module TestSuite.Tests.Packages (testGroupPackages) where import Prelude hiding (span, mod) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import System.Exit import System.Process import System.FilePath import Test.Tasty import Test.HUnit import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L (unlines) import qualified Data.Text as T import IdeSession import TestSuite.State import TestSuite.Session import TestSuite.Assertions testGroupPackages :: TestSuiteEnv -> TestTree testGroupPackages env = testGroup "Packages" $ [ stdTest env "Package dependencies" test_PackageDependencies , stdTest env "Register a package, don't restart session, don't see the package" test_Register_NoRestart , stdTest env "Register a package, restart session, see the package and check for cabal macros" test_Register_Restart , stdTest env "Make sure package DB is passed to ghc (configGenerateModInfo False)" test_PackageDB_ModInfoFalse , stdTest env "Make sure package DB is passed to ghc (configGenerateModInfo True)" test_PackageDB_ModInfoTrue , stdTest env "Make sure package DB is passed to ghc after restartSession" test_PackageDB_AfterRestart , stdTest env "Module name visible from 2 packages --- picked from mtl (expected failure)" test_ModuleIn2Pkgs_2 , stdTest env "Hiding and unhiding a package (#185-2)" test_HideUnhide , stdTest env "Unhiding and hiding a package (#185-3; converse of #185-2)" test_UnhideHide , stdTest env "Trusting and distrusting packages (#185-4)" test_TrustDistrust , stdTest env "Using something from a different package (no \"Loading package\" msg)" test_UseFromDifferentPackage ] ++ docTests env [ stdTest env "Consistency of multiple modules of the same name" test_Consistency , withOK env "Consistency of multiple modules of the same name: PackageImports" test_Consistency_PackageImports , stdTest env "Module name visible from 2 packages --- picked from monads-tf" test_ModuleIn2Pkgs_1 ] test_PackageDependencies :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_PackageDependencies env = withAvailableSession' env (withGhcOpts ["-hide-package monads-tf"]) $ \session -> do updateSessionD session upd 3 assertNoErrors session deps <- getPkgDeps session assertEqual "" (ignoreVersions "Just [base-,ghc-prim-,integer-gmp-]") (ignoreVersions $ show (deps "A")) assertEqual "" (ignoreVersions "Just [parallel-,base-,ghc-prim-,integer-gmp-]") (ignoreVersions $ show (deps "B")) assertEqual "" (ignoreVersions "Just [mtl-2.1.2,base-,ghc-prim-,integer-gmp-,transformers-]") (ignoreVersions $ show (deps "C")) where upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module A where" ]) <> (updateSourceFile "B.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module B where" , "import Control.Parallel" ]) <> (updateSourceFile "C.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module C where" , "import Control.Monad.Cont" -- from mtl ]) test_Register_NoRestart :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_Register_NoRestart env = withAvailableSession env $ \session -> do -- Session is started successfully, because we haven't referenced the -- package yet. withInstalledPackage env "TestSuite/inputs/simple-lib17" $ do -- Package is now installed, but the session not restarted, so we cannot -- reference the new package updateSessionD session upd 1 assertSomeErrors session where upd = updateGhcOpts ["-package simple-lib17"] <> (updateSourceFile "Main.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module Main where" , "import SimpleLib (simpleLib)" , "main = print simpleLib" ]) test_Register_Restart :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_Register_Restart env = withAvailableSession env $ \session -> do -- Session is started successfully, because we haven't referenced the -- package yet. withInstalledPackage env "TestSuite/inputs/simple-lib17" $ do -- After restarting the session the new package should be visible restartSession session updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session ifTestingExe env $ do let m = "Main" upd2 = buildExe [] [(T.pack m, "Main.hs")] updateSessionD session upd2 2 distDir <- getDistDir session out <- readProcess (distDir "build" m m) [] [] assertEqual "DB exe output" "42\n" out runActionsExe <- runExe session m (outExe, statusExe) <- runWaitAll runActionsExe assertEqual "Output from runExe" "42\n" outExe assertEqual "after runExe" ExitSuccess statusExe where upd = updateGhcOpts ["-package simple-lib17", "-XCPP"] <> (updateSourceFile "Main.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module Main where" , "import SimpleLib (simpleLib)" , "#if MIN_VERSION_simple_lib17(0,1,0)" , "main = print simpleLib" , "#else" , "terrible error" , "#endif" ]) test_PackageDB_ModInfoFalse :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_PackageDB_ModInfoFalse env = withAvailableSession' env setup $ \session -> do -- We expect an error because 'ide-backend-rts' and/or 'parallel' -- are not (usually?) installed in the global package DB. updateSessionD session upd 1 assertSourceErrors session [[ (Nothing, expected1) , (Nothing, expected2) ]] where packageOpts = ["-package parallel"] setup = withModInfo True . withDBStack [GlobalPackageDB] . withGhcOpts packageOpts upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module A where" , "import Control.Parallel" ]) expected1 = "cannot satisfy -package ide-backend-rts" expected2 = "cannot satisfy -package parallel" test_PackageDB_ModInfoTrue :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_PackageDB_ModInfoTrue env = withAvailableSession' env setup $ \session -> do -- We expect an error because 'ide-backend-rts' and/or 'parallel' -- are not (usually?) installed in the global package DB. updateSessionD session upd 1 assertSourceErrors session [[ (Nothing, expected1) , (Nothing, expected2) ]] where packageOpts = ["-package parallel"] setup = withModInfo True . withDBStack [GlobalPackageDB] . withGhcOpts packageOpts upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module A where" , "import Control.Parallel" ]) expected1 = "cannot satisfy -package ide-backend-rts" expected2 = ": cannot satisfy -package parallel" test_PackageDB_AfterRestart :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_PackageDB_AfterRestart env = withAvailableSession' env setup $ \session -> do restartSession session -- We expect an error because 'ide-backend-rts' and/or 'parallel' -- are not (usually?) installed in the global package DB. updateSessionD session upd 1 assertSourceErrors session [[ (Nothing, expected1) , (Nothing, expected2) ]] where packageOpts = ["-package parallel"] setup = withModInfo True . withDBStack [GlobalPackageDB] . withGhcOpts packageOpts upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module A where" , "import Control.Parallel" ]) expected1 = "cannot satisfy -package ide-backend-rts" expected2 = ": cannot satisfy -package parallel" {- 18:45 < mikolaj> from 18:45 < mikolaj> It is possible that by using packages you might end up with a program that contains two modules with the same name: perhaps you used a package P that has a hidden module M, and there is also a module M in your program. Or perhaps the dependencies of packages that you used contain some overlapping modules. Perhaps the program even contains multiple versions of a certain package, due to dependencies from other packages. 18:45 < mikolaj> None of these scenarios gives rise to an error on its own[8], but they may have some interesting consequences. For instance, if you have a type M.T from version 1 of package P, then this is not the same as the type M.T from version 2 of package P, and GHC will report an error if you try to use one where the other is expected. 18:46 < mikolaj> so it seems it's unspecified which module will be used --- it just happens that our idInfo code picks a different package than GHC API in this case -} test_Consistency :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_Consistency env = withAvailableSession env $ \sess -> do let cb = \_ -> return () update = flip (updateSession sess) cb updMod = \mod code -> updateSourceFile mod (L.fromString code) update $ updMod "Control/Parallel.hs" $ unlines [ "module Control.Parallel where" , "" , "import Bar" , "" , "foo = bar >> bar" , "" , "foobar = putStrLn \"Baz\"" ] update $ updMod "Bar.hs" $ unlines [ "module Bar where" , "" , "bar = putStrLn \"Hello, world!\"" ] update $ updMod "Baz.hs" $ unlines [ "module Baz where" , "" , "import Control.Parallel" , "import Bar" , "" , "baz = foobar" ] assertNoErrors sess assertIdInfo sess "Bar" (3, 7, 3, 15) "putStrLn" VarName "String -> IO ()" "base-" "" "base-" "imported from base- at Bar.hs@1:8-1:11" -- w fail: assertIdInfo gif "Baz" (6, 8, 6, 9) "foobar" VarName "IO ()" "main:Control.Parallel" "Control/Parallel.hs@7:1-7:7" "" "imported from main:Control.Parallel at Baz.hs@3:1-3:24" update $ updMod "Baz.hs" $ unlines [ "module Baz where" , "" , "import Control.Parallel" , "import Bar" , "" , "baz = foobar >>>> foo >> bar" ] assertOneError sess _ <- getSpanInfo sess -- TODO: Is this call useful? assertIdInfo sess "Bar" (3, 7, 3, 15) "putStrLn" VarName "String -> IO ()" "base-" "" "base-" "imported from base- at Bar.hs@1:8-1:11" -- Baz is broken at this point update $ updMod "Baz.hs" $ unlines [ "module Baz where" , "" , "import Control.Parallel" , "import Bar" , "" , "baz = foobar >> foo >> bar" ] assertNoErrors sess assertIdInfo sess "Bar" (3, 7, 3, 15) "putStrLn" VarName "String -> IO ()" "base-" "" "base-" "imported from base- at Bar.hs@1:8-1:11" -- would fail: assertIdInfo gif "Baz" (6, 8, 6, 9) "foobar" VarName "IO ()" "main:Control.Parallel" "Control/Parallel.hs@7:1-7:7" "" "imported from main:Control/Parallel at Baz.hs@3:1-3:24" test_Consistency_PackageImports :: TestSuiteEnv -> IO String test_Consistency_PackageImports env = withAvailableSession env $ \sess -> do let cb = \_ -> return () update = flip (updateSession sess) cb updMod = \mod code -> updateSourceFile mod (L.fromString code) update $ updMod "Control/Parallel.hs" $ unlines [ "module Control.Parallel where" , "" , "import Bar" , "" , "foo = bar >> bar" , "" , "par = putStrLn \"Baz\"" ] update $ updMod "Bar.hs" $ unlines [ "module Bar where" , "" , "bar = putStrLn \"Hello, world!\"" ] update $ updMod "Baz.hs" $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}" , "module Baz where" , "" , "import \"parallel\" Control.Parallel" , "import Bar" , "" , "baz = par" ] assertNoErrors sess assertIdInfo sess "Bar" (3, 7, 3, 15) "putStrLn" VarName "String -> IO ()" "base-" "" "base-" "imported from base- at Bar.hs@1:8-1:11" fixme sess "#254" $ assertIdInfo sess "Baz" (7, 7, 7, 10) "par" VarName "a1 -> b1 -> b1" "parallel-X.Y.Z:Control.Parallel" "" "parallel-X.Y.Z:Control.Parallel" "imported from parallel-X.Y.Z:Control.Parallel at Baz.hs@4:1-4:35" test_ModuleIn2Pkgs_1 :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_ModuleIn2Pkgs_1 env = withAvailableSession' env (withGhcOpts packageOpts) $ \session -> do updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session imports <- getImports session let base mod = ModuleId { moduleName = T.pack mod , modulePackage = PackageId { packageName = "base" , packageVersion = Just "X.Y.Z" , packageKey = "base" -- ignoreVersions sets key == name } } monads_tf mod = ModuleId { moduleName = T.pack mod , modulePackage = PackageId { packageName = "monads-tf" , packageVersion = Just "X.Y.Z" , packageKey = "monads-tf" } } assertSameSet "imports: " (ignoreVersions . fromJust . imports $ "A") $ [ Import { importModule = base "Prelude" , importPackage = Nothing , importQualified = False , importImplicit = True , importAs = Nothing , importEntities = ImportAll } , Import { importModule = monads_tf "Control.Monad.Cont" , importPackage = Just "monads-tf" , importQualified = False , importImplicit = False , importAs = Nothing , importEntities = ImportAll } ] -- FIXME: We expect the scope "imported from monads-tf-X.Y.Z:Control.Monad.Cont at A.hs@3:1-3:38" -- but we cannot guarantee it (#95) -- assertIdInfo' session "A" (4,5,4,12) (4,5,4,12) "runCont" VarName (allVersions "Cont r1 a1 -> (a1 -> r1) -> r1") (allVersions "transformers-X.Y.Z:Control.Monad.Trans.Cont") (allVersions "") (allVersions "monads-tf-X.Y.Z:Control.Monad.Cont") [] where packageOpts = [ "-hide-all-packages" , "-package base" , "-package monads-tf" , "-package mtl" ] upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}" , "module A where" , "import \"monads-tf\" Control.Monad.Cont" , "f = runCont" ]) test_ModuleIn2Pkgs_2 :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_ModuleIn2Pkgs_2 env = withAvailableSession' env (withGhcOpts packageOpts) $ \session -> do updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session imports <- getImports session let base mod = ModuleId { moduleName = T.pack mod , modulePackage = PackageId { packageName = "base" , packageVersion = Just "X.Y.Z" , packageKey = "base" -- ignoreVersions sets key == name } } mtl mod = ModuleId { moduleName = T.pack mod , modulePackage = PackageId { packageName = "mtl" , packageVersion = Just "X.Y.Z" , packageKey = "mtl" } } assertSameSet "imports: " (ignoreVersions . fromJust . imports $ "A") $ [ Import { importModule = base "Prelude" , importPackage = Nothing , importQualified = False , importImplicit = True , importAs = Nothing , importEntities = ImportAll } , Import { importModule = mtl "Control.Monad.Cont" , importPackage = Just "mtl" , importQualified = False , importImplicit = False , importAs = Nothing , importEntities = ImportAll } ] -- FIXME: We expect the scope "imported from mtl-X.Y.Z:Control.Monad.Cont at A.hs@3:1-3:38" -- but we cannot guarantee it (#95) -- assertIdInfo' session "A" (4,5,4,12) (4,5,4,12) "runCont" VarName (allVersions "Cont r1 a1 -> (a1 -> r1) -> r1") (allVersions "transformers-X.Y.Z:Control.Monad.Trans.Cont") (allVersions "") (allVersions "mtl-X.Y.Z:Control.Monad.Cont") [] where packageOpts = [ "-hide-all-packages" , "-package base" , "-package monads-tf" , "-package mtl" ] upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}" , "module A where" , "import \"mtl\" Control.Monad.Cont" , "f = runCont" ]) -- We want to test that: -- -- 1. The package flags work at all -- 2. Transitions -- 3. Statelessness of updateGhcOpts test_HideUnhide :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_HideUnhide env = withAvailableSession env $ \session -> do let runCode = do runActions <- runStmt session "A" "test" (output, result) <- runWaitAll runActions assertEqual "" RunOk result assertEqual "" "9\n" output -- First, check that we can import stuff from the unix package do let upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" $ L.unlines [ "module A (test) where" , "import System.Posix" , "test :: IO ()" , "test = print sigKILL" ]) <> (updateCodeGeneration True) updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode -- Hide the package do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-hide-package unix"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- Reveal the package again with an explicit flag do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-package unix"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode -- Hide once more do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-hide-package unix"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- Reveal it again by using the default package flags -- (statelessness of updateGhcOpts) do let upd = updateGhcOpts [] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode test_UnhideHide :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_UnhideHide env = withAvailableSession env $ \session -> do let runCode = do runActions <- runStmt session "A" "test" (output, result) <- runWaitAll runActions assertEqual "" RunOk result case testSuiteEnvGhcVersion env of GHC_7_4 -> assertEqual "" "7.4.\n" output GHC_7_8 -> assertEqual "" "7.8.\n" output GHC_7_10 -> assertEqual "" "7.10\n" output -- First, check that we cannot import from the ghc package do let upd = (updateSourceFile "A.hs" $ L.unlines [ "module A (test) where" , "import Config" , "test :: IO ()" , "test = putStrLn (take 4 cProjectVersion)" ]) <> (updateCodeGeneration True) updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- Reveal the package with an explicit flag do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-package ghc"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode -- Hide the package do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-hide-package ghc"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- Reveal once more do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-package ghc"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode -- Hide it again by using the default package flags -- (statelessness of updateGhcOpts) do let upd = updateGhcOpts [] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session test_TrustDistrust :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_TrustDistrust env = withAvailableSession env $ \session -> do let runCode = do runActions <- runStmt session "A" "test" (output, result) <- runWaitAll runActions assertEqual "" RunOk result assertEqual "" "Hello\n" output -- First, check that base is untrusted do let upd = (updateGhcOpts ["-XSafe", "-fpackage-trust"]) <> (updateSourceFile "A.hs" $ L.unlines [ "module A (test) where" , "test :: IO ()" , "test = putStrLn \"Hello\"" ]) <> (updateCodeGeneration True) updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- Trust base do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-XSafe", "-fpackage-trust", "-trust base"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode -- Untrust it do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-XSafe", "-fpackage-trust", "-distrust base"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- Trust it once more do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-XSafe", "-fpackage-trust", "-trust base"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runCode -- Untrust it again by using the default package flags -- (statelessness of updateGhcOpts) do let upd = updateGhcOpts ["-XSafe", "-fpackage-trust"] updateSessionD session upd 1 assertOneError session -- We pick something from the haskell platform but that doesn't come with ghc itself -- test_UseFromDifferentPackage :: TestSuiteEnv -> Assertion test_UseFromDifferentPackage env = withAvailableSession env $ \session -> do updateSessionD session upd 1 assertNoErrors session runActions <- runStmt session "M" "hello" (output, result) <- runWaitAll runActions assertEqual "" RunOk result assertEqual "" "5\n" output where upd = (updateCodeGeneration True) <> (updateSourceFile "M.hs" . L.unlines $ [ "module M where" , "import Control.Monad.IO.Class" -- From transformers , "hello :: IO ()" , "hello = liftIO $ print 5" ])