{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators      #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall           #-}

module Generics.Instant.Zipper (
    module Control.Monad.Error,
    module Data.Typeable,
    module Generics.Instant,
--    module Generics.Instant.TH,
--    module Generics.Instant.Zipper.TH,
    -- *
    -- *
    -- *
) where

import Prelude hiding (last)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Error

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Typeable

import Generics.Instant
--import Generics.Instant.TH

--import Generics.Instant.Zipper.TH

-- | Type-level list

data Epsilon
data c :<: cs

infixr 5 :<:

-- | Loc and Context

data Loc hole root c = Loc { focus :: hole, context :: Context hole root c }

data Context hole root l where
    Empty :: Context hole hole Epsilon
    Push  :: (Zipper parent) => Derivative (Rep parent)
                             -> Context parent root cs
                             -> Context hole root (parent :<: cs)

type ZipperR = Either String

-- | Families

class Family (f :: * -> *)

data PrimFam a where
    Char  ::                                  PrimFam Char
    Int   ::                                  PrimFam Int
    Float ::                                  PrimFam Float
    List  :: (Family f, Show (f a)) => f a -> PrimFam [a]
deriving instance Show (PrimFam a)

instance Family PrimFam

-- | Zipper

class ( Representable  f
      , Typeable       f
      , Fillable  (Rep f)
      , Firstable (Rep f)
      , Nextable  (Rep f)
      , Lastable  (Rep f)
      , Prevable  (Rep f) ) => Zipper f

instance Zipper Int
instance Zipper Char
instance Zipper Float
instance (Zipper a) => Zipper [a]

-- | Differentiable

class Differentiable f where
    data Derivative f :: * 
instance Differentiable U where
    data Derivative U
instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :+: g) where
    data Derivative (f :+: g) = CL (Derivative f)
                              | CR (Derivative g)
instance (Differentiable f, Differentiable g) => Differentiable (f :*: g) where
    data Derivative (f :*: g) = C1 (Derivative f) g
                              | C2 f (Derivative g)
instance (Differentiable a) => Differentiable (Rec a) where
    data Derivative (Rec a) = CRec
instance (Differentiable a) => Differentiable (Var a) where
    data Derivative (Var a) = CVar
instance (Differentiable f) => Differentiable (C c f) where
    data Derivative (C c f) = CC (Derivative f)

-- | Fill

class Fillable f where
    fill :: (Typeable a) => Derivative f -> a -> Maybe f

instance Fillable U where
    fill = error "impossible"

instance Fillable Char where
    fill = error "impossible"

instance Fillable Int where
    fill = error "impossible"

instance Fillable Float where
    fill = error "impossible"
instance (Fillable f, Fillable g) => Fillable (f :+: g) where
    fill (CL l) v = L <$> fill l v
    fill (CR r) v = R <$> fill r v

instance (Fillable f, Fillable g) => Fillable (f :*: g) where
    fill (C1 c r) v = flip (:*:) r <$> fill c v
    fill (C2 l c) v = (l :*:) <$> fill c v

instance (Typeable a) => Fillable (Rec a) where
    fill CRec v = Rec <$> cast v
instance (Typeable a) => Fillable (Var a) where
    fill CVar v = Var <$> cast v

instance (Fillable f) => Fillable (C c f) where
    fill (CC c) v = C <$> fill c v
-- | First

class Firstable f where
    first :: (Zipper a) => f -> Maybe (a, Derivative f)

instance Firstable U where
    first _ = Nothing

instance Firstable Char where
    first _ = Nothing

instance Firstable Int where
    first _ = Nothing
instance Firstable Float where
    first _ = Nothing
instance (Firstable f, Firstable g) => Firstable (f :+: g) where
    first (L x)     = fmap CL <$> first x
    first (R y)     = fmap CR <$> first y

instance (Firstable f, Firstable g) => Firstable (f :*: g) where
    first (l :*: r) =  fmap (flip C1 r) <$> first l
                   <|> fmap (     C2 l) <$> first r

instance (Typeable f) => Firstable (Rec f) where
    first (Rec v) = (, CRec) <$> cast v

instance (Typeable f) => Firstable (Var f) where
    first (Var v) = (, CVar) <$> cast v

instance (Firstable f) => Firstable (C c f) where
    first (C v)   = fmap CC <$> first v

-- | Last

class Lastable f where
    last :: (Zipper a) => f -> Maybe (a, Derivative f)

instance Lastable U where
    last _ = Nothing

instance Lastable Char where
    last _ = Nothing

instance Lastable Int where
    last _ = Nothing
instance Lastable Float where
    last _ = Nothing
instance (Lastable f, Lastable g) => Lastable (f :+: g) where
    last (L x) = fmap CL <$> last x
    last (R y) = fmap CR <$> last y

instance (Lastable f, Lastable g) => Lastable (f :*: g) where
    last (l :*: r) =  fmap (     C2 l) <$> last r
                  <|> fmap (flip C1 r) <$> last l

instance (Typeable f) => Lastable (Rec f) where
    last (Rec v) = (, CRec) <$> cast v

instance (Typeable f) => Lastable (Var f) where
    last (Var v) = (, CVar) <$> cast v

instance (Lastable f) => Lastable (C c f) where
    last (C v) = fmap CC <$> last v
-- | Next

class Nextable f where
    next :: (Typeable a, Zipper b) => Derivative f -> a -> Maybe (b, Derivative f)
instance Nextable U where
    next _ _ = Nothing

instance Nextable Char where
    next _ _ = Nothing

instance Nextable Int where
    next _ _ = Nothing

instance Nextable Float where
    next _ _ = Nothing

instance (Nextable f, Nextable g) => Nextable (f :+: g) where
    next (CL c) x = fmap CL <$> next c x
    next (CR c) y = fmap CR <$> next c y

instance (Nextable f, Nextable g, Fillable f, Firstable g) => Nextable (f :*: g) where
    next (C1 c y) x = fmap (flip C1 y) <$> next c x
                   <|> (\x' (y',c') -> (y', C2 x' c')) <$> fill c x <*> first y
    next (C2 x c) y = fmap (C2 x) <$> next c y 

instance Nextable (Rec f) where
    next CRec _ = Nothing

instance Nextable (Var f) where
    next CVar _ = Nothing

instance (Nextable f) => Nextable (C c f) where
    next (CC v) x = fmap CC <$> next v x

-- | Prev

class Prevable f where
    prev :: (Typeable a, Zipper b) => Derivative f -> a -> Maybe (b, Derivative f)
instance Prevable U where
    prev _ _ = Nothing

instance Prevable Char where
    prev _ _ = Nothing

instance Prevable Int where
    prev _ _ = Nothing

instance Prevable Float where
    prev _ _ = Nothing

instance (Prevable f, Prevable g) => Prevable (f :+: g) where
    prev (CL c) x = fmap CL <$> prev c x
    prev (CR c) y = fmap CR <$> prev c y

instance (Lastable f, Fillable g, Prevable f, Prevable g) => Prevable (f :*: g) where
    prev (C1 c y) x = fmap (flip C1 y) <$> prev c x                    
    prev (C2 x c) y = fmap (     C2 x) <$> prev c y 
                   <|> (\x' (y',c') -> (y', C1 c' x')) <$> fill c y <*> last x

instance Prevable (Rec f) where
    prev CRec _ = Nothing

instance Prevable (Var f) where
    prev CVar _ = Nothing

instance (Prevable f) => Prevable (C c f) where
    prev (CC v) x = fmap CC <$> prev v x

-- | Navigation

get :: Loc h r c -> h
get = focus

set :: h -> Loc h r c -> Loc h r c
set v (Loc _ cs) = Loc v cs

leave :: (Zipper h) => Loc h r c -> r
leave (Loc h Empty) = h
leave loc@(Loc _ (Push _ _)) = leave . up  $ loc

enter :: Zipper h => h -> Loc h h Epsilon
enter h = Loc h Empty

up :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => Loc h r (h' :<: c) -> Loc h' r c
up (Loc h (Push c cs))   = fromJust $ (\x -> Loc (to x) cs) <$> fill c h

-- | Down left

downL_ :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
downL_ (Loc h cs) = maybe (Left "Error going down left") (\(h', c) -> Right (Loc h' (Push c cs))) $ first (from h)

downL' :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => h' -> Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
downL' _ = downL_

downL :: (Zipper h, Zipper h', Family f, Show (f h')) => f h' -> Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
downL v = either (Left . (++ " with type " ++ show v)) Right . downL_

-- | Down 

--down_ :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
--down_ = downL_

down' :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => h' -> Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
down' = downL'

down :: (Zipper h, Zipper h', Family f, Show (f h')) => f h' -> Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
down = downL

-- | Down Right

downR_ :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
downR_ (Loc h cs) = maybe (Left "Error going down right") (\(h', c) -> Right (Loc h' (Push c cs))) $ last (from h)

downR' :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => h' -> Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
downR' _ = downR_ 

downR :: (Zipper h, Zipper h', Family f, Show (f h')) => f h' -> Loc h r c -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (h :<: c))
downR v = either (Left . (++ " with type " ++ show v)) Right . downR_

-- | Right

right_ :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => Loc h r (c :<: cs) -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (c :<: cs))
right_ (Loc h (Push c cs)) = maybe (Left "Error going right") (\(h', c') -> Right (Loc h' (Push c' cs))) $ next c h

right' :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => h' -> Loc h r (c :<: cs) -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (c :<: cs))
right' _ = right_

right :: (Zipper h, Zipper h', Family f, Show (f h')) => f h' -> Loc h r (c :<: cs) -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (c :<: cs))
right v = either (Left . (++ " with type " ++ show v)) Right . right_

-- | Left

left_ :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => Loc h r (c :<: cs) -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (c :<: cs))
left_ (Loc h (Push c cs)) = maybe (Left "Error going left") (\(h', c') -> Right (Loc h' (Push c' cs))) $ prev c h

left' :: (Zipper h, Zipper h') => h' -> Loc h r (c :<: cs) -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (c :<: cs))
left' _ = left_

left :: (Zipper h, Zipper h', Family f, Show (f h')) => f h' -> Loc h r (c :<: cs) -> ZipperR (Loc h' r (c :<: cs))
left v = either (Left . (++ " with type " ++ show v)) Right . left_