{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}

module Idris.Output where

import Idris.Core.TT
import Idris.Core.Evaluate (isDConName, isTConName, isFnName, normaliseAll)

import Idris.AbsSyntax
import Idris.Delaborate
import Idris.Docstrings
import Idris.IdeMode

import Util.Pretty
import Util.ScreenSize (getScreenWidth)

import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT (ExceptT), runExceptT)

import System.Console.Haskeline.MonadException
  (MonadException (controlIO), RunIO (RunIO))
import System.IO (stdout, Handle, hPutStrLn)

import Prelude hiding ((<$>))

import Data.Char (isAlpha)
import Data.List (nub, intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

instance MonadException m => MonadException (ExceptT Err m) where
    controlIO f = ExceptT $ controlIO $ \(RunIO run) -> let
                    run' = RunIO (fmap ExceptT . run . runExceptT)
                    in fmap runExceptT $ f run'

pshow :: IState -> Err -> String
pshow ist err = displayDecorated (consoleDecorate ist) .
                renderPretty 1.0 80 .
                fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $ pprintErr ist err

iWarn :: FC -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
iWarn fc err =
  do i <- getIState
     case idris_outputmode i of
       RawOutput h ->
         do err' <- iRender . fmap (fancifyAnnots i True) $
                      case fc of
                        FC fn _ _ | fn /= "" -> text (show fc) <> colon <//> err
                        _ -> err
            runIO . hPutStrLn h $ displayDecorated (consoleDecorate i) err'
       IdeMode n h ->
         do err' <- iRender . fmap (fancifyAnnots i True) $ err
            let (str, spans) = displaySpans err'
            runIO . hPutStrLn h $
              convSExp "warning" (fc_fname fc, fc_start fc, fc_end fc, str, spans) n

iRender :: Doc a -> Idris (SimpleDoc a)
iRender d = do w <- getWidth
               ist <- getIState
               let ideMode = case idris_outputmode ist of
                                IdeMode _ _ -> True
                                _            -> False
               case w of
                 InfinitelyWide -> return $ renderPretty 1.0 1000000000 d
                 ColsWide n -> return $
                               if n < 1
                                 then renderPretty 1.0 1000000000 d
                                 else renderPretty 0.8 n d
                 AutomaticWidth | ideMode  -> return $ renderPretty 1.0 80 d
                                | otherwise -> do width <- runIO getScreenWidth
                                                  return $ renderPretty 0.8 width d

-- | Write a pretty-printed term to the console with semantic coloring
consoleDisplayAnnotated :: Handle -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
consoleDisplayAnnotated h output = do ist <- getIState
                                      rendered <- iRender $ output
                                      runIO . hPutStrLn h .
                                        displayDecorated (consoleDecorate ist) $

iPrintTermWithType :: Doc OutputAnnotation -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
iPrintTermWithType tm ty = iRenderResult (tm <+> colon <+> align ty)

-- | Pretty-print a collection of overloadings to REPL or IDEMode - corresponds to :t name
iPrintFunTypes :: [(Name, Bool)] -> Name -> [(Name, Doc OutputAnnotation)] -> Idris ()
iPrintFunTypes bnd n []        = iPrintError $ "No such variable " ++ show n
iPrintFunTypes bnd n overloads = do ist <- getIState
                                    let ppo = ppOptionIst ist
                                    let infixes = idris_infixes ist
                                    let output = vsep (map (uncurry (ppOverload ppo infixes)) overloads)
                                    iRenderResult output
  where fullName n = prettyName True True bnd n
        ppOverload ppo infixes n tm =
          fullName n <+> colon <+> align tm

iRenderOutput :: Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
iRenderOutput doc =
  do i <- getIState
     case idris_outputmode i of
       RawOutput h -> do out <- iRender doc
                         runIO $ putStrLn (displayDecorated (consoleDecorate i) out)
       IdeMode n h ->
        do (str, spans) <- fmap displaySpans . iRender . fmap (fancifyAnnots i True) $ doc
           let out = [toSExp str, toSExp spans]
           runIO . hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "write-decorated" out n

iRenderResult :: Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
iRenderResult d = do ist <- getIState
                     case idris_outputmode ist of
                       RawOutput h  -> consoleDisplayAnnotated h d
                       IdeMode n h -> ideModeReturnAnnotated n h d

ideModeReturnWithStatus :: String -> Integer -> Handle -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
ideModeReturnWithStatus status n h out = do
  ist <- getIState
  (str, spans) <- fmap displaySpans .
                  iRender .
                  fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $
  let good = [SymbolAtom status, toSExp str, toSExp spans]
  runIO . hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "return" good n

-- | Write pretty-printed output to IDEMode with semantic annotations
ideModeReturnAnnotated :: Integer -> Handle -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
ideModeReturnAnnotated = ideModeReturnWithStatus "ok"

-- | Show an error with semantic highlighting
iRenderError :: Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
iRenderError e = do ist <- getIState
                    case idris_outputmode ist of
                      RawOutput h  -> consoleDisplayAnnotated h e
                      IdeMode n h -> ideModeReturnWithStatus "error" n h e

iPrintWithStatus :: String -> String -> Idris ()
iPrintWithStatus status s = do
  i <- getIState
  case idris_outputmode i of
    RawOutput h -> case s of
      "" -> return ()
      s  -> runIO $ hPutStrLn h s
    IdeMode n h ->
      let good = SexpList [SymbolAtom status, toSExp s] in
      runIO $ hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "return" good n

iPrintResult :: String -> Idris ()
iPrintResult = iPrintWithStatus "ok"

iPrintError :: String -> Idris ()
iPrintError = iPrintWithStatus "error"

iputStrLn :: String -> Idris ()
iputStrLn s = do i <- getIState
                 case idris_outputmode i of
                   RawOutput h  -> runIO $ hPutStrLn h s
                   IdeMode n h -> runIO . hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "write-string" s n

idemodePutSExp :: SExpable a => String -> a -> Idris ()
idemodePutSExp cmd info = do i <- getIState
                             case idris_outputmode i of
                               IdeMode n h ->
                                 runIO . hPutStrLn h $
                                   convSExp cmd info n
                               _ -> return ()

-- TODO: send structured output similar to the metavariable list
iputGoal :: SimpleDoc OutputAnnotation -> Idris ()
iputGoal g = do i <- getIState
                case idris_outputmode i of
                  RawOutput h -> runIO $ hPutStrLn h (displayDecorated (consoleDecorate i) g)
                  IdeMode n h ->
                    let (str, spans) = displaySpans . fmap (fancifyAnnots i True) $ g
                        goal = [toSExp str, toSExp spans]
                    in runIO . hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "write-goal" goal n

-- | Warn about totality problems without failing to compile
warnTotality :: Idris ()
warnTotality = do ist <- getIState
                  mapM_ (warn ist) (nub (idris_totcheckfail ist))
  where warn ist (fc, e) = iWarn fc (pprintErr ist (Msg e))

printUndefinedNames :: [Name] -> Doc OutputAnnotation
printUndefinedNames ns = text "Undefined " <> names <> text "."
  where names = encloseSep empty empty (char ',') $ map ppName ns
        ppName = prettyName True True []

prettyDocumentedIst :: IState
                    -> (Name, PTerm, Maybe (Docstring DocTerm))
                    -> Doc OutputAnnotation
prettyDocumentedIst ist (name, ty, docs) =
          prettyName True True [] name <+> colon <+> align (prettyIst ist ty) <$>
          fromMaybe empty (fmap (\d -> renderDocstring (renderDocTerm ppTm norm) d <> line) docs)
  where ppTm = pprintDelab ist
        norm = normaliseAll (tt_ctxt ist) []

sendHighlighting :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)] -> Idris ()
sendHighlighting highlights =
  do ist <- getIState
     case idris_outputmode ist of
       RawOutput _ -> return ()
       IdeMode n h ->
         let fancier = [ toSExp (fc, fancifyAnnots ist False annot)
                       | (fc, annot) <- highlights, fullFC fc
         in case fancier of
              [] -> return ()
              _  -> runIO . hPutStrLn h $
                      convSExp "output"
                               (SymbolAtom "ok",
                                (SymbolAtom "highlight-source", fancier)) n

  where fullFC (FC _ _ _) = True
        fullFC _          = False

renderExternal :: OutputFmt -> Int -> Doc OutputAnnotation -> Idris String
renderExternal fmt width doc
  | width < 1 = throwError . Msg $ "There must be at least one column for the pretty-printer."
  | otherwise =
    do ist <- getIState
       return . wrap fmt .
         displayDecorated (decorate fmt) .
         renderPretty 1.0 width .
         fmap (fancifyAnnots ist True) $
    decorate _ (AnnFC _) = id

    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnName _ (Just TypeOutput) d _) =
      tag "idris-type" d
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnName _ (Just FunOutput) d _) =
      tag "idris-function" d
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnName _ (Just DataOutput) d _) =
      tag "idris-data" d
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnName _ (Just MetavarOutput) d _) =
      tag "idris-metavar" d
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnName _ (Just PostulateOutput) d _) =
      tag "idris-postulate" d
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnName _ _ _ _) = id
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnBoundName _ True) = tag "idris-bound idris-implicit" Nothing
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnBoundName _ False) = tag "idris-bound" Nothing
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnConst c) =
      tag (if constIsType c then "idris-type" else "idris-data")
          (Just $ constDocs c)
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnData _ _) = tag "idris-data" Nothing
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnType _ _) = tag "idris-type" Nothing
    decorate HTMLOutput AnnKeyword = tag "idris-keyword" Nothing
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnTextFmt fmt) =
      case fmt of
        BoldText -> mkTag "strong"
        ItalicText -> mkTag "em"
        UnderlineText -> tag "idris-underlined" Nothing
      where mkTag t x = "<"++t++">"++x++"</"++t++">"
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnTerm _ _) = id
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnSearchResult _) = id
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnErr _) = id
    decorate HTMLOutput (AnnNamespace _ _) = id

    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnName _ (Just TypeOutput) _ _) =
      latex "IdrisType"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnName _ (Just FunOutput) _ _) =
      latex "IdrisFunction"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnName _ (Just DataOutput) _ _) =
      latex "IdrisData"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnName _ (Just MetavarOutput) _ _) =
      latex "IdrisMetavar"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnName _ (Just PostulateOutput) _ _) =
      latex "IdrisPostulate"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnName _ _ _ _) = id
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnBoundName _ True) = latex "IdrisImplicit"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnBoundName _ False) = latex "IdrisBound"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnConst c) =
      latex $ if constIsType c then "IdrisType" else "IdrisData"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnData _ _) = latex "IdrisData"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnType _ _) = latex "IdrisType"
    decorate LaTeXOutput AnnKeyword = latex "IdrisKeyword"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnTextFmt fmt) =
      case fmt of
        BoldText -> latex "textbf"
        ItalicText -> latex "emph"
        UnderlineText -> latex "underline"
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnTerm _ _) = id
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnSearchResult _) = id
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnErr _) = id
    decorate LaTeXOutput (AnnNamespace _ _) = id

    tag cls docs str = "<span class=\""++cls++"\""++title++">" ++ str ++ "</span>"
      where title = maybe "" (\d->" title=\"" ++ d ++ "\"") docs

    latex cmd str = "\\"++cmd++"{"++str++"}"

    wrap HTMLOutput str =
      "<!doctype html><html><head><style>" ++ css ++ "</style></head>" ++
      "<body><!-- START CODE --><pre>" ++ str ++ "</pre><!-- END CODE --></body></html>"
      where css = concat . intersperse "\n" $
                    [".idris-data { color: red; } ",
                     ".idris-type { color: blue; }",
                     ".idris-function {color: green; }",
                     ".idris-keyword { font-weight: bold; }",
                     ".idris-bound { color: purple; }",
                     ".idris-implicit { font-style: italic; }",
                     ".idris-underlined { text-decoration: underline; }"]
    wrap LaTeXOutput str =
      concat . intersperse "\n" $
         "\\usepackage[usenames]{xcolor}"] ++
        map (\(cmd, color) ->
               "\\newcommand{\\"++ cmd ++
               "}[1]{\\textcolor{"++ color ++"}{#1}}")
             [("IdrisData", "red"), ("IdrisType", "blue"),
              ("IdrisBound", "magenta"), ("IdrisFunction", "green")] ++
         "\\newcommand{\\IdrisImplicit}[1]{{\\itshape \\IdrisBound{#1}}}",
         "% START CODE",
         "% END CODE",