-- Implicit CAD. Copyright (C) 2011, Christopher Olah (chris@colah.ca)
-- Copyright 2016, Julia Longtin (julial@turinglace.com)
-- Released under the GNU AGPLV3+, see LICENSE

-- Allow us to use explicit foralls when writing function type declarations.
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}

-- FIXME: why are these needed?
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}

-- The purpose of this function is to symbolicaly compute triangle meshes using the symbolic system where possible.
-- Otherwise we coerce it into an implicit function and apply our modified marching cubes algorithm.

module Graphics.Implicit.Export.SymbolicObj3 (symbolicGetMesh) where

import Prelude(map, zip, length, filter, (>), ($), null, concat, (++), concatMap)

import Graphics.Implicit.Definitions (, ℝ3, SymbolicObj3(UnionR3))
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.Render (getMesh)
import Graphics.Implicit.ObjectUtil (getBox3, getImplicit3)
import Graphics.Implicit.MathUtil(box3sWithin)
import Graphics.Implicit.Export.Symbolic.Rebound3 (rebound3)

symbolicGetMesh ::  -> SymbolicObj3 -> [(ℝ3, ℝ3, ℝ3)]

-- A translated objects mesh is its mesh translated.
symbolicGetMesh res (Translate3 v obj) = 
    map (\(a,b,c) -> (a S.+ v, b S.+ v, c S.+ v) ) (symbolicGetMesh res obj)

-- A scaled objects mesh is its mesh scaled
symbolicGetMesh res (Scale3 s obj) =
        mesh :: [(ℝ3, ℝ3, ℝ3)]
        mesh = symbolicGetMesh res obj
        scaleTriangle :: (ℝ3, ℝ3, ℝ3) -> (ℝ3, ℝ3, ℝ3)
        scaleTriangle (a,b,c) = (s S.⋯* a, s S.⋯* b, s S.⋯* c)
    in map scaleTriangle  mesh

-- A couple triangles make a cube...
symbolicGetMesh _ (Rect3R 0 (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2)) = 
        square a b c d = [(a,b,c),(d,a,c)]
        rsquare a b c d = [(c,b,a),(c,a,d)]
           rsquare (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z1) (x1,y2,z1)
        ++ square (x1,y1,z2) (x2,y1,z2) (x2,y2,z2) (x1,y2,z2)
        ++ square (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y1,z1) (x2,y1,z2) (x1,y1,z2)
        ++ rsquare (x1,y2,z1) (x2,y2,z1) (x2,y2,z2) (x1,y2,z2)
        ++ square (x1,y1,z1) (x1,y1,z2) (x1,y2,z2) (x1,y2,z1)
        ++ rsquare (x2,y1,z1) (x2,y1,z2) (x2,y2,z2) (x2,y2,z1)

-- Use spherical coordinates to create an easy tesselation of a sphere
symbolicGetMesh res (Sphere r) = half1 ++ half2
        -- Convenience functions for mesh generation
        square a b c d = [(a,b,c),(d,a,c)]
        rsquare a b c d = [(c,b,a),(c,a,d)]
        -- Number of steps of φ and θ respectivly
        m = max 3 (fromIntegral $ ceiling $ 1.5*r/res)
        n = 2*m
        -- Spherical coordinates
        spherical θ φ = (r*cos(θ), r*sin(θ)*cos(φ), r*sin(θ)*sin(φ))
        -- Function placing steps on sphere
        f n' m' = spherical (2*pi*n'/n) (pi*m'/m)
        -- Mesh in two pieces..
        half1 = concat [ square (f m1 m2) (f (m1+1) m2) (f (m1+1) (m2+1)) (f m1 (m2+1)) 
                        | m1 <- [0.. m-1], m2 <- [0.. m-1] ]
        half2 = concat [ rsquare (f m1 m2) (f (m1+1) m2) (f (m1+1) (m2+1)) (f m1 (m2+1)) 
                        | m1 <- [m.. n-1], m2 <- [0.. m-1] ]

{-symbolicGetMesh res (UnionR3 r [ExtrudeR ra obja ha, ExtrudeR rb objb hb]) 
    | ha == hb && ra == rb = symbolicGetMesh res $ ExtrudeR ra (UnionR2 r [obja, objb]) ha

symbolicGetMesh res (UnionR3 r [ExtrudeR ra obja ha, ExtrudeR rb objb hb, ExtrudeR rc objc hc]) 
    | ha == hb && ha == hc && ra == rb && ra == rc = 
        symbolicGetMesh res $ ExtrudeR ra (UnionR2 r [obja, objb, objc]) ha-}

-- We can compute a mesh of a rounded, extruded object from it contour, 
-- contour filling trinagles, and magic.
-- General approach:
--   - generate sides by basically cross producting the contour.
--   - generate the the top by taking the contour fill and
--     calculating an appropriate z height.
symbolicGetMesh res  (ExtrudeR r obj2 h) = 
        -- Get a Obj2 (magnitude descriptor object)
        obj2mag :: ℝ2 -> ℝ -- Obj2
        obj2mag = getImplicit2 obj2
        -- The amount that a point (x,y) on the top should be lifted
        -- from h-r. Because of rounding, the edges should be h-r,
        -- but it should increase inwards.
        dh x y = sqrt (r^2 - ( max 0 $ min r $ r+obj2mag (x,y))^2)
        -- Turn a polyline into a list of its segments
        segify (a:b:xs) = (a,b):(segify $ b:xs)
        segify _ = []
        -- Flip a triangle. It's the same triangle with opposite handedness.
        flipTri (a,b,c) = (a,c,b)
        -- Turn a segment a--b into a list of triangles forming (a--b)×(r,h-r)
        -- The dh stuff is to compensate for rounding errors, etc, and ensure that
        -- the sides meet the top and bottom
        segToSide (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
            [((x1,y1,r-dh x1 y1), (x2,y2,r-dh x2 y2), (x2,y2,h-r+dh x2 y2)), 
             ((x1,y1,r-dh x1 y1), (x2,y2,h-r+dh x2 y2), (x1,y1,h-r+dh x1 y1)) ]
        -- Get a contour polyline for obj2, turn it into a list of segments
        segs = concat $ map segify $ symbolicGetOrientedContour res obj2
        -- Create sides for the main body of our object = segs × (r,h-r)
        side_tris = concat $ map (\(a,b) -> segToSide a b) segs
        -- Triangles that fill the contour. Make sure the mesh is at least (res/5) fine.
        -- --res/5 because xyres won't always match up with normal res and we need to compensate.
        fill_tris = {-divideMeshTo (res/5) $-} symbolicGetContourMesh res obj2
        -- The bottom. Use dh to determine the z coordinates
        bottom_tris = map flipTri $ [((a1,a2,r-dh a1 a2), (b1,b2,r - dh b1 b2), (c1,c2,r - dh c1 c2)) 
                | ((a1,a2),(b1,b2),(c1,c2)) <- fill_tris]
        -- Same idea at the top.
        top_tris = [((a1,a2,h-r+dh a1 a2), (b1,b2,h-r+dh b1 b2), (c1,c2,h-r+dh c1 c2)) 
                | ((a1,a2),(b1,b2),(c1,c2)) <- fill_tris]
        -- Merge them all together! :)
        side_tris ++ bottom_tris ++ top_tris 

symbolicGetMesh res  (ExtrudeRM r twist scale translate obj2 h) = 
        -- Get a Obj2 (magnitude descriptor object)
        obj2mag :: Obj2 -- = ℝ2 -> ℝ
        obj2mag = getImplicit2 obj2
        -- cleanup twist, scale, etc
        twist' = Maybe.fromMaybe (const 0) twist
        scale' = Maybe.fromMaybe (const 1) scale
        translate' = Maybe.fromMaybe (const (0,0)) translate
        h' = case h of
            Left n -> const n
            Right f -> f
        -- The amount that a point (x,y) on the top should be lifted
        -- from h-r. Because of rounding, the edges should be h-r,
        -- but it should increase inwards.
        dh x y = sqrt (r^2 - ( max 0 $ min r $ r+obj2mag (x,y))^2)
        -- Turn a polyline into a list of its segments
        segify (a:b:xs) = (a,b):(segify $ b:xs)
        segify _ = []
        -- Flip a triangle. It's the same triangle with opposite handedness.
        flipTri (a,b,c) = (a,c,b)
        -- The number of steps we're going to do the sides in:
        n = max 4 $ fromIntegral $ ceiling $ h' (0,0)/res
        -- Turn a segment a--b into a list of triangles forming 
        --    (a--b)×(r+(h-2r)*m/n,r+(h-2r)*(m+1)/n)
        -- The dh stuff is to compensate for rounding errors, etc, and ensure that
        -- the sides meet the top and bottom
        -- m is the number of n steps we are up from the base of the main section
        segToSide m (x1,y1) (x2,y2) =
                -- Change across the main body of the object,
                -- at (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) respectivly
                mainH1 = h' (x1, y1) - 2*r + 2*dh x1 y1
                mainH2 = h' (x2, y2) - 2*r + 2*dh x2 y2
                -- level a (lower) and level b (upper)
                la1 = r-dh x1 y1  +  mainH1*m/n
                lb1 = r-dh x1 y1  +  mainH1*(m+1)/n
                la2 = r-dh x2 y2  +  mainH2*m/n
                lb2 = r-dh x2 y2  +  mainH2*(m+1)/n
                -- Resulting triangles: 
                [((x1,y1,la1), (x2,y2,la2), (x2,y2,lb2)), 
                 ((x1,y1,la1), (x2,y2,lb2), (x1,y1,lb1)) ]
        -- Get a contour polyline for obj2, turn it into a list of segments
        segs = concat $ map segify $ symbolicGetOrientedContour res obj2
        -- Create sides for the main body of our object = segs × (r,h-r)
        -- Many layers...
        side_tris = map flipTri $ concat $
            [concat $ map (\(a,b) -> segToSide m a b) segs | m <- [0.. n-1] ]
        -- Triangles that fill the contour. Make sure the mesh is at least (res/5) fine.
        -- --res/5 because xyres won't always match up with normal res and we need to compensate.
        fill_tris = {-divideMeshTo (res/5) $-} symbolicGetContourMesh res obj2
        -- The bottom. Use dh to determine the z coordinates
        bottom_tris = [((a1,a2,r-dh a1 a2), (b1,b2,r - dh b1 b2), (c1,c2,r - dh c1 c2)) 
                | ((a1,a2),(b1,b2),(c1,c2)) <- fill_tris]
        -- Same idea at the top.
        top_tris = map flipTri $ [((a1,a2,h' (a1,a2) -r+dh a1 a2), (b1,b2,h' (b1,b2) -r+dh b1 b2), (c1,c2,h' (c1,c2)-r+dh c1 c2)) 
                | ((a1,a2),(b1,b2),(c1,c2)) <- fill_tris]
        -- Mesh modifiers in individual components
        k = 2*pi/360
        fx :: ℝ3 -> ℝ
        fx (x,y,z) = let (tx,ty) = translate' z in
            scale' z *((x+tx)*cos(k*twist' z) + (y+ty)*sin(k*twist' z))
        fy :: ℝ3 -> ℝ
        fy (x,y,z) =let (tx,ty) = translate' z in
            scale' z *((x+tx)*sin(k*twist' z) - (y+ty)*cos(k*twist' z))
        -- function to transform a triangle
        transformTriangle :: (ℝ3,ℝ3,ℝ3) -> (ℝ3,ℝ3,ℝ3)
        transformTriangle (a@(_,_,z1), b@(_,_,z2), c@(_,_,z3)) = 
            ((fx a, fy a, z1), (fx b, fy b, z2), (fx c, fy c, z3))

        map transformTriangle (side_tris ++ bottom_tris ++ top_tris)

symbolicGetMesh res inputObj@(UnionR3 r objs) = 
        boxes = map getBox3 objs
        boxedObjs = zip boxes objs
        sepFree :: forall a. [((ℝ3, ℝ3), a)] -> ([a], [a])
        sepFree ((box,obj):others) = 
            if length (filter (box3sWithin r box) boxes) > 1
            then (\(a,b) -> (obj:a,b)) $ sepFree others
            else (\(a,b) -> (a,obj:b)) $ sepFree others
        sepFree [] = ([],[])

        (dependants, independents) = sepFree boxedObjs
    in if null independents
    then case rebound3 (getImplicit3 inputObj, getBox3 inputObj) of
        (obj, (a,b)) -> getMesh a b res obj 
    else if null dependants
    then concatMap (symbolicGetMesh res) independents
    else concatMap (symbolicGetMesh res) independents
        ++ concat [symbolicGetMesh res (UnionR3 r dependants)]

-- If all that fails, coerce and apply marching cubes :(
-- (rebound is for being safe about the bounding box --
--  it slightly streches it to make sure nothing will 
--  have problems because it is right at the edge )
symbolicGetMesh res obj =
    case rebound3 (getImplicit3 obj, getBox3 obj) of
        (obj', (a,b)) -> getMesh a b res obj'