{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module IntervalAlgebraSpec (spec) where import Test.Hspec ( hspec, describe, it, Spec, shouldBe ) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck ( modifyMaxSuccess, modifyMaxDiscardRatio ) import Test.QuickCheck ( (===) , (==>) , quickCheck , generate , Gen(..) , Arbitrary(arbitrary) , Property , Testable(property) ) import GHC.Real ( Rational(..), Real(..) ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, isJust, isNothing ) import Data.Either ( isRight ) import Data.Fixed ( Pico ) import IntervalAlgebra.Arbitrary () import Data.Time as DT ( Day(..) , UTCTime(..) , DiffTime , fromGregorian , secondsToDiffTime , picosecondsToDiffTime, NominalDiffTime ) import Data.Set ( Set , member , disjointUnion , fromList ) import IntervalAlgebra as IA mkIntrvl :: Int -> Int -> Interval Int mkIntrvl = beginerval prop_expandl_end ::(IntervalSizeable a b, Show a)=> b -> Interval a -> Property prop_expandl_end d i = end (expandl d i) === end i prop_expandr_begin ::(IntervalSizeable a b, Show a)=> b -> Interval a -> Property prop_expandr_begin d i = begin (expandr d i) === begin i -- | The relation between x and z should be an element of the set of the -- composed relations between x y and between y z. prop_compose :: Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Interval a -> Property prop_compose x y z = member (relate x z) (compose (relate x y) (relate y z)) === True -- | If two intervals are disjoint and not meeting, then there should be a gap -- between the two (by ><), after the intervals are sorted. prop_combinable_gap_exists :: Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Property prop_combinable_gap_exists x y = (before <|> after) x y ==> isJust (uncurry (><) (min x y, max x y)) -- | If two intervals are not disjoint or meeting, then there should be NO gap -- between the two (by ><), after the intervals are sorted. prop_combinable_nogap_exists :: Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Property prop_combinable_nogap_exists x y = (predicate $ complement $ fromList [Before, After]) x y ==> isNothing (uncurry (><) (min x y, max x y)) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Basic Interval unit tests of typeclass and creation methods" $ do it "equality works" $ beginerval 6 (1::Int) == beginerval 6 1 `shouldBe` True it "equality works" $ beginerval 0 (1::Int) == beginerval (-1) 1 `shouldBe` True it "equality works" $ enderval 1 (2::Int) == beginerval 1 1 `shouldBe` True it "not equality works" $ enderval 5 (2::Int) /= beginerval 1 1 `shouldBe` True it "parsing fails on bad inputs" $ parseInterval 10 0 `shouldBe` Left (IA.ParseErrorInterval "0<10") it "parsing works on good inputs" $ parseInterval 0 10 `shouldBe` Right (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) it "show displays intervals as expected" $ show (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) `shouldBe` "(0, 10)" it "fmap can convert Interval Integer to Interval Day" $ fmap ModifiedJulianDay (beginerval 1 0) `shouldBe` beginerval 1 (fromGregorian 1858 11 17) it "(0, 2) <= (1, 3) is True" $ beginerval 2 (0::Int) <= beginerval 2 1 `shouldBe` True it "(1, 2) < (0, 3) is True" $ beginerval 2 (1::Int) < beginerval 3 0 `shouldBe` False it "(0, 2) < (1, 3) is True" $ beginerval 2 (0::Int) < beginerval 2 1 `shouldBe` True it "(0, 2) < (0, 3) is True" $ beginerval 2 (0::Int) < beginerval 3 0 `shouldBe` True describe "Basic IntervalRelation unit tests" $ do it "equality of IntervalRelations" $ Before == Before `shouldBe` True it "equality of IntervalRelations" $ Before /= After `shouldBe` True it "Bounds are set correctly" $ minBound @IntervalRelation `shouldBe` Before it "Bounds are set correctly" $ maxBound @IntervalRelation `shouldBe` After it "show Before is Before" $ show Before `shouldBe` "Before" describe "Relate unit tests" $ do it "relate before" $ relate (beginerval 1 (0::Int)) (beginerval 1 2) `shouldBe` Before it "relate after" $ relate (beginerval 1 (2::Int)) (beginerval 1 0) `shouldBe` After it "relate meets" $ relate (beginerval 1 (0::Int)) (beginerval 1 1) `shouldBe` Meets it "relate metBy" $ relate (beginerval 1 (1::Int)) (beginerval 1 0) `shouldBe` MetBy it "relate overlaps" $ relate (beginerval 3 (0::Int)) (beginerval 5 2) `shouldBe` Overlaps it "relate overlappedBy" $ relate (beginerval 5 (2::Int)) (beginerval 3 0) `shouldBe` OverlappedBy it "relate starts" $ relate (beginerval 3 (0::Int)) (beginerval 5 0) `shouldBe` Starts it "relate startedBy" $ relate (beginerval 5 (0::Int)) (beginerval 3 0) `shouldBe` StartedBy it "relate finishes" $ relate (enderval 3 (0::Int)) (enderval 5 0) `shouldBe` Finishes it "relate finishedBy" $ relate (enderval 5 (0::Int)) (enderval 3 0) `shouldBe` FinishedBy it "relate during" $ relate (beginerval 1 (1::Int)) (beginerval 3 0) `shouldBe` During it "relate Contains" $ relate (beginerval 3 (0::Int)) (beginerval 1 1) `shouldBe` Contains describe "IntervalRelation algebraic operations" $ do it "converse of Before is After" $ converse (fromList [Before]) `shouldBe` fromList [After] it "union of IntervalRelations" $ union (fromList [Before]) (fromList [After]) `shouldBe` fromList [Before, After] it "intersection of IntervalRelations" $ intersection (fromList [Before]) (fromList [After]) `shouldBe` fromList [] describe "IntervalSizeable tests" $ do it "moment is 1" $ moment @Int `shouldBe` 1 it "moment' is 1" $ moment' (beginerval 1 (0::Int)) `shouldBe` 1 it "expandl doesn't change end" $ property (prop_expandl_end @Int) it "expandr doesn't change begin" $ property (prop_expandr_begin @Int) it "expand 0 5 Interval (0, 1) should be Interval (0, 6)" $ expand 0 5 (beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int)) `shouldBe` beginerval (6::Int) (0::Int) it "expand 5 0 Interval (0, 1) should be Interval (-5, 1)" $ expand 5 0 (beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int)) `shouldBe` beginerval (6::Int) (-5::Int) it "expand 5 5 Interval (0, 1) should be Interval (-5, 6)" $ expand 5 5 (beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int)) `shouldBe` beginerval (11::Int) (-5::Int) it "expand -1 5 Interval (0, 1) should be Interval (-5, 6)" $ expand (-1) 5 (beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int)) `shouldBe` beginerval (6::Int) (0::Int) it "expand 5 -5 Interval (0, 1) should be Interval (-5, 1)" $ expand 5 (-5) (beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int)) `shouldBe` beginerval (6::Int) (-5::Int) it "expand moment 0 Interval (0, 1) should be Interval (-1, 1)" $ expand (moment @Int) 0 (beginerval (1::Int) (0::Int)) `shouldBe` beginerval (2::Int) (-1::Int) it "beginerval 2 10 should be Interval (10, 12)" $ Right (beginerval (2::Int) 10) `shouldBe` parseInterval (10::Int) (12::Int) it "beginerval 0 10 should be Interval (10, 11)" $ Right (beginerval (0::Int) 10) `shouldBe` parseInterval (10::Int) (11::Int) it "beginerval -2 10 should be Interval (10, 11)" $ Right (beginerval (-2::Int) 10) `shouldBe` parseInterval (10::Int) (11::Int) it "enderval 2 10 should be Interval (8, 10)" $ Right (enderval (2::Int) 10) `shouldBe` parseInterval (8::Int) (10::Int) it "enderval 0 10 should be Interval (9, 10)" $ Right (enderval (0::Int) 10) `shouldBe` parseInterval (9::Int) (10::Int) it "enderval -2 10 should be Interval (9, 10)" $ Right (enderval (-2::Int) 10) `shouldBe` parseInterval (9::Int) (10::Int) it "diffFromBegin can convert Interval Int to Interval Int" $ diffFromBegin (beginerval 2 (4 :: Int)) (beginerval 2 10) `shouldBe` beginerval 2 6 -- (6, 8) it "diffFromEnd can convert Interval Int to Interval Int" $ diffFromEnd (beginerval 2 (4 :: Int)) (beginerval 2 10) `shouldBe` beginerval 2 4 -- (4, 6) it "diffFromBegin can convert Interval Day to Interval Integer" $ diffFromBegin (beginerval 2 (fromGregorian 2001 1 1)) (beginerval 2 (fromGregorian 2001 1 10)) `shouldBe` beginerval 2 9 -- (9, 11) it "diffFromEnd can convert Interval Day to Interval Integer" $ diffFromEnd (beginerval 2 (fromGregorian 2001 1 1)) (beginerval 2 (fromGregorian 2001 1 10)) `shouldBe` beginerval 2 7 -- (7, 9) it "momentize works" $ momentize (beginerval 2 (fromGregorian 2001 1 1)) `shouldBe` beginerval 1 (fromGregorian 2001 1 1) describe "Intervallic tests" $ -- modifyMaxSuccess (*10000) $ do it "(startedBy <|> overlappedBy) Interval (0, 9) Interval (-1, 4) is True" $ (startedBy <|> overlappedBy) (mkIntrvl 9 0) (mkIntrvl 5 (-1)) `shouldBe` True it "(startedBy <|> overlappedBy) Interval (0, 9) Interval (0, 4) is True" $ (startedBy <|> overlappedBy) (mkIntrvl 9 0) (mkIntrvl 4 0) `shouldBe` True it "(startedBy <|> overlappedBy) Interval (0, 9) Interval (-1, 9) is False" $ (startedBy <|> overlappedBy) (mkIntrvl 9 0) (mkIntrvl 10 (-1)) `shouldBe` False it "disjoint x y same as explicit union of predicates" $ disjoint (mkIntrvl 2 0) (mkIntrvl 2 3) `shouldBe` (before <|> after <|> meets <|> metBy) (mkIntrvl 2 0) (mkIntrvl 2 3) it "within x y same as explicit union of predicates" $ within (mkIntrvl 2 3) (mkIntrvl 2 3) `shouldBe` (starts <|> during <|> finishes <|> equals) (mkIntrvl 2 3) (mkIntrvl 2 3) it "prop_compose holds" $ property (prop_compose @Int) describe "IntervalCombinable tests" $ do it "join non-meeting intervals is Nothing" $ beginerval 2 (0::Int) .+. beginerval 6 5 `shouldBe` Nothing it "join meeting intervals is Just _" $ beginerval 2 (0::Int) .+. beginerval 6 2 `shouldBe` Just (beginerval 8 0) it "gap of disjoint intervals should be something" $ property (prop_combinable_gap_exists @Int) it "gap of disjoint intervals should be something" $ property (prop_combinable_gap_exists @Day) it "gap of disjoint intervals should be something" $ property (prop_combinable_gap_exists @UTCTime) it "gap of nondisjoint, nonmeeting intervals should be nothing" $ property (prop_combinable_nogap_exists @Int) it "gap of nondisjoint, nonmeeting intervals should be nothing" $ property (prop_combinable_nogap_exists @Day) describe "Interval Algebra relation unit tests for synonyms" $ do it "(0, 2) precedes (10, 12)" $ beginerval 2 (0::Int) `precedes` beginerval 2 10 `shouldBe` True it "precedes matches before" $ beginerval 10 (0::Int) `precedes` beginerval 1 11 `shouldBe` beginerval 10 (0::Int) `before` beginerval 1 11 it "(10, 12) precededBy (0, 2)" $ precededBy (beginerval 2 10) (beginerval 2 (0::Int)) `shouldBe` True it "precededBy matches after" $ precededBy (beginerval 1 11) (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) `shouldBe` after (beginerval 1 11) (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) it "concur matches notDdisjoint" $ concur (beginerval 1 11) (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) `shouldBe` notDisjoint (beginerval 1 11) (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) it "concur matches notDisjoint" $ concur (beginerval 1 0) (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) `shouldBe` notDisjoint (beginerval 1 0) (beginerval 10 (0::Int))