{-| Module : Idris.Interactive Description : Bits and pieces for editing source files interactively, called from the REPL License : BSD3 Maintainer : The Idris Community. -} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} module Idris.Interactive( caseSplitAt, addClauseFrom, addProofClauseFrom , addMissing, makeWith, makeCase, doProofSearch , makeLemma ) where import Idris.AbsSyntax import Idris.CaseSplit import Idris.Core.Evaluate import Idris.Core.TT import Idris.Delaborate import Idris.Elab.Term import Idris.Elab.Value import Idris.ElabDecls import Idris.Error import Idris.ErrReverse import Idris.IdeMode hiding (IdeModeCommand(..)) import Idris.Output import Util.Pretty import Util.System import Data.Char import Data.List (isSuffixOf) import System.Directory import System.IO caseSplitAt :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () caseSplitAt fn updatefile l n = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn (ok, res) <- splitOnLine l n fn logLvl 1 (showSep "\n" (map show res)) let (before, (ap : later)) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) res' <- replaceSplits ap res (not ok) let new = concat res' if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" -- make a backup! runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines before ++ new ++ unlines later) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else -- do iputStrLn (show res) iPrintResult new addClauseFrom :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () addClauseFrom fn updatefile l n = do -- if a definition already exists, add missing cases rather than -- adding a new definition. ist <- getIState cl <- getInternalApp fn l let fulln = getAppName cl let metavars = lookup fulln (idris_metavars ist) case metavars of Nothing -> addMissing fn updatefile l n Just _ -> do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) let indent = getIndent 0 (show n) tyline cl <- getClause l fulln n fn -- add clause before first blank line in 'later' let (nonblank, rest) = span (not . all isSpace) (tyline:later) if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines (before ++ nonblank) ++ replicate indent ' ' ++ cl ++ "\n" ++ unlines rest) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else iPrintResult cl where getIndent i n [] = 0 getIndent i n xs | take 9 xs == "implementation " = i getIndent i n xs | take (length n) xs == n = i getIndent i n (x : xs) = getIndent (i + 1) n xs getAppName (PApp _ r _) = getAppName r getAppName (PRef _ _ r) = r getAppName (PTyped n _) = getAppName n getAppName _ = n addProofClauseFrom :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () addProofClauseFrom fn updatefile l n = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) let indent = getIndent 0 (show n) tyline cl <- getProofClause l n fn -- add clause before first blank line in 'later' let (nonblank, rest) = span (not . all isSpace) (tyline:later) if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines (before ++ nonblank) ++ replicate indent ' ' ++ cl ++ "\n" ++ unlines rest) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else iPrintResult cl where getIndent i n [] = 0 getIndent i n xs | take (length n) xs == n = i getIndent i n (x : xs) = getIndent (i + 1) n xs addMissing :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () addMissing fn updatefile l n = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) let indent = getIndent tyline i <- getIState cl <- getInternalApp fn l let n' = getAppName cl extras <- case lookupCtxtExact n' (idris_patdefs i) of Nothing -> return "" Just (_, tms) -> do tms' <- nameMissing tms showNew (show n ++ "_rhs") 1 indent tms' let (nonblank, rest) = span (not . all isSpace) (tyline:later) if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines (before ++ nonblank) ++ extras ++ (if null extras then "" else "\n") ++ unlines rest) runIO $ (length src `seq` copyFile fb fn) else iPrintResult extras where showPat = show . stripNS stripNS tm = mapPT dens tm where dens (PRef fc hls n) = PRef fc hls (nsroot n) dens t = t nsroot (NS n _) = nsroot n nsroot (SN (WhereN _ _ n)) = nsroot n nsroot n = n getAppName (PApp _ r _) = getAppName r getAppName (PRef _ _ r) = r getAppName (PTyped n _) = getAppName n getAppName _ = n makeIndent ind | ".lidr" `isSuffixOf` fn = '>' : ' ' : replicate (ind-2) ' ' | otherwise = replicate ind ' ' showNew nm i ind (tm : tms) = do (nm', i') <- getUniq nm i rest <- showNew nm i' ind tms return (makeIndent ind ++ showPat tm ++ " = ?" ++ nm' ++ (if null rest then "" else "\n" ++ rest)) showNew nm i _ [] = return "" getIndent s = length (takeWhile isSpace s) makeWith :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () makeWith fn updatefile l n = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn i <- getIState indentWith <- getIndentWith let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) let ind = getIndent tyline -- runIO . traceIO $ "indentWith = " ++ show indentWith let with = mkWith tyline n indentWith -- add clause before first blank line in 'later', -- or (TODO) before first line with same indentation as tyline let (nonblank, rest) = span (\x -> not (all isSpace x) && not (ind == getIndent x)) later if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines (before ++ nonblank) ++ with ++ "\n" ++ unlines rest) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else iPrintResult (with ++ "\n") where getIndent s = length (takeWhile isSpace s) -- Replace the given metavariable on the given line with a 'case' -- block, using a _ for the scrutinee makeCase :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () makeCase fn updatefile l n = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) let newcase = addCaseSkel (show n) tyline if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines (before ++ newcase ++ later)) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else iPrintResult (showSep "\n" newcase ++"\n") where addCaseSkel n line = let b = brackets False line in case findSubstr ('?':n) line of Just (before, pos, after) -> [before ++ (if b then "(" else "") ++ "case _ of", take (pos + (if b then 6 else 5)) (repeat ' ') ++ "case_val => ?" ++ n ++ (if b then ")" else "") ++ after] Nothing -> fail "No such metavariable" -- Assume case needs to be bracketed unless the metavariable is -- on its own after an = brackets eq line | line == '?' : show n = not eq brackets eq ('=':ls) = brackets True ls brackets eq (' ':ls) = brackets eq ls brackets eq (l : ls) = brackets False ls brackets eq [] = True findSubstr n xs = findSubstr' [] 0 n xs findSubstr' acc i n xs | take (length n) xs == n = Just (reverse acc, i, drop (length n) xs) findSubstr' acc i n [] = Nothing findSubstr' acc i n (x : xs) = findSubstr' (x : acc) (i + 1) n xs doProofSearch :: FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> [Name] -> Maybe Int -> Idris () doProofSearch fn updatefile rec l n hints Nothing = doProofSearch fn updatefile rec l n hints (Just 20) doProofSearch fn updatefile rec l n hints (Just depth) = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) ctxt <- getContext mn <- case lookupNames n ctxt of [x] -> return x [] -> return n ns -> ierror (CantResolveAlts ns) i <- getIState let (top, envlen, psnames) = case lookup mn (idris_metavars i) of Just (t, e, ns, False, d) -> (t, e, ns) _ -> (Nothing, 0, []) let fc = fileFC fn let body t = PProof [Try (TSeq Intros (ProofSearch rec False depth t psnames hints)) (ProofSearch rec False depth t psnames hints)] let def = PClause fc mn (PRef fc [] mn) [] (body top) [] newmv_pre <- idrisCatch (do elabDecl' EAll (recinfo (fileFC "proofsearch")) (PClauses fc [] mn [def]) (tm, ty) <- elabVal (recinfo (fileFC "proofsearch")) ERHS (PRef fc [] mn) ctxt <- getContext i <- getIState return . flip displayS "" . renderPretty 1.0 80 $ pprintPTerm defaultPPOption [] [] (idris_infixes i) (stripNS (dropCtxt envlen (delab i (fst (specialise ctxt [] [(mn, 1)] tm)))))) (\e -> return ("?" ++ show n)) let newmv = guessBrackets False tyline (show n) newmv_pre if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (unlines before ++ updateMeta tyline (show n) newmv ++ "\n" ++ unlines later) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else iPrintResult newmv where dropCtxt 0 sc = sc dropCtxt i (PPi _ _ _ _ sc) = dropCtxt (i - 1) sc dropCtxt i (PLet _ _ _ _ _ _ sc) = dropCtxt (i - 1) sc dropCtxt i (PLam _ _ _ _ sc) = dropCtxt (i - 1) sc dropCtxt _ t = t stripNS tm = mapPT dens tm where dens (PRef fc hls n) = PRef fc hls (nsroot n) dens t = t nsroot (NS n _) = nsroot n nsroot (SN (WhereN _ _ n)) = nsroot n nsroot n = n updateMeta ('?':cs) n new | length cs >= length n = case splitAt (length n) cs of (mv, c:cs) -> if ((isSpace c || c == ')' || c == '}') && mv == n) then new ++ (c : cs) else '?' : mv ++ c : updateMeta cs n new (mv, []) -> if (mv == n) then new else '?' : mv updateMeta ('=':'>':cs) n new = '=':'>':updateMeta cs n new updateMeta ('=':cs) n new = '=':updateMeta cs n new updateMeta (c:cs) n new = c : updateMeta cs n new updateMeta [] n new = "" guessBrackets brack ('?':cs) n new | length cs >= length n = case splitAt (length n) cs of (mv, c:cs) -> if ((isSpace c || c == ')' || c == '}') && mv == n) then addBracket brack new else guessBrackets True cs n new (mv, []) -> if (mv == n) then addBracket brack new else '?' : mv guessBrackets brack ('=':'>':cs) n new = guessBrackets False cs n new guessBrackets brack ('-':'>':cs) n new = guessBrackets False cs n new guessBrackets brack ('=':cs) n new = guessBrackets False cs n new guessBrackets brack (c:cs) n new = guessBrackets (brack || not (isSpace c)) cs n new guessBrackets brack [] n new = "" checkProv line n = isProv' False line n where isProv' p cs n | take (length n) cs == n = p isProv' _ ('?':cs) n = isProv' False cs n isProv' _ ('{':cs) n = isProv' True cs n isProv' _ ('}':cs) n = isProv' True cs n isProv' p (_:cs) n = isProv' p cs n isProv' _ [] n = False addBracket False new = new addBracket True new@('(':xs) | last xs == ')' = new addBracket True new | any isSpace new = '(' : new ++ ")" | otherwise = new makeLemma :: FilePath -> Bool -> Int -> Name -> Idris () makeLemma fn updatefile l n = do src <- runIO $ readSourceStrict fn let (before, tyline : later) = splitAt (l-1) (lines src) -- if the name is in braces, rather than preceded by a ?, treat it -- as a lemma in a provisional definition let isProv = checkProv tyline (show n) ctxt <- getContext (fname, mty_full) <- case lookupTyName n ctxt of [t] -> return t [] -> ierror (NoSuchVariable n) ns -> ierror (CantResolveAlts (map fst ns)) i <- getIState let mty = errReverse i mty_full margs <- case lookup fname (idris_metavars i) of Just (_, arity, _, _, _) -> return arity _ -> return (-1) if (not isProv) then do let skip = guessImps i (tt_ctxt i) mty let impty = stripMNBind skip margs (delab i mty) let interfaces = guessInterfaces i (tt_ctxt i) [] (allNamesIn impty) mty let lem = show n ++ " : " ++ constraints i interfaces mty ++ showTmOpts (defaultPPOption { ppopt_pinames = True }) impty let lem_app = guessBrackets False tyline (show n) (show n ++ appArgs skip margs mty) if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (addLem before tyline lem lem_app later) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else case idris_outputmode i of RawOutput _ -> iPrintResult $ lem ++ "\n" ++ lem_app IdeMode n h -> let good = SexpList [SymbolAtom "ok", SexpList [SymbolAtom "metavariable-lemma", SexpList [SymbolAtom "replace-metavariable", StringAtom lem_app], SexpList [SymbolAtom "definition-type", StringAtom lem]]] in runIO . hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "return" good n else do -- provisional definition let lem_app = show n ++ appArgs [] (-1) mty ++ " = ?" ++ show n ++ "_rhs" if updatefile then do let fb = fn ++ "~" runIO $ writeSource fb (addProv before tyline lem_app later) runIO $ copyFile fb fn else case idris_outputmode i of RawOutput _ -> iPrintResult lem_app IdeMode n h -> let good = SexpList [SymbolAtom "ok", SexpList [SymbolAtom "provisional-definition-lemma", SexpList [SymbolAtom "definition-clause", StringAtom lem_app]]] in runIO . hPutStrLn h $ convSExp "return" good n where appArgs skip 0 _ = "" appArgs skip i (Bind n@(UN c) (Pi _ _ _ _) sc) | (thead c /= '_' && n `notElem` skip) = " " ++ show n ++ appArgs skip (i - 1) sc appArgs skip i (Bind _ (Pi _ _ _ _) sc) = appArgs skip (i - 1) sc appArgs skip i _ = "" stripMNBind _ args t | args <= 0 = stripImp t stripMNBind skip args (PPi b n@(UN c) _ ty sc) | n `notElem` skip || take 4 (str c) == "__pi" -- keep in type, but not in app = PPi b n NoFC (stripImp ty) (stripMNBind skip (args - 1) sc) stripMNBind skip args (PPi b _ _ ty sc) = stripMNBind skip (args - 1) sc stripMNBind skip args t = stripImp t stripImp (PApp fc f as) = PApp fc (stripImp f) (map placeholderImp as) where placeholderImp tm@(PImp _ _ _ _ _) = tm { getTm = Placeholder } placeholderImp tm = tm { getTm = stripImp (getTm tm) } stripImp (PPi b n f ty sc) = PPi b n f (stripImp ty) (stripImp sc) stripImp t = t constraints :: IState -> [Name] -> Type -> String constraints i [] ty = "" constraints i [n] ty = showSep ", " (showConstraints i [n] ty) ++ " => " constraints i ns ty = "(" ++ showSep ", " (showConstraints i ns ty) ++ ") => " showConstraints i ns (Bind n (Pi _ _ ty _) sc) | n `elem` ns = show (delab i ty) : showConstraints i ns (substV (P Bound n Erased) sc) | otherwise = showConstraints i ns (substV (P Bound n Erased) sc) showConstraints _ _ _ = [] -- Guess which binders should be implicits in the generated lemma. -- Make them implicit if they appear guarded by a top level constructor, -- or at the top level themselves. -- Also, make interface implementations implicit guessImps :: IState -> Context -> Term -> [Name] -- machine names aren't lifted guessImps ist ctxt (Bind n@(MN _ _) (Pi _ _ ty _) sc) = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc guessImps ist ctxt (Bind n (Pi _ _ ty _) sc) | guarded ctxt n (substV (P Bound n Erased) sc) = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc | isInterface ist ty = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc | paramty ty = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc | ignoreName n = n : guessImps ist ctxt sc | otherwise = guessImps ist ctxt sc guessImps ist ctxt _ = [] paramty (TType _) = True paramty (Bind _ (Pi _ _ (TType _) _) sc) = paramty sc paramty _ = False -- TMP HACK unusable name so don't lift ignoreName n = case show n of "_aX" -> True _ -> False guessInterfaces :: IState -> Context -> [Name] -> [Name] -> Term -> [Name] guessInterfaces ist ctxt binders usednames (Bind n (Pi _ _ ty _) sc) | isParamInterface ist ty && any (\x -> elem x usednames) (paramNames binders ty) = n : guessInterfaces ist ctxt (n : binders) usednames sc | otherwise = guessInterfaces ist ctxt (n : binders) usednames sc guessInterfaces ist ctxt _ _ _ = [] paramNames bs ty | (P _ _ _, args) <- unApply ty = vnames args where vnames [] = [] vnames (V i : xs) | i < length bs = bs !! i : vnames xs vnames (_ : xs) = vnames xs isInterface ist t | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply t = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces ist) of Just _ -> True _ -> False | otherwise = False isParamInterface ist t | (P _ n _, args) <- unApply t = case lookupCtxtExact n (idris_interfaces ist) of Just _ -> any isV args _ -> False | otherwise = False where isV (V _) = True isV _ = False guarded ctxt n (P _ n' _) | n == n' = True guarded ctxt n ap@(App _ _ _) | (P _ f _, args) <- unApply ap, isConName f ctxt = any (guarded ctxt n) args -- guarded ctxt n (Bind (UN cn) (Pi t) sc) -- ignore shadows -- | thead cn /= '_' = guarded ctxt n t || guarded ctxt n sc guarded ctxt n (Bind _ (Pi _ _ t _) sc) = guarded ctxt n t || guarded ctxt n sc guarded ctxt n _ = False blank = all isSpace addLem before tyline lem lem_app later = let (bef_end, blankline : bef_start) = case span (not . blank) (reverse before) of (bef, []) -> (bef, [""]) x -> x mvline = updateMeta tyline (show n) lem_app in unlines $ reverse bef_start ++ [blankline, lem, blankline] ++ reverse bef_end ++ mvline : later addProv before tyline lem_app later = let (later_bef, blankline : later_end) = case span (not . blank) later of (bef, []) -> (bef, [""]) x -> x in unlines $ before ++ tyline : (later_bef ++ [blankline, lem_app, blankline] ++ later_end)