module Interfaces.Verified import Control.Algebra import Control.Algebra.Lattice import Control.Algebra.NumericImplementations import Control.Algebra.VectorSpace import Data.ZZ %access public export -- Due to these being basically unused and difficult to implement, -- they're in contrib for a bit. Once a design is found that lets them -- be implemented for a number of implementations, and we get those -- implementations, then some of them can move back to base (or even -- prelude, in the cases of Functor, Applicative, Monad, Semigroup, -- and Monoid). interface Functor f => VerifiedFunctor (f : Type -> Type) where functorIdentity : {a : Type} -> (x : f a) -> map x = x functorComposition : {a : Type} -> {b : Type} -> (x : f a) -> (g1 : a -> b) -> (g2 : b -> c) -> map (g2 . g1) x = (map g2 . map g1) x VerifiedFunctor Maybe where functorIdentity Nothing = Refl functorIdentity (Just x) = Refl functorComposition Nothing g1 g2 = Refl functorComposition (Just x) g1 g2 = Refl interface (Applicative f, VerifiedFunctor f) => VerifiedApplicative (f : Type -> Type) where applicativeMap : (x : f a) -> (g : a -> b) -> map g x = pure g <*> x applicativeIdentity : (x : f a) -> pure <*> x = x applicativeComposition : (x : f a) -> (g1 : f (a -> b)) -> (g2 : f (b -> c)) -> ((pure (.) <*> g2) <*> g1) <*> x = g2 <*> (g1 <*> x) applicativeHomomorphism : (x : a) -> (g : a -> b) -> (<*>) {f} (pure g) (pure x) = pure {f} (g x) applicativeInterchange : (x : a) -> (g : f (a -> b)) -> g <*> pure x = pure (\g' : (a -> b) => g' x) <*> g VerifiedApplicative Maybe where applicativeMap Nothing g = Refl applicativeMap (Just x) g = Refl applicativeIdentity Nothing = Refl applicativeIdentity (Just x) = Refl applicativeComposition Nothing Nothing Nothing = Refl applicativeComposition Nothing Nothing (Just x) = Refl applicativeComposition Nothing (Just x) Nothing = Refl applicativeComposition Nothing (Just x) (Just y) = Refl applicativeComposition (Just x) Nothing Nothing = Refl applicativeComposition (Just x) Nothing (Just y) = Refl applicativeComposition (Just x) (Just y) Nothing = Refl applicativeComposition (Just x) (Just y) (Just z) = Refl applicativeHomomorphism x g = Refl applicativeInterchange x Nothing = Refl applicativeInterchange x (Just y) = Refl interface (Monad m, VerifiedApplicative m) => VerifiedMonad (m : Type -> Type) where monadApplicative : (mf : m (a -> b)) -> (mx : m a) -> mf <*> mx = mf >>= \f => mx >>= \x => pure (f x) monadLeftIdentity : (x : a) -> (f : a -> m b) -> pure x >>= f = f x monadRightIdentity : (mx : m a) -> mx >>= Applicative.pure = mx monadAssociativity : (mx : m a) -> (f : a -> m b) -> (g : b -> m c) -> (mx >>= f) >>= g = mx >>= (\x => f x >>= g) VerifiedMonad Maybe where monadApplicative Nothing Nothing = Refl monadApplicative Nothing (Just x) = Refl monadApplicative (Just x) Nothing = Refl monadApplicative (Just x) (Just y) = Refl monadLeftIdentity x f = Refl monadRightIdentity Nothing = Refl monadRightIdentity (Just x) = Refl monadAssociativity Nothing f g = Refl monadAssociativity (Just x) f g = Refl interface Semigroup a => VerifiedSemigroup a where total semigroupOpIsAssociative : (l, c, r : a) -> l <+> (c <+> r) = (l <+> c) <+> r implementation VerifiedSemigroup (List a) where semigroupOpIsAssociative = appendAssociative [PlusNatSemiV] VerifiedSemigroup Nat using PlusNatSemi where semigroupOpIsAssociative = plusAssociative [MultNatSemiV] VerifiedSemigroup Nat using MultNatSemi where semigroupOpIsAssociative = multAssociative [PlusZZSemiV] VerifiedSemigroup ZZ using PlusZZSemi where semigroupOpIsAssociative = plusAssociativeZ [MultZZSemiV] VerifiedSemigroup ZZ using MultZZSemi where semigroupOpIsAssociative = multAssociativeZ interface (VerifiedSemigroup a, Monoid a) => VerifiedMonoid a where total monoidNeutralIsNeutralL : (l : a) -> l <+> Algebra.neutral = l total monoidNeutralIsNeutralR : (r : a) -> Algebra.neutral <+> r = r [PlusNatMonoidV] VerifiedMonoid Nat using PlusNatSemiV, PlusNatMonoid where monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = plusZeroRightNeutral monoidNeutralIsNeutralR = plusZeroLeftNeutral [MultNatMonoidV] VerifiedMonoid Nat using MultNatSemiV, MultNatMonoid where monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = multOneRightNeutral monoidNeutralIsNeutralR = multOneLeftNeutral [PlusZZMonoidV] VerifiedMonoid ZZ using PlusZZSemiV, PlusZZMonoid where monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = plusZeroRightNeutralZ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR = plusZeroLeftNeutralZ [MultZZMonoidV] VerifiedMonoid ZZ using MultZZSemiV, MultZZMonoid where monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = multOneRightNeutralZ monoidNeutralIsNeutralR = multOneLeftNeutralZ implementation VerifiedMonoid (List a) where monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = appendNilRightNeutral monoidNeutralIsNeutralR xs = Refl interface (VerifiedMonoid a, Group a) => VerifiedGroup a where total groupInverseIsInverseL : (l : a) -> l <+> inverse l = Algebra.neutral total groupInverseIsInverseR : (r : a) -> inverse r <+> r = Algebra.neutral VerifiedGroup ZZ using PlusZZMonoidV where groupInverseIsInverseL k = rewrite sym $ multCommutativeZ (NegS 0) k in rewrite multNegLeftZ 0 k in rewrite multOneLeftNeutralZ k in plusNegateInverseLZ k groupInverseIsInverseR k = rewrite sym $ multCommutativeZ (NegS 0) k in rewrite multNegLeftZ 0 k in rewrite multOneLeftNeutralZ k in plusNegateInverseRZ k interface (VerifiedGroup a, AbelianGroup a) => VerifiedAbelianGroup a where total abelianGroupOpIsCommutative : (l, r : a) -> l <+> r = r <+> l VerifiedAbelianGroup ZZ where abelianGroupOpIsCommutative = plusCommutativeZ interface (VerifiedAbelianGroup a, Ring a) => VerifiedRing a where total ringOpIsAssociative : (l, c, r : a) -> l <.> (c <.> r) = (l <.> c) <.> r total ringOpIsDistributiveL : (l, c, r : a) -> l <.> (c <+> r) = (l <.> c) <+> (l <.> r) total ringOpIsDistributiveR : (l, c, r : a) -> (l <+> c) <.> r = (l <.> r) <+> (c <.> r) VerifiedRing ZZ where ringOpIsAssociative = multAssociativeZ ringOpIsDistributiveL = multDistributesOverPlusRightZ ringOpIsDistributiveR = multDistributesOverPlusLeftZ interface (VerifiedRing a, RingWithUnity a) => VerifiedRingWithUnity a where total ringWithUnityIsUnityL : (l : a) -> l <.> Algebra.unity = l total ringWithUnityIsUnityR : (r : a) -> Algebra.unity <.> r = r VerifiedRingWithUnity ZZ where ringWithUnityIsUnityL = multOneRightNeutralZ ringWithUnityIsUnityR = multOneLeftNeutralZ interface JoinSemilattice a => VerifiedJoinSemilattice a where total joinSemilatticeJoinIsAssociative : (l, c, r : a) -> join l (join c r) = join (join l c) r total joinSemilatticeJoinIsCommutative : (l, r : a) -> join l r = join r l total joinSemilatticeJoinIsIdempotent : (e : a) -> join e e = e interface MeetSemilattice a => VerifiedMeetSemilattice a where total meetSemilatticeMeetIsAssociative : (l, c, r : a) -> meet l (meet c r) = meet (meet l c) r total meetSemilatticeMeetIsCommutative : (l, r : a) -> meet l r = meet r l total meetSemilatticeMeetIsIdempotent : (e : a) -> meet e e = e