{-| Module : IRTS.JavaScript.AST Description : Data structures and functions used with the JavaScript codegen. Copyright : License : BSD3 Maintainer : The Idris Community. -} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module IRTS.JavaScript.AST where import Data.Word import Data.Char (isDigit) import qualified Data.Text as T data JSType = JSIntTy | JSStringTy | JSIntegerTy | JSFloatTy | JSCharTy | JSPtrTy | JSForgotTy deriving Eq data JSInteger = JSBigZero | JSBigOne | JSBigInt Integer | JSBigIntExpr JS deriving Eq data JSNum = JSInt Int | JSFloat Double | JSInteger JSInteger deriving Eq data JSWord = JSWord8 Word8 | JSWord16 Word16 | JSWord32 Word32 | JSWord64 Word64 deriving Eq data JSAnnotation = JSConstructor deriving Eq instance Show JSAnnotation where show JSConstructor = "constructor" data JS = JSRaw String | JSIdent String | JSFunction [String] JS | JSType JSType | JSSeq [JS] | JSReturn JS | JSApp JS [JS] | JSNew String [JS] | JSError String | JSBinOp String JS JS | JSPreOp String JS | JSPostOp String JS | JSProj JS String | JSNull | JSUndefined | JSThis | JSTrue | JSFalse | JSArray [JS] | JSString String | JSNum JSNum | JSWord JSWord | JSAssign JS JS | JSAlloc String (Maybe JS) | JSIndex JS JS | JSSwitch JS [(JS, JS)] (Maybe JS) | JSCond [(JS, JS)] | JSTernary JS JS JS | JSParens JS | JSWhile JS JS | JSFFI String [JS] | JSAnnotation JSAnnotation JS | JSDelete JS | JSClear JS | JSNoop deriving Eq data FFI = FFICode Char | FFIArg Int | FFIError String ffi :: String -> [String] -> T.Text ffi code args = let parsed = ffiParse code in case ffiError parsed of Just err -> error err Nothing -> renderFFI parsed args where ffiParse :: String -> [FFI] ffiParse "" = [] ffiParse ['%'] = [FFIError "FFI - Invalid positional argument"] ffiParse ('%':'%':ss) = FFICode '%' : ffiParse ss ffiParse ('%':s:ss) | isDigit s = FFIArg ( read $ s : takeWhile isDigit ss ) : ffiParse (dropWhile isDigit ss) | otherwise = [FFIError "FFI - Invalid positional argument"] ffiParse (s:ss) = FFICode s : ffiParse ss ffiError :: [FFI] -> Maybe String ffiError [] = Nothing ffiError ((FFIError s):xs) = Just s ffiError (x:xs) = ffiError xs renderFFI :: [FFI] -> [String] -> T.Text renderFFI [] _ = "" renderFFI (FFICode c : fs) args = c `T.cons` renderFFI fs args renderFFI (FFIArg i : fs) args | i < length args && i >= 0 = T.pack (args !! i) `T.append` renderFFI fs args | otherwise = error "FFI - Argument index out of bounds" compileJS :: JS -> T.Text compileJS = compileJS' 0 compileJS' :: Int -> JS -> T.Text compileJS' indent JSNoop = "" compileJS' indent (JSAnnotation annotation js) = "/** @" `T.append` T.pack (show annotation) `T.append` " */\n" `T.append` compileJS' indent js compileJS' indent (JSDelete js) = "delete " `T.append` compileJS' 0 js compileJS' indent (JSClear js) = compileJS' 0 js `T.append` " = undefined" compileJS' indent (JSFFI raw args) = ffi raw (map (T.unpack . compileJS' indent) args) compileJS' indent (JSRaw code) = T.pack code compileJS' indent (JSIdent ident) = T.pack ident compileJS' indent (JSFunction args body) = T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "function(" `T.append` T.intercalate "," (map T.pack args) `T.append` "){\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 2) body `T.append` "\n}\n" compileJS' indent (JSType ty) | JSIntTy <- ty = "i$Int" | JSStringTy <- ty = "i$String" | JSIntegerTy <- ty = "i$Integer" | JSFloatTy <- ty = "i$Float" | JSCharTy <- ty = "i$Char" | JSPtrTy <- ty = "i$Ptr" | JSForgotTy <- ty = "i$Forgot" compileJS' indent (JSSeq seq) = T.intercalate ";\n" ( map ( (T.replicate indent " " `T.append`) . (compileJS' indent) ) $ filter (/= JSNoop) seq ) `T.append` ";" compileJS' indent (JSReturn val) = "return " `T.append` compileJS' indent val compileJS' indent (JSApp lhs rhs) | JSFunction {} <- lhs = T.concat ["(", compileJS' indent lhs, ")(", args, ")"] | otherwise = T.concat [compileJS' indent lhs, "(", args, ")"] where args :: T.Text args = T.intercalate "," $ map (compileJS' 0) rhs compileJS' indent (JSNew name args) = "new " `T.append` T.pack name `T.append` "(" `T.append` T.intercalate "," (map (compileJS' 0) args) `T.append` ")" compileJS' indent (JSError exc) = "(function(){throw new Error(\"" `T.append` T.pack exc `T.append` "\")})()" compileJS' indent (JSBinOp op lhs rhs) = compileJS' indent lhs `T.append` " " `T.append` T.pack op `T.append` " " `T.append` compileJS' indent rhs compileJS' indent (JSPreOp op val) = T.pack op `T.append` "(" `T.append` compileJS' indent val `T.append` ")" compileJS' indent (JSProj obj field) | JSFunction {} <- obj = T.concat ["(", compileJS' indent obj, ").", T.pack field] | JSAssign {} <- obj = T.concat ["(", compileJS' indent obj, ").", T.pack field] | otherwise = compileJS' indent obj `T.append` ('.' `T.cons` T.pack field) compileJS' indent JSNull = "null" compileJS' indent JSUndefined = "undefined" compileJS' indent JSThis = "this" compileJS' indent JSTrue = "true" compileJS' indent JSFalse = "false" compileJS' indent (JSArray elems) = "[" `T.append` T.intercalate "," (map (compileJS' 0) elems) `T.append` "]" compileJS' indent (JSString str) = "\"" `T.append` T.pack str `T.append` "\"" compileJS' indent (JSNum num) | JSInt i <- num = T.pack (show i) | JSFloat f <- num = T.pack (show f) | JSInteger JSBigZero <- num = T.pack "i$ZERO" | JSInteger JSBigOne <- num = T.pack "i$ONE" | JSInteger (JSBigInt i) <- num = T.pack (show i) | JSInteger (JSBigIntExpr e) <- num = "i$bigInt(" `T.append` compileJS' indent e `T.append` ")" compileJS' indent (JSAssign lhs rhs) = compileJS' indent lhs `T.append` " = " `T.append` compileJS' indent rhs compileJS' 0 (JSAlloc name (Just val@(JSNew _ _))) = "var " `T.append` T.pack name `T.append` " = " `T.append` compileJS' 0 val `T.append` ";\n" compileJS' indent (JSAlloc name val) = "var " `T.append` T.pack name `T.append` maybe "" ((" = " `T.append`) . compileJS' indent) val compileJS' indent (JSIndex lhs rhs) = compileJS' indent lhs `T.append` "[" `T.append` compileJS' indent rhs `T.append` "]" compileJS' indent (JSCond branches) = T.intercalate " else " $ map createIfBlock branches where createIfBlock (JSNoop, e@(JSSeq _)) = "{\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 2) e `T.append` "\n" `T.append` T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "}" createIfBlock (JSNoop, e) = "{\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 2) e `T.append` ";\n" `T.append` T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "}" createIfBlock (cond, e@(JSSeq _)) = "if (" `T.append` compileJS' indent cond `T.append`") {\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 2) e `T.append` "\n" `T.append` T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "}" createIfBlock (cond, e) = "if (" `T.append` compileJS' indent cond `T.append`") {\n" `T.append` T.replicate (indent + 2) " " `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 2) e `T.append` ";\n" `T.append` T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "}" compileJS' indent (JSSwitch val [(_,JSSeq seq)] Nothing) = let (h,t) = splitAt 1 seq in (T.concat (map (compileJS' indent) h) `T.append` ";\n") `T.append` ( T.intercalate ";\n" $ map ( (T.replicate indent " " `T.append`) . compileJS' indent ) t ) compileJS' indent (JSSwitch val branches def) = "switch(" `T.append` compileJS' indent val `T.append` "){\n" `T.append` T.concat (map mkBranch branches) `T.append` mkDefault def `T.append` T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "}" where mkBranch :: (JS, JS) -> T.Text mkBranch (tag, code) = T.replicate (indent + 2) " " `T.append` "case " `T.append` compileJS' indent tag `T.append` ":\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 4) code `T.append` "\n" `T.append` (T.replicate (indent + 4) " " `T.append` "break;\n") mkDefault :: Maybe JS -> T.Text mkDefault Nothing = "" mkDefault (Just def) = T.replicate (indent + 2) " " `T.append` "default:\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 4)def `T.append` "\n" compileJS' indent (JSTernary cond true false) = let c = compileJS' indent cond t = compileJS' indent true f = compileJS' indent false in "(" `T.append` c `T.append` ")?(" `T.append` t `T.append` "):(" `T.append` f `T.append` ")" compileJS' indent (JSParens js) = "(" `T.append` compileJS' indent js `T.append` ")" compileJS' indent (JSWhile cond body) = "while (" `T.append` compileJS' indent cond `T.append` ") {\n" `T.append` compileJS' (indent + 2) body `T.append` "\n" `T.append` T.replicate indent " " `T.append` "}" compileJS' indent (JSWord word) | JSWord8 b <- word = "new Uint8Array([" `T.append` T.pack (show b) `T.append` "])" | JSWord16 b <- word = "new Uint16Array([" `T.append` T.pack (show b) `T.append` "])" | JSWord32 b <- word = "new Uint32Array([" `T.append` T.pack (show b) `T.append` "])" | JSWord64 b <- word = "i$bigInt(\"" `T.append` T.pack (show b) `T.append` "\")" jsInstanceOf :: JS -> String -> JS jsInstanceOf obj cls = JSBinOp "instanceof" obj (JSIdent cls) jsOr :: JS -> JS -> JS jsOr lhs rhs = JSBinOp "||" lhs rhs jsAnd :: JS -> JS -> JS jsAnd lhs rhs = JSBinOp "&&" lhs rhs jsMeth :: JS -> String -> [JS] -> JS jsMeth obj meth args = JSApp (JSProj obj meth) args jsCall :: String -> [JS] -> JS jsCall fun args = JSApp (JSIdent fun) args jsTypeOf :: JS -> JS jsTypeOf js = JSPreOp "typeof " js jsEq :: JS -> JS -> JS jsEq lhs@(JSNum (JSInteger _)) rhs = JSApp (JSProj lhs "equals") [rhs] jsEq lhs rhs@(JSNum (JSInteger _)) = JSApp (JSProj lhs "equals") [rhs] jsEq lhs rhs = JSBinOp "==" lhs rhs jsNotEq :: JS -> JS -> JS jsNotEq lhs rhs = JSBinOp "!=" lhs rhs jsIsNumber :: JS -> JS jsIsNumber js = (jsTypeOf js) `jsEq` (JSString "number") jsIsNull :: JS -> JS jsIsNull js = JSBinOp "==" js JSNull jsBigInt :: JS -> JS jsBigInt (JSString "0") = JSNum (JSInteger JSBigZero) jsBigInt (JSString "1") = JSNum (JSInteger JSBigOne) jsBigInt js = JSNum $ JSInteger $ JSBigIntExpr js jsUnPackBits :: JS -> JS jsUnPackBits js = JSIndex js $ JSNum (JSInt 0) jsPackUBits8 :: JS -> JS jsPackUBits8 js = JSNew "Uint8Array" [JSArray [js]] jsPackUBits16 :: JS -> JS jsPackUBits16 js = JSNew "Uint16Array" [JSArray [js]] jsPackUBits32 :: JS -> JS jsPackUBits32 js = JSNew "Uint32Array" [JSArray [js]] jsPackSBits8 :: JS -> JS jsPackSBits8 js = JSNew "Int8Array" [JSArray [js]] jsPackSBits16 :: JS -> JS jsPackSBits16 js = JSNew "Int16Array" [JSArray [js]] jsPackSBits32 :: JS -> JS jsPackSBits32 js = JSNew "Int32Array" [JSArray [js]]