# 0.1.3 [2023-10-04] - Add `Foldable1WithIndex1` type-class, an indexed version of `Foldable1`. # [2023-03-12] - `TraversableWithIndex []` doesn't use the `zip [0..]` idiom anymore. https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/22673 # 0.1.2 [2021-10-30] - Changed `(<$>)` + `(<*>)` to `liftA2` to potentially avoid extra `fmap`. - Add `(#..)`, coercive composition after a 2-parameter function. - Switched references to lens 'Of'- functions to base functions. Thanks to wygulmage for contributions. # 0.1.1 [2020-12-27] - Mark all modules as `Safe`. See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/19127 # 0.1 [2020-12-15] - Split out and combine this package functionality from `lens` and `optics`