-- Copyright 2016, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the
-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)
-- Main module for feedback services

module Ideas.Main.Default
   ( defaultMain, defaultMainWith, defaultCGI
     -- extra exports
   , serviceList, metaServiceList, Service
   , module Ideas.Service.DomainReasoner
   ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Ideas.Encoding.ModeJSON (processJSON)
import Ideas.Encoding.ModeXML (processXML)
import Ideas.Encoding.Options (Options, maxTime, optionCgiBin)
import Ideas.Encoding.Request
import Ideas.Main.CmdLineOptions hiding (fullVersion)
import Ideas.Service.DomainReasoner
import Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Analysis
import Ideas.Service.ServiceList
import Ideas.Service.Types (Service)
import Ideas.Utils.BlackBoxTests
import Ideas.Utils.TestSuite
import Network.CGI
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorString)
import qualified Ideas.Encoding.Logging as Log
import qualified Ideas.Main.CmdLineOptions as Options

defaultMain :: DomainReasoner -> IO ()
defaultMain = defaultMainWith mempty

defaultMainWith :: Options -> DomainReasoner -> IO ()
defaultMainWith options dr = do
   cmdLineOptions <- getCmdLineOptions
   if null cmdLineOptions
      then defaultCGI options dr
      else defaultCommandLine options (addVersion dr) cmdLineOptions

-- Invoked as a cgi binary
defaultCGI :: Options -> DomainReasoner -> IO ()
defaultCGI options dr = runCGI $ handleErrors $ do
   -- create a record for logging
   logRef  <- liftIO Log.newLogRef
   -- query environment
   addr    <- remoteAddr       -- the IP address of the remote host
   cgiBin  <- scriptName       -- get name of binary
   input   <- inputOrDefault
   -- process request
   (req, txt, ctp) <- liftIO $
      process (options <> optionCgiBin cgiBin) dr logRef input
   -- log request to database
   when (useLogging req) $ liftIO $ do
      Log.changeLog logRef $ \r -> Log.addRequest req r
         { Log.ipaddress = addr
         , Log.version   = shortVersion
         , Log.input     = input
         , Log.output    = txt
      Log.logRecord (getSchema req) logRef

   -- write header and output
   setHeader "Content-type" ctp
   -- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) prevents browser warnings
   -- about cross-site scripting
   setHeader "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
   output txt

inputOrDefault :: CGI String
inputOrDefault = do
   inHtml <- acceptsHTML
   ms     <- getInput "input" -- read variable 'input'
   case ms of
      Just s -> return s
         | inHtml    -> return defaultBrowser
         | otherwise -> fail "environment variable 'input' is empty"
   -- Invoked from browser
   defaultBrowser :: String
   defaultBrowser = "<request service='index' encoding='html'/>"

   acceptsHTML :: CGI Bool
   acceptsHTML = do
      maybeAcceptCT <- requestAccept
      let htmlCT = ContentType "text" "html" []
          xs = negotiate [htmlCT] maybeAcceptCT
      return (isJust maybeAcceptCT && not (null xs))

-- Invoked from command-line with flags
defaultCommandLine :: Options -> DomainReasoner -> [CmdLineOption] -> IO ()
defaultCommandLine options dr cmdLineOptions = do
   hSetBinaryMode stdout True
   mapM_ doAction cmdLineOptions
   doAction cmdLineOption =
      case cmdLineOption of
         -- information
         Version -> putStrLn ("IDEAS, " ++ versionText)
         Help    -> putStrLn helpText
         -- process input file
         InputFile file ->
            withBinaryFile file ReadMode $ \h -> do
               logRef <- liftIO Log.newLogRef
               input  <- hGetContents h
               (req, txt, _) <- process options dr logRef input
               putStrLn txt
               when (PrintLog `elem` cmdLineOptions) $ do
                  Log.changeLog logRef $ \r -> Log.addRequest req r
                     { Log.ipaddress = "command-line"
                     , Log.version   = shortVersion
                     , Log.input     = input
                     , Log.output    = txt
                  Log.printLog logRef
         -- blackbox tests
         Test dir -> do
            tests  <- blackBoxTests (makeTestRunner dr) ["xml", "json"] dir
            result <- runTestSuiteResult True tests
            printSummary result
         -- feedback scripts
         MakeScriptFor s    -> makeScriptFor dr s
         AnalyzeScript file -> parseAndAnalyzeScript dr file
         PrintLog           -> return ()

process :: Options -> DomainReasoner -> Log.LogRef -> String -> IO (Request, String, String)
process options dr logRef input = do
   format <- discoverDataFormat input
   run format options {maxTime = Just 5} (addVersion dr) logRef input
 `catch` \ioe -> do
   let msg = "Error: " ++ ioeGetErrorString ioe
   Log.changeLog logRef (\r -> r { Log.errormsg = msg })
   return (mempty, msg, "text/plain")
   run XML  = processXML
   run JSON = processJSON

makeTestRunner :: DomainReasoner -> String -> IO String
makeTestRunner dr input = do
   (_, out, _) <- process mempty dr Log.noLogRef input
   return out

addVersion :: DomainReasoner -> DomainReasoner
addVersion dr = dr
   { version     = update version Options.shortVersion
   , fullVersion = update fullVersion Options.fullVersion
   update f s = if null (f dr) then s else f dr