSetArgs (InProcess _ _) _ =
  error "rpcSetArgs not supported for in-process server"

-- | Set ghc options
rpcSetGhcOpts :: GhcServer -> [String] -> IO ([String], [String])
rpcSetGhcOpts (OutProcess server) opts =
  rpc server (ReqSetGhcOpts opts)
rpcSetGhcOpts (InProcess _ _) _ =
  error "rpcSetGhcOpts not supported for in-process server"

-- | Compile or typecheck
rpcCompile :: GhcServer                      -- ^ GHC server
           -> Bool                           -- ^ Should we generate code?
           -> Public.Targets                 -- ^ Targets
           -> (Public.UpdateStatus -> IO ()) -- ^ Progress callback
           -> IO GhcCompileResult
rpcCompile server genCode targets updateStatus =
  ghcConversation server $ \RpcConversation{..} -> do
    put (ReqCompile genCode targets)

    let go = do response <- get
                case response of
                  GhcCompileProgress pcounter -> do
                    updateStatus (Public.UpdateStatusProgress pcounter)
                  GhcCompileDone result -> do
                    updateStatus Public.UpdateStatusDone
                    return result


-- | Set breakpoint
-- Returns @Just@ the old value of the break if successful, or @Nothing@ if
-- the breakpoint could not be found.
rpcBreakpoint :: GhcServer
              -> Public.ModuleName -> Public.SourceSpan
              -> Bool
              -> IO (Maybe Bool)
rpcBreakpoint server reqBreakpointModule reqBreakpointSpan reqBreakpointValue =
  ghcRpc server ReqBreakpoint{..}

data SnippetAction =
       SnippetOutput BSS.ByteString
     | SnippetTerminated RunResult
     | SnippetForceTerminated

-- | Run code
-- NOTE: This is an interruptible operation
rpcRun :: forall a.
          GhcServer                 -- ^ GHC server
       -> RunCmd                    -- ^ Run command
       -> (Maybe RunResult -> IO a) -- ^ Translate run results
                                    -- @Nothing@ indicates force cancellation
       -> IO (RunActions a)
rpcRun server cmd translateResult =
    Ex.mask_ $ do
      -- Communicate with the snippet using an independent, concurrent, conversation
      -- We mask exceptions _completely_ while connecting to the server because
      -- we don't want an asynchronous exception against rpcRun to interrupt
      -- communication with the main server, because that would make the whole
      -- session unuseable.
      -- TODO: This is of course a tad dangerous, because if for whatever reason
      -- the communication with the main server stalls we cannot interrupt it.
      -- Perhaps we should introduce a separate timeout for that?
      (pid, stdin, stdout, errorLog) <- Ex.uninterruptibleMask_ $ ghcRpc server (ReqRun cmd)

      -- Unmask exceptions only once we've installed an exception handler to
      -- cleanup the process again
      interruptible (aux pid stdin stdout errorLog) `Ex.onException` signalProcess sigKILL pid
    aux :: ProcessID -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (RunActions a)
    aux pid stdin stdout errorLog = do
      runWaitChan <- newChan :: IO (Chan SnippetAction)
      reqChan     <- newChan :: IO (Chan GhcRunRequest)

      respThread <- async . Ex.handle (handleExternalException runWaitChan) $ do
        connectToRpcServer stdin stdout errorLog $ \server' ->
          ghcConversation (OutProcess server') $ \RpcConversation{..} -> do
            -- This "respThread" is responsible for reading responses from the RPC
            -- conversation, and writing them to the runWaitChan channel. This thread
            -- terminates when the server replies with GhcRunDone.
            -- In addition, we spawns a second "reqThread" which is responsible for
            -- reading requests from the reqChan and sending them to to server. We
            -- use withAsync so that when then we (the respThread) terminate the
            -- reqThread automatically gets cancelled.
            -- If an exception happens in the respThread it will be written to the
            -- runWaitChan and the snippet will be considered terminated.
            -- (TODO: What happens when an exception happens in the reqThread?)
            withAsync (sendRequests put reqChan) $ \_reqThread -> do
              let go = do resp <- get
                          case resp of
                            GhcRunDone result -> do
                              ignoreIOExceptions $ removeFile errorLog
                              writeChan runWaitChan (SnippetTerminated result)
                            GhcRunOutp bs -> do
                              writeChan runWaitChan (SnippetOutput bs)

      -- runActionsState is used to make sure that once a snippet has terminated,
      -- any subsequent calls to runWait simply return the final result.
      -- This also makes sure that we call translateResult at most once.
      runActionsState <- newMVar Nothing

      return RunActions {
          runWait =
            $modifyMVar runActionsState $ \st ->
              case st of
                Just outcome ->
                  return (Just outcome, Right outcome)
                Nothing -> do
                  outcome <- $readChan runWaitChan
                  case outcome of
                    SnippetOutput bs ->
                      return (Nothing, Left bs)
                    SnippetForceTerminated -> do
                      res <- translateResult Nothing
                      return (Just res, Right res)
                    SnippetTerminated res' -> do
                      res <- translateResult (Just res')
                      return (Just res, Right res)
        , interrupt   = writeChan reqChan GhcRunInterrupt
        , supplyStdin = writeChan reqChan . GhcRunInput
        , forceCancel = do
            cancel respThread
            ignoreIOExceptions $ signalProcess sigKILL pid
            ignoreIOExceptions $ removeFile errorLog
            writeChan runWaitChan SnippetForceTerminated

    sendRequests :: (GhcRunRequest -> IO ()) -> Chan GhcRunRequest -> IO ()
    sendRequests put reqChan = forever $ put =<< $readChan reqChan

    -- TODO: should we restart the session when ghc crashes?
    -- Maybe recommend that the session is started on GhcExceptions?
    handleExternalException :: Chan SnippetAction
                            -> ExternalException
                            -> IO ()
    handleExternalException ch =
      writeChan ch . SnippetTerminated . RunGhcException . show

-- | Print a variable
rpcPrint :: GhcServer -> Public.Name -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Public.VariableEnv
rpcPrint server var bind forceEval = ghcRpc server (ReqPrint var bind forceEval)

-- | Load an object file
rpcLoad :: GhcServer -> [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe String)
rpcLoad server objects = ghcRpc server (ReqLoad objects)

-- | Unload an object file
rpcUnload :: GhcServer -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
rpcUnload server objects = ghcRpc server (ReqUnload objects)

-- | Crash the GHC server (for debugging purposes)
rpcCrash :: GhcServer -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
rpcCrash server delay = ghcConversation server $ \RpcConversation{..} ->
  put (ReqCrash delay)

-- | Handshake with the server
rpcInit :: GhcServer -> GhcInitRequest -> IO GhcInitResponse
rpcInit = ghcRpc


ghcConversation :: GhcServer -> (RpcConversation -> IO a) -> IO a
ghcConversation (OutProcess server) = rpcConversation server
ghcConversation (InProcess conv _)  = ($ conv)

ghcRpc :: (Typeable req, Typeable resp, Binary req, Binary resp)
       => GhcServer -> req -> IO resp
ghcRpc (OutProcess server) = rpc server
ghcRpc (InProcess _ _)     = error "ghcRpc not implemented for in-process server"

ignoreIOExceptions :: IO () -> IO ()
ignoreIOExceptions = let handler :: Ex.IOException -> IO ()
                         handler _ = return ()
                     in Ex.handle handler