{-| Code related to Idris's reflection system. This module contains
quoters and unquoters along with some supporting datatypes.
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns -fwarn-unused-imports #-}
module Idris.Reflection where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Idris.Core.Elaborate (claim, fill, focus, getNameFrom, initElaborator,
                             movelast, runElab, solve)
import Idris.Core.Evaluate (Context, Def(TyDecl), initContext, lookupDefExact, lookupTyExact)
import Idris.Core.TT

import Idris.AbsSyntaxTree (ElabD, IState, PArg'(..), PArg, PTactic, PTactic'(..),
                            PTerm(..), initEState, pairCon, pairTy)
import Idris.Delaborate (delab)

data RArg = RExplicit   { argName :: Name, argTy :: Raw }
          | RImplicit   { argName :: Name, argTy :: Raw }
          | RConstraint { argName :: Name, argTy :: Raw }
  deriving Show

data RTyDecl = RDeclare Name [RArg] Raw deriving Show

data RTyConArg = RParameter { tcArgName :: Name, tcArgTy :: Raw }
               | RIndex     { tcArgName :: Name, tcArgTy :: Raw }
  deriving Show

data RDatatype = RDatatype Name [RTyConArg] Raw [(Name, Raw)] deriving Show

rArgToPArg :: RArg -> PArg
rArgToPArg (RExplicit n _) = PExp 0 [] n Placeholder
rArgToPArg (RImplicit n _) = PImp 0 False [] n Placeholder
rArgToPArg (RConstraint n _) = PConstraint 0 [] n Placeholder

data RFunClause = RMkFunClause Raw Raw
                | RMkImpossibleClause Raw
                deriving Show

data RFunDefn = RDefineFun Name [RFunClause] deriving Show

-- | Prefix a name with the "Language.Reflection" namespace
reflm :: String -> Name
reflm n = sNS (sUN n) ["Reflection", "Language"]

-- | Prefix a name with the "Language.Reflection.Elab" namespace
tacN :: String -> Name
tacN str = sNS (sUN str) ["Elab", "Reflection", "Language"]

-- | Reify tactics from their reflected representation
reify :: IState -> Term -> ElabD PTactic
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Intros" = return Intros
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Trivial" = return Trivial
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Instance" = return TCInstance
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Solve" = return Solve
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Compute" = return Compute
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Skip" = return Skip
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "SourceFC" = return SourceFC
reify _ (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Unfocus" = return Unfocus
reify ist t@(App _ _ _)
          | (P _ f _, args) <- unApply t = reifyApp ist f args
reify _ t = fail ("Unknown tactic " ++ show t)

reifyApp :: IState -> Name -> [Term] -> ElabD PTactic
reifyApp ist t [l, r] | t == reflm "Try" = liftM2 Try (reify ist l) (reify ist r)
reifyApp _ t [Constant (I i)]
           | t == reflm "Search" = return (ProofSearch True True i Nothing [])
reifyApp _ t [x]
           | t == reflm "Refine" = do n <- reifyTTName x
                                      return $ Refine n []
reifyApp ist t [n, ty] | t == reflm "Claim" = do n' <- reifyTTName n
                                                 goal <- reifyTT ty
                                                 return $ Claim n' (delab ist goal)
reifyApp ist t [l, r] | t == reflm "Seq" = liftM2 TSeq (reify ist l) (reify ist r)
reifyApp ist t [Constant (Str n), x]
             | t == reflm "GoalType" = liftM (GoalType n) (reify ist x)
reifyApp _ t [n] | t == reflm "Intro" = liftM (Intro . (:[])) (reifyTTName n)
reifyApp ist t [t'] | t == reflm "Induction" = liftM (Induction . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp ist t [t'] | t == reflm "Case" = liftM (Induction . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp ist t [t']
             | t == reflm "ApplyTactic" = liftM (ApplyTactic . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp ist t [t']
             | t == reflm "Reflect" = liftM (Reflect . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp ist t [t']
             | t == reflm "ByReflection" = liftM (ByReflection . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp _ t [t']
           | t == reflm "Fill" = liftM (Fill . PQuote) (reifyRaw t')
reifyApp ist t [t']
             | t == reflm "Exact" = liftM (Exact . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp ist t [x]
             | t == reflm "Focus" = liftM Focus (reifyTTName x)
reifyApp ist t [t']
             | t == reflm "Rewrite" = liftM (Rewrite . delab ist) (reifyTT t')
reifyApp ist t [n, t']
             | t == reflm "LetTac" = do n'  <- reifyTTName n
                                        t'' <- reifyTT t'
                                        return $ LetTac n' (delab ist t')
reifyApp ist t [n, tt', t']
             | t == reflm "LetTacTy" = do n'   <- reifyTTName n
                                          tt'' <- reifyTT tt'
                                          t''  <- reifyTT t'
                                          return $ LetTacTy n' (delab ist tt'') (delab ist t'')
reifyApp ist t [errs]
             | t == reflm "Fail" = fmap TFail (reifyReportParts errs)
reifyApp _ f args = fail ("Unknown tactic " ++ show (f, args)) -- shouldn't happen

reifyReportParts :: Term -> ElabD [ErrorReportPart]
reifyReportParts errs =
  case unList errs of
    Nothing -> fail "Failed to reify errors"
    Just errs' ->
      let parts = mapM reifyReportPart errs' in
      case parts of
        Left err -> fail $ "Couldn't reify \"Fail\" tactic - " ++ show err
        Right errs'' ->
          return errs''

-- | Reify terms from their reflected representation
reifyTT :: Term -> ElabD Term
reifyTT t@(App _ _ _)
        | (P _ f _, args) <- unApply t = reifyTTApp f args
reifyTT t@(P _ n _)
        | n == reflm "Erased" = return $ Erased
reifyTT t@(P _ n _)
        | n == reflm "Impossible" = return $ Impossible
reifyTT t = fail ("Unknown reflection term: " ++ show t)

reifyTTApp :: Name -> [Term] -> ElabD Term
reifyTTApp t [nt, n, x]
           | t == reflm "P" = do nt' <- reifyTTNameType nt
                                 n'  <- reifyTTName n
                                 x'  <- reifyTT x
                                 return $ P nt' n' x'
reifyTTApp t [Constant (I i)]
           | t == reflm "V" = return $ V i
reifyTTApp t [n, b, x]
           | t == reflm "Bind" = do n' <- reifyTTName n
                                    b' <- reifyTTBinder reifyTT (reflm "TT") b
                                    x' <- reifyTT x
                                    return $ Bind n' b' x'
reifyTTApp t [f, x]
           | t == reflm "App" = do f' <- reifyTT f
                                   x' <- reifyTT x
                                   return $ App Complete f' x'
reifyTTApp t [c]
           | t == reflm "TConst" = liftM Constant (reifyTTConst c)
reifyTTApp t [t', Constant (I i)]
           | t == reflm "Proj" = do t'' <- reifyTT t'
                                    return $ Proj t'' i
reifyTTApp t [tt]
           | t == reflm "TType" = liftM TType (reifyTTUExp tt)
reifyTTApp t args = fail ("Unknown reflection term: " ++ show (t, args))

-- | Reify raw terms from their reflected representation
reifyRaw :: Term -> ElabD Raw
reifyRaw t@(App _ _ _)
         | (P _ f _, args) <- unApply t = reifyRawApp f args
reifyRaw t@(P _ n _)
         | n == reflm "RType" = return $ RType
reifyRaw t = fail ("Unknown reflection raw term in reifyRaw: " ++ show t)

reifyRawApp :: Name -> [Term] -> ElabD Raw
reifyRawApp t [n]
            | t == reflm "Var" = liftM Var (reifyTTName n)
reifyRawApp t [n, b, x]
            | t == reflm "RBind" = do n' <- reifyTTName n
                                      b' <- reifyTTBinder reifyRaw (reflm "Raw") b
                                      x' <- reifyRaw x
                                      return $ RBind n' b' x'
reifyRawApp t [f, x]
            | t == reflm "RApp" = liftM2 RApp (reifyRaw f) (reifyRaw x)
reifyRawApp t [t']
            | t == reflm "RForce" = liftM RForce (reifyRaw t')
reifyRawApp t [c]
            | t == reflm "RConstant" = liftM RConstant (reifyTTConst c)
reifyRawApp t args = fail ("Unknown reflection raw term in reifyRawApp: " ++ show (t, args))

reifyTTName :: Term -> ElabD Name
reifyTTName t
            | (P _ f _, args) <- unApply t = reifyTTNameApp f args
reifyTTName t = fail ("Unknown reflection term name: " ++ show t)

reifyTTNameApp :: Name -> [Term] -> ElabD Name
reifyTTNameApp t [Constant (Str n)]
               | t == reflm "UN" = return $ sUN n
reifyTTNameApp t [n, ns]
               | t == reflm "NS" = do n'  <- reifyTTName n
                                      ns' <- reifyTTNamespace ns
                                      return $ sNS n' ns'
reifyTTNameApp t [Constant (I i), Constant (Str n)]
               | t == reflm "MN" = return $ sMN i n
reifyTTNameApp t [sn]
               | t == reflm "SN"
               , (P _ f _, args) <- unApply sn = SN <$> reifySN f args
  where reifySN :: Name -> [Term] -> ElabD SpecialName
        reifySN t [Constant (I i), n1, n2]
                | t == reflm "WhereN" = WhereN i <$> reifyTTName n1 <*> reifyTTName n2
        reifySN t [Constant (I i), n]
                | t == reflm "WithN" = WithN i <$> reifyTTName n
        reifySN t [n, ss]
                | t == reflm "InstanceN" =
                  case unList ss of
                    Nothing -> fail "Can't reify InstanceN strings"
                    Just ss' -> InstanceN <$> reifyTTName n <*>
                                 pure [T.pack s | Constant (Str s) <- ss']
        reifySN t [n, Constant (Str s)]
                | t == reflm "ParentN" =
                  ParentN <$> reifyTTName n <*> pure (T.pack s)
        reifySN t [n]
                | t == reflm "MethodN" =
                  MethodN <$> reifyTTName n
        reifySN t [n]
                | t == reflm "CaseN" =
                  CaseN <$> reifyTTName n
        reifySN t [n]
                | t == reflm "ElimN" =
                  ElimN <$> reifyTTName n
        reifySN t [n]
                | t == reflm "InstanceCtorN" =
                  InstanceCtorN <$> reifyTTName n
        reifySN t [n1, n2]
                | t == reflm "MetaN" =
                  MetaN <$> reifyTTName n1 <*> reifyTTName n2
        reifySN t args = fail $ "Can't reify special name " ++ show t ++ show args
reifyTTNameApp t []
               | t == reflm "NErased" = return NErased
reifyTTNameApp t args = fail ("Unknown reflection term name: " ++ show (t, args))

reifyTTNamespace :: Term -> ElabD [String]
reifyTTNamespace t@(App _ _ _)
  = case unApply t of
      (P _ f _, [Constant StrType])
           | f == sNS (sUN "Nil") ["List", "Prelude"] -> return []
      (P _ f _, [Constant StrType, Constant (Str n), ns])
           | f == sNS (sUN "::")  ["List", "Prelude"] -> liftM (n:) (reifyTTNamespace ns)
      _ -> fail ("Unknown reflection namespace arg: " ++ show t)
reifyTTNamespace t = fail ("Unknown reflection namespace arg: " ++ show t)

reifyTTNameType :: Term -> ElabD NameType
reifyTTNameType t@(P _ n _) | n == reflm "Bound" = return $ Bound
reifyTTNameType t@(P _ n _) | n == reflm "Ref" = return $ Ref
reifyTTNameType t@(App _ _ _)
  = case unApply t of
      (P _ f _, [Constant (I tag), Constant (I num)])
           | f == reflm "DCon" -> return $ DCon tag num False -- FIXME: Uniqueness!
           | f == reflm "TCon" -> return $ TCon tag num
      _ -> fail ("Unknown reflection name type: " ++ show t)
reifyTTNameType t = fail ("Unknown reflection name type: " ++ show t)

reifyTTBinder :: (Term -> ElabD a) -> Name -> Term -> ElabD (Binder a)
reifyTTBinder reificator binderType t@(App _ _ _)
  = case unApply t of
     (P _ f _, bt:args) | forget bt == Var binderType
       -> reifyTTBinderApp reificator f args
     _ -> fail ("Mismatching binder reflection: " ++ show t)
reifyTTBinder _ _ t = fail ("Unknown reflection binder: " ++ show t)

reifyTTBinderApp :: (Term -> ElabD a) -> Name -> [Term] -> ElabD (Binder a)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [t]
                      | f == reflm "Lam" = liftM Lam (reif t)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [t, k]
                      | f == reflm "Pi" = liftM2 (Pi Nothing) (reif t) (reif k)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [x, y]
                      | f == reflm "Let" = liftM2 Let (reif x) (reif y)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [x, y]
                      | f == reflm "NLet" = liftM2 NLet (reif x) (reif y)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [t]
                      | f == reflm "Hole" = liftM Hole (reif t)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [t]
                      | f == reflm "GHole" = liftM (GHole 0) (reif t)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [x, y]
                      | f == reflm "Guess" = liftM2 Guess (reif x) (reif y)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [t]
                      | f == reflm "PVar" = liftM PVar (reif t)
reifyTTBinderApp reif f [t]
                      | f == reflm "PVTy" = liftM PVTy (reif t)
reifyTTBinderApp _ f args = fail ("Unknown reflection binder: " ++ show (f, args))

reifyTTConst :: Term -> ElabD Const
reifyTTConst (P _ n _) | n == reflm "StrType"  = return $ StrType
reifyTTConst (P _ n _) | n == reflm "VoidType" = return $ VoidType
reifyTTConst (P _ n _) | n == reflm "Forgot"   = return $ Forgot
reifyTTConst t@(App _ _ _)
             | (P _ f _, [arg]) <- unApply t   = reifyTTConstApp f arg
reifyTTConst t = fail ("Unknown reflection constant: " ++ show t)

reifyTTConstApp :: Name -> Term -> ElabD Const
reifyTTConstApp f aty
                | f == reflm "AType" = fmap AType (reifyArithTy aty)
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(I _))
                | f == reflm "I"   = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(BI _))
                | f == reflm "BI"  = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(Fl _))
                | f == reflm "Fl"  = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(I _))
                | f == reflm "Ch"  = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(Str _))
                | f == reflm "Str" = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(B8 _))
                | f == reflm "B8"  = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(B16 _))
                | f == reflm "B16" = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(B32 _))
                | f == reflm "B32" = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f (Constant c@(B64 _))
                | f == reflm "B64" = return $ c
reifyTTConstApp f arg = fail ("Unknown reflection constant: " ++ show (f, arg))

reifyArithTy :: Term -> ElabD ArithTy
reifyArithTy (App _ (P _ n _) intTy) | n == reflm "ATInt"   = fmap ATInt (reifyIntTy intTy)
reifyArithTy (P _ n _)             | n == reflm "ATFloat" = return ATFloat
reifyArithTy x = fail ("Couldn't reify reflected ArithTy: " ++ show x)

reifyNativeTy :: Term -> ElabD NativeTy
reifyNativeTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "IT8" = return IT8
reifyNativeTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "IT8" = return IT8
reifyNativeTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "IT8" = return IT8
reifyNativeTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "IT8" = return IT8
reifyNativeTy x = fail $ "Couldn't reify reflected NativeTy " ++ show x

reifyIntTy :: Term -> ElabD IntTy
reifyIntTy (App _ (P _ n _) nt) | n == reflm "ITFixed" = fmap ITFixed (reifyNativeTy nt)
reifyIntTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "ITNative" = return ITNative
reifyIntTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "ITBig" = return ITBig
reifyIntTy (P _ n _) | n == reflm "ITChar" = return ITChar
reifyIntTy tm = fail $ "The term " ++ show tm ++ " is not a reflected IntTy"

reifyTTUExp :: Term -> ElabD UExp
reifyTTUExp t@(App _ _ _)
  = case unApply t of
      (P _ f _, [Constant (I i)]) | f == reflm "UVar" -> return $ UVar i
      (P _ f _, [Constant (I i)]) | f == reflm "UVal" -> return $ UVal i
      _ -> fail ("Unknown reflection type universe expression: " ++ show t)
reifyTTUExp t = fail ("Unknown reflection type universe expression: " ++ show t)

-- | Create a reflected call to a named function/constructor
reflCall :: String -> [Raw] -> Raw
reflCall funName args
  = raw_apply (Var (reflm funName)) args

-- | Lift a term into its Language.Reflection.TT representation
reflect :: Term -> Raw
reflect = reflectTTQuote []

-- | Lift a term into its Language.Reflection.Raw representation
reflectRaw :: Raw -> Raw
reflectRaw = reflectRawQuote []

claimTT :: Name -> ElabD Name
claimTT n = do n' <- getNameFrom n
               claim n' (Var (sNS (sUN "TT") ["Reflection", "Language"]))
               return n'

-- | Convert a reflected term to a more suitable form for pattern-matching.
-- In particular, the less-interesting bits are elaborated to _ patterns. This
-- happens to NameTypes, universe levels, names that are bound but not used,
-- and the type annotation field of the P constructor.
reflectTTQuotePattern :: [Name] -> Term -> ElabD ()
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (P _ n _)
  | n `elem` unq = -- the unquoted names have been claimed as TT already - just use them
    do fill (Var n) ; solve
  | otherwise =
    do tyannot <- claimTT (sMN 0 "pTyAnnot")
       movelast tyannot  -- use a _ pattern here
       nt <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "nt")
       claim nt (Var (reflm "NameType"))
       movelast nt       -- use a _ pattern here
       n' <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "n")
       claim n' (Var (reflm "TTName"))
       fill $ reflCall "P" [Var nt, Var n', Var tyannot]
       focus n'; reflectNameQuotePattern n
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (V n)
  = do fill $ reflCall "V" [RConstant (I n)]
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (Bind n b x)
  = do x' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "sc")
       movelast x'
       b' <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "binder")
       claim b' (RApp (Var (sNS (sUN "Binder") ["Reflection", "Language"]))
                      (Var (sNS (sUN "TT") ["Reflection", "Language"])))
       if n `elem` freeNames x
         then do fill $ reflCall "Bind"
                                 [reflectName n,
                                  Var b',
                                  Var x']
         else do any <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "anyName")
                 claim any (Var (reflm "TTName"))
                 movelast any
                 fill $ reflCall "Bind"
                                 [Var any,
                                  Var b',
                                  Var x']
       focus x'; reflectTTQuotePattern unq x
       focus b'; reflectBinderQuotePattern reflectTTQuotePattern unq b
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (App _ f x)
  = do f' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "f"); movelast f'
       x' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "x"); movelast x'
       fill $ reflCall "App" [Var f', Var x']
       focus f'; reflectTTQuotePattern unq f
       focus x'; reflectTTQuotePattern unq x
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (Constant c)
  = do fill $ reflCall "TConst" [reflectConstant c]
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (Proj t i)
  = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "t"); movelast t'
       fill $ reflCall "Proj" [Var t', RConstant (I i)]
       focus t'; reflectTTQuotePattern unq t
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (Erased)
  = do erased <- claimTT (sMN 0 "erased")
       movelast erased
       fill $ (Var erased)
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (Impossible)
  = do fill $ Var (reflm "Impossible")
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (TType exp)
  = do ue <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "uexp")
       claim ue (Var (sNS (sUN "TTUExp") ["Reflection", "Language"]))
       movelast ue
       fill $ reflCall "TType" [Var ue]
reflectTTQuotePattern unq (UType u)
  = do uH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "someUniv")
       claim uH (Var (reflm "Universe"))
       movelast uH
       fill $ reflCall "UType" [Var uH]
       focus uH
       fill (Var (reflm (case u of
                           NullType -> "NullType"
                           UniqueType -> "UniqueType"
                           AllTypes -> "AllTypes")))

reflectRawQuotePattern :: [Name] -> Raw -> ElabD ()
reflectRawQuotePattern unq (Var n)
  -- the unquoted names already have types, just use them
  | n `elem` unq = do fill (Var n); solve
  | otherwise = do fill (reflCall "Var" [reflectName n]); solve
reflectRawQuotePattern unq (RBind n b sc) =
  do scH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "sc")
     claim scH (Var (reflm "Raw"))
     movelast scH
     bH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "binder")
     claim bH (RApp (Var (reflm "Binder"))
                    (Var (reflm "Raw")))
     if n `elem` freeNamesR sc
        then do fill $ reflCall "RBind" [reflectName n,
                                         Var bH,
                                         Var scH]
        else do any <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "anyName")
                claim any (Var (reflm "TTName"))
                movelast any
                fill $ reflCall "RBind" [Var any, Var bH, Var scH]
     focus scH; reflectRawQuotePattern unq sc
     focus bH; reflectBinderQuotePattern reflectRawQuotePattern unq b
  where freeNamesR (Var n) = [n]
        freeNamesR (RBind n (Let t v) body) = concat [freeNamesR v,
                                                      freeNamesR body \\ [n],
                                                      freeNamesR t]
        freeNamesR (RBind n b body) = freeNamesR (binderTy b) ++
                                      (freeNamesR body \\ [n])
        freeNamesR (RApp f x) = freeNamesR f ++ freeNamesR x
        freeNamesR RType = []
        freeNamesR (RUType _) = []
        freeNamesR (RForce r) = freeNamesR r
        freeNamesR (RConstant _) = []
reflectRawQuotePattern unq (RApp f x) =
  do fH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "f")
     claim fH (Var (reflm "Raw"))
     movelast fH
     xH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "x")
     claim xH (Var (reflm "Raw"))
     movelast xH
     fill $ reflCall "RApp" [Var fH, Var xH]
     focus fH; reflectRawQuotePattern unq f
     focus xH; reflectRawQuotePattern unq x
reflectRawQuotePattern unq RType =
  do fill (Var (reflm "RType"))
reflectRawQuotePattern unq (RUType univ) =
  do uH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "universe")
     claim uH (Var (reflm "Universe"))
     movelast uH
     fill $ reflCall "RUType" [Var uH]
     focus uH; fill (reflectUniverse univ); solve
reflectRawQuotePattern unq (RForce r) =
  do rH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "raw")
     claim rH (Var (reflm "Raw"))
     movelast rH
     fill $ reflCall "RForce" [Var rH]
     focus rH; reflectRawQuotePattern unq r
reflectRawQuotePattern unq (RConstant c) =
  do cH <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "const")
     claim cH (Var (reflm "Constant"))
     movelast cH
     fill (reflCall "RConstant" [Var cH]); solve
     focus cH
     fill (reflectConstant c); solve

reflectBinderQuotePattern :: ([Name] -> a -> ElabD ()) -> [Name] -> Binder a -> ElabD ()
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (Lam t)
   = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast t'
        fill $ reflCall "Lam" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var t']
        focus t'; q unq t
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (Pi _ t k)
   = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty") ; movelast t'
        k' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "k"); movelast k';
        fill $ reflCall "Pi" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var t', Var k']
        focus t'; q unq t
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (Let x y)
   = do x' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast x';
        y' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "v"); movelast y';
        fill $ reflCall "Let" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var x', Var y']
        focus x'; q unq x
        focus y'; q unq y
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (NLet x y)
   = do x' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast x'
        y' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "v"); movelast y'
        fill $ reflCall "NLet" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var x', Var y']
        focus x'; q unq x
        focus y'; q unq y
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (Hole t)
   = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast t'
        fill $ reflCall "Hole" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var t']
        focus t'; q unq t
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (GHole _ t)
   = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast t'
        fill $ reflCall "GHole" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var t']
        focus t'; q unq t
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (Guess x y)
   = do x' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast x'
        y' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "v"); movelast y'
        fill $ reflCall "Guess" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var x', Var y']
        focus x'; q unq x
        focus y'; q unq y
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (PVar t)
   = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast t'
        fill $ reflCall "PVar" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var t']
        focus t'; q unq t
reflectBinderQuotePattern q unq (PVTy t)
   = do t' <- claimTT (sMN 0 "ty"); movelast t'
        fill $ reflCall "PVTy" [Var (reflm "TT"), Var t']
        focus t'; q unq t

reflectUniverse :: Universe -> Raw
reflectUniverse u =
  (Var (reflm (case u of
                 NullType -> "NullType"
                 UniqueType -> "UniqueType"
                 AllTypes -> "AllTypes")))

-- | Create a reflected TT term, but leave refs to the provided name intact
reflectTTQuote :: [Name] -> Term -> Raw
reflectTTQuote unq (P nt n t)
  | n `elem` unq = Var n
  | otherwise = reflCall "P" [reflectNameType nt, reflectName n, reflectTTQuote unq t]
reflectTTQuote unq (V n)
  = reflCall "V" [RConstant (I n)]
reflectTTQuote unq (Bind n b x)
  = reflCall "Bind" [reflectName n, reflectBinderQuote reflectTTQuote (reflm "TT") unq b, reflectTTQuote unq x]
reflectTTQuote unq (App _ f x)
  = reflCall "App" [reflectTTQuote unq f, reflectTTQuote unq x]
reflectTTQuote unq (Constant c)
  = reflCall "TConst" [reflectConstant c]
reflectTTQuote unq (Proj t i)
  = reflCall "Proj" [reflectTTQuote unq t, RConstant (I i)]
reflectTTQuote unq (Erased) = Var (reflm "Erased")
reflectTTQuote unq (Impossible) = Var (reflm "Impossible")
reflectTTQuote unq (TType exp) = reflCall "TType" [reflectUExp exp]
reflectTTQuote unq (UType u) = reflCall "UType" [reflectUniverse u]

reflectRawQuote :: [Name] -> Raw -> Raw
reflectRawQuote unq (Var n)
  | n `elem` unq = Var n
  | otherwise = reflCall "Var" [reflectName n]
reflectRawQuote unq (RBind n b r) =
  reflCall "RBind" [reflectName n, reflectBinderQuote reflectRawQuote (reflm "Raw") unq b, reflectRawQuote unq r]
reflectRawQuote unq (RApp f x) =
  reflCall "RApp" [reflectRawQuote unq f, reflectRawQuote unq x]
reflectRawQuote unq RType = Var (reflm "RType")
reflectRawQuote unq (RUType u) =
  reflCall "RUType" [reflectUniverse u]
reflectRawQuote unq (RForce r) = reflCall "RForce" [reflectRawQuote unq r]
reflectRawQuote unq (RConstant cst) = reflCall "RConstant" [reflectConstant cst]

reflectNameType :: NameType -> Raw
reflectNameType (Bound) = Var (reflm "Bound")
reflectNameType (Ref) = Var (reflm "Ref")
reflectNameType (DCon x y _)
  = reflCall "DCon" [RConstant (I x), RConstant (I y)] -- FIXME: Uniqueness!
reflectNameType (TCon x y)
  = reflCall "TCon" [RConstant (I x), RConstant (I y)]

reflectName :: Name -> Raw
reflectName (UN s)
  = reflCall "UN" [RConstant (Str (str s))]
reflectName (NS n ns)
  = reflCall "NS" [ reflectName n
                  , foldr (\ n s ->
                             raw_apply ( Var $ sNS (sUN "::") ["List", "Prelude"] )
                                       [ RConstant StrType, RConstant (Str n), s ])
                             ( raw_apply ( Var $ sNS (sUN "Nil") ["List", "Prelude"] )
                                         [ RConstant StrType ])
                             (map str ns)
reflectName (MN i n)
  = reflCall "MN" [RConstant (I i), RConstant (Str (str n))]
reflectName NErased = Var (reflm "NErased")
reflectName (SN sn) = raw_apply (Var (reflm "SN")) [reflectSpecialName sn]
reflectName (SymRef _) = error "The impossible happened: symbol table ref survived IBC loading"

reflectSpecialName :: SpecialName -> Raw
reflectSpecialName (WhereN i n1 n2) =
  reflCall "WhereN" [RConstant (I i), reflectName n1, reflectName n2]
reflectSpecialName (WithN i n) = reflCall "WithN" [ RConstant (I i)
                                                  , reflectName n
reflectSpecialName (InstanceN inst ss) =
  reflCall "InstanceN" [ reflectName inst
                       , mkList (RConstant StrType) $
                           map (RConstant . Str . T.unpack) ss
reflectSpecialName (ParentN n s) =
  reflCall "ParentN" [reflectName n, RConstant (Str (T.unpack s))]
reflectSpecialName (MethodN n) =
  reflCall "MethodN" [reflectName n]
reflectSpecialName (CaseN n) =
  reflCall "CaseN" [reflectName n]
reflectSpecialName (ElimN n) =
  reflCall "ElimN" [reflectName n]
reflectSpecialName (InstanceCtorN n) =
  reflCall "InstanceCtorN" [reflectName n]
reflectSpecialName (MetaN parent meta) =
  reflCall "MetaN" [reflectName parent, reflectName meta]

-- | Elaborate a name to a pattern.  This means that NS and UN will be intact.
-- MNs corresponding to will care about the string but not the number.  All
-- others become _.
reflectNameQuotePattern :: Name -> ElabD ()
reflectNameQuotePattern n@(UN s)
  = do fill $ reflectName n
reflectNameQuotePattern n@(NS _ _)
  = do fill $ reflectName n
reflectNameQuotePattern (MN _ n)
  = do i <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "mnCounter")
       claim i (RConstant (AType (ATInt ITNative)))
       movelast i
       fill $ reflCall "MN" [Var i, RConstant (Str $ T.unpack n)]
reflectNameQuotePattern _ -- for all other names, match any
  = do nameHole <- getNameFrom (sMN 0 "name")
       claim nameHole (Var (reflm "TTName"))
       movelast nameHole
       fill (Var nameHole)

reflectBinder :: Binder Term -> Raw
reflectBinder = reflectBinderQuote reflectTTQuote (reflm "TT") []

reflectBinderQuote :: ([Name] -> a -> Raw) -> Name -> [Name] -> Binder a -> Raw
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (Lam t)
   = reflCall "Lam" [Var ty, q unq t]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (Pi _ t k)
   = reflCall "Pi" [Var ty, q unq t, q unq k]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (Let x y)
   = reflCall "Let" [Var ty, q unq x, q unq y]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (NLet x y)
   = reflCall "NLet" [Var ty, q unq x, q unq y]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (Hole t)
   = reflCall "Hole" [Var ty, q unq t]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (GHole _ t)
   = reflCall "GHole" [Var ty, q unq t]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (Guess x y)
   = reflCall "Guess" [Var ty, q unq x, q unq y]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (PVar t)
   = reflCall "PVar" [Var ty, q unq t]
reflectBinderQuote q ty unq (PVTy t)
   = reflCall "PVTy" [Var ty, q unq t]

mkList :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw
mkList ty []      = RApp (Var (sNS (sUN "Nil") ["List", "Prelude"])) ty
mkList ty (x:xs) = RApp (RApp (RApp (Var (sNS (sUN "::") ["List", "Prelude"])) ty)
                        (mkList ty xs)

reflectConstant :: Const -> Raw
reflectConstant c@(I  _) = reflCall "I"  [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(BI _) = reflCall "BI" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(Fl _) = reflCall "Fl" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(Ch _) = reflCall "Ch" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(Str _) = reflCall "Str" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(B8 _) = reflCall "B8" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(B16 _) = reflCall "B16" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(B32 _) = reflCall "B32" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant c@(B64 _) = reflCall "B64" [RConstant c]
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt ITNative)) = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [Var (reflm "ITNative")]]
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt ITBig)) = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [Var (reflm "ITBig")]]
reflectConstant (AType ATFloat) = reflCall "AType" [Var (reflm "ATFloat")]
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt ITChar)) = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [Var (reflm "ITChar")]]
reflectConstant StrType = Var (reflm "StrType")
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT8)))  = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [reflCall "ITFixed" [Var (reflm "IT8")]]]
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT16))) = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [reflCall "ITFixed" [Var (reflm "IT16")]]]
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT32))) = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [reflCall "ITFixed" [Var (reflm "IT32")]]]
reflectConstant (AType (ATInt (ITFixed IT64))) = reflCall "AType" [reflCall "ATInt" [reflCall "ITFixed" [Var (reflm "IT64")]]]
reflectConstant VoidType = Var (reflm "VoidType")
reflectConstant Forgot = Var (reflm "Forgot")
reflectConstant WorldType = Var (reflm "WorldType")
reflectConstant TheWorld = Var (reflm "TheWorld")

reflectUExp :: UExp -> Raw
reflectUExp (UVar i) = reflCall "UVar" [RConstant (I i)]
reflectUExp (UVal i) = reflCall "UVal" [RConstant (I i)]

-- | Reflect the environment of a proof into a List (TTName, Binder TT)
reflectEnv :: Env -> Raw
reflectEnv = foldr consToEnvList emptyEnvList
    consToEnvList :: (Name, Binder Term) -> Raw -> Raw
    consToEnvList (n, b) l
      = raw_apply (Var (sNS (sUN "::") ["List", "Prelude"]))
                  [ envTupleType
                  , raw_apply (Var pairCon) [ (Var $ reflm "TTName")
                                            , (RApp (Var $ reflm "Binder")
                                                    (Var $ reflm "TT"))
                                            , reflectName n
                                            , reflectBinder b
                  , l

    emptyEnvList :: Raw
    emptyEnvList = raw_apply (Var (sNS (sUN "Nil") ["List", "Prelude"]))

-- | Reflect an error into the internal datatype of Idris -- TODO
rawBool :: Bool -> Raw
rawBool True  = Var (sNS (sUN "True") ["Bool", "Prelude"])
rawBool False = Var (sNS (sUN "False") ["Bool", "Prelude"])

rawNil :: Raw -> Raw
rawNil ty = raw_apply (Var (sNS (sUN "Nil") ["List", "Prelude"])) [ty]

rawCons :: Raw -> Raw -> Raw -> Raw
rawCons ty hd tl = raw_apply (Var (sNS (sUN "::") ["List", "Prelude"])) [ty, hd, tl]

rawList :: Raw -> [Raw] -> Raw
rawList ty = foldr (rawCons ty) (rawNil ty)

rawPairTy :: Raw -> Raw -> Raw
rawPairTy t1 t2 = raw_apply (Var pairTy) [t1, t2]

rawPair :: (Raw, Raw) -> (Raw, Raw) -> Raw
rawPair (a, b) (x, y) = raw_apply (Var pairCon) [a, b, x, y]

reflectCtxt :: [(Name, Type)] -> Raw
reflectCtxt ctxt = rawList (rawPairTy  (Var $ reflm "TTName") (Var $ reflm "TT"))
                           (map (\ (n, t) -> (rawPair (Var $ reflm "TTName", Var $ reflm "TT")
                                                      (reflectName n, reflect t)))

reflectErr :: Err -> Raw
reflectErr (Msg msg) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "Msg") [RConstant (Str msg)]
reflectErr (InternalMsg msg) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "InternalMsg") [RConstant (Str msg)]
reflectErr (CantUnify b (t1,_) (t2,_) e ctxt i) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantUnify")
            [ rawBool b
            , reflect t1
            , reflect t2
            , reflectErr e
            , reflectCtxt ctxt
            , RConstant (I i)]
reflectErr (InfiniteUnify n tm ctxt) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "InfiniteUnify")
            [ reflectName n
            , reflect tm
            , reflectCtxt ctxt
reflectErr (CantConvert t t' ctxt) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantConvert")
            [ reflect t
            , reflect t'
            , reflectCtxt ctxt
reflectErr (CantSolveGoal t ctxt) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantSolveGoal")
            [ reflect t
            , reflectCtxt ctxt
reflectErr (UnifyScope n n' t ctxt) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "UnifyScope")
            [ reflectName n
            , reflectName n'
            , reflect t
            , reflectCtxt ctxt
reflectErr (CantInferType str) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantInferType") [RConstant (Str str)]
reflectErr (NonFunctionType t t') =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NonFunctionType") [reflect t, reflect t']
reflectErr (NotEquality t t') =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NotEquality") [reflect t, reflect t']
reflectErr (TooManyArguments n) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "TooManyArguments") [reflectName n]
reflectErr (CantIntroduce t) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantIntroduce") [reflect t]
reflectErr (NoSuchVariable n) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NoSuchVariable") [reflectName n]
reflectErr (WithFnType t) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "WithFnType") [reflect t]
reflectErr (CantMatch t) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantMatch") [reflect t]
reflectErr (NoTypeDecl n) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NoTypeDecl") [reflectName n]
reflectErr (NotInjective t1 t2 t3) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NotInjective")
            [ reflect t1
            , reflect t2
            , reflect t3
reflectErr (CantResolve _ t) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantResolve") [reflect t]
reflectErr (InvalidTCArg n t) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "InvalidTCArg") [reflectName n, reflect t]
reflectErr (CantResolveAlts ss) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "CantResolveAlts")
            [rawList (Var $ reflm "TTName") (map reflectName ss)]
reflectErr (IncompleteTerm t) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "IncompleteTerm") [reflect t]
reflectErr (NoEliminator str t) 
  = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NoEliminator") [RConstant (Str str),
                                                  reflect t]
reflectErr (UniverseError fc ue old new tys) =
  -- NB: loses information, but OK because this is not likely to be rewritten
  Var $ reflErrName "UniverseError"
reflectErr ProgramLineComment = Var $ reflErrName "ProgramLineComment"
reflectErr (Inaccessible n) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "Inaccessible") [reflectName n]
reflectErr (UnknownImplicit n f) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "UnknownImplicit") [reflectName n, reflectName f]
reflectErr (NonCollapsiblePostulate n) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NonCollabsiblePostulate") [reflectName n]
reflectErr (AlreadyDefined n) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "AlreadyDefined") [reflectName n]
reflectErr (ProofSearchFail e) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "ProofSearchFail") [reflectErr e]
reflectErr (NoRewriting tm) = raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "NoRewriting") [reflect tm]
reflectErr (ProviderError str) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "ProviderError") [RConstant (Str str)]
reflectErr (LoadingFailed str err) =
  raw_apply (Var $ reflErrName "LoadingFailed") [RConstant (Str str)]
reflectErr x = raw_apply (Var (sNS (sUN "Msg") ["Errors", "Reflection", "Language"])) [RConstant . Str $ "Default reflection: " ++ show x]

-- | Reflect a file context
reflectFC :: FC -> Raw
reflectFC fc = raw_apply (Var (reflm "FileLoc"))
                         [ RConstant (Str (fc_fname fc))
                         , raw_apply (Var pairCon) $
                             [intTy, intTy] ++
                             map (RConstant . I)
                                 [ fst (fc_start fc)
                                 , snd (fc_start fc)
                         , raw_apply (Var pairCon) $
                             [intTy, intTy] ++
                             map (RConstant . I)
                                 [ fst (fc_end fc)
                                 , snd (fc_end fc)
  where intTy = RConstant (AType (ATInt ITNative))

fromTTMaybe :: Term -> Maybe Term -- WARNING: Assumes the term has type Maybe a
fromTTMaybe (App _ (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) (NS (UN just) _) _) ty) tm)
  | just == txt "Just" = Just tm
fromTTMaybe x          = Nothing

reflErrName :: String -> Name
reflErrName n = sNS (sUN n) ["Errors", "Reflection", "Language"]

-- | Attempt to reify a report part from TT to the internal
-- representation. Not in Idris or ElabD monads because it should be usable
-- from either.
reifyReportPart :: Term -> Either Err ErrorReportPart
reifyReportPart (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) (Constant (Str msg))) | n == reflm "TextPart" =
    Right (TextPart msg)
reifyReportPart (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) ttn)
  | n == reflm "NamePart" =
    case runElab initEState (reifyTTName ttn) (initElaborator NErased initContext emptyContext Erased) of
      Error e -> Left . InternalMsg $
       "could not reify name term " ++
       show ttn ++
       " when reflecting an error:" ++ show e
      OK (n', _)-> Right $ NamePart n'
reifyReportPart (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) tm)
  | n == reflm "TermPart" =
  case runElab initEState (reifyTT tm) (initElaborator NErased initContext emptyContext Erased) of
    Error e -> Left . InternalMsg $
      "could not reify reflected term " ++
      show tm ++
      " when reflecting an error:" ++ show e
    OK (tm', _) -> Right $ TermPart tm'
reifyReportPart (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) tm)
  | n == reflm "SubReport" =
  case unList tm of
    Just xs -> do subParts <- mapM reifyReportPart xs
                  Right (SubReport subParts)
    Nothing -> Left . InternalMsg $ "could not reify subreport " ++ show tm
reifyReportPart x = Left . InternalMsg $ "could not reify " ++ show x

reifyTyDecl :: Term -> ElabD RTyDecl
reifyTyDecl (App _ (App _ (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) tyN) args) ret)
  | n == tacN "Declare" =
  do tyN'  <- reifyTTName tyN
     args' <- case unList args of
                Nothing -> fail $ "Couldn't reify " ++ show args ++ " as an arglist."
                Just xs -> mapM reifyRArg xs
     ret'  <- reifyRaw ret
     return $ RDeclare tyN' args' ret'
  where reifyRArg :: Term -> ElabD RArg
        reifyRArg (App _ (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) argN) argTy)
          | n == tacN "Explicit"   = liftM2 RExplicit
                                            (reifyTTName argN)
                                            (reifyRaw argTy)
          | n == tacN "Implicit"   = liftM2 RImplicit
                                            (reifyTTName argN)
                                            (reifyRaw argTy)                               | n == tacN "Constraint" = liftM2 RConstraint
                                            (reifyTTName argN)
                                            (reifyRaw argTy)
        reifyRArg aTm = fail $ "Couldn't reify " ++ show aTm ++ " as an RArg."
reifyTyDecl tm = fail $ "Couldn't reify " ++ show tm ++ " as a type declaration."

reifyFunDefn :: Term -> ElabD RFunDefn
reifyFunDefn (App _ (App _ (P _ n _) fnN) clauses)
  | n == tacN "DefineFun" =
  do fnN' <- reifyTTName fnN
     clauses' <- case unList clauses of
                   Nothing -> fail $ "Couldn't reify " ++ show clauses ++ " as a clause list"
                   Just cs -> mapM reifyC cs
     return $ RDefineFun fnN' clauses'
  where reifyC :: Term -> ElabD RFunClause
        reifyC (App _ (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) lhs) rhs)
          | n == tacN "MkFunClause" = liftM2 RMkFunClause
                                             (reifyRaw lhs)
                                             (reifyRaw rhs)
        reifyC (App _ (P (DCon _ _ _) n _) lhs)
          | n == tacN "MkImpossibleClause" = fmap RMkImpossibleClause $ reifyRaw lhs
        reifyC tm = fail $ "Couldn't reify " ++ show tm ++ " as a clause."
reifyFunDefn tm = fail $ "Couldn't reify " ++ show tm ++ " as a function declaration."

envTupleType :: Raw
  = raw_apply (Var pairTy) [ (Var $ reflm "TTName")
                           , (RApp (Var $ reflm "Binder") (Var $ reflm "TT"))

-- | Build the reflected datatype definition(s) that correspond(s) to
-- a provided unqualified name
buildDatatypes :: Context -> Ctxt TypeInfo -> Name -> [RDatatype]
buildDatatypes ctxt datatypes n =
  catMaybes [ mkDataType dn ti
            | (dn, ti) <- lookupCtxtName n datatypes
  where mkDataType name (TI {param_pos = params, con_names = constrs}) =
          do (TyDecl (TCon _ _) ty) <- lookupDefExact name ctxt
             let (tcargs, tcres) = getArgs params (forget ty) 0
             conTys <- mapM (fmap forget . flip lookupTyExact ctxt) constrs
             return $ RDatatype name tcargs tcres $ zip constrs conTys

        getArgs params (RBind an (Pi _ ty _) body) i =
          let (args, res) = getArgs params body (i+1)
          in if i `elem` params
               then (RParameter an ty : args, res )
               else (RIndex an ty : args, res)
        getArgs _ tm _ = ([], tm)

reflectDatatype :: RDatatype -> Raw
reflectDatatype (RDatatype tyn tyConArgs tyConRes constrs) =
  raw_apply (Var $ tacN "MkDatatype") [ reflectName tyn
                                      , rawList (Var $ tacN "TyConArg") (map reflectConArg tyConArgs)
                                      , reflectRaw tyConRes
                                      , rawList (rawPairTy (Var $ reflm "TTName") (Var $ reflm "Raw"))
                                                [ rawPair ((Var $ reflm "TTName"), (Var $ reflm "Raw"))
                                                          (reflectName cn, reflectRaw cty)
                                                | (cn, cty) <- constrs
  where reflectConArg (RParameter n t) =
          raw_apply (Var $ tacN "Parameter") [reflectName n, reflectRaw t]
        reflectConArg (RIndex n t) =
          raw_apply (Var $ tacN "Index")     [reflectName n, reflectRaw t]