# imm *imm* is a tool to execute arbitrary actions for each new element from RSS/Atom feeds (e.g. sending a mail, or writing a file). *imm* is written and configured in *Haskell*. Technical documentation is available at [hackage][1]. To get started, please consult documentation of `Imm.Boot` module. ## Example workflows ### Online feed reader For the sake of *I-want-the-mutt-of-feed-readers* zealots, it is possible to turn any mail reader into a feed reader, by having *imm* send an e-mail with unread elements to an arbitrary address. You can then browse your feeds through your favourite mail reader, and leverage any mail-related tool on your feeds. Bonus points if your mail reader is online as you can now access your feeds from anywhere in the internet. Check out `Imm.Hooks.SendMail` module. ### Offline read-it-later *imm* is able to store a local copy of unread elements, to read them later while offline for example. External links won't work offline though. Check out `Imm.Hooks.WriteFile` module. ## Example usage - Subscribe to a feed: ``` imm subscribe http://your.feed.org ``` - Import feeds from an OPML file: ``` cat feeds.opml | imm import ``` - List subscribed feeds: ``` imm show ``` - Unsubscribe from a feed: ``` imm unsubscribe http://your.feed.org ``` - Check for new elements without executing any action: ``` imm check ``` - Execute configured actions for each new element from subscribed feeds: ``` imm run ``` [1]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/imm