module IHP.OpenAI where import Data.Text (Text) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Control.Exception (SomeException) import Data.IORef import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString import Network.Http.Client import Data.Aeson import OpenSSL import qualified OpenSSL.Session as SSL import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Control.Retry as Retry import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe data CompletionRequest = CompletionRequest { messages :: ![Message] , model :: !Text , maxTokens :: !(Maybe Int) , temperature :: !(Maybe Double) , presencePenalty :: !(Maybe Double) , frequencePenalty :: !(Maybe Double) , stream :: !Bool , responseFormat :: !(Maybe ResponseFormat) , tools :: ![Tool] } deriving (Eq, Show) data Message = Message { role :: !Role , content :: !Text , name :: !(Maybe Text) , toolCallId :: !(Maybe Text) , toolCalls :: ![ToolCall] } deriving (Eq, Show) data Role = UserRole | SystemRole | AssistantRole | ToolRole deriving (Eq, Show) data ResponseFormat = Text | JsonObject deriving (Eq, Show) data Tool = Function { description :: !(Maybe Text), name :: !Text, parameters :: !(Maybe JsonSchema) } deriving (Eq, Show) data JsonSchema = JsonSchemaObject ![Property] | JsonSchemaString | JsonSchemaInteger | JsonSchemaNumber | JsonSchemaArray !JsonSchema | JsonSchemaEnum ![Text] deriving (Eq, Show) data Property = Property { propertyName :: !Text, type_ :: !JsonSchema, required :: !Bool, description :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ToJSON CompletionRequest where toJSON CompletionRequest { model, messages, maxTokens, temperature, presencePenalty, frequencePenalty, stream, responseFormat, tools } = object [ "model" .= model , "messages" .= messages , "max_tokens" .= maxTokens , "stream" .= stream , "temperature" .= temperature , "presence_penalty" .= presencePenalty , "frequency_penalty" .= frequencePenalty , "response_format" .= responseFormat , "tools" .= emptyListToNothing tools ] instance ToJSON Role where toJSON UserRole = toJSON ("user" :: Text) toJSON SystemRole = toJSON ("system" :: Text) toJSON AssistantRole = toJSON ("assistant" :: Text) toJSON ToolRole = toJSON ("tool" :: Text) instance ToJSON Message where toJSON Message { role, content, name, toolCallId, toolCalls } = object $ Maybe.catMaybes [ Just ("role" .= role) , Just ("content" .= content) , ("name" .=) <$> name , ("tool_call_id" .=) <$> toolCallId , if null toolCalls then Nothing else Just ("tool_calls" .= toolCalls) ] instance ToJSON ResponseFormat where toJSON Text = object [ "type" .= ("text" :: Text) ] toJSON JsonObject = object [ "type" .= ("json_object" :: Text) ] instance ToJSON Tool where toJSON Function { description, name, parameters } = object [ "type" .= ("function" :: Text) , "function" .= (object [ "name" .= name , "description" .= description , "parameters" .= parameters ]) ] instance ToJSON JsonSchema where toJSON (JsonSchemaObject properties) = object [ "type" .= ("object" :: Text) , "properties" .= (object (concat (map (\property -> [ (Key.fromText property.propertyName) .= ((toJSON property.type_) `mergeObj` (object $ Maybe.catMaybes [ ("description" .=) <$> property.description ])) ]) properties))) ] where mergeObj (Object first) (Object second) = Object (first <> second) mergeObj _ _ = error "JsonSchema.mergeObj failed with invalid type" toJSON JsonSchemaString = object [ "type" .= ("string" :: Text) ] toJSON JsonSchemaInteger = object [ "type" .= ("integer" :: Text) ] toJSON JsonSchemaNumber = object [ "type" .= ("number" :: Text) ] toJSON (JsonSchemaArray items) = object [ "type" .= ("array" :: Text) , "items" .= items ] toJSON (JsonSchemaEnum values) = object [ "type" .= ("string" :: Text) , "enum" .= values ] userMessage :: Text -> Message userMessage content = Message { role = UserRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] } systemMessage :: Text -> Message systemMessage content = Message { role = SystemRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] } assistantMessage :: Text -> Message assistantMessage content = Message { role = AssistantRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] } toolMessage :: Text -> Message toolMessage content = Message { role = ToolRole, content, name = Nothing, toolCallId = Nothing, toolCalls = [] } newCompletionRequest :: CompletionRequest newCompletionRequest = CompletionRequest { messages = [] , maxTokens = Nothing , temperature = Nothing , presencePenalty = Nothing , frequencePenalty = Nothing , model = "gpt-3.5-turbo" , stream = False , responseFormat = Nothing , tools = [] } data CompletionResult = CompletionResult { choices :: [Choice] } | CompletionError { message :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON CompletionResult where parseJSON = withObject "CompletionResult" \v -> do let result = CompletionResult <$> v .: "choices" let error = do errorObj <- v .: "error" message <- errorObj .: "message" pure CompletionError { message } result <|> error -- [{"text": "Introdu", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "finish_reason": null}] data Choice = Choice { text :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Choice where parseJSON = withObject "Choice" $ \v -> do deltaOrMessage <- (v .: "message") <|> (v .: "delta") content <- deltaOrMessage .: "content" pure Choice { text = content } streamCompletion :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO () -> (CompletionChunk -> IO ()) -> IO [CompletionChunk] streamCompletion secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do let completionRequest = enableStream completionRequest' completionRequestRef <- newIORef completionRequest result <- Retry.retrying retryPolicyDefault shouldRetry (action completionRequestRef) case result of Left (e :: SomeException) -> Exception.throwIO e Right (Left e) -> error (Text.unpack e) Right (Right r) -> pure r where shouldRetry retryStatus (Left e) = pure True shouldRetry retryStatus (Right (Left _)) = pure True shouldRetry retryStatus (Right (Right r)) = pure False action completionRequestRef retryStatus = do completionRequest <- readIORef completionRequestRef let onStart' = if retryStatus.rsIterNumber == 0 then onStart else pure () Exception.try (streamCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest onStart' (wrappedCallback completionRequestRef)) wrappedCallback completionRequestRef completionChunk = do let text = mconcat $ Maybe.mapMaybe (\choiceDelta -> completionChunk.choices modifyIORef' completionRequestRef (\completionRequest -> completionRequest { messages = completionRequest.messages <> [assistantMessage text] , maxTokens = case completionRequest.maxTokens of Just maxTokens -> Just $ maxTokens - (length (Text.words text)) Nothing -> Nothing } ) callback completionChunk retryPolicyDefault = Retry.constantDelay 50000 <> Retry.limitRetries 10 streamCompletionWithoutRetry :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO () -> (CompletionChunk -> IO ()) -> IO (Either Text [CompletionChunk]) streamCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest' onStart callback = do let completionRequest = enableStream completionRequest' modifyContextSSL (\context -> do SSL.contextSetVerificationMode context SSL.VerifyNone pure context ) withOpenSSL do withConnection (establishConnection "") \connection -> do let q = buildRequest1 do http POST "/v1/chat/completions" setContentType "application/json" Network.Http.Client.setHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " <> secretKey) sendRequest connection q (jsonBody completionRequest) onStart receiveResponse connection handler where handler :: Response -> Streams.InputStream ByteString -> IO (Either Text [CompletionChunk]) handler response stream = do let status = getStatusCode response if status == 200 then do {- parse stream line by line as event stream format according to API spec: -} state <- Streams.lines stream >>= Streams.foldM (parseResponseChunk' callback) emptyParserState return (Right state.chunks) else do x :: ByteString <- Streams.fold mappend mempty stream return (Left $ "an error happend: " <> Text.pack (show x)) parseResponseChunk' :: (CompletionChunk -> IO ()) -> ParserState -> ByteString -> IO ParserState parseResponseChunk' callback state input = case parseResponseChunk state input of ParserResult { chunk = Just chunk, state } -> do callback chunk pure state ParserResult { state } -> pure state data ParserState = ParserState { curBuffer :: !ByteString , emptyLineFound :: !Bool , chunks :: ![CompletionChunk] } deriving (Eq, Show) data ParserResult = ParserResult { chunk :: !(Maybe CompletionChunk) , state :: ParserState } deriving (Eq, Show) emptyParserState :: ParserState emptyParserState = ParserState { curBuffer = "", emptyLineFound = False, chunks = [] } parseResponseChunk :: ParserState -> ByteString -> ParserResult parseResponseChunk ParserState { curBuffer, emptyLineFound, chunks } input -- input line is empty, but previous was not, append newline to buffer | ByteString.null input && not emptyLineFound = ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer <> "\n", emptyLineFound = True, chunks } } -- input line is empty, previous line was already empty: message ended, clear buffer | ByteString.null input && emptyLineFound = ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer = "", emptyLineFound = True, chunks } } -- lines starting with : are comments, ignore | ":" `ByteString.isPrefixOf` input = ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer, emptyLineFound = False, chunks } } -- try to parse line together with buffer otherwise | otherwise = case ByteString.stripPrefix "data: " (ByteString.strip (curBuffer <> input)) of -- the stream terminated by a data: [DONE] message Just "[DONE]" -> ParserResult { chunk = Nothing, state = ParserState { curBuffer, emptyLineFound, chunks } } Just json -> case eitherDecodeStrict json of Right (completionChunk :: CompletionChunk) -> ParserResult { chunk = Just completionChunk , state = ParserState { curBuffer = "", emptyLineFound = False, chunks = chunks <> [completionChunk] } } Left err -> error (show err <> " while parsing " <> show input) --ParserResult -- { chunk = Nothing -- , state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer <> json, emptyLineFound = False, chunks = chunks } } Nothing -> ParserResult { chunk = Nothing , state = ParserState { curBuffer = curBuffer <> input, emptyLineFound = False, chunks = chunks } } fetchCompletion :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO Text fetchCompletion secretKey completionRequest = do result <- Retry.retrying retryPolicyDefault shouldRetry action case result of Left (e :: SomeException) -> Exception.throwIO e Right result -> case result of CompletionResult { choices } -> pure (mconcat $ map (.text) choices) CompletionError { message } -> error (Text.unpack message) where shouldRetry retryStatus (Left _) = pure True shouldRetry retryStatus (Right _) = pure False action retryStatus = Exception.try (fetchCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest) retryPolicyDefault = Retry.constantDelay 50000 <> Retry.limitRetries 10 fetchCompletionWithoutRetry :: ByteString -> CompletionRequest -> IO CompletionResult fetchCompletionWithoutRetry secretKey completionRequest = do modifyContextSSL (\context -> do SSL.contextSetVerificationMode context SSL.VerifyNone pure context ) withOpenSSL do withConnection (establishConnection "") \connection -> do let q = buildRequest1 do http POST "/v1/chat/completions" setContentType "application/json" Network.Http.Client.setHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " <> secretKey) sendRequest connection q (jsonBody completionRequest) receiveResponse connection jsonHandler enableStream :: CompletionRequest -> CompletionRequest enableStream completionRequest = completionRequest { stream = True } data CompletionChunk = CompletionChunk { id :: !Text , choices :: [CompletionChunkChoice] , created :: Int , model :: !Text , systemFingerprint :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON CompletionChunk where parseJSON = withObject "CompletionChunk" $ \v -> CompletionChunk <$> v .: "id" <*> v .: "choices" <*> v .: "created" <*> v .: "model" <*> v .: "system_fingerprint" data CompletionChunkChoice = CompletionChunkChoice { delta :: !Delta } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON CompletionChunkChoice where parseJSON = withObject "CompletionChunkChoice" $ \v -> CompletionChunkChoice <$> v .: "delta" data Delta = Delta { content :: !(Maybe Text) , toolCalls :: !(Maybe [ToolCall]) , role :: !(Maybe Role) } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Delta where parseJSON = withObject "Delta" $ \v -> Delta <$> v .:? "content" <*> v .:? "tool_calls" <*> v .:? "role" instance FromJSON Role where parseJSON (String "user") = pure UserRole parseJSON (String "system") = pure SystemRole parseJSON (String "assistant") = pure AssistantRole parseJSON (String "ToolRole") = pure ToolRole parseJSON otherwise = fail ("Failed to parse role" <> show otherwise) data ToolCall = FunctionCall { index :: !Int , id :: !(Maybe Text) , name :: !(Maybe Text) , arguments :: !Text } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON ToolCall where parseJSON = withObject "ToolCall" $ \v -> do index <- v .: "index" id <- v .:? "id" function <- v .: "function" name <- function .:? "name" arguments <- function .: "arguments" pure FunctionCall { index, id, name, arguments } instance ToJSON ToolCall where toJSON FunctionCall { index, id, name, arguments } = object [ "index" .= index , "id" .= id , "type" .= ("function" :: Text) , "function" .= object [ "name" .= name, "arguments" .= arguments ] ] -- [{"text": "Introdu", "index": 0, "logprobs": null, "finish_reason": null}] emptyListToNothing :: [value] -> Maybe [value] emptyListToNothing [] = Nothing emptyListToNothing values = Just values