include "list.idr"; -- FAny is to allow C functions to build up Idris data -- types. Obviously this needs care... data FType = FUnit | FInt | FStr | FPtr | FFloat | FAny Set | FIntP (Int -> Bool); i_ftype : FType -> Set; i_ftype FInt = Int; i_ftype FStr = String; i_ftype FPtr = Ptr; i_ftype FFloat = Float; i_ftype FUnit = (); i_ftype (FAny ty) = ty; i_ftype (FIntP p) = (x : Int ** so (p x)); data ForeignFun = FFun String (List FType) FType; f_retType : ForeignFun -> FType; f_retType (FFun nm args ret) = ret; f_args : ForeignFun -> (List FType); f_args (FFun nm args ret) = args; f_name : ForeignFun -> String; f_name (FFun nm args ret) = nm; data FArgList : (List FType) -> Set where fNil : FArgList Nil | fCons : {x:FType} -> (fx:i_ftype x) -> (fxs:FArgList xs) -> (FArgList (Cons x xs)); fapp : {xs,ys:List FType} -> (FArgList xs) -> (FArgList ys) -> (FArgList (app xs ys)); fapp fNil fxs = fxs; fapp (fCons fx fxs) fys = fCons fx (fapp fxs fys); namespace IO { data IO : Set -> Set; data Command : Set where PutStr : String -> Command | GetStr : Command | Fork : {A:Set} -> A -> Command | NewLock : Int -> Command | DoLock : Lock -> Command | DoUnlock : Lock -> Command | NewRef : Command | ReadRef : Set -> Int -> Command | WriteRef : {A:Set} -> Int -> A -> Command | While : (IO Bool) -> (IO ()) -> Command | WhileAcc : {A:Set} -> (IO Bool) -> A -> (A -> IO A) -> Command | Within : Int -> (IO A) -> (IO A) -> Command | IOLift : {A:Set} -> (IO A) -> Command | Foreign : (f:ForeignFun) -> (args:FArgList (f_args f)) -> Command; Response : Command -> Set; Response (PutStr s) = (); Response GetStr = String; Response (Fork proc) = (); Response (NewLock i) = Lock; Response (DoLock l) = (); Response (DoUnlock l) = (); Response NewRef = Int; Response (ReadRef A i) = A; Response (WriteRef i val) = (); Response (While _ body) = (); Response (WhileAcc {A} _ acc body) = A; Response (Within {A} time body failure) = A; Response (IOLift {A} f) = A; Response (Foreign t args) = i_ftype (f_retType t); data IO : Set -> Set where IOReturn : A -> (IO A) | IODo : (c:Command) -> ((Response c) -> (IO A)) -> (IO A); data IORef A = MkIORef Int; bind : (IO a) -> (a -> (IO b)) -> (IO b); bind (IOReturn a) k = k a; -- bind (IODo (IOLift {A} c) p) k = bind (bind c p) k; bind (IODo c p) k = IODo c (\y => (bind (p y) k)); -- bind (IOError str) k = IOError str; ret : a -> IO a; ret x = IOReturn x; } kbind : (IO a) -> (a -> b) -> (IO b); kbind (IOReturn a) k = IOReturn (k a); kbind (IODo c p) k = IODo c (\x => (kbind (p x) k)); while : |(test:IO Bool) -> |(body: IO ()) -> IO (); while t body = IODo (While t body) (\a => (IOReturn II)); while_accTR : Bool -> |(test:IO Bool) -> acc -> |(body: acc -> IO acc) -> IO acc; while_acc : |(test:IO Bool) -> acc -> |(body: acc -> IO acc) -> IO acc; {- while_acc test acc body = do { test' <- test; while_accTR test' test acc body; }; while_accTR True test acc body = do { acc' <- body acc; test' <- test; while_accTR test' test acc' body; }; while_accTR False test acc body = return acc; -} while_acc test acc body = IODo (WhileAcc test acc body) (\a => (IOReturn a)); {- ioReturn : a -> (IO a); ioReturn x = IOReturn x; -} apply : IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b; apply {a} {b} fn arg = do { f : (a->b) <- fn; -- grr x <- arg; return (f x); }; data IOException = IOExcept String; data IOe : Set -> Set where IOK : (IO A) -> (IOe A) | IOError : String -> (IOe A); {- catch : (IOe A) -> (IOException -> (IO A)) -> (IO A); catch (IOK action) = action; catch (IOError str) handler = handler (IOExcept str); -} -- No code for this - only works in compiled code, certainly shouldn't -- be evaluted in pure code! unsafePerformIO : (IO A) -> A; -- get the rts representation of a value unsafeNative : A -> Ptr; putStr : String -> (IO ()); putStr str = IODo (PutStr str) (\a => (IOReturn a)); getStr : IO String; getStr = IODo GetStr (\b => (IOReturn b)); getInt : IO Int; getInt = do { inp <- getStr; let val = __toInt inp; return val; }; putStrLn : String -> (IO ()); putStrLn str = do { putStr str; putStr "\n"; }; fork : |(proc:IO ()) -> (IO ()); fork proc = IODo (Fork proc) (\a => (IOReturn a)); newLock : Int -> (IO Lock); newLock i = IODo (NewLock i) (\l => (IOReturn l)); lock : Lock -> (IO ()); lock l = IODo (DoLock l) (\a => (IOReturn a)); unlock : Lock -> (IO ()); unlock l = IODo (DoUnlock l) (\a => (IOReturn a)); -- Perform an action within "time" milliseconds, execute failure -- routine if it doesn't complete within : Int -> |(action : IO a) -> |(failure : IO a) -> IO a; within time act fail = IODo (Within time act fail) (\a => (IOReturn a)); newIORefPrim : IO Int; newIORefPrim = IODo (NewRef) (\i => (IOReturn i)); readIORefPrim : Int -> (IO A); readIORefPrim {A} i = IODo (ReadRef A i) (\a => (IOReturn a)); writeIORefPrim : Int -> A -> (IO ()); writeIORefPrim {A} i val = IODo (WriteRef {A} i val) (\a => (IOReturn a)); newIORef : A -> (IO (IORef A)); newIORef val = do { i <- newIORefPrim; writeIORefPrim i val; return (MkIORef i); }; readIORef : (IORef A) -> (IO A); readIORef (MkIORef i) = readIORefPrim i; writeIORef : (IORef A) -> A -> (IO ()); writeIORef (MkIORef i) val = writeIORefPrim i val; mkFType' : (List FType) -> FType -> Set ; [%nocg] mkFType' Nil rt = IO (i_ftype rt); mkFType' (Cons t ts) rt = (i_ftype t) -> (mkFType' ts rt); mkFType : ForeignFun -> Set ; [%nocg] mkFType (FFun fn args rt) = mkFType' args rt; mkFDef : String -> (ts:List FType) -> (xs:List FType) -> (FArgList xs) -> (rt:FType) -> (mkFType' ts rt) ; [%nocg] mkFDef nm Nil accA fs rt = IODo (Foreign (FFun nm accA rt) fs) (\a => (IOReturn a)); mkFDef nm (Cons t ts) accA fs rt = \x:i_ftype t => mkFDef nm ts (app accA (Cons t Nil)) (fapp fs (fCons x fNil)) rt; mkForeign : (f:ForeignFun) -> (mkFType f) ; [%nocg] mkForeign (FFun fn args rt) = mkFDef fn args Nil fNil rt; _isNull = mkForeign (FFun "isNull" (Cons FPtr Nil) FInt); [%eval] isNull : Ptr -> Bool; isNull ptr = if_then_else ((unsafePerformIO (_isNull ptr))==0) False True; data File = FHandle Ptr; _fopen = mkForeign (FFun "fileOpen" (Cons FStr (Cons FStr Nil)) FPtr); [%eval] _fclose = mkForeign (FFun "fileClose" (Cons FPtr Nil) FUnit); [%eval] _fread = mkForeign (FFun "freadStr" (Cons FPtr Nil) (FAny String)); [%eval] _fwrite = mkForeign (FFun "fputStr" (Cons FPtr (Cons FStr Nil)) FUnit); [%eval] _feof = mkForeign (FFun "feof" (Cons FPtr Nil) FInt); [%eval] gc_details = mkForeign (FFun "epicMemInfo" Nil FUnit); [%eval] gc_collect = mkForeign (FFun "epicGC" Nil FUnit); [%eval] validFile : File -> Bool; validFile (FHandle p) = not (isNull p); fopen : String -> String -> IO File; fopen str mode = do { ho <- _fopen str mode; return (FHandle ho); }; fclose : File -> IO (); fclose (FHandle h) = _fclose h; fread : File -> IO String; fread (FHandle hn) = _fread hn; fwrite : File -> String -> IO (); fwrite (FHandle h) str = _fwrite h str; feof : File -> IO Bool; feof (FHandle h) = do { eof <- _feof h; return (not (eof==0)); }; sequence : (List (IO a)) -> (IO (List a)); sequence Nil = return Nil; sequence (Cons x xs) = do { a <- x; as <- sequence xs; return (Cons a as); }; sleep = mkForeign (FFun "sleep" (Cons FInt Nil) FUnit); [%eval] -- Return time in microseconds since some unspecified starting point utime = mkForeign (FFun "do_utime" Nil FInt); [%eval]