# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # The Computer Language Shootout # http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ # # Contributed by Leo Osvald # ------------------------------------------------------------------ lim <- 2 iter <- 50 # Turn off warnings that appear on Windows, so that we can compare # the output without the warning messages. options ( warn = -1) mandelbrot_noout <- function(args) { # Turn off warnings that appear on Windows, so that we can compare # the output without the warning messages. options ( warn = -1) n = if (length(args)) as.integer(args[[1]]) else 200L n_mod8 = n %% 8L pads <- if (n_mod8) rep.int(0, 8L - n_mod8) else integer(0) p <- rep(as.integer(rep.int(2, 8) ^ (7:0)), length.out=n) cat("P4\n") cat(n, n, "\n") for (y in 0:(n-1)) { c <- 2 * 0:(n-1) / n - 1.5 + 1i * (2 * y / n - 1) z <- rep(0+0i, n) i <- 0L while (i < 50) { # faster than for loop z <- z * z + c i <- i + 1L } bits <- as.integer(abs(z) <= 2) bytes <- as.raw(colSums(matrix(c(bits * p, pads), 8L))) } } if (!exists("i_am_wrapper")) mandelbrot_noout(commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE))