{-| Module : Generate arbitrary Intervals Description : Functions for generating arbitrary intervals Copyright : (c) NoviSci, Inc 2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : bsaul@novisci.com Stability : experimental -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module IntervalAlgebra.Arbitrary ( arbitraryWithRelation ) where import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) , liftA2 ) import Control.Monad ( liftM2 ) import Data.Bool import Data.Fixed import Data.Function ( ($) , (.) , flip ) import Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Just, Nothing) ) import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Set ( Set , difference , null , singleton ) import Data.Time as DT ( Day(ModifiedJulianDay) , DiffTime , NominalDiffTime , UTCTime(..) , picosecondsToDiffTime , secondsToDiffTime , secondsToNominalDiffTime , toModifiedJulianDay ) import GHC.Float import GHC.Int ( Int ) import GHC.Num import GHC.Real import IntervalAlgebra ( Interval , IntervalRelation(..) , IntervalSizeable , Intervallic , PairedInterval , beginerval , converse , duration , makePairedInterval , moment' , predicate , strictWithinRelations ) import Prelude ( (==) , Eq ) import Test.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary(arbitrary, shrink) , Gen , NonNegative , arbitrarySizedNatural , elements , resize , sized , suchThat ) -- NOTE: the default size for arbitrary :: Gen Int appears to be 30 arbitrarySizedPositive :: Integral a => Gen a arbitrarySizedPositive = (+ 1) <$> arbitrarySizedNatural -- resize in utctDayTime is to avoid rare leap-seconds-related failure, in -- which e.g. 1858-12-31 00:00:00 UTC /= 1858-12-30 23:59:60 UTC maxDiffTime :: Int maxDiffTime = 86399 instance Arbitrary (Interval Int) where arbitrary = liftM2 beginerval arbitrarySizedPositive arbitrary instance Arbitrary DT.Day where arbitrary = sized (\s -> DT.ModifiedJulianDay <$> s `resize` arbitrary) shrink = (DT.ModifiedJulianDay <$>) . shrink . DT.toModifiedJulianDay instance Arbitrary DT.NominalDiffTime where arbitrary = sized (\s -> fromInteger <$> (min s maxDiffTime `resize` arbitrarySizedNatural)) instance Arbitrary DT.DiffTime where arbitrary = sized (\s -> fromInteger <$> (min s maxDiffTime `resize` arbitrarySizedNatural)) instance Arbitrary DT.UTCTime where arbitrary = liftA2 UTCTime arbitrary arbitrary instance Arbitrary (Interval DT.Day) where arbitrary = liftM2 beginerval arbitrary arbitrary instance Arbitrary (Interval DT.UTCTime) where arbitrary = liftM2 beginerval arbitrary arbitrary instance (Arbitrary b, Arbitrary (Interval a)) => Arbitrary (PairedInterval b a) where arbitrary = liftM2 makePairedInterval arbitrary arbitrary -- | Conditional generation of intervals relative to a reference. If the -- reference `iv` is of 'moment' duration, it is not possible to generate -- intervals from the strict enclose relations StartedBy, Contains, FinishedBy. -- If `iv` and `rs` are such that no possible relations can be generated, this -- function returns `Nothing`. Otherwise, it returns `Just` an interval that -- satisfies at least one of the possible relations in `rs` relative to -- `iv`. -- -- >>> generate $ arbitraryWithRelation (beginerval 10 (0::Int)) (fromList [Before]) -- Just (20, 22) -- >>> generate $ arbitraryWithRelation (beginerval 1 (0::Int)) (fromList [StartedBy]) -- Nothing -- >>> generate $ arbitraryWithRelation (beginerval 1 (0::Int)) (fromList [StartedBy, Before]) -- Just (4, 13) arbitraryWithRelation :: (IntervalSizeable a b, Intervallic i a, Arbitrary (i a)) => i a -- ^ reference interval -> Data.Set.Set IntervalRelation -- ^ set of `IntervalRelation`s, of which at least one will hold for the generated interval relative to the reference -> Gen (Maybe (i a)) arbitraryWithRelation iv rs | rs == Data.Set.singleton Equals = elements [Just iv] | isEnclose && isMom = elements [Nothing] | isMom = Just <$> arbitrary `suchThat` predicate notStrictEnclose iv | otherwise = Just <$> arbitrary `suchThat` predicate rs iv where notStrictEnclose = Data.Set.difference rs (converse strictWithinRelations) isEnclose = Data.Set.null notStrictEnclose isMom = duration iv == moment' iv