# IHaskell-Widgets This package implements the [ipython widgets](https://github.com/ipython/ipywidgets) in IHaskell. The frontend (javascript) is provided by the jupyter/ipython notebook environment, whereas the backend is implemented in haskell. To know more about the widget messaging protocol, see [MsgSpec.md](MsgSpec.md). ## Contributing examples If you want to contribute with more Notebook examples, please do so on the `Examples/` folder. Before commiting, please make sure they can be executed sequentialy and then remove the output from the Nootebooks with: ```bash jupyter nbconvert *.ipynb --to notebook --inplace --clear-output ``` ## Things to do - [ ] Automatic validation of the JSON implementation of widgets against the MsgSpec schema - [ ] Create integration tests for the widgets - [ ] Make the output widget capture output (problem: you have to get the message id of where the output is displayed) - [ ] Make the layout widget values more 'Haskelian': Instead of checking if the string is valid at runtime, make some types so it's checked at compile-time - [ ] Create a serializable color data type instead of using `Maybe String` - [ ] Overload setField so it can be used with `Maybes` or other wrapper types without having to put `Just` every time. - [ ] Add some "utils" work: - [ ] Create media widget from file - [ ] Get the selected label from a selection value ## How to... This is a mini-guide for developers that want to update to a more recent widgets specification, but without dwelling into the deeps of the project ### Add a new attribute If you want to add a new attribute you'll have to: 1. Create a new singleton in [Singletons.hs](./Singletons.hs) inside the type `data Field`. 2. Write the serialization key of the field as specified in the model (see [MsgSpec.md](./MsgSpec.md)) inside the `toKey` function at [Singletons.hs](./Singletons.hs) 3. Because we use the `singletons-th` library, you have to define an alias for the attribute at [Common.hs](./Common.hs) to be able to use it at run-time more easily. 4. Now you have to specify the type of the field. Edit the type family `Fieldtype` at [Types.hs](./Types.hs) ### Add an attribute to a widget First you have to check if the attribute is only for one widget, or is from a common class. You can check it at [ipywidget's repo](https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/tree/master/ipywidgets/widgets). - If it's only for one widget: 1. Edit the `type instance WidgetFields = ...` at [Types.hs](./Types.hs), adding the new field to the field array. 2. Modify the `mk` at `Module/WidgetName.hs`, adding the default value of the attribute. If the widget doesn't have any attributes yet, you can check how to do it on other widgets. - If it's for a common class: 1. Edit the `type = ...` at [Types.hs](./Types.hs) 2. Edit the `defaultWidget` function from the same file, adding the default value for that attribute. > Some widgets receive messages from the frontend when a value is modified (such as sliders, text areas, buttons...). You'll have to modify the `comm` function instantiated from the class `IHaskellWidget`. You can find an example at [IntSlider.hs](./Int/BoundedInt/IntSlider.hs) ## FAQ When using widgets in ihaskell, you'll encounter a lot of compilation errors. If you are not very familiar with Haskell, they can be a bit hard to decipher, this is a mini guide that will (hopefully) appear when you paste the error in Google. ### setField: No instance for... You probably got this error when trying to use setField like this: ``` :1:1: error: • No instance for (Data.Vinyl.Lens.RecElem Data.Vinyl.Core.Rec 'ihaskell-widgets- 'ihaskell-widgets- '[] '[] (Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel.RIndex 'ihaskell-widgets- '[])) arising from a use of ‘setField’ • In the expression: setField select Index 0 In an equation for ‘it’: it = setField select Index 0 ``` What this error means is that there is no field called `Index` for this particular widget. You can display on screen all the fields available for a widget using `properties widget`. ### setField: Couldn't match expected type SField f with actual type If you get an error like this, you probably forgot to put the field name in the second argument of `setField`. ``` :1:25: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘ihaskell-widgets- f’ with actual type ‘[a0]’ • In the second argument of ‘setField’, namely ‘["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"]’ In the expression: setField selectMultiple ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"] In an equation for ‘it’: it = setField selectMultiple ["Apples", "Oranges", "Pears"] • Relevant bindings include it :: ihaskell-widgets- f -> IO () (bound at :1:1) ```