module Text.Inflections.Humanize (humanize) where

import Text.Inflections.Parse.Types (Word(..))

import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Char (toUpper)

-- |Capitalizes the first word and turns underscores into spaces Like titleize,
-- this is meant for creating pretty output.
  :: [Word] -- ^ List of Words, first of which will be capitalized
  -> String -- ^ The humanized output
humanize = unwords . map caseForWord . isFirstList

-- |Returns list with Bool indicating if an element is first.
isFirstList :: [a] -> [(a, Bool)]
isFirstList xs = zip xs $ True : repeat False

caseForWord :: (Word, Bool) -> String
caseForWord (Word (c:cs), True)  = toUpper c : cs
caseForWord (Word s, False)      = s
caseForWord (Word [], _)         = []
caseForWord (Acronym s, _)       = s  -- Acronyms are left intact