||| Docs for module Test. ||| ||| It is a great module. ||| Prelude thingy: ||| ```idris example ||| "foo" ++ "bar" ||| ``` ||| ||| Imported thingy: ||| ```idris example ||| 0.0 :+ 0.2 ||| ``` ||| ||| Type error: ||| ```idris ||| "foo" + 2 ||| ``` ||| ||| From this module: ||| ```idris example ||| MkTest ||| ``` module Test import Data.Complex %access public export myplus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat myplus Z j = j myplus (S k) j = S (myplus k j) ||| Docs for datatype Test. data Test = MkTest data Thing : Type -> Type where MkThing : Thing Nat -- fnord ++ xyz do done let module argh namespace Main ||| Main is handy to do things in. ++. main : IO () main = do putStrLn "Hi!" l <- getLine case l of "" => putStrLn "No!" str => putStrLn str