-- | Interface to @zlib@ and @gzip@ compression for 'Bytestring's and 'Builder's

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module System.IO.Streams.Zlib
 ( -- * ByteString decompression
 , decompress
   -- * ByteString compression
 , gzip
 , compress
   -- * Builder compression
 , gzipBuilder
 , compressBuilder
   -- * Compression level
 , CompressionLevel(..)
 , defaultCompressionLevel
 ) where

import           Data.ByteString                          (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString                          as S
import           Data.IORef                               (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import           Prelude                                  hiding (read)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder                 (fromByteString)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal        (Builder, defaultBufferSize, flush)
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Internal.Buffer (allocBuffer)
import           Codec.Zlib                               (Deflate, Inflate, Popper, WindowBits (..), feedDeflate, feedInflate, finishDeflate, finishInflate, flushDeflate, flushInflate, initDeflate, initInflate)
import           System.IO.Streams.Builder                (unsafeBuilderStream)
import           System.IO.Streams.Internal               (InputStream, OutputStream, makeInputStream, makeOutputStream, read, write)

gzipBits :: WindowBits
gzipBits = WindowBits 31

compressBits :: WindowBits
compressBits = WindowBits 15

-- | Decompress an 'InputStream' of strict 'ByteString's from the @gzip@ format
gunzip :: InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
gunzip input = initInflate gzipBits >>= inflate input

-- | Decompress an 'InputStream' of strict 'ByteString's from the @zlib@ format
decompress :: InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
decompress input = initInflate compressBits >>= inflate input

-- Note: bytes pushed back to this input stream are not propagated back to the
-- source InputStream.
data IS = Input
        | Popper Popper
        | Done

inflate :: InputStream ByteString -> Inflate -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
inflate input state = do
    ref <- newIORef Input
    makeInputStream $ stream ref

    stream ref = go
        go = readIORef ref >>= \st ->
             case st of
               Input    -> read input >>= maybe eof chunk
               Popper p -> pop p
               Done     -> return Nothing

        eof = do
            x <- finishInflate state
            writeIORef ref Done
            if (not $ S.null x)
              then return $! Just x
              else return Nothing

        chunk s =
            if S.null s
              then do
                  out <- flushInflate state
                  return $! Just out
              else feedInflate state s >>= \popper -> do
                  writeIORef ref $ Popper popper
                  pop popper

        pop popper = popper >>= maybe backToInput (return . Just)
        backToInput = writeIORef ref Input >> read input >>= maybe eof chunk

deflateBuilder :: OutputStream Builder
               -> Deflate
               -> IO (OutputStream Builder)
deflateBuilder stream state = do
    zippedStr <- makeOutputStream bytestringStream >>=
                 \x -> deflate x state

    -- we can use unsafeBuilderStream here because zlib is going to consume the
    -- stream
    unsafeBuilderStream (allocBuffer defaultBufferSize) zippedStr

    bytestringStream x = write (fmap cvt x) stream

    cvt s | S.null s  = flush
          | otherwise = fromByteString s

-- | Convert an 'OutputStream' that consumes compressed 'Builder's into an
-- 'OutputStream' that consumes uncompressed 'Builder's in the @gzip@ format
gzipBuilder :: CompressionLevel
            -> OutputStream Builder
            -> IO (OutputStream Builder)
gzipBuilder level output =
    initDeflate (clamp level) gzipBits >>= deflateBuilder output

-- | Convert an 'OutputStream' that consumes compressed 'Builder's into an
-- 'OutputStream' that consumes uncompressed 'Builder's in the @zlib@ format
compressBuilder :: CompressionLevel
                -> OutputStream Builder
                -> IO (OutputStream Builder)
compressBuilder level output =
    initDeflate (clamp level) compressBits >>= deflateBuilder output

deflate :: OutputStream ByteString
        -> Deflate
        -> IO (OutputStream ByteString)
deflate output state = makeOutputStream stream
    stream Nothing = popAll (finishDeflate state) >> write Nothing output

    stream (Just s) = do
        -- Empty string means flush
        if S.null s
          then do
              popAll (flushDeflate state)
              write (Just S.empty) output

          else feedDeflate state s >>= popAll

    popAll popper = go
        go = popper >>= maybe (return $! ()) (\s -> write (Just s) output >> go)

-- | Parameter that defines the tradeoff between speed and compression ratio
newtype CompressionLevel = CompressionLevel Int
  deriving (Read, Eq, Show, Num)

-- | A compression level that balances speed with compression ratio
defaultCompressionLevel :: CompressionLevel
defaultCompressionLevel = CompressionLevel 5

clamp :: CompressionLevel -> Int
clamp (CompressionLevel x) = min 9 (max x 0)

-- | Convert an 'OutputStream' that consumes compressed 'ByteString's into an
-- 'OutputStream' that consumes uncompressed 'ByteString's in the @gzip@ format
gzip :: CompressionLevel
     -> OutputStream ByteString
     -> IO (OutputStream ByteString)
gzip level output = initDeflate (clamp level) gzipBits >>= deflate output

-- | Convert an 'OutputStream' that consumes compressed 'ByteString's into an
-- 'OutputStream' that consumes uncompressed 'ByteString's in the @zlib@ format
compress :: CompressionLevel
         -> OutputStream ByteString
         -> IO (OutputStream ByteString)
compress level output = initDeflate (clamp level) compressBits >>=
                        deflate output