#include "idris_stdfgn.h" #include "idris_rts.h" #include "idris_gmp.h" #include "idris_gc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include "windows/win_utils.h" #else #include #endif extern char** environ; void putStr(char* str) { printf("%s", str); } void *fileOpen(char *name, char *mode) { #ifdef _WIN32 FILE *f = win32_u8fopen(name, mode); #else FILE *f = fopen(name, mode); #endif return (void *)f; } void fileClose(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; fclose(f); } int fileEOF(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; return feof(f); } int fileError(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; return ferror(f); } int fileRemove(const char *filename) { return remove(filename); } int fileSize(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; int fd = fileno(f); struct stat buf; if (fstat(fd, &buf) == 0) { return (int)(buf.st_size); } else { return -1; } } VAL fileAccessTime(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; int fd = fileno(f); struct stat buf; if (fstat(fd, &buf) == 0) { return MKBIGI(buf.st_atime); } else { return MKBIGI(-1); } } VAL fileModifiedTime(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; int fd = fileno(f); struct stat buf; if (fstat(fd, &buf) == 0) { return MKBIGI(buf.st_mtime); } else { return MKBIGI(-1); } } VAL fileStatusTime(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; int fd = fileno(f); struct stat buf; if (fstat(fd, &buf) == 0) { return MKBIGI(buf.st_ctime); } else { return MKBIGI(-1); } } typedef struct { DIR* dirptr; int error; } DirInfo; void* idris_dirOpen(char* dname) { DIR *d = opendir(dname); if (d == NULL) { return NULL; } else { DirInfo* di = malloc(sizeof(DirInfo)); di->dirptr = d; di->error = 0; return (void*)di; } } void idris_dirClose(void* h) { DirInfo* di = (DirInfo*)h; closedir(di->dirptr); free(di); } char* idris_nextDirEntry(void* h) { DirInfo* di = (DirInfo*)h; struct dirent* de = readdir(di->dirptr); if (de == NULL) { di->error = -1; return NULL; } else { return de->d_name; } } int idris_mkdir(char* dname) { #ifdef _WIN32 return mkdir(dname); #else return mkdir(dname, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); #endif } int idris_chdir(char* dname) { return chdir(dname); } int idris_dirError(void *dptr) { return ((DirInfo*)dptr)->error; } int idris_writeStr(void* h, char* str) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; if (fputs(str, f) >= 0) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } int fpoll(void* h) { #ifdef _WIN32 return win_fpoll(h); #else FILE* f = (FILE*)h; fd_set x; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; int fd = fileno(f); FD_ZERO(&x); FD_SET(fd, &x); int r = select(fd+1, &x, 0, 0, &timeout); return r; #endif } void *do_popen(const char *cmd, const char *mode) { #ifdef _WIN32 FILE *f = win32_u8popen(cmd, mode); #else FILE *f = popen(cmd, mode); // int d = fileno(f); // fcntl(d, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #endif return f; } int isNull(void* ptr) { return ptr==NULL; } void* idris_stdin() { return (void*)stdin; } char* getEnvPair(int i) { return *(environ + i); } VAL idris_time() { time_t t = time(NULL); return MKBIGI(t); } VAL idris_clock(VM* vm) { VAL result; #ifdef _WIN32 int64_t sec, nsec; win32_gettime(&sec, &nsec); idris_constructor(result, vm, 0, 2, 0); idris_setConArg(result, 0, MKBIGI(sec)); idris_setConArg(result, 1, MKBIGI(nsec)); #else struct timespec ts; // We're not checking the result here, which is of course bad, but // CLOCK_REALTIME is required by POSIX at least! clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); idris_constructor(result, vm, 0, 2, 0); idris_setConArg(result, 0, MKBIGI(ts.tv_sec)); idris_setConArg(result, 1, MKBIGI(ts.tv_nsec)); #endif return result; } VAL idris_mkFileError(VM* vm) { VAL result; switch(errno) { // Make sure this corresponds to the FileError structure in // Prelude.File case ENOENT: idris_constructor(result, vm, 3, 0, 0); break; case EACCES: idris_constructor(result, vm, 4, 0, 0); break; default: idris_constructor(result, vm, 0, 1, 0); idris_setConArg(result, 0, MKINT((intptr_t)errno)); break; } return result; } void idris_forceGC(void* vm) { idris_gc((VM*)vm); } typedef struct { char* string; int len; } StrBuffer; void* idris_makeStringBuffer(int len) { StrBuffer* sb = malloc(sizeof(StrBuffer)); if (sb != NULL) { sb->string = malloc(len); sb->string[0] = '\0'; sb->len = 0; } return sb; } void idris_addToString(void* buffer, char* str) { StrBuffer* sb = (StrBuffer*)buffer; int len = strlen(str); memcpy(sb->string + sb->len, str, len+1); sb->len += len; } VAL idris_getString(VM* vm, void* buffer) { StrBuffer* sb = (StrBuffer*)buffer; VAL str = MKSTR(vm, sb->string); free(sb->string); free(sb); return str; } VAL idris_currentDir() { char cwd[1024]; if (getcwd(cwd, sizeof(cwd)) != NULL) return MKSTR(get_vm(),cwd); else return MKSTR(get_vm(),""); }