name: ideas-math-types version: 1.1 synopsis: Common types for mathematical domain reasoners homepage: description: This package provides common datatypes and utility functions for mathematical domain reasoners that are based on the 'ideas' software package. The package is currently used by our logic tutors (dnf/cnf normal forms, equational proofs, axiomatic proofs, inductive proofs), the statistics tutor that provides feedback on the structure of hypothesis tests, and the analyzers of the Advise-Me project. Contact the package maintainers for further information about the package. category: Education copyright: (c) 2019 license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE.txt author: Bastiaan Heeren, Alex Gerdes, Johan Jeuring, Josje Lodder maintainer: stability: provisional extra-source-files: NOTICE.txt, CHANGELOG.txt build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 tested-with: GHC == 7.10.3, GHC == 8.6.5 source-repository head type: svn location: library ghc-options: -Wall hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base >=4.8 && <5, ideas >=1.6, QuickCheck >=2.8, containers, parsec if !impl(ghc >= 8.0) Build-Depends: semigroups == 0.18.* exposed-modules: Domain.Algebra.Boolean Domain.Algebra.BooleanLaws Domain.Algebra.Field Domain.Algebra.FieldLaws Domain.Algebra.Group Domain.Algebra.GroupLaws Domain.Algebra.Law Domain.Algebra.SmartGroup Domain.Logic.Formula Domain.Logic.Generator Domain.Logic.Views Domain.Math.Data.WithBool Domain.Math.Data.SquareRoot Domain.Math.Data.Relation Domain.Math.Data.Primes Domain.Math.Data.PrimeFactors Domain.Math.Data.Polynomial Domain.Math.Data.OrList Domain.Math.Data.MixedFraction Domain.Math.Data.Interval Domain.Math.Data.DecimalFraction Domain.Math.Expr Domain.Math.Expr.Clipboard Domain.Math.Expr.Data Domain.Math.Expr.Parser Domain.Math.Expr.Symbols Domain.Math.Expr.Views Domain.Math.Numeric.Views Domain.Math.Safe