{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Types definitions module Instagram.Types ( Credentials(..) ,clientIDBS ,clientSecretBS ,OAuthToken(..) ,AccessToken(..) ,UserID ,User(..) ,UserCounts(..) ,Scope(..) ,IGException(..) ,Envelope(..) ,ErrEnvelope(..) ,IGError(..) ,Pagination(..) ,MediaID ,Media(..) ,Position(..) ,UserPosition(..) ,LocationID ,Location(..) ,ImageData(..) ,Images(..) ,CommentID ,Comment(..) ,Collection(..) ,Aspect(..) ,media ,CallbackUrl ,Subscription(..) ,Update(..) ,TagName ,Tag(..) ,OutgoingStatus(..) ,IncomingStatus(..) ,Relationship(..) ,NoResult ,GeographyID )where import Control.Applicative import Data.Text import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Control.Exception.Base (Exception) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime) import qualified Data.Text as T (pack) import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM (lookup) -- | the app credentials data Credentials = Credentials { cClientID :: Text -- ^ client id ,cClientSecret :: Text -- ^ client secret } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | get client id in ByteString form clientIDBS :: Credentials -> ByteString clientIDBS=TE.encodeUtf8 . cClientID -- | get client secret in ByteString form clientSecretBS :: Credentials -> ByteString clientSecretBS=TE.encodeUtf8 . cClientSecret -- | the oauth token returned after authentication data OAuthToken = OAuthToken { oaAccessToken :: AccessToken -- ^ the access token ,oaUser :: User -- ^ the user structure returned } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON OAuthToken where toJSON oa=object ["access_token" .= oaAccessToken oa, "user" .= oaUser oa] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON OAuthToken where parseJSON (Object v) =OAuthToken <$> v .: "access_token" <*> v .: "user" parseJSON _= fail "OAuthToken" -- | the access token is simply a Text newtype AccessToken=AccessToken Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable) -- | simple string instance ToJSON AccessToken where toJSON (AccessToken at)=String at -- | simple string instance FromJSON AccessToken where parseJSON (String s)=pure $ AccessToken s parseJSON _= fail "AccessToken" -- | User ID type UserID = Text -- | the User partial profile returned by the authentication data User = User { uID :: UserID, uUsername :: Text, uFullName :: Text, uProfilePicture :: Maybe Text, uWebsite :: Maybe Text, uBio :: Maybe Text, uCounts :: Maybe UserCounts } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON User where toJSON u = object [ "id" .= uID u , "username" .= uUsername u , "full_name" .= uFullName u , "profile_picture" .= uProfilePicture u , "website" .= uWebsite u , "bio" .= uBio u ] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON User where parseJSON (Object v) =User <$> v .: "id" <*> v .: "username" <*> v .: "full_name" <*> v .:? "profile_picture" <*> v .:? "website" <*> v .:? "bio" <*> v .:? "counts" parseJSON _= fail "User" -- | the User counts info returned by some endpoints data UserCounts = UserCounts { ucMedia :: Int , ucFollows :: Int , ucFollowedBy :: Int } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON UserCounts where parseJSON (Object v) = UserCounts <$> v .: "media" <*> v .: "follows" <*> v .: "followed_by" parseJSON _= fail "UserCounts" -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON UserCounts where toJSON uc = object [ "media" .= ucMedia uc , "follows" .= ucFollows uc , "followed_by" .= ucFollowedBy uc ] -- | the scopes of the authentication data Scope=Basic | Comments | Relationships | Likes deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Typeable) -- | an error returned to us by Instagram data IGError = IGError { igeCode :: Int ,igeType :: Maybe Text ,igeMessage :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON IGError where toJSON e=object ["code" .= igeCode e, "error_type" .= igeType e , "error_message" .= igeMessage e] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON IGError where parseJSON (Object v) =IGError <$> v .: "code" <*> v .:? "error_type" <*> v .:? "error_message" parseJSON _= fail "IGError" -- | an exception that a call to instagram may throw data IGException = JSONException String -- ^ JSON parsingError | IGAppException IGError -- ^ application exception deriving (Show,Typeable) -- | make our exception type a normal exception instance Exception IGException -- | envelope for Instagram OK response data Envelope d=Envelope{ eMeta :: IGError -- ^ this should only say 200, no error, but put here for completeness ,eData :: d -- ^ data, garanteed to be present (otherwise we get an ErrEnvelope) ,ePagination :: Maybe Pagination } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance (ToJSON d)=>ToJSON (Envelope d) where toJSON e=object ["meta" .= eMeta e, "data" .= eData e, "pagination" .= ePagination e] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance (FromJSON d)=>FromJSON (Envelope d) where parseJSON (Object v) =Envelope <$> v .: "meta" <*> v .: "data" <*> v .:? "pagination" parseJSON _= fail "Envelope" -- | error envelope for Instagram error response data ErrEnvelope=ErrEnvelope{ eeMeta :: IGError } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON ErrEnvelope where toJSON e=object ["meta" .= eeMeta e] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON ErrEnvelope where parseJSON (Object v) =ErrEnvelope <$> v .: "meta" parseJSON _= fail "ErrEnvelope" -- | pagination info for responses that can return a lot of data data Pagination = Pagination { pNextUrl :: Maybe Text ,pNextMaxID :: Maybe Text ,pNextMinID :: Maybe Text ,pNextMaxTagID :: Maybe Text ,pMinTagID :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Pagination where toJSON p=object ["next_url" .= pNextUrl p, "next_max_id" .= pNextMaxID p, "next_min_id" .= pNextMinID p, "next_max_tag_id" .= pNextMaxTagID p,"min_tag_id" .= pMinTagID p] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Pagination where parseJSON (Object v) =Pagination <$> v .:? "next_url" <*> v .:? "next_max_id" <*> v .:? "next_min_id" <*> v .:? "next_max_tag_id" <*> v .:? "min_tag_id" parseJSON _= fail "Pagination" -- | Media ID type MediaID=Text -- | instagram media object data Media = Media { mID :: MediaID ,mCaption :: Maybe Comment ,mLink :: Text ,mUser :: User ,mCreated :: POSIXTime ,mImages :: Images ,mType :: Text ,mUsersInPhoto :: [UserPosition] ,mFilter :: Maybe Text ,mTags :: [Text] ,mLocation :: Maybe Location ,mComments :: Collection Comment ,mLikes :: Collection User ,mUserHasLiked :: Bool ,mAttribution :: Maybe Object -- ^ seems to be open format https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/instagram-api-developers/KvGH1cnjljQ } deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Media where toJSON m=object ["id" .= mID m,"caption" .= mCaption m,"user".= mUser m,"link" .= mLink m, "created_time" .= toJSON (show ((round $ mCreated m) :: Integer)) ,"images" .= mImages m,"type" .= mType m,"users_in_photo" .= mUsersInPhoto m, "filter" .= mFilter m,"tags" .= mTags m ,"location" .= mLocation m,"comments" .= mComments m,"likes" .= mLikes m,"user_has_liked" .= mUserHasLiked m,"attribution" .= mAttribution m] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Media where parseJSON (Object v) =do ct::String<-v .: "created_time" Media <$> v .: "id" <*> v .:? "caption" <*> v .: "link" <*> v .: "user" <*> pure (fromIntegral (read ct::Integer)) <*> v .: "images" <*> v .: "type" <*> v .: "users_in_photo" <*> v .:? "filter" <*> v .: "tags" <*> v .:? "location" <*> v .:? "comments" .!= Collection 0 [] <*> v .:? "likes" .!= Collection 0 [] <*> v .:? "user_has_liked" .!= False <*> v .:? "attribution" parseJSON _= fail "Media" -- | position in picture data Position = Position { pX ::Double ,pY :: Double } deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Position where toJSON p=object ["x" .= pX p,"y" .= pY p] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Position where parseJSON (Object v) = Position <$> v .: "x" <*> v .: "y" parseJSON _=fail "Position" -- | position of a user data UserPosition = UserPosition { upPosition :: Position ,upUser :: User } deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON UserPosition where toJSON p=object ["position" .= upPosition p,"user" .= upUser p] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON UserPosition where parseJSON (Object v) = UserPosition <$> v .: "position" <*> v .: "user" parseJSON _=fail "UserPosition" -- | location ID type LocationID = Text -- | geographical location info data Location = Location { lID :: Maybe LocationID ,lLatitude :: Maybe Double ,lLongitude :: Maybe Double ,lStreetAddress :: Maybe Text ,lName :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Location where toJSON l=object ["id" .= lID l,"latitude" .= lLatitude l,"longitude" .= lLongitude l, "street_address" .= lStreetAddress l,"name" .= lName l] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Location where parseJSON (Object v) = Location <$> parseID v <*> v .:? "latitude" <*> v .:? "longitude" <*> v .:? "street_address" <*> v .:? "name" where -- | the Instagram API hasn't made its mind up, sometimes location id is an int, sometimes a string parseID :: Object -> Parser (Maybe LocationID) parseID obj=case HM.lookup "id" obj of Just (String s)->pure $ Just s Just (Number n)->pure $ Just $ T.pack $ show n Nothing->pure Nothing _->fail "LocationID" parseJSON _= fail "Location" -- | data for a single image data ImageData = ImageData { idURL :: Text, idWidth :: Integer, idHeight :: Integer } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON ImageData where toJSON i=object ["url" .= idURL i,"width" .= idWidth i,"height" .= idHeight i] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON ImageData where parseJSON (Object v) = ImageData <$> v .: "url" <*> v .: "width" <*> v .: "height" parseJSON _= fail "ImageData" -- | different images for the same media data Images = Images { iLowRes :: ImageData ,iThumbnail :: ImageData ,iStandardRes :: ImageData } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Images where toJSON i=object ["low_resolution" .= iLowRes i,"thumbnail" .= iThumbnail i,"standard_resolution" .= iStandardRes i] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Images where parseJSON (Object v) = Images <$> v .: "low_resolution" <*> v .: "thumbnail" <*> v .: "standard_resolution" parseJSON _= fail "Images" -- | comment id type CommentID = Text -- | Commenton on a medium data Comment = Comment { cID :: CommentID ,cCreated :: POSIXTime ,cText :: Text ,cFrom :: User } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json asCommentstagram format instance ToJSON Comment where toJSON c=object ["id" .= cID c,"created_time" .= toJSON (show ((round $ cCreated c) :: Integer)) ,"text" .= cText c,"from" .= cFrom c] -- | from json asCommentstagram format instance FromJSON Comment where parseJSON (Object v) =do ct::String<-v .: "created_time" Comment <$> v .: "id" <*> pure (fromIntegral (read ct::Integer)) <*> v .: "text" <*> v .: "from" parseJSON _= fail "Caption" -- | a collection of items (count + data) -- data can only be a subset data Collection a= Collection { cCount :: Integer ,cData :: [a] } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance (ToJSON a)=>ToJSON (Collection a) where toJSON igc=object ["count" .= cCount igc,"data" .= cData igc] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance (FromJSON a)=>FromJSON (Collection a) where parseJSON (Object v) = Collection <$> v .: "count" <*> v .: "data" parseJSON _= fail "Collection" -- | the URL to receive notifications to type CallbackUrl = Text -- | notification aspect data Aspect = Aspect Text deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Aspect where toJSON (Aspect t)=String t -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Aspect where parseJSON (String t) = pure $ Aspect t parseJSON _= fail "Aspect" -- | the media Aspect, the only one supported for now media :: Aspect media = Aspect "media" -- | a subscription to a real time notification data Subscription= Subscription { sID :: Text ,sType :: Text ,sObject :: Text ,sObjectID :: Maybe Text ,sAspect :: Aspect ,sCallbackUrl :: CallbackUrl ,sLatitude :: Maybe Double ,sLongitude :: Maybe Double ,sRadius :: Maybe Integer } deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Subscription where toJSON s=object ["id" .= sID s,"type" .= sType s,"object" .= sObject s,"object_id" .= sObjectID s,"aspect" .= sAspect s ,"callback_url".=sCallbackUrl s,"lat".= sLatitude s,"lng".=sLongitude s,"radius".=sRadius s] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Subscription where parseJSON (Object v) = Subscription <$> v .: "id" <*> v .: "type" <*> v .: "object" <*> v .:? "object_id" <*> v .: "aspect" <*> v .: "callback_url" <*> v .:? "lat" <*> v .:? "lng" <*> v .:? "radius" parseJSON _= fail "Subscription" -- | an update from a subscription data Update = Update { uSubscriptionID :: Integer ,uObject :: Text ,uObjectID :: Text ,uChangedAspect :: Aspect ,uTime :: POSIXTime } deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Update where toJSON u=object ["subscription_id" .= uSubscriptionID u ,"object" .= uObject u,"object_id" .= uObjectID u ,"changed_aspect" .= uChangedAspect u,"time" .= toJSON ((round $ uTime u) :: Integer)] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Update where parseJSON (Object v) =do ct::Integer<-v .: "time" Update <$> v .: "subscription_id" <*> v .: "object" <*> v .: "object_id" <*> v .: "changed_aspect" <*> pure (fromIntegral ct) parseJSON _= fail "Update" -- | Tag Name type TagName = Text -- | a Tag data Tag = Tag { tName :: TagName, tMediaCount :: Integer } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Tag where toJSON t=object ["name" .= tName t,"media_count" .= tMediaCount t] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Tag where parseJSON (Object v) = Tag <$> v .: "name" <*> v .:? "media_count" .!= 0 parseJSON _= fail "Tag" -- | outgoing relationship status data OutgoingStatus = Follows | Requested | OutNone deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON OutgoingStatus where toJSON Follows = String "follows" toJSON Requested = String "requested" toJSON OutNone = String "none" -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON OutgoingStatus where parseJSON (String "follows")=pure Follows parseJSON (String "requested")=pure Requested parseJSON (String "none")=pure OutNone parseJSON _= fail "OutgoingStatus" -- | incoming relationship status data IncomingStatus = FollowedBy | RequestedBy | BlockedByYou | InNone deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON IncomingStatus where toJSON FollowedBy = String "followed_by" toJSON RequestedBy = String "requested_by" toJSON BlockedByYou = String "blocked_by_you" toJSON InNone = String "none" -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON IncomingStatus where parseJSON (String "followed_by")=pure FollowedBy parseJSON (String "requested_by")=pure RequestedBy parseJSON (String "blocked_by_you")=pure BlockedByYou parseJSON (String "none")=pure InNone parseJSON _= fail "IncomingStatus" -- | a relationship between two users data Relationship = Relationship { rOutgoing :: OutgoingStatus ,rIncoming :: IncomingStatus ,rTargetUserPrivate :: Bool -- ^ not present in doc } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON Relationship where toJSON r=object ["outgoing_status" .= rOutgoing r,"incoming_status" .= rIncoming r,"target_user_is_private" .= rTargetUserPrivate r] -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON Relationship where parseJSON (Object v) = Relationship <$> v .:? "outgoing_status" .!= OutNone <*> v .:? "incoming_status" .!= InNone <*> v .:? "target_user_is_private" .!= False parseJSON _= fail "Relationship" -- | Instagram returns data:null for nothing, but Aeson considers that () maps to an empty array... -- so we model the fact that we expect null via NoResult data NoResult = NoResult deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Typeable) -- | to json as per Instagram format instance ToJSON NoResult where toJSON _=Null -- | from json as per Instagram format instance FromJSON NoResult where parseJSON Null = pure NoResult parseJSON _= fail "NoResult" -- | geography ID type GeographyID = Text