module IHaskell.CSS (ihaskellCSS) where import IHaskellPrelude ihaskellCSS :: String ihaskellCSS = unlines [ -- Custom IHaskell CSS "/* Styles used for the Hoogle display in the pager */" , ".hoogle-doc {" , "display: block;" , "padding-bottom: 1.3em;" , "padding-left: 0.4em;" , "}" , ".hoogle-code {" , "display: block;" , "font-family: monospace;" , "white-space: pre;" , "}" , ".hoogle-text {" , "display: block;" , "}" , ".hoogle-name {" , "color: green;" , "font-weight: bold;" , "}" , ".hoogle-head {" , "font-weight: bold;" , "}" , ".hoogle-sub {" , "display: block;" , "margin-left: 0.4em;" , "}" , ".hoogle-package {" , "font-weight: bold;" , "font-style: italic;" , "}" , ".hoogle-module {" , "font-weight: bold;" , "}" , ".hoogle-class {" , "font-weight: bold;" , "}" , -- Styles used for basic displays ".get-type {" , "color: green;" , "font-weight: bold;" , "font-family: monospace;" , "display: block;" , "white-space: pre-wrap;" , "}" , ".show-type {" , "color: green;" , "font-weight: bold;" , "font-family: monospace;" , "margin-left: 1em;" , "}" , ".mono {" , "font-family: monospace;" , "display: block;" , "}" , ".err-msg {" , "color: red;" , "font-style: italic;" , "font-family: monospace;" , "white-space: pre;" , "display: block;" , "}" , "#unshowable {" , "color: red;" , "font-weight: bold;" , "}" , " {" , "padding-top: 0.7em;" , "}" , -- Code that will get highlighted before it is highlighted ".highlight-code {" , "white-space: pre;" , "font-family: monospace;" , "}" , -- Hlint styles ".suggestion-warning { " , "font-weight: bold;" , "color: rgb(200, 130, 0);" , "}" , ".suggestion-error { " , "font-weight: bold;" , "color: red;" , "}" , ".suggestion-name {" , "font-weight: bold;" , "}" ]