-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ Perf.idr ] -- Module : Perf.idr -- Copyright : (c) Jan de Muijnck-Hughes -- License : see LICENSE -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOH ] ||| A naive performance effect for gathering data about the ||| performance of effectful programmes. module Effect.Perf import System import Effects import Effect.Default %access public export -- ---------------------------------------------------- [ Timer Data Structure ] ||| A Simple timer. record Timer where constructor MkTimer desc : String start : Integer stop : Integer splits : List (Integer, Maybe String) displayTimer : Timer -> String displayTimer (MkTimer d a z bcd) = unlines [ unwords ["Timer:", d] , unwords ["\tStart:\t", show a, (displaySplits bcd)] , unwords ["\tStop:\t", show z] , unwords ["\tDifference:\t", show (z - a)] ] where displaySplit : (Integer, Maybe String) -> String displaySplit (v, Nothing) = with List unwords ["\tSplit:\t",show v] displaySplit (v, Just msg) = with List unwords ["\tSplit:\t",show v, show msg] displaySplits : List (Integer, Maybe String) -> String displaySplits Nil = "" displaySplits ss = "\n" ++ unlines (map displaySplit $ reverse ss) defaultTimer : String -> Timer defaultTimer n = MkTimer n 0 0 Nil -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ Resource ] ||| Performance Metrics to keep during program lifetime. record PMetrics where constructor MkPMetrics canPerf : Bool livePerf : Bool counters : List (String, Nat) timers : List (String, Timer) stime : Integer stamps : List (String, Integer) implementation Default PMetrics where default = MkPMetrics False False Nil Nil 0 Nil displayPerfMetrics : PMetrics -> String displayPerfMetrics (MkPMetrics c l cs ts _ ss) = unlines [ "Perf Data:" , unlines $ map displayMarker cs , unlines $ map (\(x,y) => displayTimer y) ts , unlines $ map displayMarker ss] where displayMarker : Show a => Pair String a -> String displayMarker (d,v) = unwords [show v, "\t<==\t", show d] -- ------------------------------------------------------- [ Utility functions ] incCounter' : String -> PMetrics -> PMetrics incCounter' x st = record {counters = cs} st where cs : List (String, Nat) cs = map (\(y,c) => if x == y then (y,S c) else (y,c)) (counters st) data TOpt = START | STOP | SPLIT displayTimerOpt : TOpt -> String displayTimerOpt START = "Starting" displayTimerOpt STOP = "Stopping" displayTimerOpt SPLIT = "Splitting" timerStuff' : TOpt -> Integer -> String -> Maybe String -> PMetrics -> PMetrics timerStuff' opt val x msg st = record {timers = ts} st where doThing : (String,Timer) -> (String,Timer) doThing (y,t) = if not (x == y) then (y, t) else case opt of START => MkPair y $ record {start = val} t STOP => MkPair y $ record {stop = val} t SPLIT => MkPair y $ record {splits = (val, msg) :: splits t} t ts : List (String, Timer) ts = map doThing (timers st) perfLog : PMetrics -> String -> IO () perfLog res msg = if livePerf res then putStrLn $ unwords ["PERF:", msg] else pure () -- ------------------------------------------------------- [ Effect Definition ] data Perf : Effect where GetMetrics : sig Perf (PMetrics) (PMetrics) TurnOn : Bool -> sig Perf () (PMetrics) (PMetrics) MkCounter : String -> sig Perf () (PMetrics) (PMetrics) IncCounter : String -> sig Perf () (PMetrics) (PMetrics) Timestamp : String -> sig Perf () (PMetrics) (PMetrics) MkStopWatch : String -> sig Perf () (PMetrics) (PMetrics) TimerStuff : TOpt -> String -> Maybe String -> sig Perf () (PMetrics) (PMetrics) -- ---------------------------------------------------------- [ Handler for IO ] implementation Handler Perf IO where handle res (TurnOn b) k = do v <- time let res' = record {canPerf = True, livePerf = b, stime = v} res perfLog res' $ unwords [ "Turning on Perf with at", show v] k () (res') handle res (GetMetrics) k = k res res handle res (MkCounter n) k = do if not (canPerf res) then k () res else do let res' = record {counters = (n,Z) :: counters res} res perfLog res' $ unwords ["Creating counter:", show n] k () (res') handle res (IncCounter n) k = do if not (canPerf res) then k () res else do let res' = incCounter' n res perfLog res' $ unwords ["Incriminating counter:", show n] k () (res') handle res (MkStopWatch n) k = do if not (canPerf res) then k () res else do let res' = record {timers = (n, defaultTimer n) :: timers res} res perfLog res' $ unwords ["Creating Timer:", show n] k () (res') handle res (TimerStuff opt n msg) k = do v <- time if not (canPerf res) then k () res else do let res' = timerStuff' opt v n msg res perfLog res' $ unwords [displayTimerOpt opt, "timer", show n, "at", show v, fromMaybe "" msg] k () (res') handle res (Timestamp s) k = do v <- time let stamp = v - (stime res) if not (canPerf res) then k () res else do let res' = record {stamps = (s,stamp) :: stamps res} res perfLog res' $ unlines [ "Creating Timestamp:" , "\tTIMESTAMP:", show v , "\tMESSAGE:", show s] k () (res') -- ------------------------------------------------------- [ Effect Descriptor ] PERF : EFFECT PERF = MkEff PMetrics Perf -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ API ] ||| Turn on performance metrics. collectPMetricsOnly : Eff () [PERF] collectPMetricsOnly = call $ TurnOn False collectPMetrics : Bool -> Eff () [PERF] collectPMetrics b = call $ TurnOn b ||| Turn on performance metrics and show during operation collectPMetricsAndShow : Eff () [PERF] collectPMetricsAndShow = call $ TurnOn True ||| Return gathered metrics getPerfMetrics : Eff PMetrics [PERF] getPerfMetrics = call $ GetMetrics ||| Create a counter mkCounter : String -> Eff () [PERF] mkCounter n = call $ MkCounter n ||| Increment the counter incCounter : String -> Eff () [PERF] incCounter n = call $ IncCounter n mkTimer : String -> Eff () [PERF] mkTimer n = call $ MkStopWatch n ||| Stop a timer stopTimer : String -> Eff () [PERF] stopTimer n = call $ TimerStuff STOP n Nothing ||| Start a timer startTimer : String -> Eff () [PERF] startTimer n = call $ TimerStuff START n Nothing ||| Split a timer splitTimer : String -> Eff () [PERF] splitTimer n = call $ TimerStuff SPLIT n Nothing splitTimerMsg : String -> String -> Eff () [PERF] splitTimerMsg n msg = call $ TimerStuff SPLIT n (Just msg) ||| Create a time stamp. timestamp : String -> Eff () [PERF] timestamp msg = call $ Timestamp msg -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- [ EOF ]