module Text.IDNA (acePrefix, toASCII, toUnicode)
import Text.StringPrep
import Text.NamePrep
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Punycode as Puny
import Data.Text.Encoding as E
acePrefix :: Text
acePrefix = "xn--"
toASCII :: Bool
-> Bool
-> Text
-> Maybe Text
toASCII allowUnassigned useSTD3ASCIIRules t = do
step2 <- if Text.any (>'\x7f') t
then runStringPrep (namePrepProfile allowUnassigned) t
else return t
step3 <- if (useSTD3ASCIIRules && (Text.any isLDHascii step2 || Text.head step2 == '-' || Text.last step2 == '-'))
then Nothing
else return step2
step7 <- if (Text.any (>'\x7f') step2)
then if acePrefix `Text.isPrefixOf` step3
then Nothing
else case return (Puny.encode step3) of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right t -> return $ acePrefix `Text.append` E.decodeUtf8 t
else return step3
if Text.length step7 <= 63
then return step7
else Nothing
isLDHascii c =
'\x0' <= c && c <= '\x2c' ||
'\x2e' <= c && c <= '\x2f' ||
'\x3a' <= c && c <= '\x40' ||
'\x5b' <= c && c <= '\x60' ||
'\x7b' <= c && c <= '\x7f'
toUnicode :: Bool
-> Bool
-> Text
-> Text
toUnicode allowUnassigned useSTD3ASCIIRules t = mergeEither $ do
step2 <- if Text.any (>'\x7f') t
then case runStringPrep (namePrepProfile allowUnassigned) t of
Nothing -> Left t
Just t' -> return t'
else return t
step3 <- if not $ acePrefix `Text.isPrefixOf` step2
then Left step2
else return step2
let step4 = Text.drop (Text.length acePrefix) step3
step5 <- case Puny.decode $ E.encodeUtf8 step4 of
Left _ -> Left step3
Right s -> return s
case toASCII allowUnassigned useSTD3ASCIIRules step5 of
Nothing -> return step3
Just t -> if t == step3
then return step5
else return step3
mergeEither :: Either a a -> a
mergeEither (Left x) = x
mergeEither (Right y) = y
tests :: [Text]
tests = ["Bücher","tūdaliņ"]