-- Implicit CAD. Copyright (C) 2011, Christopher Olah (chris@colah.ca)
-- Released under the GNU GPL, see LICENSE

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

module Graphics.Implicit.Primitives where

import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions
import Graphics.Implicit.MathUtil   (pack)
import Graphics.Implicit.ObjectUtil (getBox2, getBox3, getImplicit2, getImplicit3)

-- $ 3D Primitives

sphere ::
                      -- ^ Radius of the sphere
    -> SymbolicObj3    -- ^ Resulting sphere
sphere = Sphere

rect3R ::
                     -- ^ Rounding of corners
    -> ℝ3             -- ^ Bottom.. corner
    -> ℝ3             -- ^ Top right... corner
    -> SymbolicObj3   -- ^ Resuting cube - (0,0,0) is bottom left...

rect3R = Rect3R

cylinder2 ::
                       -- ^ Radius of the cylinder 
    ->                 -- ^ Second radius of the cylinder
    ->                 -- ^ Height of the cylinder
    -> SymbolicObj3     -- ^ Resulting cylinder

cylinder2 r1 r2 h = Cylinder h r1 r2

cylinder ::  ->  -> SymbolicObj3
cylinder r = cylinder2 r r

-- $ 2D Primitives

circle ::
                   -- ^ radius of the circle
    -> SymbolicObj2 -- ^ resulting circle

circle   = Circle

rectR ::
    -> ℝ2           -- ^ Bottom left corner
    -> ℝ2           -- ^ Top right corner
    -> SymbolicObj2 -- ^ Resulting square (bottom right = (0,0) )

rectR = RectR

polygonR ::
                    -- ^ Rouding of the polygon
    -> [ℝ2]          -- ^ Verticies of the polygon
    -> SymbolicObj2  -- ^ Resulting polygon
polygonR = PolygonR

polygon :: [ℝ2] -> SymbolicObj2
polygon = polygonR 0

-- $ Shared Operations

class Object obj vec | obj -> vec where
    -- | Translate an object by a vector of appropriate dimension. 
    translate :: 
        vec      -- ^ Vector to translate by (Also: a is a vector, blah, blah)
        -> obj   -- ^ Object to translate
        -> obj   -- ^ Resulting object

    -- | Scale an object
    scale :: 
        vec     -- ^ Amount to scale by
        -> obj  -- ^ Object to scale
        -> obj  -- ^ Resulting scaled object    
    -- | Complement an Object
    complement :: 
        obj     -- ^ Object to complement
        -> obj  -- ^ Result
    -- | Rounded union
    unionR :: 
                -- ^ The radius of rounding
        -> [obj] -- ^ objects to union
        -> obj   -- ^ Resulting object
    -- | Rounded minimum
    intersectR :: 
                -- ^ The radius of rounding
        -> [obj] -- ^ Objects to intersect
        -> obj   -- ^ Resulting object
    -- | Rounded difference
    differenceR :: 
                -- ^ The radius of rounding
        -> [obj] -- ^ Objects to difference 
        -> obj   -- ^ Resulting object

    -- | Outset an object.
    outset :: 
                -- ^ distance to outset
        -> obj   -- ^ object to outset
        -> obj   -- ^ resulting object

    -- | Make a shell of an object.
    shell :: 
                -- ^ width of shell
        -> obj   -- ^ object to take shell of
        -> obj   -- ^ resulting shell

    -- | Get the bounding box an object
    getBox :: 
        obj           -- ^ Object to get box of
        -> (vec, vec) -- ^ Bounding box

    -- | Get the implicit function for an object
    getImplicit :: 
        obj           -- ^ Object to get implicit function of
        -> (vec -> ) -- ^ Implicit function

    implicit :: 
        (vec -> )     -- ^ Implicit function
        -> (vec, vec)  -- ^ Bounding box
        -> obj         -- ^ Resulting object

instance Object SymbolicObj2 ℝ2 where
    translate   = Translate2
    scale       = Scale2
    complement  = Complement2
    unionR      = UnionR2
    intersectR  = IntersectR2
    differenceR = DifferenceR2
    outset      = Outset2
    shell       = Shell2
    getBox      = getBox2
    getImplicit = getImplicit2
    implicit a b= EmbedBoxedObj2 (a,b)

instance Object SymbolicObj3 ℝ3 where
    translate   = Translate3
    scale       = Scale3
    complement  = Complement3
    unionR      = UnionR3
    intersectR  = IntersectR3
    differenceR = DifferenceR3
    outset      = Outset3
    shell       = Shell3
    getBox      = getBox3
    getImplicit = getImplicit3
    implicit a b= EmbedBoxedObj3 (a,b)

union = unionR 0
difference = differenceR 0

--intersect :: forall obj vec. Object obj vec => [obj] -> obj
intersect = intersectR 0

-- 3D operations

extrudeR ::  -> SymbolicObj2 ->  -> SymbolicObj3
extrudeR = ExtrudeR

extrudeRM :: 
    -> Maybe ( -> )
    -> Maybe ( -> )
    -> Maybe ( -> ℝ2)
    -> SymbolicObj2
    -> Either  (ℝ2 -> )
    -> SymbolicObj3
extrudeRM = ExtrudeRM

rotateExtrude :: 
    -> Maybe 
    -> Either ℝ2 ( -> ℝ2)
    -> Either  ( -> )
    -> SymbolicObj2
    -> SymbolicObj3
rotateExtrude = RotateExtrude

extrudeOnEdgeOf :: SymbolicObj2 -> SymbolicObj2 -> SymbolicObj3
extrudeOnEdgeOf = ExtrudeOnEdgeOf

rotate3 :: (, , ) -> SymbolicObj3 -> SymbolicObj3
rotate3 = Rotate3

rotate3V ::  -> ℝ3 -> SymbolicObj3 -> SymbolicObj3
rotate3V = Rotate3V

pack3 :: ℝ2 ->  -> [SymbolicObj3] -> Maybe SymbolicObj3
pack3 (_dx, dy) sep objs = 
        boxDropZ ((a,b,_),(d,e,_)) = ((a,b),(d,e))
        withBoxes :: [(Box2, SymbolicObj3)]
        withBoxes = map (\obj -> ( boxDropZ $ getBox3 obj, obj)) objs
    in case pack ((0,0),(dy,dy)) sep withBoxes of
            (a, []) -> Just $ union $ map (\((x,y),obj) -> translate (x,y,0) obj) a
            _ -> Nothing

-- 2D operations

rotate ::  -> SymbolicObj2 -> SymbolicObj2
rotate = Rotate2

pack2 :: ℝ2 ->  -> [SymbolicObj2] -> Maybe SymbolicObj2
pack2 (_dx, dy) sep objs = 
        withBoxes :: [(Box2, SymbolicObj2)]
        withBoxes = map (\obj -> ( getBox2 obj, obj)) objs
    in case pack ((0,0),(dy,dy)) sep withBoxes of
            (a, []) -> Just $ union $ map (\((x,y),obj) -> translate (x,y) obj) a
            _ -> Nothing