{-# language NoImplicitPrelude, DoAndIfThenElse, OverloadedStrings, ExtendedDefaultRules #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Description : Argument parsing and basic messaging loop, using Haskell -- Chans to communicate with the ZeroMQ sockets. module Main (main) where import IHaskellPrelude import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS -- Standard library imports. import Control.Concurrent.Chan import Control.Arrow (second) import Data.Aeson hiding (Success) import System.Process (readProcess, readProcessWithExitCode) import System.Exit (exitSuccess, ExitCode(ExitSuccess)) import Control.Exception (try) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Environment (setEnv) import System.Posix.Signals import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List (break, last) import Data.Version (showVersion) -- IHaskell imports. import IHaskell.Convert (convert) import IHaskell.Eval.Completion (complete) import IHaskell.Eval.Inspect (inspect) import IHaskell.Eval.Evaluate import IHaskell.Display import IHaskell.Eval.Widgets (widgetHandler) import IHaskell.Flags import IHaskell.IPython import IHaskell.Types import IHaskell.Publish import IHaskell.IPython.ZeroMQ import IHaskell.IPython.Types import qualified IHaskell.IPython.Message.UUID as UUID import qualified IHaskell.IPython.Stdin as Stdin -- Cabal imports. import Paths_ihaskell(version) #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key #else import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap #endif main :: IO () main = do args <- parseFlags <$> getArgs case args of Left errorMessage -> hPutStrLn stderr errorMessage Right xs -> ihaskell xs ihaskell :: Args -> IO () ihaskell (Args (ShowDefault helpStr) args) = showDefault helpStr args ihaskell (Args ConvertLhs args) = showingHelp ConvertLhs args $ convert args ihaskell (Args InstallKernelSpec args) = showingHelp InstallKernelSpec args $ do let kernelSpecOpts = parseKernelArgs args replaceIPythonKernelspec kernelSpecOpts installLabextension (kernelSpecDebug kernelSpecOpts) ihaskell (Args (Kernel (Just filename)) args) = do let kernelSpecOpts = parseKernelArgs args runKernel kernelSpecOpts filename ihaskell a@(Args (Kernel Nothing) _) = do hPutStrLn stderr "No kernel profile JSON specified." hPutStrLn stderr "This may be a bug!" hPrint stderr a showDefault :: String -> [Argument] -> IO () showDefault helpStr flags = case find (== Version) flags of Just _ -> putStrLn (showVersion version) Nothing -> putStrLn helpStr showingHelp :: IHaskellMode -> [Argument] -> IO () -> IO () showingHelp mode flags act = case find (== Help) flags of Just _ -> putStrLn $ help mode Nothing -> act -- | Parse initialization information from the flags. parseKernelArgs :: [Argument] -> KernelSpecOptions parseKernelArgs = foldl' addFlag defaultKernelSpecOptions where addFlag kernelSpecOpts (ConfFile filename) = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecConfFile = return (Just filename) } addFlag kernelSpecOpts KernelDebug = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecDebug = True } addFlag kernelSpecOpts (CodeMirror codemirror) = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecCodeMirror = codemirror } addFlag kernelSpecOpts (GhcLibDir libdir) = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecGhcLibdir = libdir } addFlag kernelSpecOpts (RTSFlags rts) = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecRTSOptions = rts } addFlag kernelSpecOpts (KernelspecInstallPrefix prefix) = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecInstallPrefix = Just prefix } addFlag kernelSpecOpts KernelspecUseStack = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecUseStack = True } addFlag kernelSpecOpts (KernelspecEnvFile fp) = kernelSpecOpts { kernelSpecEnvFile = Just fp } addFlag _kernelSpecOpts flag = error $ "Unknown flag" ++ show flag -- | Run the IHaskell language kernel. runKernel :: KernelSpecOptions -- ^ Various options from when the kernel was installed. -> String -- ^ File with kernel profile JSON (ports, etc). -> IO () runKernel kOpts profileSrc = do let debug = kernelSpecDebug kOpts libdir = kernelSpecGhcLibdir kOpts useStack = kernelSpecUseStack kOpts -- Parse the profile file. let profileErr = error $ "ihaskell: "++profileSrc++": Failed to parse profile file" profile <- liftM (fromMaybe profileErr . decode) $ LBS.readFile profileSrc -- Necessary for `getLine` and their ilk to work. dir <- getIHaskellDir Stdin.recordKernelProfile dir profile when useStack $ do -- Detect if we have stack runResult <- try $ readProcessWithExitCode "stack" [] "" let stack = case runResult :: Either SomeException (ExitCode, String, String) of Left _ -> False Right (exitCode, stackStdout, _) -> exitCode == ExitSuccess && "The Haskell Tool Stack" `isInfixOf` stackStdout -- If we're in a stack directory, use `stack` to set the environment -- We can't do this with base <= 4.6 because setEnv doesn't exist. when stack $ readProcess "stack" ["exec", "env"] "" >>= parseAndSetEnv case kernelSpecEnvFile kOpts of Nothing -> return () Just envFile -> readFile envFile >>= parseAndSetEnv -- Serve on all sockets and ports defined in the profile. interface <- serveProfile profile debug -- Create initial state in the directory the kernel *should* be in. state <- initialKernelState modifyMVar_ state $ \kernelState -> return $ kernelState { kernelDebug = debug } -- Receive and reply to all messages on the shell socket. interpret libdir True True $ \hasSupportLibraries -> do -- Ignore Ctrl-C the first time. This has to go inside the `interpret`, because GHC API resets the -- signal handlers for some reason (completely unknown to me). _ <- liftIO ignoreCtrlC liftIO $ modifyMVar_ state $ \kernelState -> return $ kernelState { supportLibrariesAvailable = hasSupportLibraries } -- Initialize the context by evaluating everything we got from the command line flags. let noPublish _ _ = return () noWidget s _ = return s evaluator line = void $ do -- Create a new state each time. stateVar <- liftIO initialKernelState st <- liftIO $ takeMVar stateVar evaluate st line noPublish noWidget confFile <- liftIO $ kernelSpecConfFile kOpts case confFile of Just filename -> liftIO (readFile filename) >>= evaluator Nothing -> return () forever $ do -- Read the request from the request channel. request <- liftIO $ readChan $ shellRequestChannel interface -- Create a header for the reply. replyHeader <- createReplyHeader (header request) -- Notify the frontend that the kernel is busy computing. All the headers are copies of the reply -- header with a different message type, because this preserves the session ID, parent header, and -- other important information. busyHeader <- liftIO $ dupHeader replyHeader StatusMessage liftIO $ writeChan (iopubChannel interface) $ PublishStatus busyHeader Busy -- We handle comm messages and normal ones separately. The normal ones are a standard -- request/response style, while comms can be anything, and don't necessarily require a response. if isCommMessage request then do oldState <- liftIO $ takeMVar state let replier = writeChan (iopubChannel interface) widgetMessageHandler = widgetHandler replier replyHeader tempState <- handleComm replier oldState request replyHeader newState <- flushWidgetMessages tempState [] widgetMessageHandler liftIO $ putMVar state newState liftIO $ writeChan (shellReplyChannel interface) SendNothing else do -- Create the reply, possibly modifying kernel state. oldState <- liftIO $ takeMVar state (newState, reply) <- replyTo kOpts interface request replyHeader oldState liftIO $ putMVar state newState -- Write the reply to the reply channel. liftIO $ writeChan (shellReplyChannel interface) reply -- Notify the frontend that we're done computing. idleHeader <- liftIO $ dupHeader replyHeader StatusMessage liftIO $ writeChan (iopubChannel interface) $ PublishStatus idleHeader Idle where ignoreCtrlC = installHandler keyboardSignal (CatchOnce $ putStrLn "Press Ctrl-C again to quit kernel.") Nothing isCommMessage req = mhMsgType (header req) `elem` [CommDataMessage, CommCloseMessage] parseAndSetEnv envLines = forM_ (lines envLines) $ \line -> do case break (== '=') line of (_, []) -> return () (key, _:val) -> setEnv key val -- Initial kernel state. initialKernelState :: IO (MVar KernelState) initialKernelState = newMVar defaultKernelState -- | Create a new message header, given a parent message header. createReplyHeader :: MessageHeader -> Interpreter MessageHeader createReplyHeader parent = do -- Generate a new message UUID. newMessageId <- liftIO UUID.random let repType = fromMaybe err (replyType $ mhMsgType parent) err = error $ "No reply for message " ++ show (mhMsgType parent) return $ MessageHeader (mhIdentifiers parent) (Just parent) mempty newMessageId (mhSessionId parent) (mhUsername parent) repType [] -- | Compute a reply to a message. replyTo :: KernelSpecOptions -> ZeroMQInterface -> Message -> MessageHeader -> KernelState -> Interpreter (KernelState, Message) -- Reply to kernel info requests with a kernel info reply. No computation needs to be done, as a -- kernel info reply is a static object (all info is hard coded into the representation of that -- message type). replyTo kOpts interface KernelInfoRequest{} replyHeader state = do let send msg = liftIO $ writeChan (iopubChannel interface) msg -- Notify the frontend that the Kernel is idle idleHeader <- liftIO $ dupHeader replyHeader StatusMessage send $ PublishStatus idleHeader Idle return (state, KernelInfoReply { header = replyHeader , protocolVersion = "5.0" , banner = "IHaskell " ++ (showVersion version) ++ " GHC " ++ VERSION_ghc , implementation = "IHaskell" , implementationVersion = showVersion version , languageInfo = LanguageInfo { languageName = "haskell" , languageVersion = VERSION_ghc , languageFileExtension = ".hs" , languageCodeMirrorMode = kernelSpecCodeMirror kOpts , languagePygmentsLexer = "Haskell" , languageMimeType = "text/x-haskell" -- https://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/wrapperkernels.html#MyKernel.language_info } , status = Ok }) replyTo _ _ CommInfoRequest{} replyHeader state = let comms = Map.mapKeys (UUID.uuidToString) (openComms state) in return (state, CommInfoReply { header = replyHeader , commInfo = Map.map (\(Widget w) -> targetName w) comms }) -- Reply to a shutdown request by exiting the main thread. Before shutdown, reply to the request to -- let the frontend know shutdown is happening. replyTo _ interface ShutdownRequest { restartPending = pending } replyHeader _ = liftIO $ do writeChan (shellReplyChannel interface) $ ShutdownReply replyHeader pending exitSuccess -- Reply to an execution request. The reply itself does not require computation, but this causes -- messages to be sent to the IOPub socket with the output of the code in the execution request. replyTo _ interface req@ExecuteRequest { getCode = code } replyHeader state = do -- Convenience function to send a message to the IOPub socket. let send msg = liftIO $ writeChan (iopubChannel interface) msg -- Log things so that we can use stdin. dir <- liftIO getIHaskellDir liftIO $ Stdin.recordParentHeader dir $ header req -- Construct a function for publishing output as this is going. This function accepts a boolean -- indicating whether this is the final output and the thing to display. Store the final outputs in -- a list so that when we receive an updated non-final output, we can clear the entire output and -- re-display with the updated output. displayed <- liftIO $ newMVar [] updateNeeded <- liftIO $ newMVar False pOut <- liftIO $ newMVar [] let execCount = getExecutionCounter state -- Let all frontends know the execution count and code that's about to run inputHeader <- liftIO $ dupHeader replyHeader ExecuteInputMessage send $ PublishInput inputHeader (T.unpack code) execCount -- Run code and publish to the frontend as we go. let widgetMessageHandler = widgetHandler send replyHeader publish = publishResult send replyHeader displayed updateNeeded pOut (usePager state) updatedState <- evaluate state (T.unpack code) publish widgetMessageHandler -- Take pager output if we're using the pager. pager <- if usePager state then liftIO $ readMVar pOut else return [] return (updatedState, ExecuteReply { header = replyHeader , pagerOutput = pager , executionCounter = execCount , status = Ok }) -- Check for a trailing empty line. If it doesn't exist, we assume the code is incomplete, -- otherwise we assume the code is complete. Todo: Implement a mechanism that only requests -- a trailing empty line, when multiline code is entered. replyTo _ _ req@IsCompleteRequest{} replyHeader state = do isComplete <- isInputComplete let reply = IsCompleteReply { header = replyHeader, reviewResult = isComplete } return (state, reply) where isInputComplete = do let code = lines $ inputToReview req if nub (last code) == " " then return CodeComplete else return $ CodeIncomplete $ indent 4 indent n = take n $ repeat ' ' replyTo _ _ req@CompleteRequest{} replyHeader state = do let code = getCode req pos = getCursorPos req (matchedText, completions) <- complete (T.unpack code) pos let start = pos - length matchedText end = pos #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) reply = CompleteReply replyHeader (map T.pack completions) start end (Metadata KeyMap.empty) True #else reply = CompleteReply replyHeader (map T.pack completions) start end (Metadata HashMap.empty) True #endif return (state, reply) replyTo _ _ req@InspectRequest{} replyHeader state = do result <- inspect (T.unpack $ inspectCode req) (inspectCursorPos req) let reply = case result of Just (Display datas) -> InspectReply { header = replyHeader , inspectStatus = True , inspectData = datas } _ -> InspectReply { header = replyHeader, inspectStatus = False, inspectData = [] } return (state, reply) -- TODO: Implement history_reply. replyTo _ _ HistoryRequest{} replyHeader state = do let reply = HistoryReply { header = replyHeader -- FIXME , historyReply = [] } return (state, reply) -- Accomodating the workaround for retrieving list of open comms from the kernel -- -- The main idea is that the frontend opens a comm at kernel startup, whose target is a widget that -- sends back the list of live comms and commits suicide. -- -- The message needs to be written to the iopub channel, and not returned from here. If returned, -- the same message also gets written to the shell channel, which causes issues due to two messages -- having the same identifiers in their headers. -- -- Sending the message only on the shell_reply channel doesn't work, so we send it as a comm message -- on the iopub channel and return the SendNothing message. replyTo _ interface ocomm@CommOpen{} replyHeader state = do let send = liftIO . writeChan (iopubChannel interface) incomingUuid = commUuid ocomm target = commTargetName ocomm targetMatches = target == "ipython.widget" valueMatches = commData ocomm == object ["widget_class" .= ("ipywidgets.CommInfo" :: Text)] commMap = openComms state uuidTargetPairs = map (second targetName) $ Map.toList commMap #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) pairProcessor (x, y) = (Key.fromText $ T.pack (UUID.uuidToString x)) .= object ["target_name" .= T.pack y] #else pairProcessor (x, y) = T.pack (UUID.uuidToString x) .= object ["target_name" .= T.pack y] #endif currentComms = object $ map pairProcessor $ (incomingUuid, "comm") : uuidTargetPairs replyValue = object [ "method" .= ("custom" :: Text) , "content" .= object ["comms" .= currentComms] ] msg = CommData replyHeader (commUuid ocomm) replyValue -- To the iopub channel you go when (targetMatches && valueMatches) $ send msg return (state, SendNothing) -- TODO: What else can be implemented? replyTo _ _ message _ state = do liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Unimplemented message: " ++ show message return (state, SendNothing) -- | Handle comm messages handleComm :: (Message -> IO ()) -> KernelState -> Message -> MessageHeader -> Interpreter KernelState handleComm send kernelState req replyHeader = do -- MVars to hold intermediate data during publishing displayed <- liftIO $ newMVar [] updateNeeded <- liftIO $ newMVar False pOut <- liftIO $ newMVar [] let widgets = openComms kernelState uuid = commUuid req dat = commData req communicate value = do head <- dupHeader replyHeader CommDataMessage send $ CommData head uuid value toUsePager = usePager kernelState -- Create a publisher according to current state, use that to build -- a function that executes an IO action and publishes the output to -- the frontend simultaneously. let run = capturedIO publish kernelState publish = publishResult send replyHeader displayed updateNeeded pOut toUsePager newState <- case Map.lookup uuid widgets of Nothing -> return kernelState Just (Widget widget) -> case mhMsgType $ header req of CommDataMessage -> do disp <- run $ comm widget dat communicate pgrOut <- liftIO $ readMVar pOut liftIO $ publish (FinalResult disp (if toUsePager then pgrOut else []) []) Success return kernelState CommCloseMessage -> do disp <- run $ close widget dat pgrOut <- liftIO $ readMVar pOut liftIO $ publish (FinalResult disp (if toUsePager then pgrOut else []) []) Success return kernelState { openComms = Map.delete uuid widgets } _ -> -- Only sensible thing to do. return kernelState return newState