{-| Module : IRTS.JavaScript.AST Description : The JavaScript AST. License : BSD3 Maintainer : The Idris Community. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings, PatternGuards #-} module IRTS.JavaScript.AST ( JsExpr(..) , JsStmt(..) , jsAst2Text , jsStmt2Text , jsLazy , jsCurryLam , jsCurryApp , jsAppN , jsExpr2Stmt , jsStmt2Expr , jsSetVar ) where import Data.Char import Data.Data import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Numeric data JsStmt = JsEmpty | JsComment Text | JsExprStmt JsExpr | JsFun Text [Text] JsStmt | JsSeq JsStmt JsStmt | JsReturn JsExpr | JsDecVar Text JsExpr | JsDecConst Text JsExpr | JsDecLet Text JsExpr | JsSet JsExpr JsExpr | JsIf JsExpr JsStmt (Maybe JsStmt) | JsSwitchCase JsExpr [(JsExpr, JsStmt)] (Maybe JsStmt) | JsError JsExpr | JsForever JsStmt | JsContinue | JsBreak deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) data JsExpr = JsNull | JsUndefined | JsThis | JsLambda [Text] JsStmt | JsApp JsExpr [JsExpr] | JsNew JsExpr [JsExpr] | JsPart JsExpr Text | JsMethod JsExpr Text [JsExpr] | JsVar Text | JsArrayProj JsExpr JsExpr | JsObj [(Text, JsExpr)] | JsProp JsExpr Text | JsInt Int | JsBool Bool | JsInteger Integer | JsDouble Double | JsStr String | JsArray [JsExpr] | JsErrorExp JsExpr | JsUniOp Text JsExpr | JsBinOp Text JsExpr JsExpr | JsForeign Text [JsExpr] | JsB2I JsExpr | JsForce JsExpr deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable) translateChar :: Char -> String translateChar ch | '\b' <- ch = "\\b" | '\f' <- ch = "\\f" | '\n' <- ch = "\\n" | '\r' <- ch = "\\r" | '\t' <- ch = "\\t" | '\v' <- ch = "\\v" | '\\' <- ch = "\\\\" | '\"' <- ch = "\\\"" | '\'' <- ch = "\\\'" | ord ch < 0x20 = "\\x" ++ pad 2 (showHex (ord ch) "") | ord ch < 0x7f = [ch] -- 0x7f '\DEL' | ord ch <= 0xff = "\\x" ++ pad 2 (showHex (ord ch) "") | ord ch <= 0xffff = "\\u" ++ pad 4 (showHex (ord ch) "") | ord ch <= 0x10ffff = "\\u{" ++ showHex (ord ch) "}" | otherwise = error $ "Invalid Unicode code point U+" ++ showHex (ord ch) "" where pad :: Int -> String -> String pad n s = replicate (n - length s) '0' ++ s indent :: Text -> Text indent x = let l = T.lines x il = map (\y -> T.replicate 4 " " `T.append` y) l in T.unlines il jsCurryLam :: [Text] -> JsExpr -> JsExpr jsCurryLam [] body = body jsCurryLam (x:xs) body = JsLambda [x] $ JsReturn $ jsCurryLam xs body jsCurryApp :: JsExpr -> [JsExpr] -> JsExpr jsCurryApp fn [] = fn jsCurryApp fn args = foldl (\ff aa -> JsApp ff [aa]) fn args jsAppN :: Text -> [JsExpr] -> JsExpr jsAppN fn args = JsApp (JsVar fn) args jsSetVar :: Text -> JsExpr -> JsStmt jsSetVar n x = JsSet (JsVar n) x jsStmt2Text :: JsStmt -> Text jsStmt2Text JsEmpty = "" jsStmt2Text (JsComment c) = T.unlines $ map ("// " `T.append`) $ T.lines c jsStmt2Text (JsExprStmt e) = T.concat [jsAst2Text e, ";"] jsStmt2Text (JsReturn x) = T.concat ["return ", jsAst2Text x, ";"] jsStmt2Text (JsDecVar name exp) = T.concat ["var ", name, " = ", jsAst2Text exp, ";"] jsStmt2Text (JsDecConst name exp) = T.concat ["const ", name, " = ", jsAst2Text exp, ";"] jsStmt2Text (JsDecLet name exp) = T.concat ["let ", name, " = ", jsAst2Text exp, ";"] jsStmt2Text (JsFun name args body) = T.concat [ "function " , name , "(" , T.intercalate ", " args , "){\n" , indent $ jsStmt2Text body , "}\n" ] jsStmt2Text (JsIf cond conseq (Just next@(JsIf _ _ _))) = T.concat [ "if(" , jsAst2Text cond , ") {\n" , indent $ jsStmt2Text conseq , "} else " , jsStmt2Text next ] jsStmt2Text (JsIf cond conseq (Just alt)) = T.concat [ "if(" , jsAst2Text cond , ") {\n" , indent $ jsStmt2Text conseq , "} else {\n" , indent $ jsStmt2Text alt , "}\n" ] jsStmt2Text (JsIf cond conseq Nothing) = T.concat ["if(", jsAst2Text cond, ") {\n", indent $ jsStmt2Text conseq, "}\n"] jsStmt2Text (JsSwitchCase exp l d) = T.concat [ "switch(" , jsAst2Text exp , "){\n" , indent $ T.concat $ map case2Text l , indent $ default2Text d , "}\n" ] where case2Text :: (JsExpr, JsStmt) -> Text case2Text (x, y) = T.concat [ "case " , jsAst2Text x , ":\n" , indent $ T.concat [jsStmt2Text y, ";\nbreak;\n"] ] default2Text :: Maybe JsStmt -> Text default2Text Nothing = "" default2Text (Just z) = T.concat ["default:\n", indent $ T.concat [jsStmt2Text z, ";\nbreak;\n"]] jsStmt2Text (JsError t) = T.concat ["$JSRTS.die(", jsAst2Text t, ");\n"] jsStmt2Text (JsForever x) = T.concat ["for(;;) {\n", indent $ jsStmt2Text x, "}\n"] jsStmt2Text JsContinue = "continue;" jsStmt2Text JsBreak = "break;" jsStmt2Text (JsSeq JsEmpty y) = jsStmt2Text y jsStmt2Text (JsSeq x JsEmpty) = jsStmt2Text x jsStmt2Text (JsSeq x y) = T.concat [jsStmt2Text x, "\n", jsStmt2Text y] jsStmt2Text (JsSet term exp) = T.concat [jsAst2Text term, " = ", jsAst2Text exp, ";"] jsAst2Text :: JsExpr -> Text jsAst2Text JsNull = "null" jsAst2Text JsUndefined = "(void 0)" jsAst2Text JsThis = "this" jsAst2Text (JsLambda args body) = T.concat [ "(function" , "(" , T.intercalate ", " args , "){\n" , indent $ jsStmt2Text body , "})" ] jsAst2Text (JsApp fn args) = T.concat [jsAst2Text fn, "(", T.intercalate ", " $ map jsAst2Text args, ")"] jsAst2Text (JsNew fn args) = T.concat ["new ", jsAst2Text fn, "(", T.intercalate ", " $ map jsAst2Text args, ")"] jsAst2Text (JsMethod obj name args) = T.concat [ jsAst2Text obj , "." , name , "(" , T.intercalate ", " $ map jsAst2Text args , ")" ] jsAst2Text (JsPart obj name) = T.concat [jsAst2Text obj, "[", T.pack (show name), "]"] jsAst2Text (JsVar x) = x jsAst2Text (JsObj props) = T.concat [ "({" , T.intercalate ", " (map (\(name, val) -> T.concat [name, ": ", jsAst2Text val]) props) , "})" ] jsAst2Text (JsProp object name) = T.concat [jsAst2Text object, ".", name] jsAst2Text (JsArrayProj i exp) = T.concat [jsAst2Text exp, "[", jsAst2Text i, "]"] jsAst2Text (JsInt i) = T.pack $ show i jsAst2Text (JsBool True) = T.pack "true" jsAst2Text (JsBool False) = T.pack "false" jsAst2Text (JsDouble d) = T.pack $ show d jsAst2Text (JsInteger i) = T.pack $ show i jsAst2Text (JsStr s) = "\"" `T.append` T.pack (concatMap translateChar s) `T.append` "\"" jsAst2Text (JsArray l) = T.concat ["[", T.intercalate ", " (map jsAst2Text l), "]"] jsAst2Text (JsErrorExp t) = T.concat ["$JSRTS.throw(new Error( ", jsAst2Text t, "))"] jsAst2Text (JsBinOp op a1 a2) = T.concat ["(", jsAst2Text a1, " ", op, " ", jsAst2Text a2, ")"] jsAst2Text (JsUniOp op a) = T.concat ["(", op, jsAst2Text a, ")"] jsAst2Text (JsForeign code args) = let args_repl c i [] = c args_repl c i (t:r) = args_repl (T.replace ("%" `T.append` T.pack (show i)) (T.concat ["(", t, ")"]) c) (i + 1) r in T.concat ["(", args_repl code 0 (map jsAst2Text args), ")"] jsAst2Text (JsB2I x) = jsAst2Text $ JsBinOp "+" x (JsInt 0) jsAst2Text (JsForce e) = T.concat ["$JSRTS.force(", jsAst2Text e, ")"] jsLazy :: JsExpr -> JsExpr jsLazy e = JsNew (JsProp (JsVar "$JSRTS") "Lazy") [(JsLambda [] $ JsReturn e)] jsExpr2Stmt :: JsExpr -> JsStmt jsExpr2Stmt = JsExprStmt jsStmt2Expr :: JsStmt -> JsExpr jsStmt2Expr (JsExprStmt x) = x jsStmt2Expr x = JsApp (JsLambda [] x) []