module Data.Interval.Borel ( Borel, borel, intervalSet, Data.Interval.Borel.empty, singleton, Data.Interval.Borel.null, insert, whole, cutout, member, notMember, union, unions, difference, symmetricDifference, complement, intersection, intersections, hull, ) where import Algebra.Heyting import Algebra.Lattice import Data.Interval (Interval) import Data.Interval qualified as I import Data.OneOrTwo (OneOrTwo (..)) import Data.Semiring (Ring, Semiring) import Data.Semiring qualified as Semiring import Data.Set qualified as Set -- | The 'Borel' sets on a type are the sets generated by its open intervals. -- It forms a 'Heyting' algebra with 'union' as join and 'intersection' as meet, -- and a 'Ring' with 'symmetricDifference' as addition and 'intersection' as -- multiplication (and 'complement' as negation). In fact the algebra is Boolean -- as the operation @x '==>' y = 'complement' x '\/' y@. -- -- It is a monoid that is convenient for agglomerating -- groups of intervals, such as for calculating the overall timespan -- of a group of events. However, it is agnostic of -- how many times each given point has been covered. -- To keep track of this data, use 'Data.Interval.Layers'. newtype Borel x = Borel (Set (Interval x)) deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Typeable) instance (Ord x) => One (Borel x) where type OneItem _ = Interval x one = singleton instance (Ord x) => Semigroup (Borel x) where Borel is <> Borel js = Borel (unionsSet (is <> js)) instance (Ord x) => Monoid (Borel x) where mempty = Borel mempty instance (Ord x, Lattice x) => Lattice (Borel x) where (\/) = union (/\) = intersection instance (Ord x, Lattice x) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (Borel x) where top = whole instance (Ord x, Lattice x) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (Borel x) where bottom = mempty instance (Ord x, Lattice x) => Heyting (Borel x) where x ==> y = complement x \/ y instance (Ord x, Lattice x) => Semiring (Borel x) where plus = symmetricDifference times = intersection zero = mempty one = whole instance (Ord x, Lattice x) => Ring (Borel x) where negate = complement -- | Consider the 'Borel' set identified by a list of 'Interval's. borel :: (Ord x) => [Interval x] -> Borel x borel = Borel . Set.fromList . I.unions -- | Turn a 'Borel' set into a 'Set.Set' of 'Interval's. intervalSet :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Set (Interval x) intervalSet (Borel is) = unionsSet is unionsSet :: (Ord x) => Set (Interval x) -> Set (Interval x) unionsSet = Set.fromAscList . I.unionsAsc . Set.toAscList -- | The empty 'Borel' set. empty :: (Ord x) => Borel x empty = Borel Set.empty -- | The 'Borel' set consisting of a single 'Interval'. singleton :: (Ord x) => Interval x -> Borel x singleton x = Borel (Set.singleton x) -- | Is this 'Borel' set empty? null :: Borel x -> Bool null (Borel is) = Set.null is -- | Insert an 'Interval' into a 'Borel' set, agglomerating along the way. insert :: (Ord x) => Interval x -> Borel x -> Borel x insert i (Borel is) = Borel (unionsSet (Set.insert i is)) -- | The maximal 'Borel' set, that covers the entire range. whole :: (Ord x) => Borel x whole = Borel ( I.Whole) -- | Completely remove an 'Interval' from a 'Borel' set. cutout :: (Ord x) => Interval x -> Borel x -> Borel x cutout i (Borel is) = flip foldMap is $ (I.\\ i) >>> \case Nothing -> mempty Just (One j) -> borel [j] Just (Two j k) -> borel [j, k] -- | Is this point 'I.within' any connected component of the 'Borel' set? member :: (Ord x) => x -> Borel x -> Bool member x (Borel is) = any (I.within x) is -- | Is this point not 'I.within' any connected component of the 'Borel' set? notMember :: (Ord x) => x -> Borel x -> Bool notMember x = not . member x -- | A synonym for '(<>)'. union :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Borel x -> Borel x union = (<>) -- | A synonym for 'fold'. unions :: (Ord x) => [Borel x] -> Borel x unions = fold -- | Remove all intervals of the second set from the first. difference :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Borel x -> Borel x difference is (Borel js) = foldr cutout is js -- | Take the symmetric difference of two 'Borel' sets. symmetricDifference :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Borel x -> Borel x symmetricDifference is js = difference is js <> difference js is -- | Take the 'Borel' set consisting of each point not in the given one. complement :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Borel x complement = difference whole -- | Given an 'Interval' @i@, @'clip' i@ will trim a 'Borel' set -- so that its 'hull' is contained in @i@. clip :: (Ord x) => Interval x -> Borel x -> Borel x clip i (Borel js) = foldr ((<>) . maybe mempty one . I.intersect i) mempty js -- | Take the intersection of two 'Borel' sets. intersection :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Borel x -> Borel x intersection is (Borel js) = foldMap (`clip` is) js -- | Take the intersection of a list of 'Borel' sets. intersections :: (Ord x) => [Borel x] -> Borel x intersections [] = mempty intersections [i] = i intersections (i : j : js) = intersection (intersection i j) (intersections js) -- | Take the smallest spanning 'Interval' of a 'Borel' set, -- provided that it is not the empty set. hull :: (Ord x) => Borel x -> Maybe (Interval x) hull (Borel is) | Set.null is = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ uncurry (foldr I.hull) (Set.deleteFindMin is)