-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Tocqueville Group -- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-TQ -- | Backend statements for variable manipulation: assignment, replacement, update. module Indigo.Backend.Var ( assignVar , setVar , setField , updateVar ) where import Indigo.Backend.Prelude import Indigo.Internal hiding ((+)) import Indigo.Lorentz import qualified Lorentz.Instr as L import Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Instr.Product (GetFieldType) import Util.Type (type (++)) -- | Assign the given variable to the value resulting from the given expression. assignVar :: KnownValue x => Var x -> Expr x -> IndigoState inp (x & inp) assignVar var e = compileExpr e >> assignTopVar var -- | Set the variable to a new value. -- -- If a variable is a cell on the stack, -- we just compile passed expression and replace variable cell on stack. -- If a variable is decomposed, we decompose passed expression -- and call 'setVar' recursively from its fields. -- -- Pay attention that this function takes a next RefId but it doesn't return RefId -- because all allocated variables will be destroyed during execution of the function, -- so allocated ones won't affect next allocated ones. setVar :: forall a inp. KnownValue a => RefId -> Var a -> Expr a -> IndigoState inp inp setVar nextRef v ex = withObjectState v $ flip (setVarImpl nextRef) ex setVarImpl :: forall a inp . RefId -> Object a -> Expr a -> IndigoState inp inp setVarImpl _ (Cell refId) ex = IndigoState $ \md -> usingIndigoState md $ unaryOpFlat ex $ varActionSet refId (mdStack md) setVarImpl nextRef (Decomposed fields) ex = IndigoState $ \md -> case decomposeExpr (mdObjects md) ex of ExprFields fieldsExpr -> usingIndigoState md $ rmapZipM (namedToTypedRec @a namedToTypedFieldObj fields) fieldsExpr Deconstructed comp -> let GenCode decomposeSt decomposeExCd _ = usingIndigoState md comp in let setAllFieldsCd = setFieldsOnStack (MetaData decomposeSt $ mdObjects md) (namedToTypedRec @a namedToTypedFieldObj fields) in GenCode (mdStack md) (decomposeExCd # setAllFieldsCd) L.nop where -- Set fields, if they are decomposed on stack. setFieldsOnStack :: forall rs . MetaData (rs ++ inp) -> Rec TypedFieldObj rs -> (rs ++ inp) :-> inp setFieldsOnStack _ RNil = L.nop setFieldsOnStack md (TypedFieldObj f :& vs) = let tmpFieldVar = Var nextRef setVarMd = pushRefMd tmpFieldVar (popNoRefMd md) in (gcCode $ usingIndigoState setVarMd $ setVarImpl (nextRef + 1) f (V tmpFieldVar)) # L.drop # setFieldsOnStack (popNoRefMd md) vs -- Take list of fields (variables, referring to them) -- and list of corresponding expressions and call 'setVarImpl' recursively. rmapZipM :: Rec TypedFieldObj rs -> Rec Expr rs -> IndigoState inp inp rmapZipM RNil RNil = nopState rmapZipM (TypedFieldObj f :& flds) (e :& exprs) = setVarImpl nextRef f e >> rmapZipM flds exprs -- | Set the field (direct or indirect) of a complex object. setField :: forall dt fname ftype inp . ( IsObject dt , IsObject ftype , HasField dt fname ftype ) => RefId -> Var dt -> Label fname -> Expr ftype -> IndigoState inp inp setField nextRef v targetLb e = withObjectState v setFieldImpl where setFieldImpl :: forall x . (IsObject x, HasField x fname ftype) => Object x -> IndigoState inp inp setFieldImpl (Cell refId) = updateVar @x nextRef (sopSetField (flSFO fieldLens) targetLb) (Var refId) e setFieldImpl (Decomposed fields) = case fieldLens @x @fname @ftype of TargetField lb _ -> case fetchField @x lb fields of NamedFieldObj field -> setVarImpl nextRef field e DeeperField (lb :: Label fnameInterm) _ -> case fetchField @x lb fields of NamedFieldObj vf -> setFieldImpl @(GetFieldType x fnameInterm) vf -- | Call binary operator with constant argument to update a variable in-place. updateVar :: forall x y inp . (IsObject x, KnownValue y) => RefId -> [y, x] :-> '[x] -> Var x -> Expr y -> IndigoState inp inp updateVar nextRef action vr e = withObjectState vr updateVarImpl where updateVarImpl (Cell refId) = IndigoState $ \md -> usingIndigoState md $ unaryOpFlat e $ varActionUpdate refId (mdStack md) action -- This function doesn't have to be called for complex data types, -- it's only supposed to be used for assign-like statements -- (+=), (-=), etc but implemented just in case. updateVarImpl obj@(Decomposed _) = IndigoState $ \md -> let tmpVar = Var nextRef in let newMd = pushRefMd tmpVar md in usingIndigoState md $ binaryOpFlat e (V vr) $ L.framed action # gcCode (usingIndigoState newMd (setVarImpl (nextRef + 1) obj (V tmpVar))) # L.drop