{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
-- | Description : Shell scripting wrapper using @Shelly@ for the @notebook@, and
--                 @console@ commands.
module IHaskell.IPython (
) where

import            ClassyPrelude
import            Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import            Prelude (read, reads, init)
import            Shelly hiding (find, trace, path, (</>))
import            System.Argv0
import            System.Directory
import qualified  Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as FS
import            Data.List.Utils (split)
import            Data.String.Utils (rstrip, endswith, strip, replace)
import            Text.Printf
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

import qualified System.IO.Strict as StrictIO
import qualified Paths_ihaskell as Paths
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar

import IHaskell.Types
import            System.Posix.Signals

-- | Which IPython to use.
data WhichIPython
     = DefaultIPython           -- ^ Use the one that IHaskell tries to install.
     | ExplicitIPython String   -- ^ Use the command-line flag provided one.
     deriving Eq

-- | The IPython profile name.
ipythonProfile :: String
ipythonProfile = "haskell"

-- | The current IPython profile version.
-- This must be the same as the file in the profile.tar.
-- The filename used is @profileVersionFile@.
profileVersion :: String
profileVersion = ""

-- | Filename in the profile where the version ins kept.
profileVersionFile :: FilePath
profileVersionFile = ".profile_version"

-- | Run IPython with any arguments.
ipython :: WhichIPython -- ^ Which IPython to use (user-provided or IHaskell-installed).
        -> Bool         -- ^ Whether to suppress output.
        -> [Text]       -- ^ IPython command line arguments.
        -> Sh String    -- ^ IPython output.
ipython which suppress args
  | which == DefaultIPython = do
      runCmd <- liftIO $ Paths.getDataFileName "installation/run.sh"
      venv <- fpToText <$> ipythonDir
      let cmdArgs = [pack runCmd, venv] ++ args
      -- If we have PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE enabled, everything breaks.

      liftIO $ installHandler keyboardSignal (CatchOnce $ return ()) Nothing

      -- We have this because using `run` does not let us use stdin.
      runHandles "bash" cmdArgs handles doNothing
  | otherwise = do
      let ExplicitIPython exe = which
      runHandles (fpFromString exe) args handles doNothing

  where handles = [InHandle Inherit, outHandle suppress, errorHandle suppress]
        outHandle True = OutHandle CreatePipe
        outHandle False = OutHandle Inherit
        errorHandle True =  ErrorHandle CreatePipe
        errorHandle False = ErrorHandle Inherit
        doNothing _ stdout _ = if suppress 
                                then liftIO $ StrictIO.hGetContents stdout
                                else return ""

-- | Run while suppressing all output.
quietRun path args = runHandles path args handles nothing
    handles =  [InHandle Inherit, OutHandle CreatePipe, ErrorHandle CreatePipe]
    nothing _ _ _ = return ()

-- | Create the directory and return it.
ensure :: Sh FilePath -> Sh FilePath
ensure getDir = do
  dir <- getDir
  mkdir_p dir
  return dir

-- | Return the data directory for IHaskell.
ihaskellDir :: Sh FilePath
ihaskellDir = do
  home <- maybe (error "$HOME not defined.") fromText <$> get_env "HOME"
  ensure $ return (home </> ".ihaskell")

ipythonDir :: Sh FilePath
ipythonDir = ensure $ (</> "ipython") <$> ihaskellDir

ipythonExePath :: WhichIPython -> Sh FilePath
ipythonExePath which = 
  case which of
    DefaultIPython -> (</> ("bin" </> "ipython")) <$> ipythonDir
    ExplicitIPython path -> return $ fromString path

notebookDir :: Sh FilePath
notebookDir = ensure $ (</> "notebooks") <$> ihaskellDir

ipythonSourceDir :: Sh FilePath
ipythonSourceDir = ensure $ (</> "ipython-src") <$> ihaskellDir

getIHaskellDir :: IO String
getIHaskellDir = shelly $ fpToString <$> ihaskellDir

defaultConfFile :: IO (Maybe String)
defaultConfFile = shelly $ do
  filename <- (</> "rc.hs") <$> ihaskellDir
  exists <- test_f filename
  return $ if exists
           then Just $ fpToString filename
           else Nothing

-- | Find a notebook and then convert it into the provided format.
-- Notebooks are searched in the current directory as well as the IHaskell
-- notebook directory (in that order).
nbconvert :: WhichIPython -> ViewFormat -> String -> IO ()
nbconvert which fmt name = void . shelly $ do
  curdir <- pwd
  nbdir <- notebookDir

  -- Find which of the options is available. 
  let notebookOptions = [
        curdir </> fpFromString name,
        curdir </> fpFromString (name ++ ".ipynb"),
        nbdir  </> fpFromString name,
        nbdir  </> fpFromString (name ++ ".ipynb")
  maybeNb <- headMay <$> filterM test_f notebookOptions
  case maybeNb of
    Nothing -> do
      putStrLn $ "Cannot find notebook: " ++ pack name
      putStrLn "Tried:"
      mapM_ (putStrLn . ("  " ++) . fpToText) notebookOptions 

    Just notebook ->
      let viewArgs = case fmt of
            Pdf ->  ["--to=latex", "--post=pdf"]
            Html -> ["--to=html", "--template=ihaskell"]
            fmt ->  ["--to=" ++ show fmt] in
      void $ runIHaskell which ipythonProfile "nbconvert" $ viewArgs ++ [fpToString notebook]

-- | Set up IPython properly.
setupIPython :: WhichIPython -> IO ()

setupIPython (ExplicitIPython path) = do
  exists <- shelly $
    test_f $ fromString path

  unless exists $
    fail $ "Cannot find IPython at " ++ path

setupIPython DefaultIPython = do
  installed <- ipythonInstalled
  when (not installed) $ do
    path <- shelly $ which "ipython"
    case path of
      Just ipythonPath -> checkIPythonVersion ipythonPath
      Nothing -> badIPython "Did not detect IHaskell-installed or system IPython."
    checkIPythonVersion :: FilePath -> IO ()
    checkIPythonVersion path = do
      output <- unpack <$> shelly (silently $ run path ["--version"])
      case parseVersion output of
        Just (3:_) -> putStrLn "Using system-wide dev version of IPython."
        Just (2:_) -> putStrLn "Using system-wide IPython."
        Just (1:_) -> badIPython "Detected old version of IPython. IHaskell requires 2.0.0 or up."
        Just (0:_) -> badIPython "Detected old version of IPython. IHaskell requires 2.0.0 or up."
        _ -> badIPython "Detected IPython, but could not parse version number."

    badIPython :: Text -> IO ()
    badIPython reason = void $ do
        putStrLn reason
        putStrLn "IHaskell will now proceed to install IPython (locally for itself)."
        putStrLn "Installing IPython in IHaskell's virtualenv in 10 seconds. Ctrl-C to cancel."
        threadDelay $ 1000 * 1000 * 10

-- | Replace "~" with $HOME if $HOME is defined.
-- Otherwise, do nothing.
subHome :: String -> IO String
subHome path = shelly $ do
  home <- unpack <$> fromMaybe "~" <$> get_env "HOME"
  return $ replace "~" home path

-- | Get the path to an executable. If it doensn't exist, fail with an
-- error message complaining about it.
path :: Text -> Sh FilePath
path exe = do
  path <- which $ fromText exe
  case path of
    Nothing -> do
      putStrLn $ "Could not find `" ++ exe ++ "` executable."
      fail $ "`" ++ unpack exe ++ "` not on $PATH."
    Just exePath -> return exePath

-- | Parse an IPython version string into a list of integers.
parseVersion :: String -> Maybe [Int]
parseVersion versionStr = 
  let versions = map read' $ split "." versionStr
      parsed = all isJust versions in
    if parsed
    then Just $ map fromJust versions
    else Nothing
    read' :: String -> Maybe Int
    read' x = 
      case reads x of
        [(n, _)] -> Just n
        _ -> Nothing

-- | Run an IHaskell application using the given profile.
runIHaskell :: WhichIPython
           -> String   -- ^ IHaskell profile name. 
           -> String    -- ^ IPython app name.
           -> [String]  -- ^ Arguments to IPython.
           -> Sh ()
runIHaskell which profile app args = void $ do
  -- Try to locate the profile. Do not die if it doesn't exist.
  errExit False $ ipython which True ["locate", "profile", pack profile]

  -- If the profile doesn't exist, create it.
  exitCode <- lastExitCode
  if exitCode /= 0
  then liftIO $ do
    putStrLn "Creating IPython profile."
    setupIPythonProfile which profile
  -- If the profile exists, update it if necessary.
  else updateIPythonProfile which profile

  -- Run the IHaskell command.
  ipython which False $ map pack $ [app, "--profile", profile] ++ args

runConsole :: WhichIPython -> InitInfo -> IO ()
runConsole which initInfo = void . shelly $ do
  writeInitInfo initInfo
  runIHaskell which ipythonProfile "console" []

runNotebook :: WhichIPython -> InitInfo -> Maybe String -> IO ()
runNotebook which initInfo maybeServeDir = void . shelly $ do
  notebookDirStr <- fpToString <$> notebookDir
  let args = case maybeServeDir of 
               Nothing -> ["--notebook-dir", unpack notebookDirStr]
               Just dir -> ["--notebook-dir", dir]

  writeInitInfo initInfo
  runIHaskell which ipythonProfile "notebook" args

writeInitInfo :: InitInfo -> Sh ()
writeInitInfo info = do
  filename <- (</> ".last-arguments") <$> ihaskellDir
  liftIO $ writeFile filename $ show info

readInitInfo :: IO InitInfo
readInitInfo = shelly $ do
  filename <- (</>  ".last-arguments") <$> ihaskellDir
  read <$> liftIO (readFile filename)

-- | Create the IPython profile.
setupIPythonProfile :: WhichIPython
                    -> String -- ^ IHaskell profile name.
                    -> IO ()
setupIPythonProfile which profile = shelly $ do
  -- Create the IPython profile.
  void $ ipython which True ["profile", "create", pack profile]

  -- Find the IPython profile directory. Make sure to get rid of trailing
  -- newlines from the output of the `ipython locate` call.
  ipythonDir <- pack <$> rstrip <$> ipython which True ["locate"]
  let profileDir = ipythonDir ++ "/profile_" ++ pack profile ++ "/"

  liftIO $ copyProfile profileDir
  insertIHaskellPath profileDir

-- | Update the IPython profile.
updateIPythonProfile :: WhichIPython
                     -> String -- ^ IHaskell profile name.
                     -> Sh ()
updateIPythonProfile which profile = do
  -- Find out whether the profile exists.
  dir <- pack <$> rstrip <$> errExit False (ipython which True ["locate", "profile", pack profile])
  exitCode <- lastExitCode
  updated <- if exitCode == 0 && dir /= ""
            then do
              let versionFile = fpFromText dir </> profileVersionFile
              fileExists <- test_f versionFile
              if not fileExists
              then return False
              else liftIO $ do
                contents <- StrictIO.readFile $ fpToString versionFile
                return $ strip contents == profileVersion
            else return False

  when (not updated) $ do
    putStrLn "Updating IPython profile."
    liftIO $ copyProfile dir
    insertIHaskellPath $ dir ++ "/"

-- | Copy the profile files into the IPython profile. 
copyProfile :: Text -> IO ()
copyProfile profileDir = do
  profileTar <- Paths.getDataFileName "profile/profile.tar"
  putStrLn $ pack $ "Loading profile from " ++ profileTar 
  Tar.extract (unpack profileDir) profileTar 

-- | Insert the IHaskell path into the IPython configuration.
insertIHaskellPath :: Text -> Sh ()
insertIHaskellPath profileDir = do
  path <- getIHaskellPath
  let filename = profileDir ++ "ipython_config.py"
      template = "exe = '%s'.replace(' ', '\\\\ ')"
      exeLine = printf template $ unpack path :: String

  liftIO $ do
    contents <- StrictIO.readFile $ unpack filename
    writeFile (fromText filename) $ exeLine ++ "\n" ++ contents

-- | Get the absolute path to this IHaskell executable.
getIHaskellPath :: Sh String
getIHaskellPath = do
  --  Get the absolute filepath to the argument.
  f <- liftIO getArgv0

  -- If we have an absolute path, that's the IHaskell we're interested in.
  if FS.absolute f
  then return $ FS.encodeString f
    -- Check whether this is a relative path, or just 'IHaskell' with $PATH
    -- resolution done by the shell. If it's just 'IHaskell', use the $PATH
    -- variable to find where IHaskell lives.
    if FS.filename f == f
    then do
      ihaskellPath <- which "IHaskell"
      case ihaskellPath of
        Nothing -> error "IHaskell not on $PATH and not referenced relative to directory."
        Just path -> return $ FS.encodeString path
    else do
      -- If it's actually a relative path, make it absolute.
      cd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
      return $ FS.encodeString $ FS.decodeString cd FS.</> f

getSandboxPackageConf :: IO (Maybe String)
getSandboxPackageConf = shelly $ do
  myPath <- getIHaskellPath
  let sandboxName = ".cabal-sandbox"
  if not $ sandboxName`isInfixOf` myPath
  then return Nothing
  else do
    let pieces = split "/" myPath
        sandboxDir = intercalate "/" $ takeWhile (/= sandboxName) pieces  ++ [sandboxName]
    subdirs <- ls $ fpFromString sandboxDir
    let confdirs = filter (endswith "packages.conf.d") $ map fpToString subdirs
    case confdirs of
      [] -> return Nothing
      dir:_ -> 
        return $ Just dir

-- | Check whether IPython is properly installed.
ipythonInstalled :: IO Bool
ipythonInstalled = shelly $ do
  ipythonPath <- ipythonExePath DefaultIPython
  test_f ipythonPath

-- | Install IPython from source.
installIPython :: IO ()
installIPython = shelly $ do
  -- Print a message and wait a little.
  liftIO $ do
    putStrLn "Installing IPython for IHaskell. This may take a while."
    threadDelay $ 500 * 1000

  -- Set up the virtualenv.
  virtualenvScript <- liftIO $ Paths.getDataFileName "installation/virtualenv.sh"
  venvDir <- fpToText <$> ipythonDir
  runTmp virtualenvScript [venvDir]

  -- Set up Python depenencies.
  setenv "ARCHFLAGS" "-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future"
  installScript <- liftIO $ Paths.getDataFileName "installation/ipython.sh"
  runTmp installScript [venvDir]

runTmp script args = withTmpDir $ \tmp -> do
  cd tmp
  run_ "bash" $ pack script: args