{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Description : Argument parsing and basic messaging loop, using Haskell -- Chans to communicate with the ZeroMQ sockets. module Main where import ClassyPrelude hiding (liftIO) import Prelude (last) import Control.Concurrent.Chan import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Data.Aeson import Text.Printf import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.Directory import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit hiding (complete) import qualified Data.Map as Map import IHaskell.Types import IHaskell.ZeroMQ import qualified IHaskell.Message.UUID as UUID import IHaskell.Eval.Evaluate import IHaskell.Eval.Completion (complete) import IHaskell.Eval.Info import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Chars import IHaskell.IPython import GHC hiding (extensions) import Outputable (showSDoc, ppr) -- All state stored in the kernel between executions. data KernelState = KernelState { getExecutionCounter :: Int } -- Command line arguments to IHaskell. A set of aruments is annotated with -- the mode being invoked. data Args = Args IHaskellMode [Argument] data Argument = ServeFrom String -- ^ Which directory to serve notebooks from. | Extension String -- ^ An extension to load at startup. | ConfFile String -- ^ A file with commands to load at startup. | Help -- ^ Display help text. deriving (Eq, Show) -- Which mode IHaskell is being invoked in. -- `None` means no mode was specified. data IHaskellMode = None | Notebook | Console | UpdateIPython | Kernel (Maybe String) deriving (Eq, Show) main :: IO () main = do stringArgs <- map unpack <$> getArgs case process ihaskellArgs stringArgs of Left errmsg -> putStrLn $ pack errmsg Right args -> ihaskell args universalFlags :: [Flag Args] universalFlags = [ flagReq ["extension","e", "X"] (store Extension) "" "Extension to enable at start.", flagReq ["conf","c"] (store ConfFile) "" "File with commands to execute at start.", flagHelpSimple (add Help) ] where add flag (Args mode flags) = Args mode $ flag : flags store :: (String -> Argument) -> String -> Args -> Either String Args store constructor str (Args mode prev) = Right $ Args mode $ constructor str : prev notebook :: Mode Args notebook = mode "notebook" (Args Notebook []) "Browser-based notebook interface." noArgs $ flagReq ["serve","s"] (store ServeFrom) "" "Directory to serve notebooks from.": universalFlags console :: Mode Args console = mode "console" (Args Console []) "Console-based interactive repl." noArgs universalFlags kernel = mode "kernel" (Args (Kernel Nothing) []) "Invoke the IHaskell kernel." kernelArg [] where kernelArg = flagArg update "" update filename (Args _ flags) = Right $ Args (Kernel $ Just filename) flags update :: Mode Args update = mode "update" (Args UpdateIPython []) "Update IPython frontends." noArgs [] ihaskellArgs :: Mode Args ihaskellArgs = (modeEmpty $ Args None []) { modeGroupModes = toGroup [console, notebook, update, kernel] } noArgs = flagArg unexpected "" where unexpected a = error $ "Unexpected argument: " ++ a ihaskell :: Args -> IO () -- If no mode is specified, print help text. ihaskell (Args None _) = print $ helpText [] HelpFormatAll ihaskellArgs -- Update IPython: remove then reinstall. -- This is in case cabal updates IHaskell but the corresponding IPython -- isn't updated. This is hard to detect since versions of IPython might -- not change! ihaskell (Args UpdateIPython _) = do removeIPython installIPython putStrLn "IPython updated." ihaskell (Args Console flags) = showingHelp Console flags $ do installed <- ipythonInstalled unless installed installIPython flags <- addDefaultConfFile flags info <- initInfo flags runConsole info ihaskell (Args Notebook flags) = showingHelp Notebook flags $ do installed <- ipythonInstalled unless installed installIPython let server = case mapMaybe serveDir flags of [] -> Nothing xs -> Just $ last xs flags <- addDefaultConfFile flags info <- initInfo flags runNotebook info server where serveDir (ServeFrom dir) = Just dir serveDir _ = Nothing ihaskell (Args (Kernel (Just filename)) _) = do initInfo <- readInitInfo runKernel filename initInfo -- | Add a conf file to the arguments if none exists. addDefaultConfFile :: [Argument] -> IO [Argument] addDefaultConfFile flags = do def <- defaultConfFile case (find isConfFile flags, def) of (Nothing, Just file) -> return $ ConfFile file : flags _ -> return flags where isConfFile (ConfFile _) = True isConfFile _ = False showingHelp :: IHaskellMode -> [Argument] -> IO () -> IO () showingHelp mode flags act = case find (==Help) flags of Just _ -> print $ helpText [] HelpFormatAll $ chooseMode mode Nothing -> act where chooseMode Console = console chooseMode Notebook = notebook chooseMode (Kernel _) = kernel chooseMode UpdateIPython = update -- | Parse initialization information from the flags. initInfo :: [Argument] -> IO InitInfo initInfo [] = return InitInfo { extensions = [], initCells = []} initInfo (flag:flags) = do info <- initInfo flags case flag of Extension ext -> return info { extensions = ext:extensions info } ConfFile filename -> do cell <- readFile (fpFromText $ pack filename) return info { initCells = cell:initCells info } -- | Run the IHaskell language kernel. runKernel :: String -- ^ Filename of profile JSON file. -> InitInfo -- ^ Initialization information from the invocation. -> IO () runKernel profileSrc initInfo = do -- Switch to a temporary directory so that any files we create aren't -- visible. On Unix, this is usually /tmp. If there is no temporary -- directory available, just stay in the current one and ignore the -- raised exception. try (getTemporaryDirectory >>= setCurrentDirectory) :: IO (Either SomeException ()) -- Parse the profile file. Just profile <- liftM decode . readFile . fpFromText $ pack profileSrc -- Serve on all sockets and ports defined in the profile. interface <- serveProfile profile state <- initialKernelState -- Receive and reply to all messages on the shell socket. interpret $ do -- Initialize the context by evaluating everything we got from the -- command line flags. This includes enabling some extensions and also -- running some code. let extLines = map (":extension " ++) $ extensions initInfo noPublish _ _ = return () zero = 0 -- To please hlint evaluator line = evaluate zero line noPublish mapM_ evaluator extLines mapM_ evaluator $ initCells initInfo forever $ do -- Read the request from the request channel. request <- liftIO $ readChan $ shellRequestChannel interface -- Create a header for the reply. replyHeader <- createReplyHeader (header request) -- Create the reply, possibly modifying kernel state. oldState <- liftIO $ takeMVar state (newState, reply) <- replyTo interface request replyHeader oldState liftIO $ putMVar state newState -- Write the reply to the reply channel. liftIO $ writeChan (shellReplyChannel interface) reply -- Initial kernel state. initialKernelState :: IO (MVar KernelState) initialKernelState = newMVar KernelState { getExecutionCounter = 1 } -- | Duplicate a message header, giving it a new UUID and message type. dupHeader :: MessageHeader -> MessageType -> IO MessageHeader dupHeader header messageType = do uuid <- liftIO UUID.random return header { messageId = uuid, msgType = messageType } -- | Create a new message header, given a parent message header. createReplyHeader :: MessageHeader -> Interpreter MessageHeader createReplyHeader parent = do -- Generate a new message UUID. newMessageId <- liftIO UUID.random return MessageHeader { identifiers = identifiers parent, parentHeader = Just parent, metadata = Map.fromList [], messageId = newMessageId, sessionId = sessionId parent, username = username parent, msgType = replyType $ msgType parent } -- | Compute a reply to a message. replyTo :: ZeroMQInterface -> Message -> MessageHeader -> KernelState -> Interpreter (KernelState, Message) -- Reply to kernel info requests with a kernel info reply. No computation -- needs to be done, as a kernel info reply is a static object (all info is -- hard coded into the representation of that message type). replyTo _ KernelInfoRequest{} replyHeader state = return (state, KernelInfoReply { header = replyHeader }) -- Reply to a shutdown request by exiting the main thread. -- Before shutdown, reply to the request to let the frontend know shutdown -- is happening. replyTo interface ShutdownRequest{restartPending = restartPending} replyHeader _ = liftIO $ do writeChan (shellReplyChannel interface) $ ShutdownReply replyHeader restartPending exitSuccess -- Reply to an execution request. The reply itself does not require -- computation, but this causes messages to be sent to the IOPub socket -- with the output of the code in the execution request. replyTo interface ExecuteRequest{ getCode = code } replyHeader state = do let execCount = getExecutionCounter state -- Convenience function to send a message to the IOPub socket. send msg = liftIO $ writeChan (iopubChannel interface) msg -- Notify the frontend that the kernel is busy computing. -- All the headers are copies of the reply header with a different -- message type, because this preserves the session ID, parent header, -- and other important information. busyHeader <- liftIO $ dupHeader replyHeader StatusMessage send $ PublishStatus busyHeader Busy -- Construct a function for publishing output as this is going. -- This function accepts a boolean indicating whether this is the final -- output and the thing to display. Store the final outputs in a list so -- that when we receive an updated non-final output, we can clear the -- entire output and re-display with the updated output. displayed <- liftIO $ newMVar [] updateNeeded <- liftIO $ newMVar False let clearOutput = do header <- dupHeader replyHeader ClearOutputMessage send $ ClearOutput header True sendOutput outs = do header <- dupHeader replyHeader DisplayDataMessage send $ PublishDisplayData header "haskell" outs publish :: Bool -> [DisplayData] -> IO () publish final outputs = do -- If necessary, clear all previous output and redraw. clear <- readMVar updateNeeded when clear $ do clearOutput disps <- readMVar displayed mapM_ sendOutput $ reverse disps -- Draw this message. sendOutput outputs -- If this is the final message, add it to the list of completed -- messages. If it isn't, make sure we clear it later by marking -- update needed as true. modifyMVar_ updateNeeded (const $ return $ not final) when final $ modifyMVar_ displayed (return . (outputs:)) -- Run code and publish to the frontend as we go. evaluate execCount (Chars.unpack code) publish -- Notify the frontend that we're done computing. idleHeader <- liftIO $ dupHeader replyHeader StatusMessage send $ PublishStatus idleHeader Idle -- Increment the execution counter in the kernel state. let newState = state { getExecutionCounter = execCount + 1 } return (newState, ExecuteReply { header = replyHeader, executionCounter = execCount, status = Ok }) replyTo _ req@CompleteRequest{} replyHeader state = do (matchedText, completions) <- complete (Chars.unpack $ getCodeLine req) (getCursorPos req) let reply = CompleteReply replyHeader (map Chars.pack completions) (Chars.pack matchedText) (getCodeLine req) True return (state, reply) -- | Reply to the object_info_request message. Given an object name, return -- | the associated type calculated by GHC. replyTo _ ObjectInfoRequest{objectName=oname} replyHeader state = do docs <- info $ Chars.unpack oname let reply = ObjectInfoReply { header = replyHeader, objectName = oname, objectFound = docs == "", objectTypeString = Chars.pack docs, objectDocString = Chars.pack docs } return (state, reply)