-- This file is part of Intricacy -- Copyright (C) 2013 Martin Bays -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation, or any later version. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. module CursesUI where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Data.Array import Data.Bifunctor (second) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Semigroup as Sem import qualified UI.HSCurses.Curses as Curses import BoardColouring import CVec import Command import CursesRender import Frame import GameState (stateBoard) import GameStateTypes import Hex import InputMode import KeyBindings import Mundanities import ServerAddr data UIState = UIState { dispCPairs :: [Curses.Pair] , dispCentre :: HexPos , dispLastCol :: PieceColouring , uiKeyBindings :: Map InputMode KeyBindings , monochrome :: Bool , message :: Maybe (Curses.Attr, ColPair, String)} type UIM = StateT UIState IO nullUIState = UIState [] (PHS zero) Map.empty Map.empty False Nothing readBindings :: UIM () readBindings = void.runMaybeT $ do path <- liftIO $ confFilePath "bindings" bdgs <- MaybeT $ liftIO $ readReadFile path lift $ modify $ \s -> s {uiKeyBindings = bdgs} writeBindings :: UIM () writeBindings = do path <- liftIO $ confFilePath "bindings" bdgs <- gets uiKeyBindings liftIO makeConfDir liftIO $ writeFile path $ show bdgs getBindings :: InputMode -> UIM KeyBindings getBindings mode = do uibdgs <- gets (Map.findWithDefault [] mode . uiKeyBindings) return $ uibdgs ++ bindings mode bindingsStr :: InputMode -> [Command] -> UIM String bindingsStr mode cmds = do bdgs <- getBindings mode return $ (("["++).(++"]")) $ intercalate "," $ maybe "" showKey . findBinding bdgs <$> cmds data Gravity = GravUp | GravLeft | GravRight | GravDown | GravCentre deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum) data Draw = Draw { drawWidth :: Int, doDraw :: CVec -> UIM () } doDrawAt :: CVec -> Draw -> UIM () doDrawAt = flip doDraw alignDraw :: Gravity -> Int -> Draw -> Draw alignDraw gravity w (Draw w' d) = Draw (max w w') $ \(CVec y x) -> d $ CVec y $ x + shift where shift = case gravity of GravLeft -> 0 GravRight -> max 0 $ w - w' GravCentre -> w - w' `div` 2 instance Sem.Semigroup Draw where (Draw w d) <> (Draw w' d') = Draw (w+w') $ \cpos@(CVec y x) -> d cpos >> d' (CVec y (x+w)) instance Monoid Draw where mempty = Draw 0 (const $ return ()) mappend = (Sem.<>) stringDraw :: Curses.Attr -> ColPair -> String -> Draw stringDraw attr col str = Draw (length str) $ \cpos -> drawStr attr col cpos str greyDraw :: String -> Draw greyDraw = stringDraw a0 white bindingsDraw :: KeyBindings -> [Command] -> Draw bindingsDraw = bindingsDrawColour white bindingsDrawColour :: ColPair -> KeyBindings -> [Command] -> Draw bindingsDrawColour col bdgs cmds = mconcat . (stringDraw a0 col "[" :) . (++ [stringDraw a0 col "]"]) . intersperse (stringDraw a0 col ",") $ catMaybes $ (keyDraw <$>) . findBinding bdgs <$> cmds where keyDraw = stringDraw bold col . showKeyFriendlyShort bindingDrawChar :: KeyBindings -> Curses.Attr -> Command -> Draw bindingDrawChar bdgs a cmd = mconcat . maybeToList $ stringDraw a white . (:[]) . showKeyChar <$> findBinding bdgs cmd drawDirBindings :: InputMode -> KeyBindings -> WrHoSel -> Draw drawDirBindings mode bdgs whs = Draw 5 $ \cpos -> do let c | mode == IMEdit = '_' | otherwise = case whs of WHSHook -> '@' WHSWrench -> '*' WHSSelected -> '_' gl = Glyph c white a0 drawAtCVec gl cpos sequence_ [ doDrawAt (cpos +^ hexVec2CVec dir) . bindingDrawChar bdgs bold $ CmdDir whs dir | dir <- hexDirs ] data BindingsEntry = BindingsEntry String [Command] drawBindingsTables :: InputMode -> (Command -> Bool) -> Frame -> UIM () drawBindingsTables mode censor frame | mode `elem` [ IMEdit, IMPlay ] = do bdgs <- getBindings mode (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize let startRight = frameWidth frame + 3 let maxWidth = (w `div` 2) - startRight - 1 let entryDraws (BindingsEntry desc cmds) = (greyDraw desc, bindingsDraw bdgs cmds) forM_ [GravLeft, GravRight] $ \grav -> do let table = filter (\(_,BindingsEntry _ cs) -> not $ null cs) $ second (\(BindingsEntry s cs) -> BindingsEntry s $ filter censor cs) <$> bindingsTable mode grav drawsTable = second entryDraws <$> table maxDesc = maximum $ drawWidth . fst . snd <$> drawsTable maxBdgs = maximum $ drawWidth . snd . snd <$> drawsTable descX = (w `div` 2) + if grav == GravRight then startRight + maxBdgs + 2 else -(startRight + maxBdgs + 2 + maxDesc) bdgsX = (w `div` 2) + if grav == GravRight then startRight else -(startRight + maxBdgs) oppGrav = if grav == GravRight then GravLeft else GravRight useDescs = maxDesc + 1 + maxBdgs <= maxWidth sequence_ [ do when (maxBdgs <= maxWidth) $ doDrawAt (CVec y bdgsX) $ alignDraw (if useDescs then grav else oppGrav) maxBdgs bdgsDraw when useDescs $ doDrawAt (CVec y descX) $ alignDraw oppGrav maxDesc descDraw | (yoff, (descDraw, bdgsDraw)) <- drawsTable , let y = (h `div` 2) + yoff ] when (mode `elem` [IMPlay,IMEdit] && grav == GravLeft && maxWidth >= 5) $ let (halfw,poss) | maxWidth < 15 = (3,[CVec (-5) 0]) | maxWidth < 19 = (7,[CVec (-4) 0, CVec (-6) 5, CVec (-6) (-5)]) | otherwise = (9,[CVec (-5) 0, CVec (-5) 7, CVec (-5) (-7)]) in sequence_ [ doDrawAt pos $ drawDirBindings mode bdgs whs | (whs,pos) <- zip [WHSSelected, WHSWrench, WHSHook] $ (CVec (h `div` 2) ((w `div` 2) - startRight - min (maxWidth - halfw) (max (maxBdgs+1) halfw)) +^) <$> poss ] when (mode == IMEdit && grav == GravRight && maxWidth >= 9) $ let c = CVec ((h`div`2) - 4) ((w`div`2) + startRight + min (maxWidth - 5) (max (maxBdgs+1) 5)) in sequence_ [ do drawAtCVec gl (c +^ CVec 0 x) doDrawAt (c +^ CVec 1 x) . bindingDrawChar bdgs bold $ CmdTile tile | (x,tile) <- zip [-4,-2,0,2,4] [ BlockTile [] , SpringTile Relaxed zero , PivotTile zero , ArmTile zero False , BallTile ] , let gl = Glyph (fst $ tileChar tile) white a0 ] where bindingsTable IMPlay GravLeft = [ (-2, BindingsEntry "select tool" [CmdToggle, CmdTile $ WrenchTile zero, CmdTile HookTile]) , (-1, BindingsEntry "rotate hook" $ nub [CmdRotate whs dir | whs <- [WHSSelected, WHSHook], dir <- [-1,1]]) , ( 0, BindingsEntry "wait" [CmdWait]) , ( 2, BindingsEntry "open lock" [CmdOpen]) , ( 4, BindingsEntry "undo, redo" [CmdUndo, CmdRedo]) , ( 5, BindingsEntry "marks" [CmdMark, CmdJumpMark, CmdReset]) ] bindingsTable IMPlay GravRight = [ (-7, BindingsEntry "help" [CmdHelp]) , (-6, BindingsEntry "bind" [CmdBind Nothing]) , (7, BindingsEntry "quit" [CmdQuit]) ] bindingsTable IMReplay GravLeft = [ ( 0, BindingsEntry "wait" [CmdWait]) , ( 4, BindingsEntry "undo, redo" [CmdUndo, CmdRedo]) , ( 5, BindingsEntry "marks" [CmdMark, CmdJumpMark, CmdReset]) ] bindingsTable IMReplay GravRight = [ (-7, BindingsEntry "help" [CmdHelp]) , (-6, BindingsEntry "bind" [CmdBind Nothing]) , (7, BindingsEntry "quit" [CmdQuit]) ] bindingsTable IMEdit GravLeft = [ (-1, BindingsEntry "rotate" $ nub [CmdRotate whs dir | whs <- [WHSSelected, WHSHook], dir <- [-1,1]]) , ( 0, BindingsEntry "select" [CmdSelect]) , ( 1, BindingsEntry "delete" [CmdDelete]) , ( 2, BindingsEntry "merge" [CmdMerge]) , ( 4, BindingsEntry "undo, redo" [CmdUndo, CmdRedo]) , ( 5, BindingsEntry "marks" [CmdMark, CmdJumpMark, CmdReset]) ] bindingsTable IMEdit GravRight = [ (-7, BindingsEntry "help" [CmdHelp]) , (-6, BindingsEntry "bind" [CmdBind Nothing]) , (-1, BindingsEntry "test" [CmdTest]) , ( 0, BindingsEntry "play" [CmdPlay]) , ( 1, BindingsEntry "step" [CmdWait]) , ( 4, BindingsEntry "write" [CmdWriteState]) , ( 7, BindingsEntry "quit" [CmdQuit]) ] bindingsTable _ _ = [] drawBindingsTables _ _ _ = return () -- |frameWidth = maximum . map (abs . cx . hexVec2CVec) . -- blockPattern . placedPiece . framePiece frameWidth :: Frame -> Int frameWidth frame@(BasicFrame size) = max (2*size) $ 2*(size + boltWidth frame) - (size`div`2) erase :: UIM () erase = liftIO Curses.erase refresh :: UIM () refresh = liftIO Curses.refresh type Geom = (CVec, HexPos) getGeom :: UIM Geom getGeom = do (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize centre <- gets dispCentre return (CVec (h`div`2) (w`div`2), centre) drawAt :: Glyph -> HexPos -> UIM () drawAt gl pos = drawAtWithGeom gl pos =<< getGeom drawAtWithGeom :: Glyph -> HexPos -> Geom -> UIM () drawAtWithGeom gl pos geom@(scrCentre,centre) = drawAtCVec gl $ scrCentre +^ hexVec2CVec (pos -^ centre) drawAtCVec :: Glyph -> CVec -> UIM () drawAtCVec gl cpos = do cpairs <- gets dispCPairs liftIO $ mvAddGlyph cpairs cpos gl drawStr :: Curses.Attr -> ColPair -> CVec -> String -> UIM () drawStr attr col v str = do cpairs <- gets dispCPairs liftIO $ Curses.attrSet attr (cpairs!!col) >> mvAddStr v str drawStrGrey :: CVec -> String -> UIM () drawStrGrey = drawStr a0 0 drawStrCentred :: Curses.Attr -> ColPair -> CVec -> [Char] -> UIM () drawStrCentred attr col v str = drawStr attr col (truncateCVec (v +^ CVec 0 (-length str `div` 2))) str drawCursorAt :: Maybe HexPos -> UIM () drawCursorAt Nothing = void $ liftIO $ Curses.cursSet Curses.CursorInvisible drawCursorAt (Just pos) = do geom@(scrCentre,centre) <- getGeom liftIO $ Curses.cursSet Curses.CursorVisible liftIO $ move $ scrCentre +^ hexVec2CVec (pos -^ centre) drawState :: [PieceIdx] -> Bool -> [Alert] -> GameState -> UIM () drawState reversed colourFixed alerts st = do lastCol <- gets dispLastCol colouring <- drawStateWithGeom reversed colourFixed lastCol st =<< getGeom modify $ \ds -> ds { dispLastCol = colouring } drawStateWithGeom :: [PieceIdx] -> Bool -> PieceColouring -> GameState -> Geom -> UIM PieceColouring drawStateWithGeom reversed colourFixed lastCol st geom = do let colouring = boardColouring st (colouredPieces colourFixed st) lastCol mono <- gets monochrome sequence_ [ drawAtWithGeom glyph pos geom | (pos,glyph) <- Map.toList $ ownedTileGlyph mono colouring reversed <$> stateBoard st ] return colouring drawMsgLine = void.runMaybeT $ do (attr,col,str) <- MaybeT $ gets message lift $ do (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize liftIO $ clearLine $ h-1 let str' = take (w-1) str drawStr attr col (CVec (h-1) 0) str' setMsgLine attr col str = do modify $ \s -> s { message = Just (attr,col,str) } drawMsgLine refresh drawTitle (Just (title,n)) = do (h,w) <- liftIO Curses.scrSize drawStrCentred a0 white (CVec 0 (w`div`2)) title drawTitle Nothing = return () say = setMsgLine bold white sayError = setMsgLine bold red