{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DoAndIfThenElse #-}
-- | Description : Low-level ZeroMQ communication wrapper.
-- The "ZeroMQ" module abstracts away the low-level 0MQ based interface with IPython,
-- replacing it instead with a Haskell Channel based interface. The `serveProfile` function
-- takes a IPython profile specification and returns the channel interface to use.
module IHaskell.IPython.ZeroMQ (
  ZeroMQInterface (..),
  ) where

import qualified  Data.ByteString.Lazy  as ByteString
import            Data.ByteString       (ByteString)
import            Control.Concurrent
import            Control.Monad 
import            System.IO.Unsafe
import            Data.Aeson            (encode)
import            System.ZMQ4           hiding (stdin)

import IHaskell.IPython.Types
import IHaskell.IPython.Message.Parser
import IHaskell.IPython.Message.Writer

-- | The channel interface to the ZeroMQ sockets. All communication is done via
-- Messages, which are encoded and decoded into a lower level form before being
-- transmitted to IPython. These channels should functionally serve as
-- high-level sockets which speak Messages instead of ByteStrings.
data ZeroMQInterface = Channels {
  shellRequestChannel :: Chan Message,    -- ^ A channel populated with requests from the frontend.
  shellReplyChannel :: Chan Message,      -- ^ Writing to this channel causes a reply to be sent to the frontend.
  controlRequestChannel :: Chan Message,  -- ^ This channel is a duplicate of the shell request channel,
                                         -- ^ though using a different backend socket.
  controlReplyChannel :: Chan Message,    -- ^ This channel is a duplicate of the shell reply channel,
                                         -- ^ though using a different backend socket.
  iopubChannel :: Chan Message           -- ^ Writing to this channel sends an iopub message to the frontend.

data ZeroMQStdin = StdinChannel {
  stdinRequestChannel :: Chan Message,
  stdinReplyChannel :: Chan Message

-- | Start responding on all ZeroMQ channels used to communicate with IPython
-- | via the provided profile. Return a set of channels which can be used to
-- | communicate with IPython in a more structured manner. 
serveProfile :: Profile            -- ^ The profile specifying which ports and transport mechanisms to use.
             -> IO ZeroMQInterface -- ^ The Message-channel based interface to the sockets.
serveProfile profile = do
  -- Create all channels which will be used for higher level communication.
  shellReqChan <- newChan
  shellRepChan <- newChan
  controlReqChan <- dupChan shellReqChan
  controlRepChan <- dupChan shellRepChan
  iopubChan <- newChan
  let channels = Channels shellReqChan shellRepChan controlReqChan controlRepChan iopubChan

  -- Create the context in a separate thread that never finishes. If
  -- withContext or withSocket complete, the context or socket become invalid.
  forkIO $ withContext $ \context -> do
    -- Serve on all sockets.
    forkIO $ serveSocket context Rep    (hbPort profile)      $ heartbeat channels
    forkIO $ serveSocket context Router (controlPort profile) $ control   channels
    forkIO $ serveSocket context Router (shellPort profile)   $ shell     channels

    -- The context is reference counted in this thread only. Thus, the last
    -- serveSocket cannot be asynchronous, because otherwise context would
    -- be garbage collectable - since it would only be used in other
    -- threads. Thus, keep the last serveSocket in this thread.
    serveSocket context Pub    (iopubPort profile)   $ iopub     channels

  return channels

serveStdin :: Profile -> IO ZeroMQStdin 
serveStdin profile = do
  reqChannel <- newChan
  repChannel <- newChan
  -- Create the context in a separate thread that never finishes. If
  -- withContext or withSocket complete, the context or socket become invalid.
  forkIO $ withContext $ \context ->
    -- Serve on all sockets.
    serveSocket context Router (stdinPort profile) $ \socket -> do
      -- Read the request from the interface channel and send it.
      readChan reqChannel >>= sendMessage socket

      -- Receive a response and write it to the interface channel.
      receiveMessage socket >>= writeChan repChannel

  return $ StdinChannel reqChannel repChannel

-- | Serve on a given socket in a separate thread. Bind the socket in the
-- | given context and then loop the provided action, which should listen
-- | on the socket and respond to any events.
serveSocket :: SocketType a => Context -> a -> Port -> (Socket a -> IO b) -> IO ()
serveSocket context socketType port action = void $
  withSocket context socketType $ \socket -> do
    bind socket $ "tcp://" ++ show port
    forever $ action socket

-- | Listener on the heartbeat port. Echoes back any data it was sent.
heartbeat :: ZeroMQInterface -> Socket Rep -> IO ()
heartbeat _ socket = do
  -- Read some data.
  request <- receive socket

  -- Send it back.
  send socket [] request

-- | Listener on the shell port. Reads messages and writes them to
-- | the shell request channel. For each message, reads a response from the
-- | shell reply channel of the interface and sends it back to the frontend. 
shell :: ZeroMQInterface -> Socket Router -> IO ()
shell channels socket = do
  -- Receive a message and write it to the interface channel.
  receiveMessage socket >>= writeChan requestChannel

  -- Read the reply from the interface channel and send it.
  readChan replyChannel >>= sendMessage socket

    requestChannel = shellRequestChannel channels
    replyChannel = shellReplyChannel channels

-- | Listener on the shell port. Reads messages and writes them to
-- | the shell request channel. For each message, reads a response from the
-- | shell reply channel of the interface and sends it back to the frontend. 
control :: ZeroMQInterface -> Socket Router -> IO ()
control channels socket = do
  -- Receive a message and write it to the interface channel.
  receiveMessage socket >>= writeChan requestChannel

  -- Read the reply from the interface channel and send it.
  readChan replyChannel >>= sendMessage socket

    requestChannel = controlRequestChannel channels
    replyChannel =   controlReplyChannel channels

-- | Send messages via the iopub channel.
-- | This reads messages from the ZeroMQ iopub interface channel 
-- | and then writes the messages to the socket.
iopub :: ZeroMQInterface -> Socket Pub -> IO ()
iopub channels socket =
  readChan (iopubChannel channels) >>= sendMessage socket

-- | Receive and parse a message from a socket.
receiveMessage :: Receiver a => Socket a -> IO Message
receiveMessage socket = do
  -- Read all identifiers until the identifier/message delimiter.
  idents <- readUntil "<IDS|MSG>"

  -- Ignore the signature for now.
  void next

  headerData <- next
  parentHeader <- next
  metadata <- next
  content <- next

  let message = parseMessage idents headerData parentHeader metadata content
  return message

    -- Receive the next piece of data from the socket.
    next = receive socket

    -- Read data from the socket until we hit an ending string.
    -- Return all data as a list, which does not include the ending string.
    readUntil str = do
      line <- next
      if line /= str
      then do
        remaining <- readUntil str
        return $ line : remaining
      else return []
-- | Encode a message in the IPython ZeroMQ communication protocol 
-- | and send it through the provided socket.
sendMessage :: Sender a => Socket a -> Message -> IO ()
sendMessage _ SendNothing = return ()
sendMessage socket message = do
  let head = header message
      parentHeaderStr = maybe "{}" encodeStrict $ parentHeader head
      idents = identifiers head
      metadata = "{}"
      content = encodeStrict message
      headStr = encodeStrict head

  -- Send all pieces of the message.
  mapM_ sendPiece idents
  sendPiece "<IDS|MSG>"
  sendPiece ""
  sendPiece headStr
  sendPiece parentHeaderStr
  sendPiece metadata

  -- Conclude transmission with content.
  sendLast content

    sendPiece = send socket [SendMore]
    sendLast = send socket []

    -- Encode to a strict bytestring.
    encodeStrict :: ToJSON a => a -> ByteString
    encodeStrict = ByteString.toStrict . encode