module Tactics import Language.Reflection.Elab import Data.Vect %default total -- Test that basic proofs with new-style tactics work ||| Construct a Refl at some particular type for some particular term ||| @ t the type ||| @ x the term for equality to be reflexive at refl : (t, x : Raw) -> Raw refl t x = RApp (RApp (Var (UN "Refl")) t) x plusZeroRightNeutralNew : (n : Nat) -> plus n 0 = n plusZeroRightNeutralNew Z = Refl plusZeroRightNeutralNew (S k) = %runElab (do rewriteWith `(sym $ plusZeroRightNeutralNew ~(Var "k")) fill $ refl `(Nat : Type) `(S ~(Var (UN "k"))) solve) plusSuccRightSuccNew : (j, k : Nat) -> plus j (S k) = S (plus j k) plusSuccRightSuccNew Z k = Refl plusSuccRightSuccNew (S j) k = %runElab (do rewriteWith `(sym $ plusSuccRightSuccNew ~(Var "j") ~(Var (UN "k"))) fill $ refl `(Nat : Type) `(S (S (plus ~(Var (UN "j")) ~(Var (UN "k"))))) solve) -- Test that side effects in new tactics work mkDecl : () mkDecl = %runElab (do declareType $ Declare (NS (UN "repUnit") ["Tactics"]) [Implicit (UN "z") `(Nat)] `(Vect ~(Var (UN "z")) ()) fill `(() : ()) solve) repUnit = pure ()