ide-backend =========== [![Build Status](]( In order to use this package, you must have the `ide-backend`, `ide-backend-server`, and `ide-backend-rts` packages installed. Hello World ----------- The following simple example demonstrates basic usage of ide-backend. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import IdeSession main :: IO () main = do -- Initialization and providing some code sess <- initSession defaultSessionInitParams defaultSessionConfig let upd = updateSourceFile "Main.hs" "main = putStrLn \"Hello World\"" <> updateCodeGeneration True <> updateGhcOpts ["-Wall"] updateSession sess upd print -- print is used for progress updates -- Print errors and warnings errs <- getSourceErrors sess mapM_ print errs -- Run the code ra <- runStmt sess "Main" "main" let loop = do res <- runWait ra case res of Left bs -> S8.putStr bs >> loop Right rr -> putStrLn $ "Run result: " ++ show rr loop -- Get some type information expTypes <- getExpTypes sess print $ expTypes "Main" SourceSpan { spanFilePath = "Main.hs" , spanFromLine = 1 , spanFromColumn = 8 , spanToLine = 1 , spanToColumn = 9 } -- Autocompletion autoCompletion <- getAutocompletion sess print $ autoCompletion "Main" "putS" ``` Sample output for this run: ``` [1 of 1] Compiling Main SourceError {errorKind = KindWarning, errorSpan = Main.hs@1:1-1:30, errorMsg = "Top-level binding with no type signature: main :: IO ()"} Hello World Run result: RunOk [(Main.hs@1:8-1:16,"String -> IO ()"),(Main.hs@1:8-1:30,"IO ()")] [putStr (VarName) defined in base- at (home base- (imported from base- at Main.hs@1:1-1:1),putStrLn (VarName) :: String -> IO () defined in base- at (home base- (imported from base- at Main.hs@1:1-1:1)] ``` Versions and releases --------------------- The ide-backend component now uses versioned releases (following the normal package version policy). While we do not make tarballs, we will always tag versions. Please *only* use tagged versions and not intermediate git hashes. Instead, please request new tagged releases (either from head or based on old versions). Please consult the changelog below when integrating a new version of ide-backend. The changelog is the place where we will point out: * new features; * interface changes; * and other relevant information such as which areas may need particular attention and testing during integration.