{- Copyright 2011-2018 Mario Blazevic This file is part of the Streaming Component Combinators (SCC) project. The SCC project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SCC. If not, see . -} -- | This module contains tests of "Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental" module. {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative, pure, (<*>), (*>), empty, (<|>)) import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, liftM, liftM2, mzero, mplus) import Data.List (find, minimumBy, nub, sort) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, property, (==>), (.&&.), forAll, oneof, resize, sized, whenFail) import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers (Binop, EqProp(..), TestBatch, isAssoc, leftId, rightId, verboseBatch) import Test.QuickCheck.Classes (functor, monad, monoid, applicative, monadFunctor, monadApplicative, monadOr, monadPlus) import Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental (Parser, feedEof, feed, completeResults, (><), (<<|>), (<||>), failure, anyToken, eof, lookAhead, notFollowedBy, satisfy, skip, token, string, isInfallible, showWith) import Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental.Symmetric (Symmetric) import Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental.LeftBiasedLocal (LeftBiasedLocal) main = do args <- getArgs case args of [] -> mapM_ verboseBatch tests _ -> mapM_ (\batch-> maybe (error ("No test batch named " ++ batch)) verboseBatch (find ((batch ==) . fst) tests)) args data Described a = Described String !a data TestParser a r = TestParser (Described (Parser a [Bool] r)) describedParser (TestParser (Described _ p)) = p instance Show (Described a) where show (Described desc _) = desc instance Show (TestParser a r) where show (TestParser d) = show d instance (Arbitrary r, Semigroup r, Monoid r, Show r) => Arbitrary (TestParser a r) where arbitrary = fmap TestParser arbitrary instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Described a) where Described d1 p1 <> Described d2 p2 = Described (d1 ++ " <> " ++ d2) (p1 <> p2) instance (Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Described a) where mempty = Described "mempty" mempty mappend = (<>) instance Semigroup r => Semigroup (TestParser a r) where TestParser d1 <> TestParser d2 = TestParser (d1 <> d2) instance (Semigroup r, Monoid r) => Monoid (TestParser a r) where mempty = TestParser mempty mappend = (<>) instance EqProp a => EqProp (Described a) where Described _ x =-= Described _ y = x =-= y instance (Ord r, Show r, Monoid r, EqProp r) => EqProp (TestParser a r) where TestParser d1 =-= TestParser d2 = d1 =-= d2 instance Functor (TestParser a) where fmap f (TestParser (Described d p)) = TestParser (Described ("fmap ? " ++ d) (fmap f p)) instance Applicative (TestParser a) where pure x = TestParser (Described "pure ?" (pure x)) TestParser (Described d1 p1) <*> TestParser (Described d2 p2) = TestParser (Described (d1 ++ " <*> " ++ d2) (p1 <*> p2)) TestParser (Described d1 p1) *> TestParser (Described d2 p2) = TestParser (Described (d1 ++ " *> " ++ d2) (p1 >> p2)) instance Monad (TestParser a) where return = pure TestParser (Described d1 p1) >>= f = TestParser (Described (d1 ++ " >>= ?") (p1 >>= describedParser . f)) (>>) = (*>) instance Alternative (Parser a [Bool]) => Alternative (TestParser a) where empty = TestParser (Described "failure" empty) TestParser (Described d1 p1) <|> TestParser (Described d2 p2) = TestParser (Described (d1 ++ " <|> " ++ d2) (p1 <|> p2)) instance MonadPlus (Parser a [Bool]) => MonadPlus (TestParser a) where mzero = TestParser (Described "mzero" mzero) TestParser (Described d1 p1) `mplus` TestParser (Described d2 p2) = TestParser (Described (d1 ++ " `mplus` " ++ d2) (mplus p1 p2)) parser2l :: TestParser LeftBiasedLocal (String, String) parser2l = undefined parser2s :: TestParser Symmetric (String, String) parser2s = undefined parser3l :: TestParser LeftBiasedLocal (String, String, String) parser3l = undefined parser3s :: TestParser Symmetric (String, String, String) parser3s = undefined tests :: [TestBatch] tests = [monoid parser3s, functor parser3s, applicative parser3s, alternative parser2s, monad parser3s, monadFunctor parser2s, monadApplicative parser2s, monadOr parser2l, monadPlus parser2s, primitives, lookAheadBatch, testJoin] -- | Properties to check that the 'Alternative' @m@ satisfies the alternative -- properties alternative :: forall m a b. ( Alternative m , Arbitrary (m a), Arbitrary (m b) , Show (m a), Show (m b) , EqProp (m a), EqProp (m b) ) => m (a,b) -> TestBatch alternative = const ( "alternative" , [ ("left zero" , property leftZeroP) , ("right zero" , property rightZeroP) , ("left identity" , leftId (<|>) (empty :: m a)) , ("right identity", rightId (<|>) (empty :: m a)) , ("associativity" , isAssoc ((<|>) :: Binop (m a))) , ("left distribution", property leftDistP) ] ) where leftZeroP :: m a -> Property rightZeroP :: m a -> Property leftDistP :: m a -> m a -> m b -> Property leftZeroP k = (empty *> k) =-= empty rightZeroP k = (k *> empty) =-= (empty :: m b) leftDistP a b k = ((a <|> b) *> k) =-= ((a *> k) <|> (b *> k)) primitives :: TestBatch primitives = ("primitives", [("anyToken EOF", feedEof (anyToken :: Parser a [Bool] [Bool]) =-= failure), ("anyToken list", property tokenListP), ("token", property tokenP), ("token = satisfy . (==)", property tokenSatisfyP), ("satisfy not", property satisfyNotP), ("satisfy or not Symmetric", property (satisfyOrNotP (undefined :: Symmetric))), ("satisfy or not LeftBiasedLocal", property (satisfyOrNotP (undefined :: LeftBiasedLocal))), ("string", property stringP), ("feed eof", property feedEofP), ("feedEof eof", property feedEofEofP)]) where tokenListP :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Property tokenP :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Property tokenSatisfyP :: Bool -> Property satisfyNotP :: (Bool -> Bool) -> Property satisfyOrNotP :: Alternative (Parser a [Bool]) => a -> (Bool -> Bool) -> Property stringP :: [Bool] -> [Bool] -> Property feedEofP :: [Bool] -> Property feedEofEofP :: Bool tokenListP x xs = canonicalResults (feed (x:xs) anyToken) =-= [([x], xs)] tokenP x xs = canonicalResults (feed (x:xs) (token [x])) =-= [([x], xs)] tokenSatisfyP x = token [x] =-= satisfy (== [x]) satisfyNotP pred = satisfy (pred . head) =-= (notFollowedBy (satisfy (not . pred . head)) >< anyToken) satisfyOrNotP (_ :: a) pred = (satisfy (pred . head) <|> satisfy (not . pred . head)) =-= (anyToken :: Parser a [Bool] [Bool]) stringP xs ys = xs /= [] ==> canonicalResults (feed (xs ++ ys) (string xs)) =-= [(xs, ys)] feedEofP x = x /= [] ==> feed x eof =-= (failure :: Parser a [Bool] String) feedEofEofP = canonicalResults (feedEof eof :: Parser a [Bool] String) == [([], [])] lookAheadBatch :: TestBatch lookAheadBatch = ("lookAhead", [("lookAhead", property lookAheadP), ("lookAhead p >> p", property lookAheadConsumeP), ("notFollowedBy p >< p", property lookAheadNotOrP), ("not not Symmetric", property (lookAheadNotNotP (undefined :: Symmetric))), ("not not LeftBiasedLocal", property (lookAheadNotNotP (undefined :: LeftBiasedLocal))), ("lookAhead anyToken", property lookAheadTokenP)]) where lookAheadP :: [Bool] -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Bool lookAheadConsumeP :: Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property lookAheadNotOrP :: Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property lookAheadNotNotP :: Alternative (Parser a [Bool]) => a -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property lookAheadTokenP :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool lookAheadP xs (Described _ p) = completeResults (feed xs $ lookAhead p) == map (\(r, _)-> (r, xs)) (completeResults (feed xs p)) lookAheadConsumeP (Described _ p) = (lookAhead p >> p) =-= p lookAheadNotOrP (Described _ p) = (notFollowedBy p >< p) =-= failure lookAheadNotNotP (_ :: a) (Described _ p) = notFollowedBy (notFollowedBy p :: Parser a [Bool] ()) =-= (skip (lookAhead p) :: Parser a [Bool] ()) lookAheadTokenP x xs = canonicalResults (feed (x:xs) (lookAhead anyToken)) == [([x], x:xs)] instance (Eq x, Monoid x, Ord x, Show x) => EqProp (Parser a [Bool] x) where p1 =-= p2 = sameResults (feedEof p1) (feedEof p2) .&&. forAll (sized $ \n-> resize (min n 20) arbitrary) (\s-> whenFail (print (s, p1, p2, feed s p1, feed s p2)) (if length s < 2 then property True else feed s p1 =-= feed s p2)) sameResults p1 p2 = whenFail (print (canonicalResults p1) >> putStrLn " !=" >> print (canonicalResults p2) >> putStrLn " =>" >> print p1 >> putStrLn " !=" >> print p2) (canonicalResults p1 == canonicalResults p2) testJoin :: TestBatch testJoin = ("join", [("empty ><", property leftZeroP), (">< empty", property rightZeroP), ("(<|>) ><", property leftDistP), (">< (<||>)", property rightDistP), ("><", property joinP1), (">< infallible", property joinP2)]) where leftZeroP :: Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property rightZeroP :: Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property leftDistP :: Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property rightDistP :: Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property joinP1 :: [Bool] -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property joinP2 :: [Bool] -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Described (Parser a [Bool] String) -> Property leftZeroP (Described _ k) = (failure >< k) =-= failure rightZeroP (Described _ k) = (k >< failure) =-= failure leftDistP (Described _ a) (Described _ b) (Described _ k) = ((a <||> b) >< k) =-= ((a >< k) <||> (b >< k)) rightDistP (Described _ k) (Described _ a) (Described _ b) = (k >< (a <||> b)) =-= ((k >< a) <||> (k >< b)) joinP1 input (Described _ a) (Described _ b) = whenFail (print r1 >> putStrLn " !=" >> print r2 >> putStrLn " !=" >> print r1a) (r1 == r2) where r1 = canonicalResults (feedEof $ feed input (a >< b)) r2 = sort (nub [(r2a ++ r2b, rest') | (r2a, rest) <- r1a, (r2b, rest') <- completeResults (feedEof $ feed rest b)]) r1a = canonicalResults (feedEof $ feed input a) joinP2 input (Described _ a) (Described _ b) = isInfallible b ==> whenFail (print r1 >> putStrLn " !=" >> print r2 >> putStrLn " !=" >> print r1a) (r1 == r2) where r1 = canonicalResults (feed input (a >< b)) r2 = sort (nub [(r2a ++ r2b, rest') | (r2a, rest) <- r1a, (r2b, rest') <- completeResults (feed rest b)]) r1a = canonicalResults (feed input a) canonicalResults p = sort $ nub $ completeResults p instance forall a r. (Arbitrary r, Semigroup r, Monoid r, Show r) => Arbitrary (Described (Parser a [Bool] r)) where arbitrary = sized $ \n-> if n == 0 then return (Described "empty" failure) else resize (min 50 n) $ oneof [return (Described "empty" failure), return (Described "mempty" mempty), sized $ \n-> liftM (\r-> Described ("(return " ++ shows r ")") (return r)) (resize (pred n) arbitrary), splitSize " >< " (><) (liftM (Described "return ?" . return) arbitrary) arbitrary, splitSize " <||> " (<||>) arbitrary arbitrary, splitSize " <<|> " (<<|>) arbitrary arbitrary, reduceSize "anyToken >> " (anyToken >>) arbitrary, reduceSize "satisfy head >> " (satisfy head >>) arbitrary, reduceSize "satisfy (not . head) >> " (satisfy (not . head) >>) arbitrary, reduceSize "lookAhead " lookAhead arbitrary, reduceSize "notFollowedBy " notFollowedBy (arbitrary :: Gen (Described (Parser a [Bool] r)))] instance (Monoid r, Show r) => Show (Parser a [Bool] r) where show p = showWith (showBoolFun show) show p instance Semigroup Bool where (<>) = (||) instance Monoid Bool where mempty = False mappend = (<>) showBoolFun :: (r -> String) -> ([Bool] -> r) -> String showBoolFun show f = "\\[b]-> if b then " ++ show (f [True]) ++ " else " ++ show (f [False]) splitSize :: String -> (a -> b -> c) -> Gen (Described a) -> Gen (Described b) -> Gen (Described c) splitSize binOp f a b = sized $ \n-> liftM2 (\(Described s1 x) (Described s2 y)-> Described ('(' : s1 ++ binOp ++ s2 ++ ")") (f x y)) (resize (div n 2) a) (resize (div n 2) b) reduceSize :: String -> (a -> b) -> Gen (Described a) -> Gen (Described b) reduceSize prefix f a = sized $ \n-> liftM (\(Described s x)-> Described ('(' : prefix ++ s ++ ")") (f x)) (resize (if n > 0 then pred n else n) a)