module Data.MultiChange (

    -- * Type


    -- * Construction


    -- * Monad structure


    -- * Multi composition


) where

-- Prelude

import           Prelude hiding (id, (.), map, return)
import qualified Prelude
    After establishment of the Applicative–Monad proposal, we have to optionally
    hide join.

-- Control

import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Monad (liftM)

-- Data

import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.List as List
import           Data.DList (DList)
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import           Data.Incremental

-- * Type

newtype MultiChange p = MultiChange (Dual (DList p)) deriving Monoid

instance Show p => Show (MultiChange p) where

    showsPrec prec xs = showParen (prec > 10) $
                        showString "fromList " . shows (toList xs)
    -- NOTE: This is basically taken from Data.Sequence.

instance Read p => Read (MultiChange p) where

    readsPrec prec = readParen (prec > 10) $ \ str -> do
        ("fromList", rest) <- lex str
        (list, rest') <- reads rest
        Prelude.return (fromList list, rest')
    -- NOTE: This is basically taken from Data.Sequence.

instance Foldable MultiChange where

    foldMap fun (MultiChange (Dual dList)) = foldMap fun dList

    foldr next init (MultiChange (Dual dList)) = Foldable.foldr next init dList
        Starting with GHC 7.10, Foldable.foldr can probably be written just
        foldr, because the “Burning Bridges Proposal” has been implemented
        (meaning that Prelude functions like foldr are now the more general
        versions from Data.Foldable and Data.Traversable).

instance Change p => Change (MultiChange p) where

    type Value (MultiChange p) = Value p

    change $$ val = List.foldl' (flip ($$)) val (toList change)
        Starting with GHC 7.10, List.foldl' can probably be written just
        foldl', because the “Burning Bridges Proposal” has been implemented
        (meaning that Data.List functions like foldl' are now the more general
        versions from Data.Foldable and Data.Traversable).

-- * Construction

singleton :: p -> MultiChange p
singleton = MultiChange . Dual . DList.singleton

    The lists are “in diagramatic order” (first atomic change at the beginning).

fromList :: [p] -> MultiChange p
fromList = MultiChange . Dual . DList.fromList

-- * Monad structure

map :: Trans p q -> Trans (MultiChange p) (MultiChange q)
map trans = stTrans (\ val -> do
    ~(val', prop) <- toSTProc trans val
    let multiProp change = do
            atomics' <- mapM prop (toList change)
            Prelude.return (fromList atomics')
    Prelude.return (val', multiProp))

return :: Trans p (MultiChange p)
return = simpleTrans id singleton

join :: Trans (MultiChange (MultiChange p)) (MultiChange p)
join = compose

bind :: Trans p (MultiChange q) -> Trans (MultiChange p) (MultiChange q)
bind = composeMap

-- * Multi composition

compose :: Monoid p => Trans (MultiChange p) p
compose = simpleTrans id (mconcat . reverse . toList)
    Check whether the use of mconcat . reverse is questionable regarding space
    usage or strictness. If it is, consider using foldr (flip mappend) mempty

composeMap :: Monoid q => Trans p q -> Trans (MultiChange p) q
composeMap trans = compose . map trans