||| Derive implementations of decidable equality. module Pruviloj.Derive.DecEq import Data.Fin import Data.Vect import Language.Reflection.Utils import Pruviloj.Core import Pruviloj.Renamers import Pruviloj.Internals import Pruviloj.Derive.Eliminators import Pruviloj.Disjoint import Pruviloj.Induction import Pruviloj.Injective %default total %access private covering noCase : TTName -> Elab () noCase contra = do [_, nope] <- apply (Var `{No}) [True, False] | _ => fail [TextPart "Bad holes from", NamePart `{Tactics.apply}] solve focus nope -- Construct a lambda binding an assumption from which we can -- derive the contradiction h <- gensym "h" inj <- gensym "inj" attack intro h injective (Var h) inj unproduct (Var inj) ignore $ refine (Var contra) `andThen` hypothesis solve -- attack partial -- TODO make covering/total matchCase : List Raw -> Elab () matchCase [] = search matchCase (tm :: tms) = do (y :: n :: _) <- induction tm focus n; compute contra <- gensym "contra" attack; intro contra noCase contra; solve focus y; compute prf <- gensym "prf" attack; intro prf rewriteWith (Var prf) matchCase tms solve spanM : (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> List a -> m (List a, List a) spanM p [] = pure ([], []) spanM p (x::xs) = if !(p x) then do (yes, no) <- spanM p xs pure (x :: yes, no) else pure ([], x::xs) partitionM : Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> List a -> m (List a, List a) partitionM p [] = pure ([], []) partitionM p (x :: xs) = do (y, n) <- partitionM p xs if !(p x) then pure (x :: y, n) else pure (y, x :: n) perhaps : (Alternative f) => (f a) -> (f (Maybe a)) perhaps x = (Just <$> x) <|> pure Nothing headIs : Raw -> TTName -> Bool headIs tm n = maybe False (==n) (headName tm) partial mkRhs : (fn, fam : TTName) -> Nat -> Elab () mkRhs fn fam k = case snd !getGoal of `(Dec ((=) {A=~A} {B=~_} ~x ~y)) => let (c1, args1) = unApply x (c2, args2) = unApply y in if c1 /= c2 then do (h :: _) <- refine (Var `{No}) | _ => empty focus h disjoint else do let toMakeEqual = List.filter (uncurry (/=)) (zip args1 args2) tms <- for {b=Raw} toMakeEqual $ \(tm1, tm2) => do env <- getEnv (tm1', ty1') <- forget tm1 >>= check env (tm2', ty2') <- forget tm2 >>= check env -- assume they have the same type here - -- reasonable due to same constructor, but -- this means order is important when -- traversing eq <- gensym "eq" rTy <- forget ty1' rTm1 <- forget tm1' rTm2 <- forget tm2' remember eq `(Dec ((=) {A=~rTy} {B=~rTy} ~rTm1 ~rTm2)) simple $ if headIs rTy fam then do (a2::a1::hs) <- reverse <$> apply (Var fn) (replicate k True ++ [False, False]) solve focus a1; fill rTm1; solve focus a2; fill rTm2; solve for_ hs $ \h => inHole h (resolveTC fn) else do [_, dH, a1, a2] <- apply (Var `{decEq}) [True, False, False, False] solve focus a1; fill rTm1; solve focus a2; fill rTm2; solve focus dH; resolveTC fn return (Var eq) matchCase tms _ => fail [TextPart "Inapplicable"] ||| Attempt to derive the body of an implementation of decidable ||| equality based on an existing type signature. ||| ||| The function signature must provide enough information for the ||| deriving to occur. It must consist of zero or more non-constraint ||| arguments followed by zero or more constraint arguments, followed ||| by the two values to compare. The constraint arguments must ||| provide sufficient instances of `DecEq` to decide the equality of ||| each constructor field. The final two arguments to the function ||| declaration must be the two values that will be compared for ||| equality. ||| ||| @ fn the name of the function whose type has been declared export partial -- because of mkRhs deriveDecEq : (fn : TTName) -> Elab () deriveDecEq fn = do (_, Ref, sig') <- lookupTyExact fn sig <- forget sig' (args, `(Dec ((=) {A=~A} {B=~_} ~(Var x) ~(Var y)))) <- stealBindings sig noRenames | other => fail [ TextPart "Return type" , RawPart (snd other) , TextPart "isn't decidable equality" ] datatype <- maybe (fail [ RawPart A , TextPart "is not an application of a TC" ]) lookupDatatypeExact (headName A) -- the signature must be like this: -- 1. a collection of variable bindings (will be implicit) -- 2. a collection of constraints -- 3. the arguments x and y from the return type (bindings, constrs, arg1, arg2) <- the (Elab (List (TTName, Binder Raw), List (TTName, Binder Raw), (TTName, Binder Raw), (TTName, Binder Raw))) $ case reverse args of [] => fail [TextPart "Invalid signature"] [_] => fail [TextPart "Invalid signaure"] (a2 :: a1 :: rest) => do (constrs, bindings) <- partitionM (\x => isConstr (binderTy (snd x))) (reverse rest) return (bindings, constrs, a1, a2) let todo = [(c1, c2) | c1 <- constructors datatype , c2 <- constructors datatype] clauses <- for todo (uncurry $ mkCase (length bindings + length constrs) (name datatype)) defineFunction $ DefineFun fn (catMaybes clauses) skip where isConstr : Raw -> Elab Bool isConstr tm = case headName tm of Just n => isTCName n Nothing => return False partial -- mkRhs mkCase : Nat -> TTName -> (x, y : (TTName, List CtorArg, Raw)) -> Elab (Maybe (FunClause Raw)) mkCase k fam (cn1, args1, _) (cn2, args2, _) = perhaps $ elabPatternClause (do (h2 :: h1 :: _) <- reverse <$> apply (Var fn) (replicate k True ++ [False, False]) solve focus h1 apply (Var cn1) (replicate (length args1) True) solve focus h2 apply (Var cn2) (replicate (length args2) True) solve) (mkRhs fn fam k)