{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE AutoDeriveTypeable #-} module IHaskell.Display.Widgets.Types where -- | This module houses all the type-trickery needed to make widgets happen. -- -- All widgets have a corresponding 'WidgetType', and some fields/attributes/properties as defined -- by the 'WidgetFields' type-family. -- -- Each widget field corresponds to a concrete haskell type, as given by the 'FieldType' -- type-family. -- -- Vinyl records are used to wrap together widget fields into a single 'WidgetState'. -- -- Singletons are used as a way to represent the promoted types of kind Field. For example: -- -- @ -- SViewName :: SField ViewName -- @ -- -- This allows the user to pass the type 'ViewName' without using Data.Proxy. In essence, a -- singleton is the only inhabitant (other than bottom) of a promoted type. Single element set/type -- == singleton. -- -- It also allows the record to wrap values of properties with information about their Field type. A -- vinyl record is represented as @Rec f ts@, which means that a record is a list of @f x@, where -- @x@ is a type present in the type-level list @ts@. Thus a 'WidgetState' is essentially a list of -- field properties wrapped together with the corresponding promoted Field type. See ('=::') for -- more. -- -- The properties function can be used to view all the @Field@s associated with a widget object. -- -- Attributes are represented by the @Attr@ data type, which holds the value of a field, along with -- the actual @Field@ object and a function to verify validity of changes to the value. -- -- The IPython widgets expect state updates of the form {"property": value}, where an empty string -- for numeric values is ignored by the frontend and the default value is used instead. Some numbers -- need to be sent as numbers (represented by @Integer@), whereas some (css lengths) need to be sent -- as Strings (@PixCount@). -- -- Child widgets are expected to be sent as strings of the form "IPY_MODEL_", where @@ -- represents the uuid of the widget's comm. -- -- To know more about the IPython messaging specification (as implemented in this package) take a -- look at the supplied MsgSpec.md. -- -- Widgets are not able to do console input, the reason for that can be found in the messaging -- specification. import Control.Monad (unless, join, when, void) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import qualified Control.Exception as Ex import Data.Typeable (Typeable, TypeRep, typeOf) import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef, modifyIORef) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import System.IO.Error import System.Posix.IO import Text.Printf (printf) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair) import Data.Vinyl (Rec(..), (<+>), recordToList, reifyConstraint, rmap, Dict(..)) import Data.Vinyl.Functor (Compose(..), Const(..)) import Data.Vinyl.Lens (rget, rput, type (∈)) import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel (RecAll) import Data.Singletons.Prelude ((:++)) import Data.Singletons.TH import GHC.IO.Exception import IHaskell.Eval.Widgets (widgetSendUpdate) import IHaskell.Display (Base64, IHaskellWidget(..)) import IHaskell.IPython.Message.UUID import IHaskell.Display.Widgets.Singletons (Field, SField) import qualified IHaskell.Display.Widgets.Singletons as S import IHaskell.Display.Widgets.Common -- Classes from IPython's widget hierarchy. Defined as such to reduce code duplication. type WidgetClass = '[S.ViewModule, S.ViewName, S.ModelModule, S.ModelName, S.MsgThrottle, S.Version, S.DisplayHandler] type DOMWidgetClass = WidgetClass :++ '[S.Visible, S.CSS, S.DOMClasses, S.Width, S.Height, S.Padding, S.Margin, S.Color, S.BackgroundColor, S.BorderColor, S.BorderWidth, S.BorderRadius, S.BorderStyle, S.FontStyle, S.FontWeight, S.FontSize, S.FontFamily] type StringClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.StringValue, S.Disabled, S.Description, S.Placeholder] type BoolClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.BoolValue, S.Disabled, S.Description, S.ChangeHandler] type SelectionClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.Options, S.SelectedValue, S.SelectedLabel, S.Disabled, S.Description, S.SelectionHandler] type MultipleSelectionClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.Options, S.SelectedValues, S.SelectedLabels, S.Disabled, S.Description, S.SelectionHandler] type IntClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.IntValue, S.Disabled, S.Description, S.ChangeHandler] type BoundedIntClass = IntClass :++ '[S.StepInt, S.MinInt, S.MaxInt] type IntRangeClass = IntClass :++ '[S.IntPairValue, S.LowerInt, S.UpperInt] type BoundedIntRangeClass = IntRangeClass :++ '[S.StepInt, S.MinInt, S.MaxInt] type FloatClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.FloatValue, S.Disabled, S.Description, S.ChangeHandler] type BoundedFloatClass = FloatClass :++ '[S.StepFloat, S.MinFloat, S.MaxFloat] type FloatRangeClass = FloatClass :++ '[S.FloatPairValue, S.LowerFloat, S.UpperFloat] type BoundedFloatRangeClass = FloatRangeClass :++ '[S.StepFloat, S.MinFloat, S.MaxFloat] type BoxClass = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.Children, S.OverflowX, S.OverflowY, S.BoxStyle] type SelectionContainerClass = BoxClass :++ '[S.Titles, S.SelectedIndex, S.ChangeHandler] -- Types associated with Fields. type family FieldType (f :: Field) :: * where FieldType S.ViewModule = Text FieldType S.ViewName = Text FieldType S.ModelModule = Text FieldType S.ModelName = Text FieldType S.MsgThrottle = Integer FieldType S.Version = Integer FieldType S.DisplayHandler = IO () FieldType S.Visible = Bool FieldType S.CSS = [(Text, Text, Text)] FieldType S.DOMClasses = [Text] FieldType S.Width = PixCount FieldType S.Height = PixCount FieldType S.Padding = PixCount FieldType S.Margin = PixCount FieldType S.Color = Text FieldType S.BackgroundColor = Text FieldType S.BorderColor = Text FieldType S.BorderWidth = PixCount FieldType S.BorderRadius = PixCount FieldType S.BorderStyle = BorderStyleValue FieldType S.FontStyle = FontStyleValue FieldType S.FontWeight = FontWeightValue FieldType S.FontSize = PixCount FieldType S.FontFamily = Text FieldType S.Description = Text FieldType S.ClickHandler = IO () FieldType S.SubmitHandler = IO () FieldType S.Disabled = Bool FieldType S.StringValue = Text FieldType S.Placeholder = Text FieldType S.Tooltip = Text FieldType S.Icon = Text FieldType S.ButtonStyle = ButtonStyleValue FieldType S.B64Value = Base64 FieldType S.ImageFormat = ImageFormatValue FieldType S.BoolValue = Bool FieldType S.Options = SelectionOptions FieldType S.SelectedLabel = Text FieldType S.SelectedValue = Text FieldType S.SelectionHandler = IO () FieldType S.Tooltips = [Text] FieldType S.Icons = [Text] FieldType S.SelectedLabels = [Text] FieldType S.SelectedValues = [Text] FieldType S.IntValue = Integer FieldType S.StepInt = Integer FieldType S.MinInt = Integer FieldType S.MaxInt = Integer FieldType S.LowerInt = Integer FieldType S.UpperInt = Integer FieldType S.IntPairValue = (Integer, Integer) FieldType S.Orientation = OrientationValue FieldType S.ShowRange = Bool FieldType S.ReadOut = Bool FieldType S.SliderColor = Text FieldType S.BarStyle = BarStyleValue FieldType S.FloatValue = Double FieldType S.StepFloat = Double FieldType S.MinFloat = Double FieldType S.MaxFloat = Double FieldType S.LowerFloat = Double FieldType S.UpperFloat = Double FieldType S.FloatPairValue = (Double, Double) FieldType S.ChangeHandler = IO () FieldType S.Children = [ChildWidget] FieldType S.OverflowX = OverflowValue FieldType S.OverflowY = OverflowValue FieldType S.BoxStyle = BoxStyleValue FieldType S.Flex = Int FieldType S.Pack = LocationValue FieldType S.Align = LocationValue FieldType S.Titles = [Text] FieldType S.SelectedIndex = Integer FieldType S.ReadOutMsg = Text FieldType S.Child = Maybe ChildWidget FieldType S.Selector = Text -- | Can be used to put different widgets in a list. Useful for dealing with children widgets. data ChildWidget = forall w. RecAll Attr (WidgetFields w) ToPairs => ChildWidget (IPythonWidget w) instance ToJSON ChildWidget where toJSON (ChildWidget x) = toJSON . pack $ "IPY_MODEL_" ++ uuidToString (uuid x) -- Will use a custom class rather than a newtype wrapper with an orphan instance. The main issue is -- the need of a Bounded instance for Float / Double. class CustomBounded a where lowerBound :: a upperBound :: a -- Set according to what IPython widgets use instance CustomBounded PixCount where upperBound = 10 ^ 16 - 1 lowerBound = -(10 ^ 16 - 1) instance CustomBounded Integer where lowerBound = -(10 ^ 16 - 1) upperBound = 10 ^ 16 - 1 instance CustomBounded Double where lowerBound = -(10 ** 16 - 1) upperBound = 10 ** 16 - 1 -- Different types of widgets. Every widget in IPython has a corresponding WidgetType data WidgetType = ButtonType | ImageType | OutputType | HTMLType | LatexType | TextType | TextAreaType | CheckBoxType | ToggleButtonType | ValidType | DropdownType | RadioButtonsType | SelectType | ToggleButtonsType | SelectMultipleType | IntTextType | BoundedIntTextType | IntSliderType | IntProgressType | IntRangeSliderType | FloatTextType | BoundedFloatTextType | FloatSliderType | FloatProgressType | FloatRangeSliderType | BoxType | ProxyType | PlaceProxyType | FlexBoxType | AccordionType | TabType -- Fields associated with a widget type family WidgetFields (w :: WidgetType) :: [Field] where WidgetFields ButtonType = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.Description, S.Tooltip, S.Disabled, S.Icon, S.ButtonStyle, S.ClickHandler] WidgetFields ImageType = DOMWidgetClass :++ '[S.ImageFormat, S.Width, S.Height, S.B64Value] WidgetFields OutputType = DOMWidgetClass WidgetFields HTMLType = StringClass WidgetFields LatexType = StringClass WidgetFields TextType = StringClass :++ '[S.SubmitHandler, S.ChangeHandler] WidgetFields TextAreaType = StringClass :++ '[S.ChangeHandler] WidgetFields CheckBoxType = BoolClass WidgetFields ToggleButtonType = BoolClass :++ '[S.Tooltip, S.Icon, S.ButtonStyle] WidgetFields ValidType = BoolClass :++ '[S.ReadOutMsg] WidgetFields DropdownType = SelectionClass :++ '[S.ButtonStyle] WidgetFields RadioButtonsType = SelectionClass WidgetFields SelectType = SelectionClass WidgetFields ToggleButtonsType = SelectionClass :++ '[S.Tooltips, S.Icons, S.ButtonStyle] WidgetFields SelectMultipleType = MultipleSelectionClass WidgetFields IntTextType = IntClass WidgetFields BoundedIntTextType = BoundedIntClass WidgetFields IntSliderType = BoundedIntClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.ShowRange, S.ReadOut, S.SliderColor] WidgetFields IntProgressType = BoundedIntClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.BarStyle] WidgetFields IntRangeSliderType = BoundedIntRangeClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.ShowRange, S.ReadOut, S.SliderColor] WidgetFields FloatTextType = FloatClass WidgetFields BoundedFloatTextType = BoundedFloatClass WidgetFields FloatSliderType = BoundedFloatClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.ShowRange, S.ReadOut, S.SliderColor] WidgetFields FloatProgressType = BoundedFloatClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.BarStyle] WidgetFields FloatRangeSliderType = BoundedFloatRangeClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.ShowRange, S.ReadOut, S.SliderColor] WidgetFields BoxType = BoxClass WidgetFields ProxyType = WidgetClass :++ '[S.Child] WidgetFields PlaceProxyType = WidgetFields ProxyType :++ '[S.Selector] WidgetFields FlexBoxType = BoxClass :++ '[S.Orientation, S.Flex, S.Pack, S.Align] WidgetFields AccordionType = SelectionContainerClass WidgetFields TabType = SelectionContainerClass -- Wrapper around a field's value. A dummy value is sent as an empty string to the frontend. data AttrVal a = Dummy a | Real a unwrap :: AttrVal a -> a unwrap (Dummy x) = x unwrap (Real x) = x -- Wrapper around a field. data Attr (f :: Field) where Attr :: Typeable (FieldType f) => { _value :: AttrVal (FieldType f) , _verify :: FieldType f -> IO (FieldType f) , _field :: Field } -> Attr f getFieldType :: Attr f -> TypeRep getFieldType Attr { _value = attrval } = typeOf $ unwrap attrval instance ToJSON (FieldType f) => ToJSON (Attr f) where toJSON attr = case _value attr of Dummy _ -> "" Real x -> toJSON x -- Types that can be converted to Aeson Pairs. class ToPairs a where toPairs :: a -> [Pair] -- Attributes that aren't synced with the frontend give [] on toPairs instance ToPairs (Attr S.ViewModule) where toPairs x = ["_view_module" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ViewName) where toPairs x = ["_view_name" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ModelModule) where toPairs x = ["_model_module" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ModelName) where toPairs x = ["_model_name" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.MsgThrottle) where toPairs x = ["msg_throttle" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Version) where toPairs x = ["version" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.DisplayHandler) where toPairs _ = [] -- Not sent to the frontend instance ToPairs (Attr S.Visible) where toPairs x = ["visible" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.CSS) where toPairs x = ["_css" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.DOMClasses) where toPairs x = ["_dom_classes" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Width) where toPairs x = ["width" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Height) where toPairs x = ["height" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Padding) where toPairs x = ["padding" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Margin) where toPairs x = ["margin" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Color) where toPairs x = ["color" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BackgroundColor) where toPairs x = ["background_color" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BorderColor) where toPairs x = ["border_color" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BorderWidth) where toPairs x = ["border_width" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BorderRadius) where toPairs x = ["border_radius" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BorderStyle) where toPairs x = ["border_style" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.FontStyle) where toPairs x = ["font_style" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.FontWeight) where toPairs x = ["font_weight" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.FontSize) where toPairs x = ["font_size" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.FontFamily) where toPairs x = ["font_family" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Description) where toPairs x = ["description" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ClickHandler) where toPairs _ = [] -- Not sent to the frontend instance ToPairs (Attr S.SubmitHandler) where toPairs _ = [] -- Not sent to the frontend instance ToPairs (Attr S.Disabled) where toPairs x = ["disabled" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.StringValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Placeholder) where toPairs x = ["placeholder" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Tooltip) where toPairs x = ["tooltip" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Icon) where toPairs x = ["icon" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ButtonStyle) where toPairs x = ["button_style" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.B64Value) where toPairs x = ["_b64value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ImageFormat) where toPairs x = ["format" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BoolValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SelectedLabel) where toPairs x = ["selected_label" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SelectedValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Options) where toPairs x = case _value x of Dummy _ -> labels ("" :: Text) Real (OptionLabels xs) -> labels xs Real (OptionDict xps) -> labels $ map fst xps where labels xs = ["_options_labels" .= xs] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SelectionHandler) where toPairs _ = [] -- Not sent to the frontend instance ToPairs (Attr S.Tooltips) where toPairs x = ["tooltips" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Icons) where toPairs x = ["icons" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SelectedLabels) where toPairs x = ["selected_labels" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SelectedValues) where toPairs x = ["values" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.IntValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.StepInt) where toPairs x = ["step" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.MinInt) where toPairs x = ["min" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.MaxInt) where toPairs x = ["max" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.IntPairValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.LowerInt) where toPairs x = ["min" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.UpperInt) where toPairs x = ["max" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.FloatValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.StepFloat) where toPairs x = ["step" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.MinFloat) where toPairs x = ["min" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.MaxFloat) where toPairs x = ["max" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.FloatPairValue) where toPairs x = ["value" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.LowerFloat) where toPairs x = ["min" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.UpperFloat) where toPairs x = ["max" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Orientation) where toPairs x = ["orientation" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ShowRange) where toPairs x = ["_range" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ReadOut) where toPairs x = ["readout" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SliderColor) where toPairs x = ["slider_color" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BarStyle) where toPairs x = ["bar_style" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ChangeHandler) where toPairs _ = [] -- Not sent to the frontend instance ToPairs (Attr S.Children) where toPairs x = ["children" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.OverflowX) where toPairs x = ["overflow_x" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.OverflowY) where toPairs x = ["overflow_y" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.BoxStyle) where toPairs x = ["box_style" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Flex) where toPairs x = ["flex" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Pack) where toPairs x = ["pack" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Align) where toPairs x = ["align" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Titles) where toPairs x = ["_titles" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.SelectedIndex) where toPairs x = ["selected_index" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.ReadOutMsg) where toPairs x = ["readout" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Child) where toPairs x = ["child" .= toJSON x] instance ToPairs (Attr S.Selector) where toPairs x = ["selector" .= toJSON x] -- | Store the value for a field, as an object parametrized by the Field. No verification is done -- for these values. (=::) :: (SingI f, Typeable (FieldType f)) => Sing f -> FieldType f -> Attr f s =:: x = Attr { _value = Real x, _verify = return, _field = reflect s } -- | If the number is in the range, return it. Otherwise raise the appropriate (over/under)flow -- exception. rangeCheck :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a, a) -> a -> IO a rangeCheck (l, u) x | l <= x && x <= u = return x | l > x = Ex.throw Ex.Underflow | u < x = Ex.throw Ex.Overflow | otherwise = error "The impossible happened in IHaskell.Display.Widgets.Types.rangeCheck" -- | Store a numeric value, with verification mechanism for its range. ranged :: (SingI f, Num (FieldType f), Ord (FieldType f), Typeable (FieldType f)) => Sing f -> (FieldType f, FieldType f) -> AttrVal (FieldType f) -> Attr f ranged s range x = Attr x (rangeCheck range) (reflect s) -- | Store a numeric value, with the invariant that it stays non-negative. The value set is set as a -- dummy value if it's equal to zero. (=:+) :: (SingI f, Num (FieldType f), CustomBounded (FieldType f), Ord (FieldType f), Typeable (FieldType f)) => Sing f -> FieldType f -> Attr f s =:+ val = Attr ((if val == 0 then Dummy else Real) val) (rangeCheck (0, upperBound)) (reflect s) -- | Get a field from a singleton Adapted from: http://stackoverflow.com/a/28033250/2388535 reflect :: forall (f :: Field). (SingI f, SingKind ('KProxy :: KProxy Field)) => Sing f -> Field reflect = fromSing -- | A record representing an object of the Widget class from IPython defaultWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr WidgetClass defaultWidget viewName = (ViewModule =:: "") :& (ViewName =:: viewName) :& (ModelModule =:: "") :& (ModelName =:: "WidgetModel") :& (MsgThrottle =:+ 3) :& (Version =:: 0) :& (DisplayHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil -- | A record representing an object of the DOMWidget class from IPython defaultDOMWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr DOMWidgetClass defaultDOMWidget viewName = defaultWidget viewName <+> domAttrs where domAttrs = (Visible =:: True) :& (CSS =:: []) :& (DOMClasses =:: []) :& (Width =:+ 0) :& (Height =:+ 0) :& (Padding =:+ 0) :& (Margin =:+ 0) :& (Color =:: "") :& (BackgroundColor =:: "") :& (BorderColor =:: "") :& (BorderWidth =:+ 0) :& (BorderRadius =:+ 0) :& (BorderStyle =:: DefaultBorder) :& (FontStyle =:: DefaultFont) :& (FontWeight =:: DefaultWeight) :& (FontSize =:+ 0) :& (FontFamily =:: "") :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _String class from IPython defaultStringWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr StringClass defaultStringWidget viewName = defaultDOMWidget viewName <+> strAttrs where strAttrs = (StringValue =:: "") :& (Disabled =:: False) :& (Description =:: "") :& (Placeholder =:: "") :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _Bool class from IPython defaultBoolWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr BoolClass defaultBoolWidget viewName = defaultDOMWidget viewName <+> boolAttrs where boolAttrs = (BoolValue =:: False) :& (Disabled =:: False) :& (Description =:: "") :& (ChangeHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _Selection class from IPython defaultSelectionWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr SelectionClass defaultSelectionWidget viewName = defaultDOMWidget viewName <+> selectionAttrs where selectionAttrs = (Options =:: OptionLabels []) :& (SelectedValue =:: "") :& (SelectedLabel =:: "") :& (Disabled =:: False) :& (Description =:: "") :& (SelectionHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _MultipleSelection class from IPython defaultMultipleSelectionWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr MultipleSelectionClass defaultMultipleSelectionWidget viewName = defaultDOMWidget viewName <+> mulSelAttrs where mulSelAttrs = (Options =:: OptionLabels []) :& (SelectedValues =:: []) :& (SelectedLabels =:: []) :& (Disabled =:: False) :& (Description =:: "") :& (SelectionHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _Int class from IPython defaultIntWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr IntClass defaultIntWidget viewName = defaultDOMWidget viewName <+> intAttrs where intAttrs = (IntValue =:: 0) :& (Disabled =:: False) :& (Description =:: "") :& (ChangeHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _BoundedInt class from IPython defaultBoundedIntWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr BoundedIntClass defaultBoundedIntWidget viewName = defaultIntWidget viewName <+> boundedIntAttrs where boundedIntAttrs = (StepInt =:: 1) :& (MinInt =:: 0) :& (MaxInt =:: 100) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _BoundedInt class from IPython defaultIntRangeWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr IntRangeClass defaultIntRangeWidget viewName = defaultIntWidget viewName <+> rangeAttrs where rangeAttrs = (IntPairValue =:: (25, 75)) :& (LowerInt =:: 0) :& (UpperInt =:: 100) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _BoundedIntRange class from IPython defaultBoundedIntRangeWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr BoundedIntRangeClass defaultBoundedIntRangeWidget viewName = defaultIntRangeWidget viewName <+> boundedIntRangeAttrs where boundedIntRangeAttrs = (StepInt =:+ 1) :& (MinInt =:: 0) :& (MaxInt =:: 100) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _Float class from IPython defaultFloatWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr FloatClass defaultFloatWidget viewName = defaultDOMWidget viewName <+> intAttrs where intAttrs = (FloatValue =:: 0) :& (Disabled =:: False) :& (Description =:: "") :& (ChangeHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _BoundedFloat class from IPython defaultBoundedFloatWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr BoundedFloatClass defaultBoundedFloatWidget viewName = defaultFloatWidget viewName <+> boundedFloatAttrs where boundedFloatAttrs = (StepFloat =:+ 1) :& (MinFloat =:: 0) :& (MaxFloat =:: 100) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _BoundedFloat class from IPython defaultFloatRangeWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr FloatRangeClass defaultFloatRangeWidget viewName = defaultFloatWidget viewName <+> rangeAttrs where rangeAttrs = (FloatPairValue =:: (25, 75)) :& (LowerFloat =:: 0) :& (UpperFloat =:: 100) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _BoundedFloatRange class from IPython defaultBoundedFloatRangeWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr BoundedFloatRangeClass defaultBoundedFloatRangeWidget viewName = defaultFloatRangeWidget viewName <+> boundedFloatRangeAttrs where boundedFloatRangeAttrs = (StepFloat =:+ 1) :& (MinFloat =:: 0) :& (MaxFloat =:: 100) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _Box class from IPython defaultBoxWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr BoxClass defaultBoxWidget viewName = domAttrs <+> boxAttrs where defaultDOM = defaultDOMWidget viewName domAttrs = rput (ModelName =:: "BoxModel") defaultDOM boxAttrs = (Children =:: []) :& (OverflowX =:: DefaultOverflow) :& (OverflowY =:: DefaultOverflow) :& (BoxStyle =:: DefaultBox) :& RNil -- | A record representing a widget of the _SelectionContainer class from IPython defaultSelectionContainerWidget :: FieldType S.ViewName -> Rec Attr SelectionContainerClass defaultSelectionContainerWidget viewName = defaultBoxWidget viewName <+> selAttrs where selAttrs = (Titles =:: []) :& (SelectedIndex =:: 0) :& (ChangeHandler =:: return ()) :& RNil newtype WidgetState w = WidgetState { _getState :: Rec Attr (WidgetFields w) } -- All records with ToPair instances for their Attrs will automatically have a toJSON instance now. instance RecAll Attr (WidgetFields w) ToPairs => ToJSON (WidgetState w) where toJSON record = object . concat . recordToList . rmap (\(Compose (Dict x)) -> Const $ toPairs x) $ reifyConstraint (Proxy :: Proxy ToPairs) $ _getState record data IPythonWidget (w :: WidgetType) = IPythonWidget { uuid :: UUID , state :: IORef (WidgetState w) } -- | Change the value for a field, and notify the frontend about it. setField :: (f ∈ WidgetFields w, IHaskellWidget (IPythonWidget w), ToPairs (Attr f)) => IPythonWidget w -> SField f -> FieldType f -> IO () setField widget sfield fval = do !newattr <- setField' widget sfield fval let pairs = toPairs newattr unless (null pairs) $ widgetSendUpdate widget (object pairs) -- | Change the value of a field, without notifying the frontend. For internal use. setField' :: (f ∈ WidgetFields w, IHaskellWidget (IPythonWidget w)) => IPythonWidget w -> SField f -> FieldType f -> IO (Attr f) setField' widget sfield val = do attr <- getAttr widget sfield newval <- _verify attr val let newattr = attr { _value = Real newval } modifyIORef (state widget) (WidgetState . rput newattr . _getState) return newattr -- | Pluck an attribute from a record getAttr :: (f ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> SField f -> IO (Attr f) getAttr widget sfield = rget sfield <$> _getState <$> readIORef (state widget) -- | Get the value of a field. getField :: (f ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> SField f -> IO (FieldType f) getField widget sfield = unwrap . _value <$> getAttr widget sfield -- | Useful with toJSON and OverloadedStrings str :: String -> String str = id properties :: IPythonWidget w -> IO () properties widget = do st <- readIORef $ state widget let convert :: Attr f -> Const (Field, TypeRep) f convert attr = Const (_field attr, getFieldType attr) renderRow (fname, ftype) = printf "%s ::: %s" (show fname) (show ftype) rows = map renderRow . recordToList . rmap convert $ _getState st mapM_ putStrLn rows -- Helper function for widget to enforce their inability to fetch console input noStdin :: IO a -> IO () noStdin action = let handler :: IOException -> IO () handler e = when (ioeGetErrorType e == InvalidArgument) (error "Widgets cannot do console input, sorry :)") in Ex.handle handler $ do nullFd <- openFd "/dev/null" WriteOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags oldStdin <- dup stdInput void $ dupTo nullFd stdInput closeFd nullFd void action void $ dupTo oldStdin stdInput -- Trigger events triggerEvent :: (FieldType f ~ IO (), f ∈ WidgetFields w) => SField f -> IPythonWidget w -> IO () triggerEvent sfield w = noStdin . join $ getField w sfield triggerChange :: (S.ChangeHandler ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> IO () triggerChange = triggerEvent ChangeHandler triggerClick :: (S.ClickHandler ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> IO () triggerClick = triggerEvent ClickHandler triggerSelection :: (S.SelectionHandler ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> IO () triggerSelection = triggerEvent SelectionHandler triggerSubmit :: (S.SubmitHandler ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> IO () triggerSubmit = triggerEvent SubmitHandler triggerDisplay :: (S.DisplayHandler ∈ WidgetFields w) => IPythonWidget w -> IO () triggerDisplay = triggerEvent DisplayHandler