-- | the public API for Instagram access
module Instagram
  -- generic types and functions

  -- authentication
  ,AccessToken(..) -- we open this type so that the api client can just use the token data outside of your type (as a simple Text)
  -- data
  -- user
  -- real time
  ,Aspect -- do not export constructor since only media is supported
  -- Tags
  -- relationships
  -- media
  -- comments
  -- likes
  -- locations
  -- geographies

  ) where

import Instagram.Auth
import Instagram.Comments
import Instagram.Geographies
import Instagram.Likes
import Instagram.Locations
import Instagram.Media
import Instagram.Monad
import Instagram.RealTime
import Instagram.Relationships
import Instagram.Tags
import Instagram.Types
import Instagram.Users

-- debugging
--import Data.Aeson
--import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
--parse :: IO()
--parse = do
--  t<-BS.readFile "env1.json"
--  let d=eitherDecode t
--  print (d::Either String (Envelope [Media]))
--  return()