module Main where import Test.Hspec import IHP.OpenAI import NeatInterpolation (trimming) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Aeson main :: IO () main = hspec do tests tests = do describe "IHP.OpenAI" do describe "parseResponseChunk" do it "should parse a simple message response 'What's 1 + 2?'" do -- curl \ -- -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -- -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_TOKEN" \ -- -d '{ -- "model": "gpt-4-turbo", -- "stream": true, -- "messages": [ -- { -- "role": "user", -- "content": "What 1 + 2?" -- } -- ] -- }' let input = [trimming| data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":"assistant","content":""},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":"1"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":" +"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":" "},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":"2"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":" equals"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":" "},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":"3"},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"content":"."},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715593776,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop"}]} data: [DONE] |] let result = ParserState { curBuffer = "\n" , emptyLineFound = True , chunks = [ CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just "" , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Just AssistantRole } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just "1" , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just " +" , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just " " , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just "2" , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just " equals" , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just " " , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just "3" , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Just "." , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9OMbIk2dtKfDVvDUNgi8ARVSC4LmI" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715593776 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } ] } let parseLines = foldl (\state line -> (parseResponseChunk state (Text.encodeUtf8 line)).state) emptyParserState (Text.lines input) parseLines `shouldBe` result it "should parse a line with a function call" do let input = Text.encodeUtf8 [trimming| data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":"assistant","content":null,"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"id":"call_cx6RG7DZq3WlIDfXXp9PdtmS","type":"function","function":{"name":"get_current_weather","arguments":""}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} |] let chunk = CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0, id = Just "call_cx6RG7DZq3WlIDfXXp9PdtmS", name = Just "get_current_weather", arguments = "" } ] , role = Just AssistantRole } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } let result = ParserResult { chunk = Just chunk , state = ParserState { curBuffer = "" , emptyLineFound = False , chunks = [chunk] } } parseResponseChunk emptyParserState input `shouldBe` result it "should parse a full tool call with arguments" do let input = [trimming| data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"role":"assistant","content":null,"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"id":"call_cx6RG7DZq3WlIDfXXp9PdtmS","type":"function","function":{"name":"get_current_weather","arguments":""}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"{\""}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"location"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"\":\""}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"Boston"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":","}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":" MA"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"\",\""}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"unit"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"\":\""}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"f"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"ahrenheit"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{"tool_calls":[{"index":0,"function":{"arguments":"\"}"}}]},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":null}]} data: {"id":"chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o","object":"chat.completion.chunk","created":1715277101,"model":"gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09","system_fingerprint":"fp_294de9593d","choices":[{"index":0,"delta":{},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"tool_calls"}]} data: [DONE] |] let result = ParserState { curBuffer = "\n" , emptyLineFound = True , chunks = [ CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Just "call_cx6RG7DZq3WlIDfXXp9PdtmS" , name = Just "get_current_weather" , arguments = "" } ] , role = Just AssistantRole } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "{\"" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "location" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "\":\"" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "Boston" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "," } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = " MA" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "\",\"" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "unit" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "\":\"" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "f" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "ahrenheit" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Just [ FunctionCall { index = 0 , id = Nothing , name = Nothing , arguments = "\"}" } ] , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } , CompletionChunk { id = "chatcmpl-9N2DdAg2usc3V0VoinTcCwv5rBs3o" , choices = [ CompletionChunkChoice { delta = Delta { content = Nothing , toolCalls = Nothing , role = Nothing } } ] , created = 1715277101 , model = "gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09" , systemFingerprint = Just "fp_294de9593d" } ] } let parseLines = foldl (\state line -> (parseResponseChunk state (Text.encodeUtf8 line)).state) emptyParserState (Text.lines input) parseLines `shouldBe` result describe "ToJSON Tool" do it "encode Function call with parameter descriptions" do let function = Function { name = "fetchUrl" , description = Just "Fetches a url" , parameters = Just (JsonSchemaObject [ Property { propertyName = "url", type_ = JsonSchemaString, required = True, description = Just "The url to fetch" }]) } encode function `shouldBe` "{\"function\":{\"description\":\"Fetches a url\",\"name\":\"fetchUrl\",\"parameters\":{\"properties\":{\"url\":{\"description\":\"The url to fetch\",\"type\":\"string\"}},\"type\":\"object\"}},\"type\":\"function\"}" describe "ToJSON Message" do it "encode a message but only set fields that are not null" do let message = userMessage "" encode message `shouldBe` "{\"content\":\"\",\"role\":\"user\"}" describe "ToJSON JsonSchema" do it "not render null description's for object properties" do let object = JsonSchemaObject [Property { propertyName = "a", type_ = JsonSchemaString, required = True, description = Nothing } ] encode object `shouldBe` "{\"properties\":{\"a\":{\"type\":\"string\"}},\"type\":\"object\"}" describe "FromJSON CompletionResult" do it "should decode a successful response" do let response = [trimming| { "id": "chatcmpl-abc123", "object": "chat.completion", "created": 1677858242, "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613", "usage": { "prompt_tokens": 13, "completion_tokens": 7, "total_tokens": 20 }, "choices": [ { "message": { "role": "assistant", "content": "\n\nThis is a test!" }, "logprobs": null, "finish_reason": "stop", "index": 0 } ] } |] decodeStrictText (response) `shouldBe` (Just CompletionResult { choices = [ Choice { text = "\n\nThis is a test!" } ] }) it "should decode an error response" do let response = [trimming| { "error": { "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs:", "type": "insufficient_quota", "param": null, "code": "insufficient_quota" } } |] decodeStrictText (response) `shouldBe` (Just CompletionError { message = "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details. For more information on this error, read the docs:" })